Chasing Gold

By goldenlittlething

239K 6.6K 2.1K

Everest Green was determined to go through her four years of college unnoticed by steering clear of any kind... More

intro + aesthetics
01| greek gods
02| to keg or not to keg
03| to keg
04| the aftermath
05| trouble
06| one night stands
07| ulterior motives
08| don't push your luck
09| i have standards
10| macy kingsley
11| starry skies
12| emily cohen
13| are you ready for it?
14| baby let the games begin
15| tip of the iceberg
17| this is me
18| scars
19| conversations in the dark
20| daylight
21| redemption
22| call it what you want
23| read all about it
24| burning bridges
25| easily replaced
26| bury me, i dare you
27| look what you made me do
28| your time is up
29| tokyo bound
30| take you home
31| black and white
32| elle était un pardonneur
33| not the land of the free
34| loving you is a loosing game
35| teach me how to love you
36| uneasy
37| hope
38| it was just a dream
39| those nights
40| your safe place
41| i'll be there
42| fallen angel
43| old friend
44| little black dress
45| tied to you
46| a big fucking lie
47| peace
48| it's because of you

16| broken record

4.6K 132 44
By goldenlittlething

I wish I could say that Olivia and I's visit to the Dean of Student Affairs was successful but it was anything but as you could probably already tell. Between the dean's ignorant way of handling rape cases on campus and the counselor's lack of professionalism, it didn't surprise me that these kinds of things were happening here. For a woman who got her degree at Stanford, you would think she would be smarter than that.

As of right now, we were all sitting in Jared's office discussing what our next steps would be with both Macy's and Emily's case. We only had two victims as of now, which in some cases would be enough but for this one Jared wants to more than two.

He doesn't want to go only after Tommy, he wants to take down the school as well and for that, we needed more evidence that this has been happening behind closed doors for some time now. We are certain of it, but we need more evidence to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.

"What do you want me to do Jared?" Olivia asks in frustration. "You asked for a second victim and I found you one."

"Olivia, you need to understand that with no rape kits and with one of your victims locked up in a psychiatric institution it's not enough." Jared pauses. "I told you that going after the school and Tommy Scott wasn't going to be easy. Do I need to repeat the reasons why we still can't go after Tommy Scott and the school? I'm starting to sound like a broken record."

I have been sitting here for the past twenty-minutes listening to Jared and Olivia argue about the same issues over and over again. I had evidence that would surely help the case, but I was going to have to explain myself and that was the part I wasn't looking forward to. I was hoping it didn't have to come down to this, but I didn't have a choice. "I have something to show you guys."

I interrupt, making Jared's and Olivia's attention turn towards me. I put myself on the spot. Great. "What is it, Everest?" Olivia asks.

"Before I show you guys the video, I promise to answer all of your questions, but I won't implicate anyone else who was there with me." I pause. In my mind, I had the perfect plan, but so far I wasn't executing it quite well. "I was at Laguna Seca a week ago with some friends, while I was there I spotted Tommy having a heated argument with a girl. I followed them and I filmed the whole thing. I even punched him in the face, I have to admit that I had been looking forward to that one."

I handed Olivia and Jared my phone and I watched closely their reaction as they watched the two-minute video. By the time they were finished, I knew that I was screwed. "What were you doing at Laguna Seca Everest? Girls like you shouldn't be hanging around that place." Olivia adds.

I roll my eyes. So I have been told. Why does everyone keep saying that? "I can't exactly say."

"You can and you will Everest," Jared says in a demanding tone. "Laguna Seca is the place where most gangs hang out to do illegal stuff like races and sell drugs."

"Everest, you need to cooperate with us here. This video changes everything." Olivia says.

"I was there with a few friends Jared, it was the first time I had gone to the place. And my last, trust me." I pause. "That's all I'm going to say, I can't risk getting my friends in trouble."

"That's one of the many places where the gang Emily mentioned, Azrael Sylla, hangs out." There must be some connection between Maddox and Tommy then. "You need to testify Everest."

"I can't," I say. "I would be putting my friends at risk." I would be putting Connery at risk. He trusted me enough to take me there, he opened up to me. I can't do that to him. I won't.

"Then they shouldn't have been hanging out there in the first place," Jared scolds. "What do you suggest we do then?"

