From Work, With Love || Dylan...

De stiles-o-dylan24

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If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... Mais

Meet Cute
And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Play the Trailer
New Season, New Characters
Gag Reel
Booking Roles
Guest Star
On Location
Unit Base
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
Autographs & Pictures
From the Top

Quiet on Set

692 23 13
De stiles-o-dylan24

Addy POV

I got back to L.A. last night from finally wrapping up the first season in Atlanta and I actually was able to get a decent amount of sleep– which is good because we have all the daytime scenes of the next episode to film today.

"Our little witch is back! Holy crap I have missed you" Crystal announces, making me jump a little in my surprise before I instantly smile as she bounds over to me in the classroom we're filming her window escape from in a few minutes.

She wraps me in a hug and I chuckle softly as I wrap my arms around her "Same, how has everything been since I was gone?"

She opens her mouth to reply, making a little noise before she draws her brows inwards "Well that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about"

"Uh-oh what happened?" I question, crossing my arms over my front as concern quickly rushes over me, though she shakes her head immediately "Nothing happened per se... I just uh– I need to have a little chat with you and Holl, tonight? Are you free?"

"We're filming until ten I think–" I trail off, making a face as I mentally go over the filming schedule I hastily looked at before heading over to set earlier.

Crystal smiles brightly and sets her hands on my arm "Perfect, come to my trailer after you're done and we'll have snacks ready"

I nod with her request, taking a moment before asking softly "Crys, what's going on?"

"Just–" she increases her hold on me and connects her gaze with mine "I just need to tell you tonight okay? I need you both there."

Without missing a beat I return her smile, nodding once "Yes, of course. I'll be there, babe."

Once I get done screaming in the middle of the street, which thankfully I was able to master a whisper scream that they will be able to edit over with my scream recording, we officially can wrap on this episode.

Ty turns to me and laughs "See I told you making a half scream is the way to go–"

"Even if the half scream makes you sound like a dying gerbil" Dyl snorts and I playfully glare at him, offering a humorless laugh "Ha– well I want it to look as believable as possible and practicing in the mirror, my throat was not convincing enough that I was screaming when I tried the Hoech method– so dying gerbil is where I'm at right now."

They both laugh with that, causing me to as well before I pull out my phone and make a little noise "Oh crap it's almost ten, I need to walk back across set"

"What's going on at ten?" Dyl questions while I pocket my phone and share a look with both of them, "Crystal wanted to meet up with me and Holl– I don't know what about though, just said she needed to talk to us."

"Is she okay?" Ty questions and I shrug "I didn't get the feeling she was upset, more like nervous? Maybe just anxious to share something."

"Well keep us posted..." Ty trails off and I smirk at him "If I'm allowed to, I will."

Ty jerks his head back a little with his confusion "Allowed to– what does that mean?"

"It's girl code, bro– come on," Dylan chuckles and pushes Ty's shoulder on his way to wrap me in a hug "Night, Blondie."

I wrap my arms around his middle, chuckling into his chest "Night, Eugene."

He pulls back, raising one of his brows as he connects his eyes with mine "So I'm Eugene now, huh?"

"Yeah, when you're sweet your Eugene side comes out," I murmur and he smiles, throwing me a wink as he steps away from me and nods his head for us to follow after Ty "I'll take it– come on let's get you back to the trailers."

Once we get back to the other side of the lot the guys offer me quick hugs before they leave on their way to get some food.

I walk up to Crystal's trailer and knock on the open door while I climb up the rest of the steps "Hey"

Crystal smiles when I walk inside the doorway and sets her phone down "Oh perfect, Holland just said she's walking over now."

She hands me a Dr. Pepper and I smile hesitantly, looking from her to the beverage in my hand "Damn this is serious"

"Why do you say that" she questions with a little laugh and I throw her an incredulous look as I slightly lift the drink up "You're always yelling at me for drinking this and now you're giving me one– with no speech on how my organs are plotting my death by slowly dying with every sip."

"I don't say that every time..." she trails off with a little grimace and I scoff lightly "I love you, but you do."

"I just want you to drink healthier options some of the time" she shrugs and I quickly defend "I drink plenty of healthy crap a lot of the time."

Crossing her arms over her front, she smirks "Like...."

"I drink water and whatever those green smoothie concoction things you told my mum about are, thanks for that by the way, and I mean I drink coffee... which has more water in it."

Crystal snorts and uncrosses her arms, throwing them out to her sides exasperatedly "Don't even get me started on the coffee–"

I scoff lightly and throw her a look "Woman if you even think I could be half the person I am standing in front of you today without caffeinated sustenance, you best leave my coffee out of the list of things I'm not allowed to drink."

She laughs and holds up her hands in a surrender "I gave up on changing your drinks of choice a long time ago."

"Why are we arguing about drinks?" Holl questions as she walks up the stairs and Crystal closes the door behind her once she's inside, answering with a laugh "We're just debating the health of drinking coffee–"

"With Addy?" Holland snorts, looking between us with how crazy that sounds "You're debating coffee habits.. with.. Addy?"

Crystal ponders that for a second before she scrunches her mouth to the side and we all bust up laughing. So what? I like my coffee– there could be worse vices to have.

We spend a few more minutes talking before Holland and I are ushered over to take seats on the couch.

Crystal opts to stand in front of us before she sits down beside me– only to stand up a second later and we watch her start pacing in front of us.

My brows twitch as I watch her and I share a look out of the corner of my eye with Holl before I make a little noise "All right spill, what's going on– what do you need to talk to us about?"

