Kazuki Shimada x reader|One-s...

Autorstwa grass_n_frogs

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Kazuki Shimada is a character from the anime movie/manga "Silent Voice" or "Koe No Katachi". Yes, I know he i... Więcej

・A Little Birthday Gift・
・My One and Only・
・My One and Only Epilogue・
・Piano lessons・
・Too Flustered・
・By Your Side・
・For (Y/n)'s Love!・ (PART ONE)
・For (Y/n)'s Love! ・ (PART TWO)
・Everything Stays・
・Second Chance・
・Kind Girl and Bad Boy・
・Jelly Mind・
・Second Traitor・(Prologue)
・Second Traitor・(PART ONE)
・Second Traitor・ (PART TWO)
・Second Traitor・(Epilogue)
・Parrot Love・(PART ONE)
・Parrot Love・(PART TWO)
・Together Forever・(1K SPECIAL)
・The Beginning of Preparation ・
・Packing For France・
・French Culture・
・High Fever・
・Night before France・
・Tearful Goodbyes・
・Airport Adventures ・
・A Whole New World・
・She's Mine・
・Nutria's Blessing・
・How It All Started・
・Turning Point・
・Haruna ・
・There 4 You・
・I'm Not Jealous・
・Never Let Go・
(⌐■_■) FBI, Open Up
・Mute Reader x Kazuki・
・Bye Bye!・

・Last Morning・

820 31 23
Autorstwa grass_n_frogs

Today is the day! The day where you guys will be going to France. Airport Adventures with your boi, yay! I will be taking my experiences with traveling into this scenario, so if I get anything wrong I'm sorry.

This scenario is going to be hella long. So it's more like a story? Anyways, I'm going to break it up into parts, BUT I'm going to name the chapter differently. So it's a story with different scenarios. It might take 3 or 4 chapters, but I'm going to add as many romantic/cute moments as I can! Please enjoy! (Also like to add, I named Kazuki's mom Lily!)

Airport Adventure PART 1!




(Y/n)'s POV

"We did it! We have defeated the evil suitcase monster!" Mr. Meowster cheers, waving her sword in the air. "Y-yea! We did!" I stare down at the orange cat, gazing at me with its big green eyes. It wasn't any normal cat. It stands on its hind legs and can fight with a sword! "Wake up honey." "Huh?" Did I hear that right? "Honey, wake up." Mr. Meowster says to me. The world starts fading away along with Mr. Meowster. "Wha-" Everything becomes pitch black

"(Y/n), wake up." I slowly open up my eyes to a shadowy figure. The room was still dark, but the light was on in the hallways, following with more shadowy figures. "Mhmm..." It took a couple of seconds for me to fight my heavy eyes to open up. My vision readjust, and in the darkroom, it was Kazuki that has woken me up. "Morning sleepy head." I sit up, rubbing my eyes, "Morning..." That greeting came out groggy. That was one weird dream I had. I shift my eyes towards the window which is still... dark.

"It's 4 in the morning." He was sitting beside me on the bed with a warm smile. "Aw, that's too early!" I plop back into bed with my arms spread out. "Too bad." He kisses me on the forehead. "Our moms made breakfast." I touch my forehead, my stomach filling with butterflies... but also growling because I'm hungry. Kazuki chuckles a little, "Sounds like you like the idea." How dare my stomach do me like that.

"Come on," He stands up from the bed and hold out both of his hand. Taking both of them,  he pulls me up into a warm hug. "You're making me want to sleep again." His arms feels like a blanket around my shoulder, I couldn't help it but lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "Don't sleep on me." Kazuki, to my disappointment, lets go of me and places a hand on my messy bed head, "How about you wash your face? I saw you drooling earlier." Please God, tell me he is lying, "That has to be a lie!" He chuckles, "Hm... if you say so." Kazuki gives me one final kiss on the forehead and left the room.

"Meanie," I mumble under my breath and head towards the bathroom. Flicking the lights on, I let my eyes that are getting blinded by the bright light, adjust. I splash cool water on my face and look up into the mirror. I can't believe I'm traveling to another country. This is my first time traveling by airplane. I wonder what it's like? My heart was thumping with excitement and wonder, but also anxiety... because I would have to say bye to everybody. No, no, no, this isn't the time to be sad! I brush my hair quickly before exiting out of the bathroom.

Walking down the hallway, I can hear Kazuki and our parents chatting. "You guys got everything ready dear?" "Yea, we did." I enter the dining room and my mom was the first one who spots me. "Looks like Sleeping Beauty has woken up." Mother always be calling me "Sleeping Beauty" because I slept till noon often. I can't help it! I'm just a night owl at heart. I'm going to miss her calling me that.

