I Like My Best Friends Brothe...

By Mahomie4evz

27.7K 84 21

What happens when Kayla and Alexa(Lexi) meet at Teen Hoot, but they don't know each others last names. Kayla... More

Character Profiles
Authors note
Part 2
Part 3
Author's Note
Authors note
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Authors note
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Authors Note
Part 21
end of the story

Part 13

665 0 0
By Mahomie4evz

Alexa's POV

I wake up in the morning feeling like p diddy haha just kidding!! I just woke up... It's the freaking weekend!! Love it! I walk downstairs, into the kitchen and I grab a bag of potato chips. I flop onto the couch and turn on COD. "Really? You didn't ask me to play?" Peyton says. "What? You would lose anyways" I say. "True that" he says flopping on the couch. His phone beeps. He picks up and texts back. "Who ya texting?" I ask. "My girlfriend" he says. "Cool cool" I say. "Yeah. Love her" he says. "Me too" I say. I hear my phone ring from upstairs. "Oh shiz" I say pausing the game and putting the controller down. "Do not touch the controller" I say to Peyton. "Ok geez I wasn't going to" he says. "Ok good" I say running upstairs. "Hello Baby" I say. "Hey Cutie. What's up?" Austin asks. "Oh nothing just playing video games" I say. "With Peyton?" He asks. "Of course not... I'll beat him in the first round" I say. "Haha. That's my girl" he says. "Yup!" I say. Austin whispers something. "Hey babe I got to go bye love you" he says quickly hanging up. "What the?" I say. I walk back down and I see Peyton playing. "Really bro?" I say. "What?" He says. "Ok if you really want to play.. It's on" I say getting another controller. "Get at me" he says.


"Haha I won....... 699,783 points, 1726 kills and you have 593,827 and 973 kills" I say. "Haha I let you win" he says. "Uh huh" I say. "Ok fine you beat me fair and square... Who taught you how to play?" He asks. "You" I say. "Play again and I'm sure ill beat you" he says. "Really now?" I say. "Really?" He asks. "Really" I say start another game.

-30 minutes later-

"I win" I say. "Well" he says. I laugh and cheer. He checks the time. "Oh shiz. I need to go... Run some errands" he says. "Umm ok?" I say. He leaves and drives off. "He never runs errands" I say to myself. I start another game online. I put my headset on. "Hello boys" I say. "Aye Lexa!" A teammate says. "Hey Michael!! " I say. "Lexa! Ready to win?" Says @CODBoy1. "Heck yeah! Well if course I'm on your team" I say. "True true" he says. "Yup!" I say.

-once the round starts-

"Let's do this!!" I say. "Heck yeah" a boy says. "Boom! You out!" I say. "Wait wait @CODBeast is a girl?!" A player from the other team says. "Yes I am! You got a problem?!" I say shooting him. "I bet he did" I say.

-15 mins later-

I go to the gym. "Hey girlie!" Kylie says. "Hey!" I say. "Pepper??" She asks. "Yes!!" I say grabbing a ball. We start passing, setting, and down balling.

-5 minutes later-

The coach blows the whistle. We all run into a huddle. "We are gonna do some run throughs! Call the ball!" She says. We all get in a line and start running through the ball.

-After practice-

"Lexa!" Alyssa says. "Lyssa!" I mimic. "I'm so excited for Nationals!!!" She says. "I know right!!" I say. "I'm just so happy!" She says. "Me too!" I say. "Lexa!!" My sister Amelia yells. "Coming!" I say. "Bye Lexa" Alyssa says. "Bye Aly" I say. I walk to the car and I buckle up. "How's practice?" She asks. "Great!" I say.

