The Lady and the Genius.

By PCassy3939

351K 8.6K 801

Spencer's worlds collided when his favourite book shop owner is needed to help solve a case he is working on... More

Late night tonight.
Your wrong.
I could do with suger.
Please be safe.
Another case done Dr.
You're new
I know that poem.
Sorry about being late.
The pub is nice.
What is happening?
Its unrelated.
Quite night.
Another new case.
This is bad
Im going to kill you J.
Well this is not what was planned.
Pep in my step.
Isnt this dangerous.
Today is shit.
Lets celebrate. Part 1.
Lets celebrate. Part 2.
Whats up dog....I mean dude...I mean sir.
Hello hello hello.
This is bad.
Dinner and a letter.
Now you guys know.
Your saying what?
64 zoo lane.
First offical day.
Wow this is the jet.
The crown of thorns.
I promise I will be fine.
What this?
This is odd.
10+ years
Where the hell did they go?!
Back to the jet!
The case in San Diego
The clues to the case
Your saying what?!
This is insane.
This is so embarissing.
I have to do what?!
Havent done this in so long.
We solved another case. Time to celebrate.
Hello hello my lovely dr.
Me and my broom.
Why I am pissed off. (Not an update)
Ladys night.
Ladys night pt.2
New case... what fun
This is weird.
Hello again Nate.
Its ok
Drunk secrets
Why are these days slow.
This is a weird case.
Not possesed.
I know how they are doing it!
Let me help you.
Unexpected call.
This is not a surprise.
(Not an update)
(Not an update pt.2)
A sad song for the sad girl.
The Halloween plan.
This isnt how I thought things would go.
You are such an idiot.
What do I do?
A surprised visit.
Unexpected (pt 2)
So bored!
Things got worse.
Going in.
Im fine.
I wont say Im in love.
The freak out.
Missing the boys.
The rest of the 1998 tape
When Duty calls you must do it.
Christmas aint fun.
Thank good Im back to normal.
Please stop Gramps.
Its time.
You really do look like a kid.
Death to us all.
Im mad at you.
We worry about you.
Some time to relax.
Can this funtion be over.
We gotta go now!
This cant be.
Going home.
Welcome home!
She pretty sus.
The heartless killer.
Little mouse
Thats why your familiar.
The plan
Caught red handed.
The bogeyman has caught the little mouse.
Im going to die in this shit hole.
Hearing her again.
This is the worse.
Smile for the camera.
River you brilliant girl
The Calvery has arrived.
Rescue mission.
Going home with some hiccups.
Lets talk.
Thank you.
Some announcements
Hello there!

Wake up surprise.

7.9K 228 19
By PCassy3939

(Spencer p.o.v)

I woke up in bed and felt something laying on top of me. I looked down to see River hugging me and a smile grew on my face when I remembered how we got to this. My smile fell when I remembered her talking about the letters.
'I'll ask her about them later.'
I slowly got out of bed and made my way to getting ready and I left a note for River with water and painkillers before leaving the apartment. I was about to take my car when I saw Morgan getting out of his car.
"Morgan what are you doing here?"
"Well you know the pub that's next to the new Italian restaurant a few blocks down from here?"
"Yeah why?"
"A body was found in the unisex bathroom. Seems to match the first victim so I came to pick you up."
'River didn't mention anything about a body in the bathroom. Unless it was done after. She was buzzed so could have not known.'
"Lead the way then." I told.
"Dude I don't know the way on foot."
"Follow me then." I told before rubbing the bridge of my nose and grabbed my sun glasses since apparently the three beers I had has made me a little weak to the sun.
"Had a fun night pretty boy?"
"Dr wanted to have a beer to avoid a subject which worked. She got hammered."
"She up at yours?"
"No she is at hers." I told before sending her a text to head to her place as soon as she wakes up.
"You've been spending a lot of time with Dr. you could give us a name to her."
"She knows you and Garcia will go looking for her."
"Smart as well! You know she might be the one for you." He told
"We are friends and the last relationship she was in ended very bad."
"Yeah a brick was thrown through her shop window with the words whore slut and cheater written on it." I told as I remembered that day very vividly.
"She go to the cops?"
"Didn't want to but I convinced her. Got a restraining order again the dude which lasts for about 3 years. Was the largest amount we could get."
"That sucks. At least she is friends with an FBI agent."
'Yet she knows how we work.'
We walked into the bar and I remembered River acting weird.
'I hope she is ok.'

(River P.o.v)

I woke up in bed with a headache and gave a groan. I looked at where I was and vividly remembered what happened last night. I was smiling for most of it but quickly got to the point where I was talking about the letters.
I saw the painkillers and water and the note Spencer left me.
"'Morning Dr.Finley. Here are some things to help with the hangover. Take it easy today. From Dr.Reid.' Oh sweet summer child to think I wouldn't actually go into work today." I said to myself before getting changed into the spare clothes I kept there and got ready to head my way to the bookshop making sure to pocket the note Spencer wrote for me. I began to walk my way to my work and couldn't help to jump along to my music as I walked to the beat as I was thankful my headache was gone. I walked past the Italian restaurant before seeing all the crime scene tape and cops. I looked closer and had seen the hair I was all too familiar with.
'Shit. Better not let Reid see me cause he will tell me off for going to work when I told him I wasn't going to and hang on! Who the hell died in there?'
I decided to push my thoughts back into the back of my head and made my way to my shop to open up for the day. I made myself some coffee and put a lot of sugar in it was in, when I decided to check my emails on my phone I saw Reid texted me.

