By TMSaunders

27.7K 1.3K 78

"Come on, just have a taste. I promise you'll love it." His eyes daring me to move closer for a taste. My hes... More



1K 59 2
By TMSaunders

N I C O L E      P O V

Gage had been invited to a VIP gathering. He asked if I would attend so here I am stood looking in the mirror at the tight gown clinging to my body. Boy it is tight hanging perfectly just touching the floor. Tilting my body to the side to check myself out Gage slaps my ass. "Nicole, You will be staying at my side all night".Glancing at him shaking my head stare back in the mirror this dress is beautiful red silk which does up around my neck. Slip heels on pick up my clutch bag ready to leave. "You are missing something". Gage steps towards me taking a long jewellery box from his pocket opening it to show me a diamond studded necklace glittering with the light.

"Gage". My surprised tone makes him smile.

"Only the best for my girl". He replies putting this beautiful piece of jewellery around my neck. Kissing my shoulder he takes my hand we leave to get in the limo. Gage is in his tux looking amazing with his muscles clearly on display, his tux fits him perfectly but, when his arms bend his muscles tense showing off his beautiful asset underneath his clothes. Any girl would fall for him with the way he uses his charm with his WORDS OF PERSUASION. This is a guy that knows what he wants and does not play well with others.

Arriving at a lavish house just like Gage's thinking how the hell do these people earn their money to live in houses like this. The limo halts door opens Gage steps out doing his jacket up scans around him and reaches his hand to me gentle helping me out from the car. He glances around again pulls me tight to him kissing me by my ear softly whispering. "You look beautiful. Stay close there just happens to be some of my enemies here". Taking my hand we walk towards the steps to this grand house. 

Well, you know me I have to look around which distracts me from Gage. He is talking to some people as we enter the building while I am still in aww looking at my surroundings. "Nicole, mind what I said about my enemies being here". Look back up at him with a smile we head to the bar. Gage had brandy neat I have a glass of wine. He is still looking around while sipping his drink. Taking a sip of the wine I screw my face up spit it back in the glass.

"What a vile taste". My words a little louder than I wanted them to be. He takes the glass from my hand places it on the bar tilts my chin his lips curl forming a sweet smile.

"On second thoughts I will get you a soft drink". Turns to the bar to order me a soft drink. My eyes scan around seeing woman all dressed up in beautiful gowns and the men all in a tux. It looked amazing seeing so many people dressed up. 

He hands me a glass placing his hand on the small of my back so we could step over to the side of this huge room that is filled with people. Gage's face changes shape when he looks directly in front of him. He leans into me placing his warm lips by my ear. "Stay very close". His tone puts the fear of god in me. Not wanting to move even though I needed the bathroom my heart beats fast.

"Gage, why come if you know your enemies are here?". The curious side is coming out.

"I will not hide away from my enemies, standing here showing them I do not fear them". I smirked sip my drink then rested against the wall.  Gage places his hand around my waist gentle holding me begging me not to move which is hard for me.

"I need the bathroom". He takes my hand escorts me to the bathroom. Step into the ladies placing my glass down checking my hair. Glancing at myself in the mirror not taking much notice of the woman around me then feeling a pin prick in my arm. Losing my balance my eyes close.


G A G E    P O V

Nicole had been in the bathroom a while when opening the door, to find she had gone. My heart beating fast I panicked looking everywhere for her. Then feeling a tap on my shoulder. "Mr Fritz would like a word". A guy informs me. Following him to a room where there are two guards standing by the door one of them opens the door. On entering the room seeing Mr Fritz sitting behind his desk.

"Take a seat Gage". He demands.

"I would prefer to stand". My words are harsh. He shakes his head pushes a button on his desk to reveal Nicole through a two-way mirror. She is tied to a chair with her head slumped forward. My reaction is to lunge at this guy which does not help me. His bodyguards grab me holding me back.

"Let her go. I am fucking warning you". Looking over at Nicole her head starts to move frantically. 

"Gage. You should know how I do business"He laughs nods then I see Nicole's eyes open wide looking down at the floor.

"Take me in her place". Pleading with him but he laughs. "Let the girl go she means nothing to me. She is one of my prostitutes". I had to think quick or he would have done the unthinkable to her. He nods to his men who force me to sit on a chair.

"So, she means nothing to you?". He smiles stands walks towards me leaning down. "We will see if this girl means nothing to you". He whispers laughs uncontrollably gets his men to tie me to the chair then places me in the same room with Nicole. Sitting opposite her she is frantic looking around. The guards leave and so does Mr Fritz.

