Naruto One-shots [Reopened]

Oleh Imuser304

144K 2.6K 1.4K

304's Naruto character x reader / character one shot book :)) defaults to fem reader [Requests reopened, if... Lebih Banyak

Not A Drag - Shikamaru x Reader
Forbidden - Neji x Reader
It's a Date! - Kiba x Reader
Sick Snuggles - Kakashi x Reader
False Parenting - Deidara x Reader
The Time He Saved Me - Iruka x reader
There is Something Wrong With You- Sai x Reader
Hidden In The Sand - Garra x reader
Should Have Said So - Kakashi x reader
See You When I Get There - Tobi/Obito x reader
Mourning Is Worse Than Love - Sasuke x reader
Be Mine! Please! - Rock Lee x Reader
Breakfast - Darui x Reader
Akamaru's Final Breath - Kiba x Veterinarian!reader
And They Laughed - Choji x reader
Less Alone - Shikamaru x Reader
Kitty - Tenzo/Yamato x reader
Mourning Is Worse Than Love pt. 2 - Sasuke x reader
Betrayal - Itachi x Reader
Premature - Iruka x Pregnant!Reader
Stupid - Shikamaru x Reader
a/n - please read
First Choice - Rock Lee x Reader
Chubby Confidence - Sai x Reader
Bugs and Boys - Shino x Reader
Something You Didn't Know - Kisame x Reader
Rain - Tenzo/Yamato x Reader
Thanks Again - Shino x Reader
Not Exactly A Mistake - Kakashi X Reader
He is No Man - Kakashi x Pregnant!Reader
A/N: 10k
Goodbye to a World - Nejiten
I Promise - Sasuke x Reader
Best Birthday Ever - Rock Lee x Genderneutra!lReader
Balcony Strangers - Naruto x Reader
Sigh (Definitely read ;))
I Need to See It - Gai x Reader

We Made That - Rock Lee x pregnant!Reader

4.4K 79 42
Oleh Imuser304

Requested By: I felt like writing about my comfort character.

Prompt: uhh

TW: pregnancy?

Rock Lee x pregnant!reader

(Not following the Naruto plotline)

WC: 2864

Sorry it's not a request! The first part of the story was more of me just needing to cry but not having any irl friends to cry to. It just turned to this.

Enjoy, I guess.

(it might be trash, I don't know.)


I stood in his arms, on the edge of tears, so confused about what I was feelings. I tried so hard to hold it in, hating the idea of being, looking, and feeling weak.

"(Y/n), it is okay, you can cry. No one will think any less of you," he stated. And that was it for me. They weren't silent tears, not in the slightest. Rather loud sobs. I held onto the green cloth of his jumpsuit and cried, and cried, and cried. And he didn't care. He just held me as close as he could.

"I- I'm so sorry that you have to be here,"

"I do not have to be here. If it is to help you, I want to be here,"

"Lee... Can y-you please t-take me home. I d-don't want t-to be here," I mutterd. I've always hated going to the doctor's. Now more than ever. "We c-can talk a-about it w-when we get b-back," I hate crying. Especially in front of people.

"Of course. Do you want me to carry you?"

"Y-yes please,"

Lee has been my best friend for so many years. Until last time we had a long mission together, about a month and a half ago, when things... Happened between us, and we decided that we should be dating instead of just friendship. To be honest, it was a great night, and I would probably do it again in a heartbeat, if he asked. But the fact that it was our first time, that's what shocked me most, especially after this visit to the doctor.

He carried me in his arms the whole time after initially going with me for moral support, because well, he is clingy. Not that I mind. I like him being around, he's always there to protect me. But... This trip to the doctor's office? Now I have to tell him that he is the father.

Oh sh!t! He's the father! and we're only 17! I have to tell my dad- oh my gosh. I have to tell my dad. He won't be happy. He's gonna kill Lee... And then me...

"We are here, do you want me to stay?"

"P-please," I was still a blubbering mess. He walked into my house and greeted my father.

"Good afternoon, Mr (l/n). (Y/n) is having a rough day, do you mind...?"

"Go ahead. You're a good kid, Lee. I trust you with her," he stated. I closed my eyes and my heart sunk. He won't after I tell him the truth. I've made a huge mistake. We hadn't even told him that we were dating yet. Lee took us upstairs to my bedroom, still completely unaware of the baby growing inside of me.

Still sobbing, he placed me on my bed, and sat with me in an embrace.

"Will you tell me what is wrong so that I can help?" I started to cool down and breathe as he let me go, but kept my hands firmly in his.

"W-will you p-promise you... Won't get mad?" I still stumbled over my words, trying to build up my confidence.

"My lotus flower, I could never be mad at you. You're my sweetheart, I will always love you,"

"O-okay," I took a deep breath, figuring out what to say. "R- remember that mission we went on... Where we..."

"I remember," he whispered, a slight blush resting on his face.

"I- didn't think that... It would lead to this..." I mumbled. "Lee... I'm pregnant..." My voice stayed soft, afraid of what he would say.

"W- please... (Y/n)... Tell me I am the father," he didn't seem at all upset, almost happy. But worried that it wasn't him.