"Dr. Please make your in your apartment since you may get questioned."
"No problem Dr.Reid. Also love the blazer your wearing today looks real cute. Also sorry for calling you Dr.Cute when I was very drunk."

I went back to work and I began to play Viva Las Vegas to start the day off right as I began to organise the books again for fun. During the time I was singing along and decided to hook my leg into the ladder I had connected to one of the shelves when the bell rang. I looked over to see a male and female walked in not yet seeing I was up there. The female had black straight hair that hung just past her shoulders and was dressed in a way someone who worked with the force in someway to gain respect. I turned to look at the male who was dressed in a suit and his hair was well placed like he was a lawyer of some sorts.
"Hello!" I shouted making them look up at me and I gave a wave. "Sorry about that I was organising books and didn't realise you two aren't regulars."
I got off the ladder and walked over to them and the male held his hand out for me to shake.
"Hello I am special agent Hotchner and this is Agent Prentiss." He told as I went to shake agent Prentiss hand.
'Both are Spencer's coworkers. Interesting.'
"How nice to meet you both. My name is River last name for me isn't needed. This is my bookstore and I can tell the type of books that will interest you both."
"We aren't here for books." Prentiss told.
"I figured but it's a fun game I play with new people in my shop so follow me." I told as I walked over to the law section.
"We have to ask some questions."
"Of course Agent Hotchner. Ask away and I'll answer as best as I can." I told before pulling a book out and putting it back straight away.
"Where were you last night?"
"Well I was at a friends place till they came home from work and then we had some beers at the pub you guys are looking into, got really wasted and then went back to theirs to sleep. After I woke up this morning I headed here."
"Wait you know about us looking into the pub?" Prentiss asked.
"I walked past it on my way to work. My place and my friends is only a few blocks away from here so I walk to work." I told before finding the right book and handed it to Hotchner. "The Magna Carta book for you sir."
I made my way over to a book I felt she would like and looked for it in the box of unpacked books.
"Did you remember seeing anything strange?" Prentiss asked since Hotchner was confused on the book I handed him.
"Like the thought of someone watching you or someone acting drugged out of their mind?" I asked
"Both I guess." Prentiss said unsure about my answer.
"Well I saw no one looking drugged and didn't witness anyone drugging someone else. However I did feel like I was being watched but it's a normal thing for me." I explained.
"The feeling of being watched is normal for you?"
"Yeah I guess. For most of my life I've been what's known as an outcast. I mean imagine being 7 as a sophomore and no one wanting to know you cause you took a liking to knowledge and knew when someone was lying. Not a great way to live." I explained when I found the book and handed it to Prentiss. "Flying Cloud for you."
"You were a sophomore when you were 7?"
"Yes. Skipped a lot of grades but we aren't here to talk about schooling. Before leaving I went to the bathroom when there was a lady in a red dress who went in before me. After I finished my business and washed my hands I accidentally kicked her leg and apologised not knowing she was dead and she had the word Abby tattooed on her wrist. Which could relate to a female close to her, sister, mother, grandmother or aunt, daughter even but she looks to be in her early to mid twenties 26 being the latest and that tattoo being around 4 close to 5 years old so she would have to have been young when she had her daughter but taking into account that last night was a weekday she wouldn't leave her kid on a weekday so the name is obviously not a daughter. Now that I can remember more clearly her hair looked loose which means it would have been held extremely tight as the criminal stabbed her once in the back before moving around to stab the front and just under her boobs before leaving her left in the position to hide the fact she didn't just pass out in the bathroom. Oh sorry was I rambling?" I asked once I saw them shocked.
"You said you were drunk yet you remember it like you've just seen it." Hotchner said.
"Oh, I remember things easily. Also know you two are very confused how I knew you would like a law book and you a book on a woman who sailed a famous ship, aren't you?" I asked
"Exactly the case River." Hotchner told
"Well you two are profilers why don't you tell me."
"I could tell as soon as you two walked in you were profiling the place. Probably imagined a nice old lady or male running the place."
"You are good. You could join the BUA, we are always looking for more people who have talent."
"Sorry Agent Hotchner but my love is for helping people get books that they never knew they needed. Just wish I wasn't drunk when I accidentally kicked her leg or I would have known she wasn't just asleep." I told before heading to the back of my desk.
"It's not your fault. You were drunk and didn't know someone was going to die there." Prentiss told
"Thanks. Is there any more questions for me?" I asked
"Do you have a book for someone who reads really fast?" Hotchner asked.
"Anyone who can read fast never has a long enough book. But do they like math?"
I grabbed a sudoku and a picture cross and placed it on the desk.
"I suggest these to help their brain focus of stuff when they need to think of something other then the case your working on. For I find the best revelations come from not thinking about for a wee bit." I told giving a smile.
"I'll take both and book you picked for me."
"Wonderful what about you miss?"
"I shouldn't."
"I'll throw it in for free if you like." I told
"No I couldn't just take it."
"Oh but I insist you leave with that book for I can tell you will love it." I explained.
"Fine. But I'm paying for it."
"Oh thank you that's wonderful to hear. Now agent Hotchner the book is 300 dollars."
"What about the other two?"
"They are on the house. Now I insist. You never want to make a book lady upset now do we." I told as I used my Bambi eyes on him.
"I'll have to come back to buy other books if they are always great deals here." He told as he payed for the book.
"Most of my regulars are elder people so I'm used to cutting the price down for them. For you agent Prentiss yours is only 200."
She payed for it and I placed them all in two bag and walked them out of my shop.
"Now come back any time now ya here!" I told as I waved them off.
'Reid is going to be pissed at me.'

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