Crystal brings her hands in front of her, wringing them together with her obvious nerves and I'm officially starting to get worried "Crys?"

She stops her steps right in front of us and looks between us "I uh– I've really been thinking this past summer... really since we were filming the first half of this season...." she trails off softly and I draw my brows in a little, having an idea where this is going and I hope I'm wrong.

Crystal clears her throat and continues "I've been chatting with Jeff about it these past few weeks and I just– I think it's time..."

"Time for what exactly?" Holl questions, earning me to look over at her quickly as I swallow thickly and look back up to Crystal.

She smiles softly when my eyes connect with hers, offering a little nod before she admits "This season is Allison's last season– my last season here."

My nose immediately starts stinging with the warning of tears on their way as I stand up and wrap my arms around her, not even a second later feeling Holl wrap her arms around both of us.

"This is– I'm going to miss you so much" I sniffle and they both increase their grips around me as Holland agrees "Seriously, we were the originals– how are we supposed to do this without you?"

Crystal laughs softly and pulls back a little, our arms loosening but still staying wrapped around our waists as we stay in a close circle "You both are going to kick just as much ass as you already have been doing. I'm so proud of both of you and I will be cheering for you every week of the new season plus however many more come after this next one."

"Why do you feel like it's time to leave?" I ask gently and she smiles "I want to try different things with film, see what else I have a love for. I don't know, being almost thirty and still playing a seventeen year old– I just want something new, something different."

I nod with that knowing there's a difference since I'm almost seven years younger than her, however, Holland snorts "Well shit what are you saying?"

We all laugh with that and Crystal immediately shakes her head "Nothing, you know that's not at all a dig at our ages! I just for me, I need to do something else at this point in my life."

Holland nods, throwing a smirk her way "I get it– I do not like this one bit–"

"Neither do I!" I chime in and Holland increases her grip on my side, nodding with my words as she continues "But we get it."

"How are we saying– how will you– fuck I can't even say it" I grumble and drop my forehead on her shoulder, tilting my head from side to side as I finally ask "What's happening to Allison?"

Crystal makes a noise that I know accompanies a grimace and I lift my head up quickly, seeing her actual grimace with my own eyes and I draw my brows together sadly "Don't say it-"

"She's going to die fighting the Oni in the second to last episode" she rushes out quickly earning Holland and I to suck in harsh deep breaths "No fucking way!"

Crystal makes a heartbreaking face "Yes way and I didn't say a word to you– I promised I would keep it a secret until the table read. I was only allowed to tell you that I was leaving."

Tears invade my vision with her words and I shake my head softly "No, I don't accept this– I do not want to film that."

"I don't either to be honest" Crystal agrees and I smile a bright, teary eyed smile "Good then it's agreed. I'm glad you came to us before you made this life altering decision."

"Man, I'm going to miss seeing you so much!" she laughs and completely ignores my ridiculous statement that holds no weight to actually changing anything as we all hug tightly once more.

"We will not be saying 'bye' okay– we're not going to be those people who are close now but lose touch just because we're not working together right?" I question, looking between them sadly.

Crystal shakes her head softly "Of course not– we'll just need to work around the difficulty to stay in touch since you both will be busy, especially you miss two shows and movie deals–"

"Hey it was one movie and I spoke one line throughout the whole thing," I interrupt and she rolls her eyes "Whatever, you're going to be this massive movie star I can just feel it. Which will go hand in hand with Dylan who's on his way as well."

Lifting a brow I look between them, clarifying what I already feel is coming, "Why would those two things go hand in hand?"

Holland snorts and throws me a look "Oh just when you two stop portraying your characters being idiots in real life so well and finally confess your undying love for each other– which will lead to you being the Hollywood power couple we know you're destined to be."

My mouth drops open a little "Jesus chri–"

"He gave you your first kiss Addy!" Crystal interrupts and I move to respond, however, Holland I right there to continue "Pressed you up against the damn wall so your first kiss wasn't going to be for the scene and because he wanted to kiss you!"

I run my tongue across the back of my bottom teeth for a second, immediately regretting sharing that fact with them, before I make a noise "No, that was just–"

"I swear I will punch you if you tell me he was just being nice and a good friend, blah blah blah– he is in love with you babe, and that little stunt proved it" Holland smirks like she just solved the big case and I shrug as I look between them "So a guy friend can't just admit to wanting to kiss you and then actually kiss you before a scene that you're going to have to be kissing him in anyways?"

She makes a face, knowing I'm right since Max told her something similar a few months back when we were filming the first half of the season, and she nods her head to the side "I didn't say that doesn't happen, but he–"

"Hasn't said anything else since," I fill in with a little shrug "Nothing since that night or after we filmed the actual scene the next day, okay? So I'm not going to get my hopes up that it could have met anything more than what he said it meant."

"It definitely meant more though" Crystal offers gently "The way you described the kiss–"

"Yeah of course it meant more," I admit, laughing a little laugh with no actual humor behind it "It meant more to me but that's it."

Holland shares a look with Crystal before she scoffs and lifts a brow at me "You're the dumbest smart person I've ever met."

I playfully frown at both of them "What the– I officially am offended."

They laugh and Holland pushes her hand into my shoulder "Good– you should be because I'm officially offended I've had to watch the two of you pine after each other for years with my own two eyes!"

"I'm not pining" I grumble and they both stifle their laughs horribly before Crystal shakes her head a little and tries to clear her face "No– no of course not. Just make sure we're invited to the wedding so we can cheers at the reception to the relationship we called happening two months after we all met."


Dylan POV

Flipping through the script for episode nineteen, I start to get nervous for the end scene in the animal clinic I have with Pose and Adds.

