Red Roses [Luke Hemmings]

By theluckiest_

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When rockstar Luke Hemmings is invited to his ex-girlfriend, Australian business royalty, Rebecca Richards' w... More



938 37 4
By theluckiest_

Luke was late to meet Rebecca at the bar. He wasn't too late but it was funny to see him run with his hair down and wet as he wore the regular black ripped skinny jeans and a singlet and sit right next to Rebecca. He gave her a big smile.

"Sorry I'm late. The guys wanted to go swimming," he said, kissing her cheek. Luke watched her cheeks flush but focused on her eyes. "Your eyes are red, are you okay?"

"Something... happened today," Rebecca said.

"Is that something good?"

The bartender caught the two of them and shot them both a smile. "What can I get you?" he asked, with a smirk on his face.

"A Coopers," Luke told the bartender, he nodded and looked up at Rebecca and she smiled.

"Make that two," she said. Luke raised his eyebrows as Rebecca laughed.

"I might be married in two weeks so cut me some slack," she said. Luke put his hands up in surrender and chuckled.
"Alright, alright I'm sorry," he said.
"You should be."

Once the bartender left to the other side, Rebecca cleared her throat and went to fondle with her engagement ring but it wasn't on her finger. It was a habit Luke found Rebecca always doing.

"Lost your ring?" Luke asked, pushing his damp hair with his hand.
"No," Rebecca said, "Actually I took it off."
"Hm? Why?"
"Because today I cried with being overwhelmed and I talked to Sonia who made me cry a little bit more."
"Sonia's the half-asian one right?"

Rebecca snorted a laugh. "Yes Luke," she said.

"Oh she's a babe," Luke letting a playful smirk dance on his lips.

"Shut up."
"Sorry, you're much hotter."
"I'm sorry, I don't like lying. Anyway, what happened today?"
"This can't happen anymore."
"What can't?"

Rebecca circled her hand between the two of them indicating whatever she meant by 'this' she meant the two of them. She meant all of the things that they had between them since the day they rekindled had to stop. The both of them had to forget about it.

"I see," Luke said slowly, quietly thanking the bartender who handed the two of them their beers and took a sip.

"It'll help my decision," Rebecca said, indicating she wasn't exactly done with Luke. As the wedding neared, he got more aggravated.

"Mhmm," Luke said, taking another gulp of his beer. He had a third of it left in a span of two minutes.

"You're being weird."
"It's not like I can help it right? Rebecca I love you, and it hurts to see you with another man but it's all I can do. I can't force you to love me back or some stupid shit like that."

Luke sighed and shook his head, taking the rest of his beer in one gulp and swallowing it. Rebecca had only a third missing from her glass.

"I'm sorry," he said, "It wasn't supposed to come out that way-"
"I love you too."

Luke hoped it wasn't the alcohol that was talking because he really liked those words coming out of her mouth and saying them to him and not Noah. He had never been drinking with Rebecca but she didn't seem like a lightweight. Luke wasn't a lightweight. He could name multiple times where he'd drink his body weight in alcohol.

"Then drop the wedding," he said.

"Why are you being so mean now? You said you'd wait," Rebecca frowned.

Now he was scared. Luke was brusque with his words because he was afraid he'd snap. His temper was short and that meant his patient was just as short.

"Of course I'd wait but waiting patiently was something I never promised."

Rebecca frowned and turned toward her drink as Luke ordered another bottle of Coopers. "Fourteen days Luke," she said.

"I'll be here," Luke said. He felt a hand on his jeans and looked to his right to see Rebecca. She still had puffy red eyes and nose. Luke wanted to apologise to her and hug her but Scotts in Sydney was being filmed and who knew where their cameras were set.

"I'm sorry," Rebecca whispered.
"Let's not weep. Let's do something."
"You're drunk."
"Maybe. But I still want to see this place. I've never been here."
"Well you're missing out."

Luke laughed and smiled at Rebecca, the girl he wished was hers. He took her hand in his and kissed it.

"I invited Indie," he said, breaking the news that he and Indiana were slowly mending their friendship.

"That's great," Rebecca said with a big smile.

"She said she told me so and I went to go meet with Kyle the day before we left. He's like... as old as my dad," Luke shivered. "Okay maybe he's not that old. He's like late thirties."

Rebecca was silent and Luke took that as an opportunity to explain what happened that day. "Kyle said he was separated from his wife and Indie was there to 'keep him company.' He said he understood my scepticism because if he knew Indie in my perspective, he'd do the same. Then he went on about how much he loved her and it was gross."

Rebecca laughed softly. "When does she come?"

"Tomorrow morning. She's staying in Michael's suite because he thinks I'll try and abort the baby myself or something."

