Love At First Roll

By Crasieiness

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What do you do when you clash both wheels and heart with someone you don't know? You stay away. And that's ex... More

Love At First Roll - REWRITTEN
Boiling Blood - REWRITTEN
Collision - REWRITTEN
Teases and Silent Stares - REWRITTEN
'Open when...' REWRITTEN
Nice Cars and Adrenaline - REWRITTEN
First Impressions - RETWRITTEN
Is The Best-Friend Better? - REWRITTEN
Trouble - Rewritten
Hardly A Cliché Date - Rewritten
I'm the Mistress - Rewritten
She's the Mistress - Rewritten
Jealousy Is A Monster - Rewritten
I Promise... Rewritten
Make or Break - Rewritten
Drowning Sorrows - Rewritten
Consequences - Rewritten
Exposed - Rewritten
Getting Shit Done - Rewritten
Reunions- Rewritten
STDS. Use Them To Your Advantage... Rewritten
Prune Juice Is Not The Way Forward - Rewritten
Mothers, Proposals and New Jobs - Rewritten
Dinner Parties - Rewritten
Semi-Finals - Rewritten
Making Changes - Rewritten
Knocked Up - Rewritten
Additions - Rewritten
Needing the Tragedy - Rewritten
Carpe Diem - Rewritten
Sympathy to Empathy - Rewritten
Becoming a Hylton - Rewritten

Epilogue - Rewritten

55 3 0
By Crasieiness

So this is the last chapter of this story and I'm actually so sad for it to be ending. I wanted to say a big thank-you to my amazing friends Char, Gabs and Veron who have helped me and supported me through this whole story and although not alot of people are reading it, I could count on them to read every single chapter and their constructive comments. 

I will be going back on every chapter and editing it slowly when ever I have time. 

Thank you so much if you have been reading this.

I wish you an amazing New Year,


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 



“Baby please get Kai ready, I’ve put his clothes out on his bed.”  I screamed across the hall. It was Christmas Day and it was being hosted at our house this year. Each year we would take it in turns and it just so happened it was at ours this year. I had my parents coming round for dinner later and the parents of everyone else. Although I had helpers offered, I wanted to do this alone, although we hired waitresses to serve later on. Unlike most people, we decided to serve breakfast first, open presents together then have dinner in the evening.

I’d prepared everything and everything was ready. I just had to get ready and get Kai ready. I guess, that was one thing ticked off my list. The guys had come round yesterday to everybody’s presents round here so we could open them together so the living room was packed. I quickly checked the time and realised everybody would be here in less than an hour. I quickly slipped on the red dress I had received as an early present from the person I loved more than anything and the black Louboutins’ that went along with it perfectly. I had straightened my hair and braided the front and applied make-up, before I checked Kai’s room. It was empty so I guess father and son was raiding the breakfast downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to find exactly that. Kai, sitting on the breakfast bar with a sausage in his hand and his father next to him with a croissant, which I specifically said, don’t touch the food yet. His hair was all styled and he was wearing a beautiful black button down shirt with denim jeans, his looks never did fade. He was as beautiful as ever, the same guy I fell in love with years ago and my son, our son, dark brown hair like his father, dressed exactly like him too. White shirt which I said wasn’t a good idea, that’s going to get stained before twelve o’clock.

“Boys, I’m sure I said stay out of the kitchen until everyone arrives.” I say, giving them both a stern look but I’m cut short by the bell.

“Oh look, saved by the bell. Maybe next time baby-girl.” He said, kissing my forehead and walking towards the door. I

“Kai, come on please. Everybody’s here. I think Sierra might be here too.” I winked, taking his hand and leading him into the foyer where everybody was greeting each other. I grinned and hugged everybody, including all the kids.

“Aana, you look beautiful as ever.” Jake laughed, pulling me into a hug.

“Always the charmer Jake.” I reply, smiling. I lead him into the kitchen where everybody else is mingling. Everybody looks deep in conversation and food which meant so far its fine. I find the girls in the corner and go and join them, making sure to pick up a pastry on the way.

“Merry Christmas girls.” I grinned.

“Aana, this is all amazing, you didn’t take Joe up on the waitresses and chef then?” Gabs asked.