This half of the season has actually been a ridiculous amount of fun to film with the darker elements I'm getting to explore within my acting abilities.

I've always heard it's fun to be the bad guy and I guess from this episode on we'll see how true that is.

I've had a few scenes so far that have been completely uncharacteristically notStiles and I admit I loved it. Tapping into a darker acting method was new and challenging and based on the table reads for these next few episodes, it's going to get even darker and more intense.

"I feel like the blacklight party episode was our last fun episode for this season" Addy's voice snaps me back to the present and I swallow thickly with her words "Yeah– that one was one of the more fun ones this season."

She smiles before she resumes her flip through the script "We need more scenes where we paint black light paint on our bodies and dance with no cares in the world."

I laugh with her, my mind instantly going back to the memory of filming those scenes with her. We had wrapped on the episode and we all convinced Jeff to let us change and paint ourselves so we could be a part of the shots they were filming of the dancing crowd.

Addy had changed into this light blue lace swim top looking thing that glowed against her skin in the uv light, and that paired with the shorts she was wearing and the swirl paint designs across her skin– she was stunning.

"All right, so you want to practice the final scene and how we need to move together?" she questions, once more bringing me out of my thoughts and I clear my throat "I mean how comfortable are you with all of this?"

"I don't feel like it'll be that bad" she answers with a little shrug and looks over at me.

I reach up and scratch the side of my jaw "How do you– fuck, I really feel like I can't even talk to you with knowing how I have to act towards you later"

She scoffs lightly, throwing me a look like I'm insane "Well that just seems unrealistic because we need to practice and run through it all"

"How am I supposed to practice through having to grab you like that?" I finally question my concern and she lifts a shoulder like it's no big deal "We'll figure it out– hence why we need to run through it... so you're comfortable with the movements with me."

"Why are you saying it like it's so easy?"

Addy laughs softly and stands up from the chair "Because it is easy, Dyl! Come on, I trust you, you're not going to hurt me and you're going to see that pulling me into you is easy"

I quickly shake head and stand up as well, facing her more "I'm not just pulling you into me, Adds, I'm fucking manhandling you."

"Hey I hold my own, besides this could be fun" she attempts to joke, however, I just huff and walk a few steps away from her.

I lean my back against the counter, my eyes staying glued to my feet while I dig the toe of my shoe into the floor.

Not looking up, I sense Addy moving closer towards me and I smile to myself when I see her little sock covered foot press into the side of my leg.

When I lift my eyes up to connect with hers, she smiles softly "Stop looking at it as if I'm going to be hurt or uncomfortable. This whole season is about you and after the episode we filmed last week, plus the end scene of the one before that– I just think you getting to be this dark character is something you should have an incredible amount of fun doing."

She's not wrong, last week's episode was a whirlwind from the psychological torture basement scene to the MRI scene with Pose and Adds that was even more emotional to film for us than the Motel scene.

The whole atmosphere of the room was heartbreaking to be in, seeing the looks on their faces as I said my lines about the disease. It felt more raw and like a real world scenario and I think that's why it was more emotional to film.

Addy and I didn't even really exchange lines once Pose left the scene– our moment was me pulling her into a hug followed by a forehead kiss I couldn't help but throw in there before we said our few words together.

"Dyl you have incredible range and with what you're getting to portray this season, everyone is finally going to see that– something that you deserve by the way. You're incredibly talented and you absolutely blew me away last week in literally every scene you had."

Fuck I love her, standing there being ridiculously supportive and so cute as she does it.

I clear my throat and look down quickly, setting my hands on my hips before I look back up at her "I don't even know what to say to that– I just, thank you Adds. You know how much that means to me."

"I do," she boasts cheekily and I smile at her before she continues "Look, I don't want you to not do something you know you need to with this dark of a character just because you are afraid of hurting or scaring me. I'm not going to get hurt and I'll never be scared of you."

I offer her a grateful look, shaking my head a moment later as I barely whisper out "But how am I supposed to do this?"

"Easy, walk up to me and grab my arm"

I scoff with that, lifting my arm up from my side "Just that easy?"

Addy doesn't miss a beat as she throws me a look and nods "Yes it's that easy because I trust you," I open my mouth to say something, however, she cuts me off and continues "Besides the trickster fox spirit who feeds off chaos and pain would not be gentle as he grabs me and informs he knows I know about him."

I digest her words for a few seconds before I reach up and scratch behind my head "What if I'm not just grabbing your arm next time?"

"Then we'll practice that too" she answers easily and I scoff lightly "Adds–"

"Dylio, I'm serious," she interrupts and smiles "You were willing to kiss me in order for me to be more comfortable for a scene and then you actually did it. So honestly this is the least I can do for you having to do that for me."

"That was fucking different, it's not like it was a hard ship for me to kiss you– I wanted to, Adds" I admit, widening my eyes a little that I confessed that.

Though she doesn't address it and lifts her arms out to her sides "And I want to do this– I'm your friend and I want you to be comfortable with our scenes while you're playing Void because I honestly think they're going to be fucking amazing and I for one am super excited to bring those to life with you, making them as psychologically creepy as we can."

All I can do is look at her– being equally grateful for her and hating myself for not just grabbing her and telling her I love her as I kiss the crap out of her.

Instead I chew on the inside of my cheek for a few moments and nod once "Okay."

Addy POV

Once we're soaked from the pouring down rain, action is called and we run inside the clinic. After I ask what Kira is doing Dylan spins around quickly and grabs onto my bicep, pulling me into him as delivers his line so fucking well all I can do is suck in a little sharp breath "I know you know, your face has given it away all day"

Dylan smirks darkly and shivers run down my arms and spine... though it's not out of fear– fuck me, he plays this character very well.