"I'll set her own suite up, how about that? I mean it's not like she'll be here very long."

Luke raised his eyebrow. "Why not?"
"N-nothing," Rebecca said quickly.

"So tell me Miss Richards," Luke said, clearing his throat and taking another sip of his watered down beer, "What can I do for you to pick me?"
"I feel like the Bachelorette."
"Oh did you hear that's coming next year."

Rebecca looked at Luke and snorted out a laugh. "How would you know?!"
"I have a mum, I have my brothers' girlfriends and not to mention I live- well used to live with Indie."
"Makes sense."
"So back to my question?"
"Hmm... well Noah has a work meeting tomorrow at eight until ten. You can hang out with me at the beach."
"I was at the beach today!"
"Well, do you want to marry me or not?"
"That's debatable."

The two of them smiled and Luke leaned his forehead against Rebecca's but she pulled away. "The cameras," she reminded softly and it took all of Luke's might not to do it anymore. He desperately wanted her touch and wanted her forever. Though a strong part of him was ready for her to not want him back at all. A part of him was ready to leave without any regrets because he tried his hardest and if that wasn't enough, he just wasn't for her.

"I love you," Rebecca said softly.
"I know," Luke said with a wink, remember the many times she had said that to him rather than the three words back. He wondered if she did it with Noah too but he thought it was something that they had together. At least that's what he thought.

"Shut up," Rebecca groaned, "Say it back."
"Now now, I never said that when you didn't say it back."
"Yeah but I'm different."
"Oh I know."

The two of them shared a laugh together once again and it was moments like this that made Luke fall in love with Rebecca more and more each day; he wanted to kiss her and hold her just like the way he used to when he was a stupid teenager and it was because of these little moments. Rebecca made him feel like the seventeen year old he was a long time ago, hopelessly in love with a beautiful girl with rich parents and a bright future when all he wanted to do was play the guitar and sing in a band. That wasn't really saying much every time the Richards' invited Luke for dinner but something in his heart told them that he would make it and look where he was now: he made it and all he needed for ultimate happiness was this beautiful girl next to him being his. He was almost there.

Luke's phone buzzed and he looked at the message and the name.
Calum: Michael drank too much again. see you in 5?

He sighed before swiping his finger across the screen and typing in his passcode and typing a text message indicating he would be on his way. Luke looked up at Rebecca who was finishing off the last of her beer.

"Michael crisis," Luke sighed, locking his phone and looking up at Rebecca.
"I'll have to see you in the morning."

"Oh," Rebecca said, "Yeah okay."
"I love you," Luke said.
"I love you," she said back.

Luke gave Rebecca the biggest smile and he laughed at her. "Beach at eight?" he asked.

"Beach at eight," she smiled.
"Stop copying me," Luke rolled his eyes.
"Leave!" Rebecca giggled.

Luke took in a deep breath, his stomach fluttering as he bent down to give Rebecca a kiss on the forehead. After that, he walked toward Michael's suite. Calum was there and Michael was throwing up in the toilet. Luke sighed as he walked in.

"Hey," he said.
"Hey," Calum dragged out, letting his voice trail off.
"Get back to Lynn, I'll take it from here," Luke said as Michael tried to stand up but he was too wobbly.
"You sure?"
"Alright. Night Mate, see you in the morning."
"See you."

Luke sighed as he held Michael up to see him passed out. He rolled his eyes and lifted Michael out of the bathroom and into his bed. He heard Michael mutter something but he didn't care.

"You ruined my night Michael Clifford," Luke muttered, throwing a pillow at Michael as he moaned.

"You ruined my life," Michael said and soon he was snoring.

In the morning, Luke was on the beach at eight as Indie was coming to the island at noon. He was sipping on a strawberry and kiwifruit smoothie with extra vanilla bean ice cream and he was being spotted by a few of Rebecca's younger cousins and nieces who wanted photos. Luke didn't mind because Rebecca wasn't there yet.

"Luke." He turned around to see Rebecca's mother Delphine. Luke gave her a polite smile and hugged her when she went in for one.

"How are you Love?" she asked.
"I'm good, and yourself?"
"I'm all right thanks. I'm out for my morning run; gotta look good for the wedding."

Luke smiled. Inside Luke wanted to say 'if there was a wedding' but he couldn't. Delphine and her husband Edward Richards hated him, the last thing Luke was going to do was upset them even more by giving them the hint that he and Rebecca were going to be together again.

"I think you look great already Mrs Richards," he said.
"Oh nonsense, call me Del," she said.

Luke was beyond surprised. In the years he had been dating Rebecca, it was always Mr and Mrs Richards. When Rebecca said they preferred Del and Ed, they refused to be called by their names. Now, it was different and Luke was curious as to why.