"Prince Charming woke me up." I giggle faintly, my voice still getting warmed up from the grogginess. "Who's the Prince Charming, I wonder," Kazuki says in a sarcastic voice, giving me a slight smirk. I sit myself down next to Kazuki as my mom places a plate of steamy pancakes drizzled in maple syrup and topped off with whipped cream in front of me. "Hmm, whoever kissed me on the forehead this morning is my Prince Charming, but I guess we will never know." This is payback for teasing me this morning. "Awww, did Kazuki do that?" His mom asks with an adoring smile. "I didn't know you were bold enough to kiss her on the forehead." His father comments while taking a sip of his coffee. Kazuki rests his head in his hand and pouts a little, "And I didn't know (y/n) would tease me like that."

I guess Kazuki never really showed me much affection in front of others. Haha. I stuff a piece of pancake in my mouth. The sweetness covers my taste buds instantly leaving me in a land of euphoria for a second. "Mmm, these pancakes are yummy." "They're my homemade recipe!" Mrs. Shimada says proudly. "We want you to have a good breakfast before a long flight." My mom places down some water in front of me. "Don't want to get a stomach ache though so drink some water."

Best moms in the world. "Thanks, Moms." Mom #2 gives me a cheeky smile, "Oh, I'm so happy you called me that." "I will be your number 1 mom right?" My mother asked with a teasing tone, "Of course you are! You raised me!" "Hey! What about your old man here eh?" My father joins her, "I thought you loved me!" He whines sarcastically, "Dad! I love you too! I love all of you!" I announce out to everybody sitting at the table. Being teased is so tiring sometimes.

Everybody bursts out laughing and smiling and I thought to myself that maybes the teasing isn't all that bad. Our parents give Kazuki and I advice and tips to travel and stay safe. There are a few giggles here and there, but I couldn't help to feel a sense of sadness that I would have to leave them soon. "(Y/n)." Kazuki calls out, grabbing my attention. I look at his face which was written with a hint of worry, "You ok?" Everyone pause to wait here for my answer and I only nod my head.

"I'm just going to miss everybody," I mutter out quietly. My throat starts feeling heavy as I stare down at my empty plate. I can feel the tears coming, but I hold them back. I don't want to make them worry. "Dear, we're going to miss you too, but know that no matter how far we are, you will always be in our hearts." My mom places a hand on my shoulder. "Start living the present a little more hon, we're here altogether, so let's spend the rest of the time together... with a smile." My father advise me. He was always a wise man.

I look up at all of them with marble eyes, "Ok! I will!" I chime enthusiastically, trying to get rid of my sad mopy side. "That's the spirit!" Kazuki's mom cheers and pats me on the back. Everybody surrounds me giving me a big family hug. Kazuki wraps his arms around my waist, "Everything will be okay." He whispers in my ear and kiss my cheek. Ahhhh, they gonna make me EmOTionAl again."

It's been about 40 minutes so Kazuki and I decided to get ready. According to my dad, the ride to the airport from town will be about 1 hour and 30 minutes. We are heading to the city where my friends and I hang out at the beach. I grab my outfit off the dresser which is leggings, t-shirt, and a baggy hoodie which "originally" belong to Kazuki, but I stol- wore it so much that he decided to let me have it. Though sometimes I would make him wear it so it can have his scent... totally not a weird thing... right?

Locking myself in the bathroom, I take off my clothes and holy guacamole it's colder than Elsa's castle in here. Slipping into my warm and comfortable outfit, I eyed the hair tie laying on the counter. I'll be taking that, thank you very much. I slip the hair tie on my wrist and give myself one last look in the mirror before opening the door.

Kazuki is sitting on the bed, fully dressed, and ready to go. He looks up from his phone as soon as he heard the door open, "You done?" I nod my head as he stands up. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest. "I can't believe we're going to France today..." I mumble out with a happy tone. "I know, seems too fast."

I look up at him, "Don't lose me at the airport." Kazuki shakes his head, "I won't if you're going to be a good girl and stick by me." He smiles down at me making me feel all tingly inside. He never says that kind of stuff so it surprises me a little. "We should get ready." He mentions and we both let go. "Alright!" I was getting excited. "I'm going to take our suitcases out, can you check our carry-on bags?" "Yes sir!" I give him a salute. Kazuki chuckles and picks up our first suitcase, rolling it outside in the hallway.

We have boxes packed with necessities we needed and we also have two suitcases filled with clothes. Meanwhile, I pick up our first carry-on bag which is a gray backpack that Kazuki and I bought at the store. "Laptop... check! Er... waterbottle... ok." I double-check that we got everything we needed. This backpack contains a water bottle, valuables, a laptop and iPad along with chargers, basic hygiene things, some extra clothing, and of course some snacks.