His brow twitches before he goes on with his next line, pulling me closer as he awaits my answering line that I grit out through clenched teeth.

Dylan's dark smirk deepens and I'm blown away with how much he's conveying just with his facial expressions alone and when he says his next ad libbed nickname– I'm grateful he's holding onto me "Oh little dove, you have no ideahow wrong you are."

I immediately shiver with the way his voice was able to drop down even lower as he said the unexpected nickname and when his grip falls away from my arm I stumble back, hitting my hip on the table beside me.

We continue through the scene, getting Arden and Ty inside with us and we run through everything smoothly. More and more of these takes we've been doing on one run through and I'm so proud of us this season.

Once Dylan and Arden complete their stunt I hit my next mark in front of Ty while Dylan walks over towards me, reaching out to grab onto my wrist before he pulls me away from Ty.

He's completely in character right now and it's mesmerizing to watch and feed off of while I continue my lines and what I need to do next.

He lifts his other hand over to rub the back of his finger down my cheek "That's enough helping, little dove."

Reminding myself I need to react and keep the scene going, I jerk my head away from him with a deep glare. Dylan smirks my way in a way that's so different to how he usually smirks before letting me go and turning towards Ty.

I make a move to step forward which results in one more call of his creepy nickname before Ty plays off of that and yells for him to stop calling me that.

I inwardly smile with the ease of how the three of us work together as Ty continues on with the rest of the line for me to listen and not help him.

Dylan and Ty finish the rest of the scene with me just getting to watch them work their magic. Once Dylan passes out onto the floor and I pull the sword from Ty with the last of our lines, 'cut' is called throughout the room followed by the announcement that we gave them what they wanted.

There's a flurry of activity as the next scene is prepared and I move to kneel down beside Dylan who has shifted to lay his back on the ground, his eyes up on the ceiling.

My head tilts to the side as I survey his quiet mood, slowly reaching out to set my hand on his that's resting on his chest "That was amazing, Dylio."

He grips onto my hand with my words, smiling softly as he connects his gaze with mine "You make it easy to stay in character, Adds."

"I think it may have to do with your insane talent but–"

He sits up with that, interrupting me as he shakes his head "Your insane talent keeps me locked in a scene and was the only reason I was able to stay in the mind set I needed to be in. It physically makes me sick to think about what I'm actually doing and saying to you but you were able to reassure me with a look in your eyes when I grabbed you and you helped make that scene what it was."


Addy POV

Ty and I finished our scenes at the animal clinic and wrapping our part for episode twenty a few minutes ago– which is how I find myself standing off to the side watching Dylan and Shelley film their scene together in the basement set of Eichen.

They're sitting on the couch that I will soon grow to hate knowing what's going to be happening once he turns around in the seat to face her again.

When we were at the table read I was dreading every second as Jeff read through the scene description of these two heading into the basement and when he described a kiss I closed my eyes and mentally punched Jeff in the face. I haven't loathed being on a teenage drama show before that moment and I definitely don't like it right now.

Stiles doesn't react great to the kiss and leans back away from her before sitting farther away on the couch and stammering on about being sorry for giving her the wrong impression.

Nothing more than a kiss is supposed to happen and yet I'm absurdly upset by it and what's even more preposterous is that I'm not sure which Addy is more upset.

I feel a weight sit in my stomach as I watch Dylan grab her hands to warm them up, barely hearing them exchange their lines before I'm completely shocked at what I see unfold before my eyes.

Shelley leans towards him, however, Dylan widens his eyes adorably and completely dodges out of her path, immediately sitting further back on the couch.

I listen closely and hear all the lines I knew were coming which is why when someone comes to stand beside me I jerk to the side and slap my hand over my mouth to not let my startled yelp sound around the quiet set.

Ty and Daniel stand on either side of me, deep smirks on their stupid faces. I look between them and huff as I drop my arm down to my side, whispering through my frustration "Why are you sneaking up on me with filming in progress?"

Daniel snorts "We're not sneaking love, you just weren't paying attention."

With that I stick my tongue out at him, earning him to bump my shoulder with his as he laughs quietly.

Ty smiles a knowing smile and nods his head towards the scene they're still filming behind me "He changed the scene with Jeff"

"Hmm? Who changed what scene with Jeff?" I question lamely and ignore the looks they throw me. While I'm sure my crush is probably known to these observant asshats, I haven't exactly confirmed it to either of them– and I don't see the need to do that right now.

Ty just makes a noise and nods his head to the side "I just thought you should know why the scene may seem different than the table read had it–"

"The kiss you seemed to be wondering about not happening when we walked up just now" Daniel clarifies and I just make a noise of confirmation "Oh, I just– yeah it seemed different to how the script had the scene so I was curious but I wasn't that interested."

"Right, no of course you weren't" Daniel nods, moving his lips in between his teeth to hide his smile when I glare up at him.

Ty clears his throat, also fighting off his own smile as he shrugs "Just doing our part to make sure curiosity didn't kill anyone tonight."


Addy POV

"What if I only do something after you look away from me, or even try to move away from me, when I step into you after I throw the taser away?" Dylan asks while we go over the scene for the next episode in Derek's loft.

I nod and look up from the script "Yeah, I like that– after the 'he's screaming' line I can look away from you and then you grab me"

"Exactly– it would piss off Stiles even more so I think Void would definitely want that."