He smiled anyway, being the proper man his mother had always raised him to be and he nodded. Luke asked Delphine about what she thought of the island since the time they got here and what she had been up to. She explained that she and her husband had went into the beaches last night and checked out some other things they could do today.

"Sounds fun," Luke said licking his lip. He found Delphine staring at his lips and she raised her eyebrow.

"Say," she said, "You got a lip ring."
"Oh," Luke said, biting down on it to acknowledge the piercing, "Yeah I did."
"It suits you. It's very... punk."

Luke laughed. "Not in the least but thanks for trying."

There was a silence between them as neither of them knew what to say and that's when Luke decided to say he was sorry however Delphine thought it was the perfect timing too. They ended up speaking at the same time and Luke let her speak. Delphine sighed and shook her head.

"I've been so ignorant toward you Lucas," she said.
"M-my name's just Luke," he said.
"Don't interrupt me."
"As I was saying... I had always wanted Rebecca to be the best she could be. I wanted her to be successful and to live a life of no complication. She was capable of that, she always has been. But you have to understand, in order for her to reach the best, she had to sacrifice. And she had to sacrifice the things holding her back. Her love for you was one of them."

Luke hung his head for a moment and lifted it again to object but nothing came out of his mouth as Delphine began to speak again. "I mean I understand why you'd want to be with her. She's beautiful, smart, caring, daring, funny... she's a Richards but you weren't exactly the best she could get. I mean Lucas, your realistic dream was to be in a band. Were you crazy?"

Luke laughed. "Yeah," he said, "I was. But you know, I was always crazy for your daughter."

"I know," Delphine frowned. "And I'm heartbroken to see you two part ways the way you did. But look where you guys are now! You're playing at her wedding and we caught you drinking last night. You guys are like old friends and I feel that now you are back in our life, it is my duty to apologise to you and welcome you. Luke, you're an amazing kid. I saw you rock out on stage at the ARIA's and at all the other award shows. You're really something and if you and Rebecca aren't meant to be, I hope whoever you end up with really loves you."

Luke blushed, flattered by all of her kind words. The two hugged and Luke accepted her apology right as Rebecca walked by with her thongs in her hand and some jean shorts on and a 5 Seconds of Summer singlet. She greeted her mother and gave Luke a hug.

"I like your shirt," Luke smirked.
"Thanks," Rebecca laughed. The two looked up at Delphine and she sighed.
"Okay, let Granny Richie out of the conversation," she laughed, "I'll see you guys later."

And off Delphine ran. Rebecca looked up at Luke and looked around before going on the tips of her toes to give Luke a kiss on the corner of the mouth to seem like it was the cheek. He groaned with agony, wishing he could pin her to the ground and let himself go.

"Very sneaky," Luke laughed.
"Right? Except this time it isn't Rocco I'm hiding from; it's the cameras. Noah doesn't seem to notice my uncomfortableness with my whole life being broadcasted across Australia," she said. By now they were walking side by side on the wet sand with the slow tides washing their feet every now and then. Luke loved the feeling and kicked a few rocks here and there as they spoke.

"Why don't you just tell him?" Luke asked.
"I figured I wouldn't. I mean, he kind of likes showing off his luxurious life and what he's capable of," Rebecca shrugged.
"I can... sing for an hour and a half straight without cracking my voice," Luke playfully argued. Rebecca gasped.
"Really? Noah could probably pay you to sing longer," she rolled her eyes.
"You don't seem too happy about all of this. What happened?"
"I don't want to give you the satisfaction of knowing I'm leaning toward you, so I won't tell you."
"You kind of just did."
"Well now I know I'm in the lead."

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "You act as if this is the AFL and I'm the stupid silver trophy everyone competes for."
"It's called the McClelland trophy and it's not stupid," Luke argued.
"Oh shut up! You know, Noah hates football."
"He's not a real man. Tell me why again you're marrying him?"

Rebecca scoffed. "I said to shut up. But here's the thing, I don't know why he doesn't like football. He used to play rugby in uni."

"Babe, if we're ever going to be together again, please remember this: Australian Rules Football is not Rugby. There is a big ass difference and you do not want me to explain it because I will."

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't dare."
"Good. So keep going," Luke said.
"It's like I only know whatever people who watch Scotts in Sydney know. I'm his fiancée, I should know what his favourite food is or how tall he is or what makes him insecure. I should know what the hell his job is!" Rebecca was so frustrated she turned pink as the people staring at her and Luke just smiled sympathetically. He had no idea what to say now because his mind was focused on her saying she would rather be with Luke at this very moment and he needed to take advantage of that.

