
By ms_writer_ac

239K 6.9K 2K

His face is leveled to mine and I can see tiny droplets of water on his face and lips as he draws closer to... More

Clean Up
Another Day Another Misson
No Solo No More
Who Is He?
Girls Day
Different Minds Think Alike
Winter Formal
Blue Beetle Kisses
Wearhouse Wonders
Sleepless Thoughts
December Spirit
Merry Mishappenings
The Agent Trap
New Years
Clouded Feelings
Lockdown Pt.1
Lockdown Pt. 2
Pineapple Pizza
Sleepy Feelings
Fake Persona
Secret Spies
Hold It Together
Birthday Daisies
U-nder Alleyways
D-on't Leave
E-mbrace Me
R-eady or Not
C-omplete Me
O-ver the Past
V-iolence And Love.
E-nemies Battle
R-ed Reality
Next Steps
Bonus: Balance

Inside Information

2.9K 112 62
By ms_writer_ac

^Natalie as @trinnittyy__


5:40 am

I woke up early today because I was going to meet Boss before school. My timer goes off and I stay in my slumber for a bit, wishing I can sleep till noon.


I get up and check my phone, for any notifications and see one from Natalie.

I sent the code to Boss's room. You should be able to get in. gn

It was sent at 1 am.

What's she doing up late?
She okay?

My mind wanders to yesterday when she was with Boss. My heart hurt for her because she was in pain, I knew they were close and all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her beautiful body and inhale the coconut Argon scent of her curly hair.

Her hugs...

My body reacts to the thought of her and despite the Boston cold, my skin feels warm to the touch.

She's always what I think of.

I like her. I know that, but I promised her we would focus on the mission.

That's what I'm doing.

6:30 am

I stop at BlackLight to get Boss's stuff and head into the Hospital which greets me with warm heat and antiseptic.

I nod at one of the clerks that recognizes me and head up to his room and I open the door quietly in case he's up, but when I enter I  see a nurse with him.



He thanks the nurse and she leaves to give us privacy.

"Why aren't you asleep? It's early."

He laughs. "Man, they come with medication every few hours for the pain then I go back to sleep.  You got my stuff, thank you."

"Of course Boss."

Something told me he wasn't done talking so I take a seat.

"How is she, Lucas?"


"She's fine. She's really strong."

"That she is. She got that from her mother. Her mother wasn't afraid of any situation but respected it. She would trap a poisonous bug, but would find every way to safely let it go before she hurts it."

I nod, imagining her bravery.

"I trust you two. I know she will do well, just make sure she isn't too concerned about me."

"Kind of hard to do that, sir, she cares about you a lot. She was worried."

"And I love her like a daughter. Divert her mind from me if you can, will you? I know you two are close friends."

I scoff at the word friends without even knowing until I notice.

Boss smiles, I don't know why. "Go to school, I still don't know why school is so early. If I made a school I would start it at 10 am."

I laugh. "You would be dearly loved for that"

"I am already dearly loved."

I give him a respectful smile in agreement before leaving and going back home to eat before school.

7:30 am

I'm walking with the twins while Jasmine talks.

"Soo have you spoke to Joshua lately?"

"Yeah, he's my cousin. "

She gives me a "bruh" look and I smile, teasing her.

"I meant, are we going to meet up with him anytime soon?"

I head to my locker and unpack my books. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Her reaction was a wide grin, priceless.

"Mann, Jas, you really had to like him, didn't you? Out of everyone", Jayden whines.

"What do you mean "out of everyone?"  He's really hot, and he's ya know...in the same working field as us. Plus he's really hot have you seen his- "

"Ugh, Jasminee", Jayden rubs his temples which makes me crack up.

Immediately my eyes scan for Natalie, as her locker is right behind mine but I don't see her.

"Natalie is with Valerie, they had to talk to a teacher about midterms or something", Jasmine says.

My brows furrow. "Did she fail or something?"

Jayden snorts. "Natalie? Failure? Those two words will never be in the same vicinity. She's hella smart man, you got no idea."

Trust me, I do.


Josh asked me to meet him at the parking lot of H.E.X.A, and I stare at the calming drops of rain sliding down my window while waiting.

I liked the rain, it was soothing.

"Why does he take so long?", Jasmine says touching up her lip gloss.

My face moves to her observing her actions and I made a sour face.

"What?", she says.

"He likes you already no need for the razzmatazz makeup." I rub the temples of my head.

"He does?", she asks too hopefully which makes me bite back my joke.

I hear the click of her gloss. "Why haven't you dated Natalie yet?"

I stay silent for a bit. "Because it's not the time to date."

"To be honest, it would make your bond better, and better focused on the mission if you don't have this "I like her and I want to be with her but can't" attitude."

"It doesn't work that way, Jasmine."

Ever since meeting Natalie, she's in the snip-bits of my daily thoughts. Anything green reminds me of her, and her love for the sage green and pistachio color.

I wasn't a fan of green but it's grown on me.

Cause of her.

My thoughts get interrupted with a rap on my window.

"Let me in I'm getting wet."

Josh slides into the passenger seat.

