Summer Love: A Niall Horan Fa...

By Nialler_37

2.9K 169 22

Savannah Archer is a "regular directioner." But after winning Capital FM's competition she and her two best f... More

Quick Author Note😁
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Important Author's Note

Chapter 25

74 3 1
By Nialler_37

•Niall's POV•

   I see a crying girl come to the door. As it opens it reveals my girlfriend. My eyes are filled with tears too. I go to give her a hug, but she backs away. She knows.
She sniffles, "What are you doing here?"
   "Can I come in?" I nervously ask.
   Her shaky voice replies, "Fine." I sit down on the couch, she stands. It feels awkward..there's complete silence and it's killing me. A tear rolls down her face. I start to speak, but she does first.
"Niall, I love you. Do you love me?" There's a pause. Then she raises her voice a little. "Why did you kiss Miranda?"

"No no no. She kissed me. The paparazzi found us somehow and told me to kiss her. I didn't want to, but Miranda pulled me in."

She started pacing. "I knew this was a bad idea." She mumbles.

"Woah. Wait. What does that mean?"

"Oh c'mon Niall! You know!" Her eyes, sparkling from the tears. "Getting involved with celebrities! Us! Do you remember all those times you tried to kiss me?" I nodded, still hopeful. "It's because I'm very careful about who I love. I'm even careful about who I let in my life. But you, you found that place in my heart. A special place, so quick. And...and I thought you were different and that I could trust you. But...apparently not." She covered her mouth to hold back any more crying.

"Savvi, don't say that. You know you can trust me. I do love you. I promise I'll never hurt you again." I stepped closer.

She looked up at me, "You know Niall, you promised me that you wouldn't hurt me when we started dating. And then you said the same thing after the Twitter incident. Just stop making promises you can't keep, okay? And you won't have to. I'm leaving tomorrow, which means we don't have to see each other any longer. I'm sorry Niall, but we're through." She runs into a room. I tried to run after her, but she shut the door in my face. I can hear her crying in the other side of the door.

*The Next Day*

2 hours.
   "Niall!!!!!" Louis shouted, which woke me up. I got up and went to the kitchen.

   "Hey Nialler. We made you pancakes and bacon!" Zayn said trying to cheer me up. But for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel like eating.

   "C'mon mate, there's still time to fix this." Harry encouraged.

   "Niall, we know you love her. Just prove it to her!" Liam challenged.

  "Are you coming Payno?" I asked.

   "Nicole and I said goodbye last night."

   I quickly changed, grabbed some bacon then drove off with Zayn, who agreed to go with me. First stop, flower shop. As soon as I got a single white rose, we drove to the apartment. Callie opened the door.

   "Are you guys okay?." She asked.

   Zayn answered, "Where did Maddie, Savannah and Nicole go?"

"They're flight leaves in like an hour. They're at the airport already."

   We bolted to the car like and rushed to the airport. We got there with ten minutes to spare. We looked around for awhile, until we had to ask which gate the flight to Atlanta was. And because of their policy we each bought a ticket and ran over. Then I saw her about to board the plane.

   "AHHHH! It's Niall Horan and Zayn Malik!!" A fan shouted. But before I could get to her we were swarmed by fans asking for pictures and autographs. I could barely see over the crowd, but I could see her. She turned around and looked at me, tear stained face hiding behind her glasses. Heart shattered expression, we both stared. There was a moment and I thought she was going to stop and run into my arms. I thought she would see how much this decision was about to hurt us both. But she didn't. Then she stopped looking at me, wiped away a tear, then boarding the plane.

   "No no no. This can't be happening. I'm not going to let her say goodbye. Not like this! Zayn, we need to passed this crowd."

   Somehow, we distracted them and got to the gate. Just in time to see to see the plane take off.

   "I'm sorry mate, she's gone." He said. I dropped the rose and cried into his shoulder.

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