"Yes, is... Is that... Okay?" I had stopped crying, but it was still there, the knot in my stomach. Lee just hugged me again, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Yes! No matter what, I am happy! I will keep the baby safe and sound, and, You too! You cannot be a ninja while you are pregnant. It would just not be right!" His voice was loud in my ear, but honestly brought me unexpected peace. I finally hugged him back, smiling for the first time since the moment I took the cheap drugstore pregnancy test.

"R-really? You're actually happy? Not worried at all?"

"Well..." He let me go to look me in the eyes. "I have been told pregnancy can have a huge toll on a woman's body. I am worried about that, but not about being parents..."

"I... Think I'll be okay, Lee. I'm just relieved that you don't want to leave me because of this. I thought you-" I was cut off.

"No! I will never leave you! I love you so much! What kind of man would I be if I left my girlfriend, especially if she was pregnant!? I would not be a man! I will be this baby's father, and I will be a darn good one too!" I chuckled at his excitement.

"Well... I'm worried about... One thing..."

"What is it, my love!?"

"M- my dad..." I said under my breath.

"Oh. We should talk to him now! Just get it over with," he suggested. "I will be here the whole time, okay?"

"O-okay," I stood from my bed, and walked to the door of my room. "Hey dad?!" I called "can you come up here!?"

"Yes darling! I'll be up in a second!" I stayed standing, but leaning against my desk. My father came in my room, and suddenly Lee stood too. "What's going on?"

"Umm... Dad... Y- well... So I went to the doctor today because I wasn't feeling well,"

"Yeah, you said your stomach was bothering you. How did that go?" I looked at Lee, who have an encouraging thumbs up.

"I- I'm p-"

"You're pregnant?" He finished, not sounding mad at all. I stayed quiet and looked at my feet.

"And I- Mr (l/n), I am the father," Lee added. I wanted to melt to the ground as the room fell silent. Suddenly, I felt my father's arms around me.

"Okay. I'm not mad, you're a woman, you can do whatever you want. And Lee, do you plan on sticking around to be part of the baby's life?"

"I will be the best father I can be! It would not be right if I left my Lotus alone. Plus, I love her, I and would not want to have her do this alone!" He exclaimed. My dad put an arm out to gesture for Lee to join the hug.

"Then, welcome to the family, son," my dad was smiling. I could hear it. I didn't have to look at him to know. Both men had their arms around me lovingly. My dad kissed the top of my head. "(Y/n), you know I love you, right?" He asked.

"Thank you, Dad. I love you too," I started to sob again, this time because I was relieved.

He let us out of the hug, and turned to Lee. "You two have a lot of work ahead of you, but I'll be there with you the whole time. And Lee, if you ever even think about leaving her, you're dead, got it?"

"Yessir. I promise on my life to protect your daughter and our child,"

"That's what I like to hear. But for now, how about you spend the night? I'm sure (y/n) would like to have you around for now,"

"If that is okay with you, sir,"

My dad gave a reassuring smile. "Dinner will be done in twenty minutes," he turned and left. I immediately jumped into Lee's arms.

"I love you Lee!" I squealed, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. He spun me around, seeing me happy.

"I love you too! And," he set me down. "I love you too, who ever you are," He placed his hand on my stomach, taking to our child. He kissed my forehead, and hugged me again. "So much,"


After dinner, Lee and I were hanging out in my room, just talking about baby stuff. But the night grew late and I was becoming sleepy. I rested my head on the pillow, Lee still sitting next to me.

"S-should I just sleep on the couch tonight?"

"No, you can come lay here with me. My dad won't mind, not after today. So come here," I said, pulling him under the covers with me. I cuddled up to him, placing my head on his chest as my consciousness slowly faded away. "goodnight Lee, I love you,"

"I love you too, sweetheart, get some rest,"

[Dad's POV]

I finished locking up the house before heading to my bedroom. As much as I wished she had waited a little longer to get pregnant, I can't lie, I'm excited to be a grandfather.

And Lee... He's gonna be a good dad. He's promised me, and (y/n), I have the strongest urge to believe him too. I passed by my daughters room to see that the light was still on with the door slightly open.

I watched Lee hold her close after she snuggled up to him. It reminded of me and her mother when she was still around.

"goodnight Lee, I love you,"

"I love you too, sweetheart, get some rest,"

My heart about melted to my feet. He was so gentle and kind to her, I have no doubts about how much he cares for her. I watched for a few minutes, occasionally swiping a few stray tears, until (y/n) fell asleep.

I creaked the door open just a bit more so I could squeeze through. Lee and I made eye contact. I just smiled at him and whispered, "keep her safe," before turning the lights off and leaving her room.

I finally went back to my own, feeling like my daughter was safe, I soon fell asleep.

[(Y/n)'s POV]

8 months later

I laid in my room, propped up on my bed, Lee at my desk, filling out a report for his most recent mission.

"Are you ready, Lee?" I asked, running my hands over my baby bump. Lee had been staying at my house since a week before my due date, which was yesterday.