Offering my agreement I stand up and drop my script onto the table while Dylan stands closer to me "Am I grabbing your arm again?"

I clench my teeth into a grimace type of smile while I offer "Yeah but I think we need to add something else to it..."

"Okay... like what?" he asks after I trail off without explaining and I raise a brow at him "You up for anything I'm going to suggest?"

Not answering right away, Dylan narrows his eyes at me for a moment before offering a slight nod "Within reason, but yes– I think I can say yes to you right now"

I laugh with that and smile brightly "Great, so I'm going to need you to grab my face"

"What?" he croaks, jerking his head back a little and I lift my arm up to indicate between his hand and my face "Put your palm on my chin and grip onto each side of my face as you pull me into you"

Eyes wide, Dylan shakes his head quickly "Adds–"

"I just want to see how it looks" I interrupt with a shrug.

"It'll look terrifying" he deadpans and I throw him a look "That's kind of what I'm going for, sweets."

He still looks hesitant so I soften my voice and connect my eyes with his "Stop overthinking everything I'm saying okay? I'm not going to break and I know you're not going to grab onto me like a murderer in an alleyway."

He ponders my words for a few seconds before he flails his arm around indicating both of us as he stammers "Yeah well I– I still have never done something like this! I don't want to hurt you or– or–"

"You're not going to" I answer easily and he just throws me a look like he couldn't not be more worried "How are you so sure?"

I offer a reassuring smile "Because I know you– now, are you ready to run through the scene?"

"I think so–" he breathes out deeply, earning me to throw him a look.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes, correcting quickly "Fuck me– fine I'm ready, yes"

"Then grab me"

He looks at me for a second before he reaches forward and wraps his hand around my bicep, gently yet with an urgency as he pulls me towards him and grips onto my face like I instructed with the other hand.

I make a little surprised noise, my feet shuffling over in a little hop almost as my chest crashes with his.

My eyes snap up to his, mine moving quickly between his as he leans forward ever so slightly, dropping his voice down to a low whisper that causes goosies to spread out every which way across my skin "How's that?"

"Good," I squeak, clearing my throat and sparing a look into the mirror on the make-up table beside us before look back up at him "Yup, that's– uh, that's exactly what I was saying"

He smiles proudly and releases my face, though he doesn't step back or drop his gentle hold on my arm "You sure, the grip– it wasn't too much?"

I shake my head softly, reassuring him immediately "It wasn't too much and you may even need to press your fingers into my cheek more."

That does make him step back slightly away from me "More? Why?"

"Putting more pressure, even just a little bit more, onto my cheeks will make it look like you're gripping onto me harder than you actually are."

"But what if–" he tries to argue and I make a noise to interrupt him, grabbing his hand and guiding him back to my jaw "Just do it– I will stop you if I get uncomfortable, okay?"

"Do we need a safe word?" he questions with a cocky smirk and I don't miss a beat with a smirk of my own as I drop our hands down to my side and quip "Not unless we're bringing out rope or candle wax or something"

"For fucks sake, Adds" he barks out a laugh, moving his humor filled eyes between mine as I defend quickly through my own laugh "You brought it up first!"

"You're the one to switch it over into kinky bondage talk" he counters and I just shrug "Sorry I'm a little inexperienced as to know exactly when a safe word is needed for sexy time experiences or otherwise"

He laughs and clears his throat, reiterating through his smile "Just– just promise me you'll tell me"

Clearing my face of any humor, I nod once "I promise– so come on, grab my face with your big 'ol hand like you mean it"

"I hate you so much" he grumbles and shakes out his hand beside us while I counter "You do not– now, grab my fucking face"

Dylan breathes out a deep breath and looks at me for a moment before he leans closer and starts the scene from when he throws the taser away.

I look away from him after he says Stiles is screaming and Dylan snaps his hand up to grab my face, bringing me even closer to him and whispering "This is going to be an intense scene"

"It is but it's going to look fucking amazing" I counter with a bright smile as he loosens his hold on me and slides his hand up to gently rest against the side of my face.

I feel his thumb move against my cheek and I swallow thickly with the look on his face as he corrects "It's going to be amazing because of your talent with reacting the way you do to everything."

"And because your talent is the one doing everything I need to react to" I counter and he slowly removes his hand from my face, wrapping his fingers around my arm just above my elbow "You think so?"

I snort and smile brightly "Fuck yes I do– we didn't just win Teen Choice TV Chemistry for nothing, Dylio."

Dylan POV

"Pull the trigger, Adds" I murmur lowly, lifting my brows up as I say her name, taunting her with the face I throw towards her.

She responds perfectly, clenching her teeth and all but growling out "Don't call me that"

Encroaching on her tiny frame as I step right up against her, I move even closer towards her face as I grip onto the prop in her hand and throw it away from us.

She stays almost frozen, her eyes not wavering from the windows behind me as I lean forward and run my nose along her soft cheek, chuckling darkly as I come to a stop against her temple "Oooh, Stiles doesn't like me being near you– you should hear him– he's screaming" I groan out just above a whisper next to her ear.

Knowing she's comfortable with me taking this as far up to limit as we should, I grip onto her face when she closes her eyes with my words.

With the front of her chin resting in my palm my fingers grip onto one side of her face, my thumb resting on her jaw as I wrap my other hand around the top of her arm and pull her closer to me.

My grip on her is gentle enough to not actually hurt her, exactly like we practiced earlier so I know she's okay as I bring her even closer towards my face to whisper my next line about her being interesting and everyone scared for themselves or her right now.

She takes a moment before she slowly looks over towards me, connecting her eyes with mine and letting out a shaky breath.