“Nope, I cooked everything but I’ve got waitresses for later to serve.” I said. “So spill the beans, how are you and Jake?” I ask Veronica, with a wide smirk upon my face.

“Things are amazing, we’ve just brought an apartment for together, put the deposit down yesterday.” She said. I was so happy for everybody, in six years, so much changed. Unfortunately, me and Andres broke up. It wasn’t a bad break up. We both decided it was for the best, especially when Joe continued to fight for me since the night of Nate and Lottie’s wedding. It turns out his girlfriend was just an actress and he was still in love with me, as I was with him. After months and months of proving himself, one night he pulled out a ring. I said yes, after a week of leaving him hanging.  A few months after the break up with Andres, I moved back to London and got a transfer from Spain to here, which was all over brilliant. So we got married that year, I also got pregnant with Kai that year, it was quick but he’s worth it. I moved in permanently with Joe, since then it’s been an all over high. Ron was still with Jake, since the wedding and still growing strong, the only couple who haven’t tied the knot yet. Gabs and Mark had Ashton who was now six and two years later she had another boy, Cameron. Lottie and Nate had Aiden who was now eleven and although wasn’t biologically Lottie’s, he was treated like he was. When he turned ten, Nate asked if he wanted to see Neelah but he refused. Around the same time as me, Lottie had a little girl, the only girl of all of them which meant she was constantly in the limelight. Kai already had his eyes on Sierra. She was beautiful; she had dirty blonde hair like Nate and Lottie’s bright blue eyes.

“So what’s the schedule for today?” Lottie asked.

“So I thought we would all have breakfast, which is done I think. Then we’ll open presents and watch a few movies until dinner. I have the waitresses coming at six along with a bartender to do cocktails. Then we’ll just chill, I guess.” I responded.

“Oi Aana, Joe, you better keep your son away from my princess.” Nate hollered, giving me a disapproving look. I could already tell that Nate would be protective of her. She was a typical daddy’s girl. I feel sorry for any future boy-friends. They have to deal with Aiden, Nate and the other guys. I smirked and stuck the finger up at him.

“Aana, you know you’re looking abit rounded.” Gabs said, staring at my stomach intently.

“Are you calling me fat Gabriella?” I asked, raising a brow at her.

“No, I’m calling you pregnant.” She said, with a smirk approaching on to her face. When I didn’t answer, she almost jumped on but I quickly walked away and busied myself with another Latte.


“She’s so pregnant.” I muttered, smiling up at the girls.

“Now you say it, she has been eating a lot and the past few weeks she hasn’t been drinking.” Lottie said, watching Aana open a packet of peanuts.

“Anyway, have you heard? Lily-Rose got with Chris and Lauren is engaged with Sean.” I said, scowling.

“I’m just glad they’re not still bothering us. Wasn’t Chris with Rihana?”

“No Ron, Chris broke up with her after she pulled the bloody trigger. Talking of Rihana, I saw her the other day but she had to walk the other way because of the restraining order.”  Lottie answered. After the shooting, they managed to track down Rihana and she got arrested. The case was taken to court and as much as I didn’t want to because I felt bad for her, I had to testify against her in court. In the end, she was given community service for three years, a tag which she had to wear for three years and a restraining order from all of us. It could have been a lot worse, seeing as the gun was illegal, she shot it and Lottie got hurt. Manslaughter they were going for, but together we decided she wasn’t worth it, she was going through a hard time and more than anything she needed help. Psychological help. From there Aana went back to university to study Psychology, the first year she got back to London. We were all in secure jobs now and earning money, not that we had to. Mark and the boys were still very much involved with basketball. A few years ago, a new surgery was introduced. A surgery which would permanently fix the prosthetic leg. At first he thought that would jeopardise his career. Sure the Paralympics wouldn’t be something he would be able to partake in but he could still play in the minor games. It was a tough decision, a decision that all of the boys were facing. And they did, together. They didn’t want to give up the games, and we supported that. The surgery was always there but for now, it’s something that they wanted to avoid.

