Clustering Wishes (AbusedStar...

By SansofDestruction

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Y/n Rose was the Youngest child of Summer Rose and Tai Xiao Long . The moment he was born his father had grow... More

Bio and Reason I made this story
Prologue: Stardust Trailer
Chapter 1: Running from the devil and Finding Sanctuary
Chapter 2: Adam Taurus & White Fang
Chapter 3: The wake of the Dragon
Chapter 4 The meeting of siblings
Chapter 5: Dragon's First Flight
Chapter 6: Reunion with Roses and Dragons
Chapter 8 Making a pact
Chapter 9:The Triple Dragon Threat
Chapter 10: The Black Rose
Chapter 12: Helping a cute Bunny
Chapter 13: Y/n's Clear Mind
Chapter 14 A Friend in Need
Chapter 15: First Day of Edu'ma'cation
Chapter 16: Falling Star
Chapter 17: So....tired...
Chapter 18: Y/n's New Guardian
Chapter 19: Dragon of Clustering Wishes
Epilogue Of Volume 1: One Day= 2 year?
Volume 2 Prologue: Y/n's return
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Best day/Reactions to Y/n
Volume 2 Chapter 2: Young Dad'ragon already
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Operation Information part 1
A/n: Needing Viewers Opinion on a Idea
Volume 2: Chapter 4: Operation Information part 2
Volume 2: Chapter 5: The Truth of the Past
Volume 2 Chapter 6: Jack's story: A past Warrior awakens
Volume 2: Chapter 7: A meeting of Former Friends
Volume 2: Chapter 8: Talk between Y/ns Past and Present.
Volume 2: Chapter 9: Siblings/Ancestor Talk
Volume 2: Chapter 10: Distancing/ Dance Infiltration

Chapter 11: First day

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By SansofDestruction

After Y/n's test with Jack and Hogan, Jack took team RWBY aside to talk to them in private leaving Y/n with Hogan, Ozpin and Goodwitch.

Ozpin: "Y/n, I'd like to introduce you to Glynda Goodwitch, our combat instructor.

Y/n: *waves smiles cutely* "Hello Yello!"

Glynda paced around the young boy, seeming examining him in her head, she's squealing like a little girl of how cute you are. She takes out Vulcan and Destiny's Ward and examined the sword.

Glynda: *hands your weapons and you holster your weapon.* "I must admit, you fight well for one so young."

Y/n: "Thank you."

Glynda: "Now I must ask, where did your learn to fight like that and who gave you these two weapons."

Y/n hesitated for a second, not wanting to talk about Adam or the White Fang so he thought of the best excuse he could. 

Y/n: "My parents had me train with a certain sensei. During my 4 years training I made Vulcan and when I had to leave he gave me Destiny's Ward. though it was pretty hard..." *You get memories of the numerous time you sent Adam, Blake and Sienna Khan Flying during training.* 

Ozpin and Glynda seemed to have bought it but Glynda still wasn't certain about having him stay.

Glynda: Ozpin, he is a good fighter but he's too young.

Y/n folded his arms, slightly offended by that comment.

Y/n: "Hey...I maybe young but I have a driver license...that means I can fight well."

Hogan: 'Wait...what...'

Ozpin: "Yes he is young however he has potential to be the best."

Glynda: "But sir,"

Ozpin: *holding up his hand* "You saw the same as I did, he has great potential and not to mention, Jack and Hogan have been assigned to his guardian.*

Glynda: *sighs* "Yes si- wait...." *both adults look at his eyes widen with surprise* "You have a driver license?"

Y/n: *takes out his wallet and pulls out his Driver license and hands it to them* "See!"

Ozpin, Hogan and Glynda look at wallet and Ozpin takes holds it up and pushes his glasses.

Ozpin: ".....Well I be damned..."

Glynda handed Vulcan and Destiny's Ward and Ozpin hands you your driver license and you put them away.

Glynda: "Just try and stay out of trouble."

Y/n: *smiles cutely* "Okay!"

You turn and walks away to rejoin with Team RWBY. Once you leave.

Glynda: *squeals like little girl* "HE'S TOO CUTE!!!!"