We have decided that Kazuki will carry this and I will carry my tote bag filled with my phone/charger,chap sticks, our passports, and documents since I'm not carrying a lot. Honestly, my bag is just some extra space we might need during our trip. Oh and not to mention, Kazuki's sweater is in here too.

After double-checking everything, I have confirmed that we are ready to go. Slinging the heavy backpack on my back and picking up my cute tote bag, I take a look around the room, to check if I have forgotten something. The room was kind of empty. I walk outside and give this room one last look before I close the door. I sigh a little, "Goodbye Kazuki's room." I walk down the hallway greeting both our fathers carrying boxes. "Hey (y/n), this is the last of the boxes." My father informs me and both men step out the door. I turn to gaze at the empty living room that used to be filled with boxes.

I turn my eyes the other way which is the door leading to the outside. I take a last glance at this house that hold memories and join my family outside. The sun is starting to peek over the horizon, giving the sky a little bit of a dark purplish color. It was currently around 5 AM. There were two cars in the driveway. One for carrying boxes and one for carrying the rest of us.

"(Y/n), that's heavy, let me carry it." Kazuki comes over to me, referring to the heavy gray backpack on my back. "Oh, ok, thanks." I put my bag down and he slips the backpack off my back, putting only one strap on his shoulder. "I don't know how you will carry that for long periods of time," I say as I pick up my bag. "I'm strong and you know it, I can carry you." Oh, he just did not-, He walks away with a proud smirk on his face. "Hey! Come back here ya ding dong!"

I chase after him and grab his arm, "You're being arrested for hurting my feelings!" He pauses for a moment and finally turns his eyes towards mine. He leans down and kisses between my furrowed brows. "Will that bail me out?" With my pink cheeks, I let go of his arm, turning away, "Yes..."

Kazuki puts the backpack in the car, "I'm going to check out what our fathers and my mom are doing." Leaving the car door open, he walks towards the other car. "Ah! (Y/n) there you are, get in the car. We got everything taken care of." My mom beams as she walks out of the house. "Who's driving us?" I ask her. I was thinking of one of our dads. "Kazuki's mom is taking on the drive. We both are accompanying you while your fathers will be driving all your luggage. "Sounds good."

We both hop into the car, me in the backseat and my mom is the passenger. Better save my phone battery. Instead of using my phone, I stare out the window where I can see Kazuki helping our dads and his mom out, putting the suitcases and boxes in the vehicle. "Honey, here's peach tea." My mom hands me a bottle. "Thanks, mom." I open the cap and sip down the sweet drink. The driver's door opens and here comes Kazuki's mom. "We got everything ready!" She breathes out and stretch her arms, "A little drive won't hurt me." "You're a strong woman, Lily." My mom compliments her with a smile.

I turn towards the window, seeing Kazuki coming over and our dads getting into the other car. The car starts up and the lights flashes on. Oh, shoot! We're leaving! I was getting the excitement pumping in my body again as Kazuki opens the door. I scoot over for him and he slams the door closed. Immediately after that, his mom too starts the car. Headlight is visible as it shines on the house I won't see in a long time.

Kazuki breathes out a sigh. Putting heavy things in the car must have tired him out. "Tea?" I hand over my tea bottle to him. "Thanks." He opens it and I watch the drink go down his throat as he gulps it... A lot of it. Don't stare (y/n)! I turn to look at the front window. We were leaving the neighborhood.

That was quick. Now I'm on my way to the airport, leaving this place I call my special home. My childhood home... Where I made friends with the most amazing people from a young age and where my parents raised me. To where I fell in love with the person that is sitting next to me.

The town is starting up as usual. The bakers opening the bakery early. The birds chirping loudly as the sun starts to touch the top of the trees. It was like that... almost every morning. Memories of this place starts to surge through my mind. Oh, how I'm going to miss this place.

Our moms were talking as the town starts to rise from slumber. Kazuki and I stare out the window to witness it for the last time. "You should go to sleep honey, we have a long way to go." My mom suggests. Yea, a good sleep sounds good, but I don't want to sleep and miss the last chance to look through my home or have a talk with my mom. Maybe talking about the old moments, but my eyes are hazy so I take the suggestion. "Alright."

I lean on Kazuki's shoulder as he grasps my hand. Guess he's staying awake for a little longer. My eyes close as I felt his hand squeezed a little tighter. Just like that, I fall into a deep hole of slumber.

To Be Continued...


Here we go! Your Airport Adventure starts! School is coming around the corner for me and maybe for some of you. Please be careful when you guys are going outside! I hope you all stay safe and healthy. Thank you for reading! I will try to publish the next chapter quicker this time! (•ω•')o

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