"What if the video got leaked?" I ask. "Peyton has been working with Macy on the article these last two weeks, they are set to publish it soon. What if we leak the video alongside the article? That way I won't have to testify."

"I know you're trying to protect your friends, I really do. But this case is very important, I thought it was to you as well." Jared says disappointed.

"I think it may actually work," Olivia interrupts. "With Everest getting physical with him the defense may play it against her. If the video is online, it makes it public property. The defense can't file a motion to dismiss it. And besides your office is known for leaking information, it's not your first rodeo."

"It is important to me Jared, way more than you might even think." I pause. "You'll just have to trust me on this one."

After debating our strategy for another hour, I headed off to practice. The first meet of the season against OHSU was in three days, so the pressure to be anything but perfect on that meet was on now more than ever. Coach Jennings is crankier than usual which sucks for us because we end up paying for it with his main set. Even though the practice was going to be killer today, I was actually looking forward to it.

Coach Jennings switched me to Connery's lane so he could keep a better eye on me and my technique since our first meet of the season was approaching. Even though I heavily opposed to it at first, it didn't end up being that bad. Practice with the guys is a completely different from when we hang out at the house. I definitely miss Regan, but I enjoy teasing Dant with the boys a little too much.

"Hey Ev," Connery's voice greets. I was currently taking my blue and orange Speedo mesh bag out of the trunk of my car. "I'm surprised you're early today, I was getting used to seeing you swim 3,000 meters just for the warm-up for being late."

"I'm sure you were and enjoyed it in the process too," I say closing the trunk of my car, and Connery laughs. Connery and the boys didn't let me hear the end of it every time we hung out. "I actually left the firm when I was supposed to this time, that's why I'm early today."

I told Connery all about my internship but I left out the part of working in Macy's case and the involvement of Tommy Scott as well. Aside from the existing attorney-client privilege (that I obviously didn't want to break), I still wasn't sure how Tommy fit in the guy's puzzle. "Did Jared give you a hard time today?"

"You have no idea," I sigh. "He's just frustrated with the case we're working on. What about you? How was your political science exam?"

"A lot easier than I expected," Connery grins. "Thanks to you."

"I'm glad you admit it, you do have the best tutor on campus after all." I joke. "I don't know how you're doing so well in the class though, half the time I go over to study with you, you don't pay attention to half of the things I say."

"Political science is boring," Connery says as we walk into the pavilion. "Anatomy on the other hand is everything but."

"Everest, Connery." Coach Jennings greets. He's definitely in a bad mood today. "Can I speak to you in my office? It will just be a minute."

Connery nods. "I'll catch up with you Ev."

I nod and I head to the locker room to change into my swimsuit, Aunt Claire sent me a new one in the mail and I was eager to try it out. Connery's Olympic trials were only four weeks away and all the talk from ESPN has Coach Jennings and Connery both frustrated (from all of the criticism) and nervous. There's a lot of pressure on Connery from the media, a lot is running on the line in those trials. Most of the reports that I've heard don't count on him classifying. From where I'm standing he's going to prove all of them wrong.

I've seen how hard he works, you don't have to go far to notice though. He's the best swimmer in the league and has the best record on the 100-meter breaststroke. Those things speak for themselves and with them counting him out, that's just plain disrespectful in my unbiased opinion.

By the time I finished getting dressed everybody was already in the pool waiting for Coach Jennings. When I walked out of the locker room, Connery was still in Jennings's office. From what I could see, none of them looked pleased. With my goggles in hand, I got in the pool in my lane with the boys. "Do you know what that is about?" I ask the boys.

"You didn't see it?" Dant asks and I look at him confused. What I'd miss? "It's all over ESPN."

"What's all over ESPN?" I ask. Connery seemed fine when we both got here. What happened now?

"They're accusing Connery of using steroids," O'Connor says and my jaw drops. We all know that isn't true. Who would accuse him of such a thing?

"That's bullshit," I spit. "Who's their reliable source?"

"It's anonymous," Becker adds. "I bet you guys all the money I have in my bank account that it had to be someone from OHSU."

"It wouldn't surprise me," O'Connor says. "Those guys would do anything to make us look bad before our first meet, they know they just got lucky last year."

"Connery seemed fine when we got here. He didn't know?" I ask.