“Guys, if you’re ready, shall we open presents now?” Aana asked, from the doorway. Everybody mumbled a yes and followed her into the living room. I adored their house, inside was a red and white theme and in such a grand room, it suited amazingly. The white tree stood in the corner, decorated to the max with fairy lights lining the corners of the room. The red sofas had been moved back against the wall so there was more space on the floor. Luckily for us, they had carpet inside and the fire was on full speed, making the room cosy and warm. Winter was among us and especially in England, it was freezing. I slipped off my shoes and lead the rest of the children inside. Aana made all of the children sit in a line beside the tree and made the guys dress up as elves, to hand out the presents from under the tree. It was amazing watching the children squeal over the bigger presents. With some of the richest men in London as fathers, what did they expect?

“Hey Mummy, here’s your present.” Mark grinned, handing me a small present. I looked up at him curiously and teared off the paper along with the kids. I grinned as I pulled out the small plant and lifted it over my head, with a huge smirk upon my lips, which soon enough smacked with Mark’s as we came together.

“Ew Mummy’s giving Daddy cooties.” Ashton screamed, causing everyone to look up.

“Yeah Mummy, stop spreading your cooties.” Aana grinned, taking the mistletoe off me and holding it above her head, and trying to seductively call Joe over. It didn’t take him long to hop over the presents and the tonnes of paper scattered around. He jumped straight on to Aana, causing her to fall back on the sofa and left him straddling her. They were in hysterics in seconds but it soon came to a halt when they began going at it on the sofa, in front of everybody. I coughed loudly so they would realise they had quite the audience.

“Daddy is Mummy giving you cooties? Don’t worry, I’ll help.” Kai said, jumping up with his new Iron Man gloves which apparently ‘get rids of the baddies’. They had now stopped their kissing and was trying to get Kai off of them.

“Kai, please get off Mummy. Mummy wasn’t giving Daddy cooties. You’ll learn that when you’re abit older you little chicken.” Aana cooed, squashed under Joe and Kai. “Joe, I swear to freaking god, you get off me right now or you’re not getting any tonight.” She finished, giving him a stern look. In a matter of seconds he put his hands up and climbed off of her, walking back to the tree.

“Ok, Kai this one’s yours from Nate and Lottie. And Sierra, this one’s yours from me and Aana.” Joe shouted, continuing to throw presents out. “Aana this is from me but open that later and this one’s for Gabs from Mark. I assume you should open that later too.” He finished with a smirk. “Aiden, this is yours from me and Aana, your Dad might kill me though mate, so I’m blaming Auntie Aana beforehand.” Joe grinned, shooting Nate a smirk. I watched Aiden hoping it wasn’t condoms because Nate would kill them and I don’t doubt they would. Aiden tore off the paper to reveal the brand new IPhone box.

“No way! No freaking way. Auntie Aana, I love you so much!” Aiden screamed, hugging Aana and then high-fiving Joe.

“Aana I’m going to kill you. He’s 11.” Lottie scowled.

“Everyone his age has one, silly. I’ll give him an internet safety presentation if you’re that worried.” Aana replied.

When everybody had finished opening their presents, there was mounts of discarded paper scattered around in big piles. Aana was walking around trying to collect it all with the help of Lottie and Ron. It was around three o’clock when we had tidied everything away and all the kids were dotted around the room waiting for the film to start. As it was Christmas, it was only right that we would watch Elf. One of the best movies of all time. Aana was walking around with a big bottle of wine and topping everybody up and Lottie was doing the same but with the kids and cartons of juice. When everybody was sat down, Aana stood up and picked up a small box of the fireplace and handed it to Joe.

“Merry Christmas.” She said, and handed him the box. He looked up at her and gave her a questioning look but her facial expression didn’t give anything away. He lifted the lid off of the box and his jaw dropped. We all watched his reaction, especially Aana. But none of us knew what it actually was. He jumped up and smacked lips with Aana once again.

“I love you so much baby.” He said, looking at her with so much love.

“So guys, I’m pregnant.” Aana announced, with her arm around Joe’s waist. We all congratulated them and Aana brought a few bottles of champagne in. “Kai, sweetie, Mummy’s got a little baby in her tummy. You’re going to have a little baby brother or sister.” She finished, kissing Kai on the forehead.