That little bit of a reaction was everything for this scene and I'm fucking blown away by her as my brow twitches and I slightly tilt my head to the side to examine her a little more while I finish the rest of the line about her being terrified for Stiles.

She quickly moves her eyes between us, the movement enough to finally cause the tears that had gathered in her eyes to roll over the brim of her eye.

Just one– one cinematic gold of tear as it falls down her cheek, and I watch it for a second before my thumb that was still resting on her jaw swipes up and catches it.

We weren't expecting her to cry at the moment so we're basically improving these few seconds and, as with the majority of our Void scenes, everyone is letting us.

The second my thumb moves across her cheek, something clears in her eyes and she attempts to jerk away from me– however since I'm still holding onto both her face and her arm I increase my hold on her and pull her into my chest.

Addy lets out a whimper and I think I've taken it too far, however, immediately following the whimper her arm reaches up and she wraps her tiny hand around my wrist... squeezing twice as discreetly as she can and I quickly squeeze her arm back.

Addy is the best person to get to work with in this situation because she doesn't break character. She has a natural talent that cannot be taught to just react when someone does something she was not expecting. Though it helps we're filming a serious scene because she's nine times out of ten also the first to laugh when it's unexpected hilarity– which even then sometimes she can play off with the help of a camera change to not catch her trying to fight off a smile.

Addy wrapping her hand around my wrist signaled for J.R. to continue with the scene and once we hear him cocking the gun we look over to him.

Addy delivers her lines getting his response before Linden responds by pointing his gun towards J.R. and I drop my hand from Addy's face.

We shout out lines from that point and once Addy mutters her lines about this being exactly what he wants we hear "Cut" followed by the second greatest words "That was great guys, we got it– let's get set up for the next one."

As soon as those words register I don't even hesitate to close the gap between us taking three steps before I wrap my arms around Adds.

These scenes, and what I have to say or do to her, have been a lot to deal with this week.

She has reassured me countless times that she's comfortable with me, trusts me to follow through with the ideas we've had for how she should be treated by this character, however, it doesn't make it any less real feeling.

Which is why as soon as we hear the director is happy with the take, however many that may take, I walk over to her and just hug her.

I wrap my arms around her in our own little world where it's just me and her– bringing me back in a sense from the headspace I have to be in to be the bad guy.

It's fun being the bad guy, delving into this dark of character, but I need the calm she brings. The feel of her arms wrapped behind my neck settles the storm and I can breathe again.


Addy POV

We just watched Crystal and Ty film their final scene together, which was her death scene, and my eyes are still fucking leaking tears from how heartbreaking it was to see.

The only thing I'm grateful for is the fact that we just watched that because it makes this scene we're filming now that much easier– my banshee reaction to her dying as I kneel in front of Dylan in the narrow corridor.

Dylan sits down with his back against the wall and I move to sit down in front of him while we wait for the camera to be set up.

He slides his feet across the ground, laying his legs down on either side of me "You ready for this?"

"No" I quickly look over towards him and he tilts his head to the side "Adds–"

"I can't–" I murmur, interrupting him softly "Uh I can't talk or I'll lose it."

"I think that's okay for this scene, Blondie" he whispers, the smile evident in his voice.

I look over at him, smiling sadly with a little nod before I raise my brows once and sniffle softly "Well fine Eugene, I can't talk because you'll cheer me up and I need to be sad right now."

"Fine" he chuckles and reaches over, lacing his fingers with mine as he holds my hand.

I squeeze his hand twice and softly question "Do you have the ear plugs because I'll actually be screaming in this take"

Squeezing my hand three times, he uses our linked hands to pull me closer towards him "I'll be okay"

I try to fight off his pull by setting my free hand on his chest "Dyl–"

"Adds, I'll be okay" he laughs and succeeds in pulling me against him.

Thankfully we're picking up from me lifting my head off of his chest, having placed my ear to his chest to check his breathing in the previous takes.

The marker sign snaps together and I get into the half kneel and crouched position before I lay my head on Dyl's chest, feeling him run his fingers through my hair.

The comforting gesture brings a new round of tears to my eyes as I get in the mindset of Addy being able to feel Allison die for about a minute before 'action' is called.

I wait the five seconds I'm supposed to before I gasp loudly and lift my head off of him as I turn towards the camera and slam my hands on the walls on either side of us.

With everything I have I scream out 'Allison's' name mixed with my scream into the camera and down the small corridor we're in, the sharp pain filled echo bouncing around us.

As soon as the scream dies down my hands slowly fall from the wall and I turn towards Dylan who is sitting against the wall with his eyes closed.

I keep going with my part and an easy sob catches in my throat as I fall forward, setting my forehead into the side of his neck.

He isn't supposed to be conscious for this part of the scene, however, I still feel his arms wrap around me as he pulls me into him more. We sit like that for a few more moments before 'cut' is called, though we don't move right away.

Since I'm still in a half kneel, half crouched position in between his legs, I stay wrapped in his arms against his chest and only move my knees to the side so I can sit down.

Dylan adjusts his arms around me slightly, pulling me more into his chest and silently just sitting with me.

This season has been exceptionally intense and like many of the scenes before this one there was a certain amount of time needed to unwind from what we had to put into the scene.

I smile to myself, gripping onto Dyl's sides a little more as I find the calm I need wrapped in his strong embrace.


Addy POV

We're sitting around the tables set up for our last table read of season 3 and I get situated in my seat in between Dylan and Holland while we continue to read through the scenes.

The whole episode has been such a roller coaster from the beginning scenes to the final battle at the school.

