Voltron Vigilantes (Kidge)

By VoltronMoon

1K 51 16

!Discontinued! VOLTRON - Vigilantes who hunt down criminals that hide in the shadows ensconced in the dark wo... More

Code Mission: 2
Mission Code: 3
Mission Code: 4
Mission Code: 5
Mission Code: 6
Mission Code: 7
Mission Code: 8
Mission Code: 9

Mission code: 1

437 9 2
By VoltronMoon



Side Note - when you see a couple dots it means its moved to another clip of the story. It be ".." On their on and then the new clip will start. Do you still call the next part of writing a clip or is there another word for it?

"Bye Sis, the next time we meet I'll be a brilliantly leader who brings peace to all. I'll make it so no one needs to cry again, just make sure your there when that day comes" He smiled brightly as he stood in the doorway, a hand ruffling threw her hair as his eyes shined with promise and brotherly love. 

"I'll be waiting, I know you'll be the greatest hero ever that the world never knew they needed till now" She smiled softly, her eyes shining with sisterly love and pride as she looked to him. 

If she knew it would be the last time she would ever see him, she would have made sure to let go of him and beg him to stay to forget his dream.

But she didn't and now she was alone. 


Voltron ... Vigilantes who hunt down criminals that hide in the shadows ensconced in the dark world. They are devoted to putting an end to those who have skilfully evaded the arms of justice.

These brave women and men give up their own futures to save the world without ever being known.

Just a single name to represent what company they worked under .. the name of their new forever family. 


(Cue awesome badass theme song and intro ... Nah, I'm just messing)

Galran Academy a school cut of from Japan, a school on its own island with a single long road connecting it to the rest of Japan. An academy ran mostly by a single class of students and a single second head master, the main head master face unknown and never seen, they only call to pass on orders. 

An academy where each student has the chance to become a future leader one day, toughed almost brain washed into becoming the needed future leaders one day. 

Four classes are known, ,

Class A - Students who will one day become police, security guards and soldiers. 

Class B - Basic students, this class will hold every other student in the school who are trying to move up to Class S in hopes to be the main future leaders of countries or the world. They will be numbed up to four classes of B class for the four different year groups.

Class C - Unknown, the class is rumoured and no information has been added to public records. 

Class S - Class S, the most powerful and brightest students are in this single class for all four ages of the school year. These students hold the most power within the school, they control the students and run the school themselves as they stand beside the second head teacher. Even teachers are lowered ranked then anyone in Class S. They are the rulers of Galran Academy and everyone dreams to be in the school in hope to hold so much power once they leave school. 

For now, our story starts with a suicide , one that happened before two new students while every other person around them just kept walking leaving the poor boy to jump from the roof. 

One of the two new students tried to reason with the boy in his first year, trying to stop him from jumping while the second new student ran up ahead hoping to reach the roof in time. 

But neither worked, the boy jumped and crashed into the path, his blood staining the grey concrete.

No one else tried to stop him, they just said "If he wants to die, let him" or "He worthless anyway" or "Now we have less competition if he jumps" Before they kept on walking towards their class. 

The second new student stood on the roof, his eyes glancing down to the blur of the boy body, watching as students dressed in a lighter purple unifrom instead of the dark purple unifrom came and took the body away without a word. 

The first new student following to stay with the decreased boy and answer any questions needed over the suicide.


"In the history, you will always find a war started by the human race. No matter how much we grow and become better people, we'll always be fast to start a war. Should a leader be more concerned over a war or his people .." Mr Shirogane spoke as he walked back and forward at the front of the class teaching, his own desk pushed in the front right corner barely touched today.

He was a tall man with a muscle body and pale skin showing his Japanese bloodline. Smooth black hair with a white fluffy tuff that was comb back during his hours of teaching. A pink scar over his nose and a right prosthetic hidden by his shirt long sleeves and teaching jacket. Brown leather gloves on both his hands to help hide his prosthetic while giving an respectable teacher vibe as fake rectangle glasses sat on the tip of his nose. He is twenty two years old and started working at Galran Academy last month. 