Ozpin and Hogan had a anime sweat drop and Ozpin let's out nervous laugh.

Hogan: 'Kid is overloaded with cuteness....if the police officers wanted to diver the death sentence on evil convicts and they had him.....they will all die...including the police..'

Y/n: *Sees Team RWBY* "Hey Big sisters and Snowflake!"

The four girls looked at you and smiles but Weiss was blushing a bit from what you called her.

Y/n: * looks around with no Jack* "Where is Jack?"

Weiss: "Oh he went to go check on someone."

Y/n: *You look at Hogan who nods a bit in agreement* "Oookay.."

Yang: "I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry."

Team RWBY and Y/n decided to head to the cafeteria to get some to get some lunch.


Team RWBY and Y/n arrived the cafeteria to eat when they were joined by their friends, Team JNPR.


Ruby:  "Oh hey guys! Y/n, these are our friends Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha and Ren. Guys this is me, Yang's and Blake's little brother Y/n."

Y/n: *cute tone* "Hello Yello!"

The blonde knight known as Jaune spoke first.

Jaune: "Hey, I have to say you're fight was incredible."

Y/n: "You saw it?"

The red headed Spartan Pyrrha smiled.

Pyrrha: "Of course, half of the school saw it though you shouldn't have fallen asleep during the battle."*whispers* "Though it was really cute."

Y/n: "Hey......the pollen in the air made me sleepy okay.."

The ginger girl known as Nora energetically ran to Y/n.

Nora: "Hi, I'm Nora! Do you like Pancakes?!"

Y/n: *smiles* "Yes I do!" *in your head* Samuel L. Jackson: "Hentai too!" *laughs at the joke* Outside world "Do you like French Toast?!"

Nora: "Uhh......" *looks at Team Rwby who tell her to say yes* "Yeah?"

You: *Raise your hand it the air and in cute singing voice* "Do do do do Can't wait to get a mouthful!"

Team JPR smiles widely and laughs a bit. Nora looks at you.

Nora: *in her head* 

Nora pulls him into a bone crushing hug


Y/n were gasping for airs, till the last guy know as Ren stepped forward and pulled Nora off of Y/n

Ren: "Sorry about her"

You: *Deep breaths* "It's okay.."

Team JNPR joined them for lunch as they all shared stories about their adventures to get acquitted with other. Y/n immediately took a liking to each of them and knew he was going to be good friends with them.


The next morning, Y/m woke up and saw he was the only one in the room. He looked over at the desk and saw a note for him.

Y/n, sorry we couldn't wait for you to wake up but we have classes today. We'll see you when class is over.


P.S: Do Not Leave the school grounds.

After Y/n read the note, he was wondering what to do while his sister were in class. So, he decided to take one of Blake's books and go to the courtyard to read.

Y/n was sitting on a bench in the courtyard reading one of his favorite book that Blake always read to him, about a kitsune who liked pranking and making jokes on humanity. But then when humanity was in anger he risked his own life to save his friends.

As he was reading, a crow and a raven perched on his shoulder.

Y/n: "Huh? Oh, hello!"

The raven and crow tilted its head before flying in front of him and transformed to Uncle Qrow and a woman who smiled at him.

Qrow: "Hey kid!"

Raven: "Look how much you've grown, I remember when you were just learning to walk."

Y/n: "Uncle Qrow, Aunt Raven?"

Raven: *smiles* "Hello Y/n."

Y/n smiled and put  the book down and ran to hug his long lost aunt.

Raven: *chuckles* "Still a hugger I see."

Y/n looked up at her with a huge smile on his face. 

Qrow: "Hey what am I chop liver?"

You then run over to Qrow and hug him too.

Y/n: "Hi Uncle Qrow did you miss me, did you miss me, huh did you did you?"

He blinks twice and smiles

Qrow: *joking tone* "Nope." *pats your head and you smile as you let go and look at your Aunt and Uncle who is smiling at you*

Raven: "You look just like your mother."

Raven pulled Y/n back to the bench and all three of you sat down.

Raven: "Your mother and Qrow told me about your father. Are you alright?"