"I don't think you need to know those things," Luke shrugged.
"Then how am I supposed to cook him dinner when he comes home?" Rebecca frowned.
"Well first off, you'll be with me so that won't be a problem." Luke had the most devious and confident grin on his face and Rebecca pricked him with water. He scowled.
"Aren't you a confident one?"
"Only because you gave me a reason to be!"

Rebecca laughed but soon it was turned into a sigh. "About a year into our relationship, I was sure he had a crazy ex trying to get him back," she explained.

"But?" Luke asked.
"But I was the crazy ex trying to track you down. Then I realised you and your band were in London writing for your album."

Luke laughed. "You stalked me down aye?"
"Shut up," she said, "I was curious."
"I think that was very cute of you to be curious."
"Hmm of course you do."
"I do!"

The two shared a laugh once more and were at the edge of the beach so they walked back after Luke bought the both of them a smoothie. He bought another strawberry and kiwifruit one as Rebecca settled for a mango and peach.

"I owe you an explanation and a big apology," Rebecca said.
"For?" Luke asked, raising his eyebrow.
"Well all this time we've spent together, you've completely ignored the fact that I'd called you 'worthless and good-for-nothing' and those were our last words up until we met again."

Luke let half of his lips turn up and shake his head. "I never ignored that."

"I'm sorry for that... you know I am. I was pressured into thinking it that I said it. But know now," Rebecca said. She stepped in front of Luke, stopping them from walking and she looked up into his bright blue eyes filled with sorrow once again. "Know that I love you and it's pretty obvious now that if I want a perfect life, I'm going to have to be with you."

Luke smiled, processing the words into his mind. She chose him! She chose him over the rich, smart, businessman that wore dock shorts on the summer days and nice slacks in the winter with the never ending polos. Rebecca chose Luke, the guy who was thought to have nothing ever good happen to him and here he was, he had it. He made it; Luke had everything he could ever want. But why did it hurt so bad even if ultimate happiness was reached?

"I love you," Luke said, "I love you and I'd kiss you right now if there weren't stupid cameras everywhere."
"Take me back to your suite," Rebecca said.
"Eager are we?" Luke smirked.
"Shut up and lead the way."

Luke took Rebecca to his suite and took the keycard and swiped it into the slot before opening it and pinning Rebecca against the wall next to the door as it shut. He let their foreheads touch and stared at the blinking clock. 9:41 flashed before his eyes.

"Ever had nineteen minute sex?" he laughed softly.

"No but I'll try it," Rebecca said, pulling on Luke's singlet to attack their lips. They kissed for what seemed to be forever and only pulled away when Luke took off his shirt and carried her to his large puffy bed. Rebecca's shirt went off and they attached their lips again but there was a knock on the door which stopped them from doing anything. They put on their clothes and readied themselves before Luke opened the door. He only made room for his head to be seen. It was Michael.

"Hey, Indie's here," Michael said, an upset face clear on him.

"Is something wrong?" Luke asked.

"Well let's just say Noah isn't the only one with a black eye," Michael said.
"Are you alone?"
"Ew, you're fucking a guest? Dude that's low. Unless it's a worker because you know, free room service if you know what I mean."
"Fuck off Michael."
"Well are you going to see Indie or what? She's in my room."
"Yeah, I'm going just let me take a really cold shower."

Michael smirked. "Alright Loverboy," he said, but he didn't walk away from the door.

"Hey Luke," he said.
"I'm glad you're over Becc. It's good to see you happy again."
"Huh," Luke huffed, "Me too."

Luke shut the door and went into the bathroom without saying a word to Rebecca. He didn't shower. He had lost the feeling once Michael was seen. But he was angry. Who had the cold hearted mind to hurt Indiana? She was a beautiful girl inside and out. Luke swore if it was Kyle he'd beat his face until it no longer looked like one. His knuckles were white with the pressure he put against them. Luke punched the corner of the sink in anger and took a few deep breaths before coming out to see Rebecca, patiently waiting for him.

"Is everything all right?" she asked, patting the seat next to her.

"Do you think it's hot if I can beat up another guy?" Luke asked.

"Um... it's intimidating but I guess so."
"Well I'm about to be fucking smoking."
"What's wrong?"
"Indie has a black eye and Michael's sure she didn't trip down the stairs."
"Oh no, is she okay?"
"I don't know. That's why I'm going to go over there and you're going to get back to Noah before he suspects anything."

There was an uneven silence between them. Luke stood up and Rebecca followed. "I love you," he told her, "I promise whatever happened to Indie won't ever happen to you if you stay with me."

Luke cupped Rebecca's face in his hands, bringing her to him to kiss her lips passionately and let go. "I'm giving Noah his ring back tonight."

Luke smiled. "At least one thing in my life is going right."


If you're wondering why so quickly they love each other, they have a history and they're not about to let it go. :)


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