My leg starts bouncing since besides Jeff I'm the only one who knows what's happening in the next and final scene of the episode.

I have actually kept this a secret for the past couple of months and I know the two people sitting on either side of me are going to give me shit for not saying anything to them.

We flip to the next scene and Jeff reads about Addy walking back and forth on the Stilinski's porch and out of the corner of my eye I see Dyl look at the side of my face.

I, however, keep my attention on the paper as Jeff describes Stiles opening the door and Dylan reads my name and we continue with the scene for a few more lines.

I set my elbows on the tables, placing my hands on my temples as my fingers rest across my forehead, not able to look at anyone as I read through the beginning of the biggest scene for our characters.

Once I get to the part where I'm telling Stiles none of us blame him for what Void did– on either side of me I hear "Holy fucking shit" and "No fucking way" as the energy in the room changes.

There's a silence that's simmering with anticipation as everyone seems to be hanging onto our words, waiting patiently for what they've either read ahead and seen or for me to just say what they're hoping I'm going to.

Licking my lips quickly I begin to read the last sentence of my line, and when I say "You are still the Stiles I have been in love with for years" the entire room explodes in cheers so loud you'd have thought we just walked into a room with the fans at comic con.

I laugh with the reaction and slide my hands over my face, moving them over a second later to rest against my right cheek as I turn my head to my left and look at Dylan sitting beside me.

I smile just as big as he is in this moment and not a second later, he raises his brows at me with an accusatory point of his hand in my direction, laughing as he bellows "You little sneak, you fucking knew!"

I make a noise, attempting not to laugh as I do my best to look appalled with the accusation and he just shakes his head at me.

The noise in the room settles down and Jeff stands up from his seat, officially ratting me out "All right, all right before we finish up with the scene I just had to announce that I was not alone in writing this scene. Addy actually helped a lot in making this scene be everything it's going to be and I asked her to keep that a secret since I knew we were taping this table reading and you guys did not disappoint with the reactions."

Holland bumps her shoulder with mine and laughs as she leans in close and whispers "How are you not freaking out more about this?"

I throw her a look, nervously laughing as I shake my head "I've been freaking out for weeks since we were picked up for another season."

Her eyes widen and she quickly moves them over my shoulder in Dylan's direction before she connects her gaze with mine again "Holy shit, you're going to be–"


She laughs– my best friend has the audacity to laugh at me and my panic filled face and I throw her a look "Well thank you for calming my anxiety about how exactly to do all of that– you're the best friend everyone would be lucky to have."

"Oh shush, you know it's going to be just fine" Holl rolls her eyes and Jeff grabs our attention as he announces we need to pick up where we left off and he reads how Stiles snaps his head in my direction and interrupts me by asking what I just said.

We run through my ramble of a few lines with him trying to get me to repeat what I said before he finally yells Adds and I officially confess that I am in love with him.

There's a chorus of awe's from around the room as Jeff describes Stiles interrupting my speech by kissing me and I feel a blush creep up on my cheek as Dylan looks over at me quickly.

We finish our lines before Jeff finishes describing the camera angle zooming out from us sharing one last kiss on the porch and the scene ending as it fades to black and we all clap with wrapping our last table read.

I scrunch my nose up in a slight grimace as I move my eyes around at all of the smiling faces looking at Dylan and I before Ty hitting his hands on the table in an excited manner gains my attention.

I look past Dylan towards him, seeing him beam as he points between us and throws his arms up in a celebration fist pump "They're officially a fucking couple for season 4!"

Dylan POV

We are in the set for the living room layout of the Yukimura house filming our first scene of the last episode of the season.

Addy is walking her marks from the couch over to the side of the room meant to be the dining room while I sit on the couch with Arden.

I hear my name and I make a noise as I look away from Adds, seeing Arden looking at me expectantly.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask and sit forward on the couch a little, giving her my undivided attention since it's apparent that wasn't the first time she called my name to get my attention.

She smiles a little and nods her head to the side indicating Addy "Is she okay? She just seems a little off?"

My eyes move over towards her as I nod "She's nervous for this emotional of a scene"

"How can you tell?" I hear her question, though my eyes don't move from Addy's direction as my lips twitch up into a soft smile and I state "She's pacing."

Action is called and Addy gets up from the couch, walking over towards her mark in the dining room and I wait the two seconds I'm supposed to before I stand up and follow after her.

I deliver my line and she turns around to interrupt me and I'm immediately taken aback by the tears in her eyes, a broken look on her face as she interrupts me with her lines.

She looks absolutely heartbreakingly stunning as she works through the scene and I don't think I will ever not be blown away by her and her talent.

She throws her arms out to her sides, offering a quick humorless laugh as she states how she's who should be to blame for Allison's death.

When we practiced this scene earlier, something was missing and we couldn't figure out what it was. The emotion wasn't coming across for either of us, however, standing in front of her now and hearing her voice crack with those words is like a punch straight to my gut and I know this is going to be the final take.

I don't even have to think about drawing my brows in sadly as I look at her, the tears continuing to fall down her cheeks in a way she hasn't brought to a scene before. These aren't just for the scene– they're real.

Addy hasn't been able to talk about Crystal leaving since she broke the news to her and as she completely captivates me with her words I know she's putting those real feelings of having her friend leave into this scene.

As soon as she finishes her line about being a crap banshee not being able to save the closest thing to a sister she had I don't even think twice as I go off the script and wrap her in my arms.

Much like in the scene when we were in the classroom and she fell into my chest, as soon as she hits my chest she delivers the most heart wrenching sob that slices through the otherwise silent set.