Y/n slowly nodded.

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm okay."

Raven: "I know you did what you had to do to leave but I wished you would have told me, your mother, or Qrow, we would have believed you and would have helped you."

Y/n was shocked upon that now know about his "father's" lie and manipulation.

Y/n: "So I ran away for nothing?"

Qrow: *takes a swig from his flask* "I wouldn't say that, You did find another family."

The young boy's eyes widened as he just remembered, he still saw Kali and Ghira as mom and dad and there was no oubt that he found the perfect big sister withing Blake.

Despite how much he loves the Belladonnas and see them as his family, he still remembers all the time he missed with Ruby and Yang, his mother's homemade cookies seeing Uncle Qrow stop either to say hi, take care of him or just to borrow their bathroom and be on his way again.

Y/n: "Yeah, I love my new family but I missed you all so much."

Raven: "It doesn't matter anymore, you're back now and you still have us and you new family. That's all that really matters."

Y/n always missed Raven's words of wisdom the very few times she came by to visit. He smiled and hugged her again.

Y/n: "Thanks Aunt Raven."

Raven wasn't as much a hugger like Summer, Ruby or Y/n but she smiled and hugged back.

Raven: *breaking the hug* "By the way, we saw your initiation."

Y/n: "You did?"

Qrow: "Yup, we watched it with your mother."

Y/n: "She saw it too?!"

Raven: *nods* Mmhmm, we were all impressed. And your mother was squealing like a little girl when she saw you fell asleep."

Qrow: *Y/n covers his face embarrassed* "I would worry about it..beside Your Aunt Raven did it too."

Raven: *blushes* "N-No I didn't!"

Qrow: *takes out his scroll and shows video of them squealing while watching you sleep* "See I got a lot of view with this thing." *then zooms in to show a nearby Beowolf dying of you being adorable* "Heck you killed a grimm with your cuteness.."

Y/n: "Wow..."*thinking* 'Cuteness never looked so badass...'

Raven: *coughs a bit* "Anyways we were very impressed. However, if you want we could keep training you."

Qrow: "We never did get to have our day of training, by the way where is Hogan and Jack?"

Y/n looked out to the open field, wondering where Jack and Hogan was.

(With Jack)

Jack just arrived to a area in Vacao with a bouquet of flowers. He walks over to the Grave and places the Bouquet of flowers and sit down next to it.

Jack: "Hey are you?"

(With Hogan)

Hogan flies over to and old abandoned warehouse also in Vacao and lands.

Hogan: 'BlackWings I have returned..'

Suddenly A large flock of bird faunus fly around Hogan. Soon three lands in front of him bowing in front of him.

Armed Wing: "Sir, welcome back to the nest."

Hogan: 'Lieutenant Armed Wing, status."

Armed Wing: "All is fine sir.."

Shura: "Our Leader what brings you back to the nest."

Bora: *snickers*"Perhaps he want  us for another assassination mission"

Hogan: 'Yes and no..I have come to say my cousin Y/n Rose...has been found..'

Shura: "That is fantastic news sir.."

Hogan: 'Which is why I have a mission for the Black wing tribe."

Bora: "What is it?.."

Hogan: "We of the Blackwings tribe will protect my cousin at all cost..."

Armed Wing: "Sir with all due respect what happen to him?"

Hogan: *sighs* 'My cousin apparently had been abused by his Father Taiyang Xiao Long which forced him to run away.'

Armed Wing and Bora grip their weapons tightly out of fury, while Shura clenches in utter rage,

Shura: "That is Unacceptable! He should be punished."

Hogan: 'Agreed...which is Why Armed Wing and Bora I will assign you to hunt down and Kill Taiyang Xiao Long.'

Armed Wing: "Consider it done...Bora Come!"

Armed Wing takes flight with Bora behind him

Shura: "What about me sir?" 

Hogan: 'You, Shura will be my second pair of eyes towatch over Y/n and keep him safe if I am gone.'

Shura: *bows* "I will not fail you."

Hogan: *nods* 'Come let us go to Beacon.'

Hogan and Shura take flies away many of the other Black wing follow with them.

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