The boys shake their heads. Before I could ask the boys further questions, Connery and Jennings walked out of the office. Connery was pissed. I didn't want to press for information or ask if he was okay. I've had the unpleasant privilege of being present when he has lost his temper and it's not pretty. And right about now, he looked like he was about to lose it. So it was better (for all of us) if we just let him be.

"Hey everyone," Coach Jennings greets. "So, as you all know, our first meet against BGU is in four days. Before we start today's practice I want to make a few things clear."

Oh boy. "OHSU has made this meet personal, so I expect nothing but the best from you. I'm not planning on coming back to campus with the first loss of the season and you know what to expect if such things happen." Trust me, we know.

"We will be leaving on Thursday at eleven, so we expect you to be on time. We didn't come to play this season, we came to win the gold." Coach Tanner adds.

To start of practice we began with 300 yards of warmup mixing it up with all four strokes (a different stroke every 75 yards). For the main set, we swam 2 x 100 yards butterfly sprints (resting:30), 2 x 100 yards backstroke sprints (resting:30), 2 x 100 yards breaststroke sprints (resting:30), 2 x 200 IM (kick only), and 2 x 200 IM (pull only). For the second half of practice we had to swim 4 x 100 yards butterfly (resting:30) at a consistent pace, 4 x 100 yards backstroke (resting:30), 4 x 100 yards breaststroke (resting:30), and 200 IM (resting:30).

By the end of practice for the portion of the cool down, we were all exhausted, except Connery of course. He was focused all practice and he didn't say a word to any of us. After the 300 yard cool down, Connery was the first one out of the pool. I figured Connery would text me later when he cooled off so I ignored the fact that he didn't even say a word to me before he left.

I chatted with Regan in the locker room whilst I changed back into my regular clothes and I headed to the parking lot right after. What I came across though definitely took me by surprise. Connery was talking with Inez, I haven't seen her around since the first night I went to tutor Connery.

If I was being honest I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous, but I shook the jealous feeling off as quickly as I felt it. What was there to be jealous of? Connery and I were just friends. He could talk and hook up with anyone he wants.

I regretted looking in their direction because Inez caught me staring which made Connery turn around to look as well. Shit. Now he's going to think I was staring like a creepy stalker. Way to go Ev. How embarrassing. I looked away and I headed over to my car, I put away my bag in the trunk and I got inside.

In the process Peyton texted me, I grabbed my phone from the dash of my car and I opened her message. Can you stop at Target on the way home? We're out of toilet paper. My best friend texted. I instantly replied. Sure. You want anything else?

I was scrolling through my phone while I waited for Peyton's reply when the noise of someone banging on my car window made me jump and making me drop my phone in the process. On the other side of the window, I found Connery hysterically laughing at my reaction.

I glared at Connery and I rolled down my window. "That's not funny Connery, you shouldn't sneak up on a girl like that."

"You should've seen the look on your face," Connery laughs and I give him a serious look. "Lighten up a little Ev, you have to admit it was pretty funny."

"You should see the look on your face when my fist connects with your face the next time you scare me like that Matthew Connery." Connery stops laughing. "What? The joke's not funny anymore?"

He shakes his head. "No, I vividly remembered how you broke Tommy's nose last week. It was pretty badass from your part which made me realize that I shouldn't get on your bad side. I like my nose just fine."

I laugh at his last comment. "What's up?"

"Are you busy tonight?" Connery asks.

I shake my head. There wasn't much to do today, I had most of my exams last week. "No, why?"

"There's this thing I have to go to," Connery begins to say and I could see he was starting to get nervous by the way he fidgeted his fingers. "My mom is having a charity gala at our house. Would you like to go with me? You don't have to go if you don't want to. It's just that I hate those kind of things and having a friendly face there with me would be great."

Connery took me by surprise. He wants me to go with him as his date? Ev, don't start making up scenarios in your head. Inez was probably busy, that's why he probably asked. In my mind I politely declined, I don't like the feeling of being merely considered, but what came out of my mouth was something completely different. "Sure, I would love to go."

Connery's lips break into a smile. "Great, the dress code is formal but if you don't have anything in your closet it's fine. I know this was kind of last minute."

"Don't worry," I reassure him. "I'm sure I can find something to wear, trust me. Peyton is not going to let me walk out that door in pants."

Connery laughs. "She most definitely won't, I'll pick you up at your place at eight."

I smile. "Perfect, I'll see you later tonight then, Matthew Connery."

Looks like I will be busy tonight after all.

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