-In our driveway-

I close the door. "I'm so sweaty!" I say. "Well then take a shower" she says. "Well" I say. I walk through the door. "Hey Peyton" I say. "Hey Lex" he says. "Hey" I say. "Imma show you something in your room" he says. "Um ok" I say. We walk up to my room and see.... I scream. I run up to Austin and Kayla!! "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I wanted to surprise you for my birthday, so I came down here. Plus Austin really missed you so he came with me" Kayla says. "Well I'm glad that you did. Because I was just thinking about coming to Texas for your birthday" I say. "Well now you don't have to. And I was missing Peyton, so I just decided to come down here. Where are your other sisters?" Kayla says. "I'll bring ya to them" I say. We walk downstairs. "Hey Girlies" she says. "Hey!" They say. "Hey. What's up?" Kayla asks. They talk for a little bit. "Hey let's go back to Peyton's room" I say. "Ok" she says. We walk right to the door. Until we feel they boys picking us up and throwing us onto their shoulders. I squeal. "Austin!" I say. "Lexa!" He mimics. They set us onto the couch. Peyton tweets out that we are going to have a ustream. Yee! "I still can't believe you here Austin" I say. "I know but I came for you" he says. "Aww" I say. He pecks my cheek. The ustream starts. "Hey guys, my guests today are Austin Mahone, Chase Barbaree, my sister Alexa, and my girlfriend Kayla" Peyton says. " Hey!" The fans says," "OMG IT'S AUSTIN MAHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Do you guys think we should do the cinnamon challenge?" Peyton asks. "YES!!!!" The fans say. "Ok, I'll be right back with the cinnamon" he says. "Yes, you're not gonna be sitting on me anymore" Kayla says. "Chase will you sit on her?" Peyton asks. " I'm not gonna sit on her" Chase says. "I'll sit on both" Austin says. "You sit on me, I'll tell them something really embarrassing about you" Kayla says. "You know maybe we should just not sit on them anymore" Austin says. "Then GET OFF OF ME!!!" I say pushing him off. Me and Kayla start reading the comments. We smile. Peyton gets the cinnamon and we all go outside. "I can't believe we area doing this" Peyton says. "You guys are gonna go down" I say. "Yeah right, I know that us guys are gonna win because we can handle heat much better" Austin says. Kayla looks at the webcam. "I know that the girls are gonna win. Who do you guys think are gonna win?" Kayla asks. Most of the comments say the girls are gonna win. "I'm glad that you guys think that because I know that we are" Kayla says. Everyone grabs their spoon of cinnamon and they put the cinnamon in their mouths, Chase is the first one out, then Austin tries to shallow it but, he ends up coughing it up. Awe Austin. Then it's just down to Me, Kayla, and Peyton, but Peyton is the next one out. Kayla and I end up shallowing the cinnamon. I clap. " Told you guys you couldn't do it" Kayla says. "I guess that you were right. What do you guys want as a prize?" Peyton asks. " Well first of all, I know that you know that Austin made me sing on stage at Teen Hoot one year, I kind of wanted to make a YouTube, but I need the courage to actually make one" Kayla says. "Well then, why don't you sing for the psanderettes and then they will tell you what to do" Peyton says. "I can't, I don't have the courage to" Kayla says. "Come on Kayla I've heard you sing before you are really good, just do it" I say. Kayla sings and Peyton raps. They comments say she really good. I TOLD HER SO! We end the ustream. "So what do you guys wanna do?" Peyton asks. "Isn't mom ordering pizza?" I ask. "Yeah, do you know did she want me to go get it?" Peyton says. "I think she did. Chase are you staying the night?" I ask. "Where would I sleep? Austin is staying in the guest bedroom" Chase says. "There is always the couch in my room" Peyton says. "Kayla would you be alright with me sleeping in Peyton's room with you two?" chase asks. "I wouldn't mind. Pey, I'm gonna go talk to your mom. I'll be right back." Kayla says. "Okie. I wanna play some video games" I say. Peyton and Austin whisper something to each other and then they look at me evilly. They run past me and into the living room. "No!" I say. They play COD. And on my account! No! They're making me lose!

-5 minutes Later-

"You're welcome Lexa" Peyton says. "Haha thanks" i say sarcastically. "Im sorry Babe i had to" Austin says. "Its okie" I say. He smiles. "Peyton give me the controller I need to get to #1 again" i say grabbing the controller. I start playing. "10th" i say. This is gonna be a long night.

Thanks guys!!

-Lexie <3 Follow me Instagram!

@Lexa_Elizabeth_ I follow back!

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