“So Aana, you’re pregnant with my son’s second baby.” Mrs Luxton, Joe’s mother said, sipping at her wine. Honestly, this woman got on my last nerve and I could tell Aana was getting annoyed too. Aana politely nodded and picked up her glass of juice. Aana wanted Joe’s Mum as far as way as possible. Even on their wedding day she tried her best to avoid her. It was funny because Mrs Luxton started crying when they said their vows, Aana hugged her and she replied “I’m crying for him with sadness not joy.” I laughed for a good hour at Aana’s disappointment of still not having the mother in law’s blessing. The wedding was hard to say the least with his mother complaining about everything. She even emotional black mailed Aana to wear her old dress which was so ugly, even I protested. Turns out she just brought the ugliest one she could find as a ‘test’. Aana was pissed and so was Joe but of course the bitchy mother in-law was completely normal. Gabs is the only one with an amazing mother in law. Mark’s Mum was so amazing and lovely; it was only Chloe, Mark’s sister who Gabs had to deal with. Talk of the devil, she was sat opposite me attempting to play footsie with Nate and she’s been giving him those seductive eyes all night. I’ve had at least three glasses of wine and two strong cocktails just to deal with her.

“Let’s hope this child turns out more like Joe, than you. Especially if it’s a girl, we don’t want her interests to be set upon boys, like the mother of course.” Mrs Luxton finished. I could see Aana’s parents getting annoyed and ready to blow but Aana had already warned them and told them to keep their cool around Joe’s Mother.

“If I wanted my daughter to go after anyone, it would be her Mother. Her successful, beautiful and amazing Mother. And if her interests were to be set upon boys, she would have gone after you. This is your third marriage, right?” Joe shot back, giving his Mum a scowl. I stifled a laugh, the same as Gabby and Ron but luckily the conversation was swiftly changed but unfortunately it was by Chloe.

“So Nate, how are you? Still going to the gym right?” Chloe grinned. Did this bitch seriously think he was going to follow up on her continuous bloody offers? He had two children for god’s sake.

“No he’s not, because he’s at home looking after our children.” I said, adding emphasis on ‘our’.

“Talking of children, Aiden isn’t actually yours is he?” Mrs.Luxton asked, which grabbed the attention of everybody, including Aiden. As much as I wanted to slap her I knew I had to keep my cool but what witch does that to a little boy?

“Aiden is not biologically mine, but that doesn’t matter. He’s my son, he is everything to me and there is no difference between him and Sierra. You see Mrs.Luxton, to be a Mother you need to care, love and protect the child with everything. That doesn’t always mean sharing the same blood.” I said, smiling at Aiden whilst saying every word.

“You know you’re perfect.” Nate whispered to me, grabbing my hand underneath the table.

“So I want to make a toast, I want to make a toast firstly to Mark and Gabby. Nearly thirteen years ago when we were only fifteen, we met Mark. At the time it was such a big joke, we thought nothing would happen, we knew there was something in the air that day, the day we rolled around that hall, the day Mark clashed with Gabby, wheels and heart. We were young, what were we to know about love? All we had experienced of love was a few Nicholas Sparks movies and the odd Romance book. Being that age and being new to the concept of love, we ignored it after a few months. Of course we teased her, of course we thought Mark was slightly perverted and a complete idiot but sat here now, we know otherwise. My next toast is to new beginnings and new opportunities. Every day is a new beginning; every new beginning brings a new opportunity. Nearly seven years ago, we were brought into a whole new world, faced with love, boys and fame. At the time it was turning out to be more of a nightmare than a dream. What we didn’t see at the time, was that was a new opportunity. Not to mention a new beginning, a new beginning that has brought us beautiful new creations, for me, Kai. These children, our children will one day face the problems we did but hopefully with our expertise they’ll see it in the most optimistic way. The only people I have to thank for these new beginnings is you boys, Mark, Nate and Joe. You’ve all changed our lives in ways we didn’t know existed. Not only are you perfect husbands but perfect friends. We’ve learnt so much, so many lessons and we’ve all achieved so much, been through so much. We’ve been in the tabloids, we’ve been through heartbreak, and of course we’ve been through our fair share of hangovers. But it’s all been part of a great journey. A journey of friendship, relationships and love. So thank you, girls, firstly for staying with me on this journey and thank you boys, for making the final destination for our journey. So please raise your glasses to us, to love.”


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