A single knock caught his attention and he turned to see an unfamiliar student standing outside before waving him in. 

"Sorry I'm late, I was with the deceased student" The student weakly spoke as he lowered his head, closing the door behind him before walking over to the teacher. His dark purple unifrom neat and tidy like any other student since a great punishment would be given to any with messy unifrom. 

He was tall and thin with light tan while his voice gave his Cuba accent. He had chocolate brown hair styled slightly to seem younger then his experience vibe may give and wonderful ocean blue eyes. He is eighteen years old being in second to last year, it was his first day at Galran Academy.

"Ah I see, It must have been hard on you. Well please take it easy during today, your seat is on the fourth row second from the window. If you need to speak with someone during the break then please come find me or I can take you to the school doctor, she a lovely lady. I am Mr Shirogane, your history teacher" Mr Shirogane smiled kindly and placed a hand on the student shoulder.

"Thank you sir, I'm Lance McClain its an honour to be welcomed to this school" The student spoke in a low joyful voice as a friendly smile filled his lips before he walked over to his given desk.

"Now I have a quiz for you all, please use the rest of class to finish it" Mr Shirogane ordered before stepping back and walking over to his desk.

"Hey, your new too .. right" A girl asked with a small smile as she sat on the fourth row, second from the window and glancing to the stranger of a student sitting in the corner seat looking out the window.

She was average height and slim with light tan skin, her voice slightly high pitch but rough. She wears blue lipstick and slicks her dyed navy blue hair back with a part hanging on the front as a side fringe. Her eyes a dark purple with a slight yellow gleam to them. She was in Class B-2 like him meaning her age was eighteen.

"I guess" The student sighed glancing to the female student beside him, four students filled up each row and their were eight all together. Four on the right half of the room and four on the left with a single path in the middle heading to the front of the class and door.

"I'm Acxa General, I'm not so good with people either but I dream to join Class S. I want to make a difference, for those who don't have the good life or the money, to give a helping hand to those who fight each day just to live" Acxa smiled sweetly as she held her hand out shyly, looking to the guy before her.

"Keith, I enjoy the fight each day .. It lets me know I'm still alive no matter what life throws at me" Keith answered in a smooth but cold voice, turning back to look out the window making Acxa pull her hand back.

Keith was short for a male but clearly held inner strength and could fight when needed. His skin as pale as the dead but seemed to glow slightly in the light, an old scar on his right cheek. Silky midnight black hair in the shape of a mullet and beautiful violet eyes. It was his first day at Galran High and he was eighteen years old but he was happy keeping in the shadows.

"You should try and get into Class S as well .. don't you want the good life" Acxa mumbled turning back to the tablet screen built into the desk returning her focus on her quiz.


"Kogane and McClain welcome to Galran Academy, you may not know me since we never worked together but I'm known as Ulaz Technician, for god  shake don't try and nickname me Tech. I'm also a member of Voltron and normally go undercover keeping a mini hide out protected while other members go in up close undercover. I'll be your back up and the person who pass on new orders. You two met Shiro or Mr Shirogane as his cover of being a teacher here. You three have been sent to find the true evil that runs this place, please take care while your in cover because this school and the students seem to be more dangerous then you know" Ulaz spoke up in a clear and caring voice, his eyes looking at the three figures in the basement of the pharmacy shop he working undercover in, the small shop in the small area filled with teachers flats as they forced to live on island. 

"Holy Shit .. your Shiro as in Takashi Shirogane. Dude your like my hero" Lance fanboy slightly from where he sat on the grey sofa in the middle of the room.

A black coffee table feet before the sofa and a single corner navy blue chair pushed to the right wall. A dark wooden desk pushed to the end wall filled with a tv screen and a small laptop beside it to help comminute with Voltron leader. Stairs at the opposite wall. 