Her arms slide up my back and once they reach my shoulder she bunches my shirt into her fists, croaking out her line about hearing everything else but her name.

I feel myself on the verge of tears with how broken and tiny she sounds as I cradle the back of her head and chime in with my own line "This isn't on you Adds, it's just not. You're okay– I've got you."

Addy POV

Last night we finished filming the final battle at the school and Dylan's final moments as Void. I still get chills thinking about how he delivered his lines about being a thousand years old and not being able to be killed. He crushed it and I'm so proud of everything I got to witness from him as he poured his soul into this half of the season.

Though today we're filming our last scene of the season which is that last scene of the episode and I'm a complete ball of nervous energy.

We have filmed and gotten the take Jeff wanted for when I first arrived at the house, stopping just before I interrupt Stiles to tell him he didn't ask for this and we don't blame him before I admit I've loved him for years.

We were given a ten minute break and I quickly am starting to freak out because while we've been going over the lines all morning we haven't exactly broached the subject of the not one, but two fucking kisses we'll be having in a few minutes.

Dylan walks over and stands next to me while I shake my hands out with the nerves that are just increasing "Hey, you okay?"

I make a noise and try to offer a reassuring look "Yeah– yeah, I'm fine. Just, uh–"

"Overthinking things you shouldn't be overthinking" he fills in easily with a knowing look and I scoff lightly "No I'm– I'm not overthinking anything."

"Adds, you're going to be incredible with this speech"

I'm grateful he only thinks I'm nervous for the speech part and not the lip locking part, so I attempt to smile up at him "Right, yeah no– I'm sure you're right... I just don't want to let anyone down with this moment. It's huge for them– for us and it's been such a long time coming, I don't want it to be underwhelming."

"Well I highly doubt anything you could do would be underwhelming, Blondie" he states easily and I throw him a grateful look "Right back at you, Eugene."

"You only nervous for the speech?" he questions softly and I scoff, laughing a little "Well this will definitely be a different kind of kiss than the last time so I'm a little nervous but I'm trying to remember to just go with it when we're in the moment."

"That's excellent advice– who, may I ask, was the brilliant person who told you that?" He smiles brightly and I roll my eyes at him "There's the cocky Dyl I know"

Jeff announces we're ready and Dylan reaches over, grabbing my hand into his and squeezing three times.

I return with my two squeezes back earning him to wink before he resumes his place leaning against the railing as I stand before him.

Once action is called and I say my line about being in love with him for years Dylan snaps his head in my direction, pushing off from the railing to point at me at the same time as he interrupts asking me what I just said.

I widen my eyes and truly feel connected to Addy as I start to ramble and hope the more words I say will make him forget anything I previously said.

Through my ramblings Dylan attempts to say my name and I'm reminded of a few months ago when he gave me my first kiss– which may or may not have inspired me for this ramble moment when I was writing the scene with Jeff.

As soon as Dylan yells 'Adds' I snap my mouth closed and just look at him, counting down to five in my head like I'm supposed to.

I breathe out deeply and finish the rest of the line that hits a little too close to home as I look in his eyes and tell him I'm in love with him.

Dylan interrupts the line before he's supposed to and as soon as I say 'since' he closes the distance between us in two steps, cupping my cheeks in his hands as he slams his lips onto mine.

I couldn't even help the surprised noise I made if I tried, though I feel like it goes perfectly with the scene. The kiss is full of just feeling his lips against mine and that alone causes me to shiver slightly.

I'm not sure if kissing him will always feel like this but I'm selfishly grateful I will have more opportunities next season to test out this theory.

After the ten seconds we're supposed to wait, I pull back from him with my eyes closed savoring the moment for as long as I can before I open my eyes and deliver the rest of my line.

I feel him increase his hold on the sides of my face as he interrupts on a whisper "I'm in love with you, Adds."

Aaaand I'm officially jealous of my character getting to hear him say those words that I desperately wish were actually coming from Dylan saying them to me and not Stiles to Addy.

He chuckles and we continue through our lines, being so caught up in the telling of how long Stiles has been in love with Addy and not actually Lydia that I'm insanely proud of us in this moment and the way this scene is coming together exactly like I was hoping it would.

We get to the end of the speaking part of the scene and when Dylan says "It's always been you, Adds" the smile on my face is genuine before I push up on my toes and connect my lips to his once more.

Dylan POV

I've only gotten to know what it's like to kiss Addy a few times, but this time feels different. I pull her closer against me and thank whoever decided this got to be what I do with my life right at this moment. Kissing her has never felt more right and I just really wish this scene could go on longer than the twenty or so seconds it's going to end up being.

Once I actually register through my kissing Adds fogged brain that 'cut' was called, I press my lips into her ever so slightly more before I pull away from her and Jeff shouts over from his chair "That was the fucking take!"

Adds smiles so brightly with those words as she squeals excitedly and I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her up, laughing through my own smile that we gave our characters the scene they deserved.

After our own mini celebration I set Adds down, kissing her temple before I pull her into my side.

She sets her hand on my chest as she returns my side hug with her other arm and we look over towards Jeff who continues his shout through the megaphone "That's a wrap on season 3 everyone!"

Everyone cheers and claps in our celebration like we usually do when it's the final scene of the season and my eyes instantly move over to look at Addy's smiling face.

Today I told her I was in love with her and it wasn't an act, it wasn't for the scene or because it was what was written in the script.

When I said those words, I truly meant them... and she has no idea.

I breathe out deeply, mentally solidifying my decision– now I just have to get the courage to say them to her when she knows it was real.

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