"Nicole. Nicole". Trying to get her attention to look at me.

"Gage what the hell is happening?". Tears fall down her cheeks. Looking around to see where the men had gone no one in sight.

"Nicole, you need to look at me". Begging her to look at me but she is still frantically looking all over the floor. "NICOLE". She finally looks at me. "We will get out of here". She rolls her eyes shaking her head.

"How sure are you?". She looks at the door. I am not sure, but I do not want to scare her any more than she is.

"I need you to focus". Telling her what I wanted never works, she never listens to me.

"Gage, something is crawling up my back". Her frantic words piercing through my body. Staring at her seeing a deadly spider crawling up over her shoulder. My eyes like saucers trying to stay calm.

"Babe, look at me. Do not under any circumstances move suddenly". Her eyes go wide seeing the fear is making my heartbeat faster. My hands tugging at the ropes around my wrists that are tied to the chair. Finally getting one hand lose rushing to get my other hand lose Nicole lets out a scream. Rushing over to her side flicking the huge spider off her checking her over making sure it did not bite her. Quickly untying her she slaps me. "What the hell is that for?". Rubbing my cheek looking down at her.

"You took too long". Smirking kissing her. "Now what do we do?". She steps towards the door trying to open it but it does not budge. Scan the room to find a way out looking at the two way window picking up the chair smashing it against the glass it took three attempts before the glass shattered into pieces. 

Grab Nicole's hand gently lifting her through the opening making our way to the other door. Kissing her on the cheek opening the door slightly just to peer out making sure no one is there. But there are two guards. Closing the door back up quietly turning to face Nicole.

"I need you to do something for me?". She stares at me folding her arms. "Nicole, it is the only way we can get out of here". She rolls her eyes.

"What have I got to do?". She did not sound happy at all.

"I need you to distract both guards so I can make my move". Not having chance to finish she butts in.

"Are you fucking serious right now?. My god Gage they are trying to kill us. Not to mention I had a fucking spider on me. I repeat a spider". She shakes her body rubs her arms. "I am sure you are insane. What the hell would I do?". Grab her kiss her to shut her up. She shakes her head.

"Just distract them". She steps to the door while I hide behind it. Shaking her head she rips her dress up to the top of her thigh rub my face shake my head that she did such a thing. Opening the door quietly the guards turn to her.

"I need help. Gage left me all alone". She is putting her innocent act on while showing the top of her thigh which is not what I wanted her to do. But she is working her magic the guards rush in where I snatch a gun shoot one guy grab Nicole out the line of fire then shoot the other. 

Kissing her sweet lips we leave only to be face to face with Mr fritz again. Nicole shakes her head she starts to ramble on like she does talking shit which gives me the all clear to take him down. Job done now to leave. Grab her hand not even stopping for anyone or anything we get in the limo head home. 

Now my men will have some fun in sorting out Mr Fritz's men. The journey home is quiet when the car pulls outside the house Nicole gets out walks up the steps I am not far behind her. Soon as we step into the house she hits me again. "You put me in danger, how could you". She is now yelling at me. 

Trying to get a word in which she is not allowing me too. "Anything could have happened to me. They could have killed me and where was you?". The more she rants on the more my blood is boiling. "That man is the devil just like you. How could you Gage? How could you do that to me?". Stepping towards her taking her hand gently pulling her into my embrace locking my arms around her.

"Nicole, I would never let anything happen to you. Sorry this happened to you but, you know who I am and what my business is all about so please do not act so goddamn innocent". Maybe the wrong thing to say.

"Innocent. My god Gage you are the Devil himself with what you do. And you are sorry it happened to me. I am sorry I ever met you". She storms up the stairs slamming the bedroom door behind her. I walk into the lounge to get a drink thinking about what she said. She is sorry she met me. 

Poor little Nicole, sipping my drink rest on the sofa kick my shoes off swinging my legs up laid straight looking up at the ceiling. If I had not met her none of this would have happened. That goddamn woman drives me fucking crazy. I should never have got involved with her four months, four fucking months we have been going steady and still she makes me irate but also gives me the warmest shiver when she touches me. 

We both would have been better if we did not meet each other. Finishing my drink placing the glass on the table taking my jacket off plus tie. Undoing my shirt placing my clothes over the back of the sofa grab a pillow to put behind my head. Place my head on the pillow one arm over my eyes trying to sleep. Feeling a small hand move my arm that is across my body not looking knowing it is Nicole pull her tight to my side and fall asleep.








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