"Nice to meet you, we were told younger members have been called up when I passed on the news over teachers having less power then the students. If someone from Class S wished to fire me then they could without an issue. We need students to gather most of the intel by other students around them but try not to gain the promotion of Class S .. something happens there and well it changes the students into something worse" Shiro warned and Lance nervously nodded.

"The students seem wired, I mean they didn't even blink as that boy killed himself today before them. The Class S seemed the only ones to care, well only one of them the rest of the members seemed brain washed slaves" Keith spoke up from where he leaned on the wall to the left of the sofa, his arms crossed and his head slightly lifted.

"This, its a hypnosis. It last for just two minutes and pops up on the students desk tablets every five minutes. The students are stuck watching it and then forget it once it over. It happens during every class and we can't stop it from within the classroom, I bet teacher's don't even know about it since it so well hidden within the system. Only if your really looking for someone like us, would you find it but then it takes a real hacker to pass the hidden traps and locks. Thankful, we have someone who on our side trying to find their own answers over this place" Shiro explained before nodding to Ulaz who hit something on his mini laptop and the hypnosis video popped up but he stopped in only a single minute in so they won't forget about the video. 

"Oh my .. no wonder people are killing themselves. Its just repeats death, worthless, useless, ugly, no good, die over and over. I felt like something was making me more braindead making me feel empty inside" Lance mumbled in horror and Ulaz nodded.

"Yeah the video is cruel but it makes the students empty as you feel, make them slowly become puppets after months of this video brainwashing them into nothing. But the side effects is someone being suicidal, 1/10 will not become brainwashed into being a puppet but truly think death is the only answer of life and kill themselves without warning. That is why we have twelve deaths within a single year, someone is tricked into dying each month due to this hypnosis" Ulaz explained with a frown and closed the video down not wanting to risk it playing behind him.

"Shiro, you mention someone helping us .. are they will voltron" Keith asked uneasy as he looked to the older man.

"They know Voltron rules and their name has been added to the list but they not fully a member just a ally during all this. They the only reason we know about this video and well they have their own reasons for trying to find the true mastermind of this school in hopes to stop them for their sins" Shiro replied with a small smile.

"Can we trust this guy, I mean if he only knows about Voltron guidelines and not a full member like us then how can we expect to trust them fully when they haven't taken the oath" Lance asked with worry.

"We can trust them, I trust them already" Shiro promised and the other two gave a slight nod in understanding.

"Sadly, no one has met our helper in this .. they just leave clues on Shiro desk without warning and well left a number for us to communicate with. I tried many times to hack their phone or track them but failed, they really know how to keep hidden in shadows and use fake voices. But they helping us, we passed on Voltron laws to them and they play along until the mission is over" Ulaz spoke up and the two newbies to the mission felt uneasy of having an unknown stranger hold their lives in their hands.

"We can trust them, I don't know why but we can. Something about their ways just makes me know we can. I think this mission has a deeper meaning to them, something we wouldn't understand if we tried. They just want the truth it seems" Shiro sighed and rubbed the side of his neck.

"Then we trust them but we have to stay cool, We have someone unknown without any ways to identified them until they come out to us .. we still don't know what students or teachers to trust now and any could be spies themselves. Treat everyone as a suspect" Keith huffed and Shiro nodded in agreement. 

"Kogane, I would advise a trip to the school doctor at some point. Since this academy like a county itself, they have a single doctor instead of a school nurse. But she seems rather friendly and if you drink tea with her during breaks, she gossips a little over things happening within the school. Never private matters but things they could be helpful, like events and spots in the school to keep an eye on" Ulaz mumbled and Keith nodded.

"I'll keep an eye outside, I already made semi friends in our class and they enjoy sitting outside. It seems they gossip about other students a lot and I might be able to find out the next student who might be breaking soon into suicidal. If we can stop them, then we might have a helper to the real villain pop out to check us" Lance spoke up and the others nodded in agreement.  

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