"Hey brother", he gives me a handshake before looking behind the car.


"Joshua, what's up?"

The romantic tension was so thick I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's going on, brother?"

He shifts. "Well, they let me in on some stuff a bit."

Jasmine and I go quiet.

"The agents that have directly attacked you guys or the agency have fled. They went to different parts but most are in China."

"China?", Jasmine exclaims. "Why China?"

"They have a facility there in H.E.X.A. I mean it's not too big but they have a lot of high-edge equipment. I'm for sure they have information on what's happening next."

I watch his brown eyes as he becomes even more serious.

"If you want to send some of your agents to spy on them you can, they wouldn't expect it."

I ponder his idea for a few.

I could go and not tell anyone about it to be safe.

No, I can't. Boss told me to stay with Natalie.

"So you want us to fly some of our agents there?"

He shrugs. "Why not? I mean it's basically March now and you guys are still stuck on this mission. They are moving slowly, but not as slow as you think."

Josh slides his eyes over to Jasmine. "I suggest you take a few agents and spy on them, so you guys are one step ahead."

Jasmine nods and so do I, but I ponder this idea.

'You said they don't think we will follow them, correct?", I ask.

He nods. "No one knows the whereabouts in China except for the Boss and a few hackers. I can get the location easily though."

All of us stay quiet for a few, listening to the pitter-patter of the raindrops and the thoughts in our minds.

"Let's do it", Jasmine breaks the silence.

Josh smiles playfully. "Yeah?"

She smiles back. "Yeah. Whaddya say, Lucas?"

I sigh. "Okay. Get the whereabouts I'll talk to Boss about it."

"You think your Boss will allow, brother?"

I shrug. "I don't see why not, we need this break in the mission."

"Okay. Alright, I'll meet up with you in person with the details. " Josh takes a glance at Jasmine and both stare at each other, clearly puppy-eyed.

It reminded me of looking into Natalie's eyes.

The most beautiful thing to lose your mind to.

A chill runs through my back at the thought of her and I clear my throat to stop their thoughts and mine.

Joshua leaves the car and I drive Jasmine back to her home, before picking up Jayden.


'Man, yall have a kickass training facility", Jayden gapes, eyeing the high-tec training machinery.

"No wonder why you have an 8-pack."

His comment makes me laugh silently at his man-crush over my abs.

I don't showcase it often, because it's Winter.

The only approval of my abs that I need is Natalie's.

I brought Jayden to train with me, as Boss wanted him to get to our level so both of us took a Class A training for 2 hours.

By the end of it, it was so hot we couldn't tell if it was Summer or Winter.

Jayden chugs his water bottle and freezes mid-way which makes me look towards him.


"Man, my muscles are so sore I can't feel me picking up this water bottle."

He gapes at the bottle as if he was checking if it's real and it makes me laugh.

"Bro you need some protein and an ice bath then."

He continues to chug when my eyes spot a light brown curlyhead walking with another agent.

It was a guy, tall and light-skinned, someone, who was a part of the technical crew.

I examine her gorgeous face to see her serious, but she smiles at the guy to which the guy eases immediately.

She dismisses him when her emerald green eyes scan on me.

God, bless her for being this beautiful.

She walks up to me.



She rocks her heels back and forth which I automatically find cute.

"What are you doing here, Natalie?"

She sighs. "Trying to revive back some footage Sam deleted. It could help us. So far we got some but the ones we got we already found the answer to."

She seems tired, to which my body automatically wants to wrap her in my arms, but I refrain.

Jayden joins fresh out of the shower to which she smiles.

"Jayy", she says sweetly to which Jayden hugs her and kisses her cheek.

"Look at you all boss-ass in this agency."

She laughs and my eyes close at the melody of her laugh.

She had two kinds. One was beautiful and effortless and the other was contagious and loud.

I took some deep breaths, calming my adrenaline. I told her I wouldn't make a move, so I won't.


My eyes snap up to Natalie. "Yeah?"

"I asked how is Boss doing?"


She asked me that?

"He's fine, tells you not too worry."

She sighs, frustrated. "I am worrying! What does he expect?"

"That you're worrying."

She gives me a look which I smirk at.

"He's okay, Natalie, he's cracking jokes he's fine. "

"You're doing great too from what I see", Jayden adds.

She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

Her heart's too big for this world.

Jayden picks his coat and throws me mine. "

"Well, we are leaving now. If you're done you can tag along with us?"

"Yeah sure-"

I grab Jayden's shoulder. "Actually man, we should get going I have to grab some food."

"But Nat-"

I walk with him out the door, not even wanting to see her face.

I don't mean to be rude, but I need to keep my distance if she doesn't want me making a move on her.

Cause I know I won't be able to stop myself if I don't.

Authors Note: Lowkey didn't re read all of this yet so oops haha.

Thank you for the love and reads you guys are giving me, it's appreciated.

If you put my book in a reading list, I view the other books as well :)

We are more than halfway through Undercover! I already have a new story that's been brewing since February.

It's gonna be a ride till the end of this book :)

Also, too long of a chapter or no?

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