"I am always ready. Whenever she comes, I will be right by your side, so do not worry," he smiled, putting the pen he was writing with down. "But also, I will be back in like, ten minutes, so do not have her before then. I have to run these to the Hokage, okay?"

"Sounds good. She's being a little... Squirmy right now. So hurry back,"

"I will," he bent over to kiss me on the lips. "See you in ten," he finished, just before hopping out of my window to the Hokage's office.

"Dad!" My dad was downstairs making lunch.

"Yes, dear?!" He called back.

"Sorry to bother you, but can you bring me some water?"

"Yes hun, I'll be up in just a minute,"

"Thank you!"

About three minutes later, he came upstairs to give me a large glass of water.

"So... Any day now?"

"Yep. She's getting excited, I wouldn't be surprised if it was today, or maybe tomorrow. Ya know?"

"Yeah, I get it. That how it was for you and your mother,"

"... I miss her," I mutterd after a minute of silence.

"I do to. It makes it worse that today-"

"Is her birthday. We should get a cake or something," I suggested.

"It's been three years since then. I think you're right. When Lee gets back, I'll run and get one... Speaking of Lee?"

"He had to turn in a report for his most recent mission, he should be back soon,"

"Do you want me to stay up here with you?" And with that, I felt a contraction for the first time ever. I gritted my teeth and groaned in pain.

"Gah-- so that's what that feels like,"

"You okay?"

"The doctor said this would happen, it was a false contraction, but if they continue like this for a while..."

"Should we just go now and get you checked in?"

"Not without Lee," I giggled a bit. "Wouldn't it be interesting if she came out today? Like, a birthday present for mom,"

"I suppose," he agreed. And just then, Lee entered my room through the window and I felt another contraction. This one almost made me scream.

"Sweetheart are you okay? Is it the baby?"

I felt the bed underneath me start to soak, I cringed at the feeling, but also knew.

"Lee, you are just on time to get me to the hospital, we are having a baby!" I groaned again. My dad and Lee looked at me with a 'are you sure?' expression. "My water just broke. Would someone please get me to a hospital? I really don't want to have a home birth without a midwife," I said, staying as calm as I could.

Lee picked me up bridal style and looked at my dad who was in a slight panic.

"Mr. (L/n), can you meet us at the hospital with the baby bag?"

"S- sure thing. Be safe," he asked, as Lee held me close and hopped back out the window to carry me there.

I started to feel something warm coming out of me, and in a panic, I reached down to my bottom to touch it to see what it was. To my dismay, when I looked at my had, there was blood.

"Lee..." I mumbled, starting to pass out.

"No, no, no, do not pass out, not until we get there," but it was no use, I had no clue if he saw the blood or not.

I woke up a few minutes later in the hospital with mednin all around me. One of them yelled, "she's awake!" I overheard the faint noises from the hall.

"But is the baby okay?" Lee's voice was slightly freaked out.

"Yes, the baby will be fine,"

"And... My daughter, is she okay? Is she going to be alright!?" That was my dad.

"She's lost a lot of blood, I can't guarantee she'll survive labor. But the odds are better than worse, we'll do everything in our power to make sure she's okay,"

"Okay..." My dad was still panicking.

"Thank you," but Lee was a little more calm.

I smiled slightly. If I died in child birth, I know my baby girl would be safe with dad and Lee. But I really don't want to die so soon.

I felt another painful contraction,

"She's ready. Let the father in," one of the nin said. I felt Lee grab my hand.

"Are you ready?" The nin asked.

"N-no but what choice do I have?" I laughed.

"Okay, Mrs. Lee. It's time to start pushing,"

"O-okay," I agreed.

"First one in three... Two... One," I squeezed Lee's hand as hard as I could.

[Ten minutes later]

My baby started crying, I could hear it echo across the room, but had not choice but to pass out from exhaustion. I closed my eyes and listened.

"(Y/n) will be okay. She didn't lose anymore blood, but... I suggest you don't have anymore kids,"

"Okay, that is fine. Can I see my daughter now?" Lee was eager to meet her, our Kira.

"Yep, here you go," I chuckled softly to myself before finally falling asleep.

I woke up an hour later. Lee and my father were sitting next to me. My dad was holding Kira. She was fast asleep.

"Morning," I mumbled for Lee's attention.

"You're awake!" He said, scooting his chair closer to the hospital bed. "H- how are you feeling?"

"Like I just gave birth at 17. In other words, I'm exhausted. How's Kira?"

"She is perfect. Do you want to hold her?"

"Yes," my dad stood and handed me the sleeping babe. She sure took after her dad. A black tuft of thick hair, the outline of large black eyebrows, and big round eyes. "She looks like you, Lee," I smiled.

"Her eyes look more like yours, wait until she wakes up. But she has your nose, and I think she will take more after you when she is older," I looked up at Lee with tears in my eyes, and a look reading, 'we made this,'. Lee pecked me right on the lips.

"I'm so sleepy," I said, kissing her forehead.

"Get some rest, sweetheart. I can take her for now," he pulled our baby from my arms, and I soon fell back asleep, happy that my baby was safe.

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