
By Just-do-itt

146K 5.3K 374

Khushi Kumari Gupta and Arnav Singh Raizada have nothing in common between them - except the mutual passion f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

7.5K 244 14
By Just-do-itt

Laughter and noise filled the air and the Raizada mansion was ablaze with lights and flowers, decked beautifully for the engagement party. Khushi had seen photos of the house but up close, it was magnificent.

The foggy winter night's chill got to her as she alighted her cab and walked towards the house.

She must have brought a shawl or something but in her excitement to leave the house before she was late, she had forgotten everything else. Outside, cars lined up in the huge driveway of the house trying to find a spot to park. It was going to be huge with nearly two hundred guests all of whom were high class, powerful and sophisticated people. Among the guest lists were some A-list celebrities who were clients of Payal and Arnav. It was after all the engagement of two very powerful khandans, the Raizadas and the Aroras. Both families were all known in the business world and were one of the most influential in India.

As she entered the huge, opulently decorated hall through the solid wooden door,Khushi felt a peculiar jerk in her stomach borne out of pure nervousness. She was coming here for the first time and she'd  be seeing his family for the first time in person. She casually looked around the room to see if he was here yet.

He wasn't.

As she walked inside, she took a glass of orange juice from a waiter passing by carrying trays. She didn't know many people here as not many employees were invited but she did find a few people who had recognized her from her photos. If not the face of Elan' she liked to think she was at least a little famous. She nodded to acquaintances trying to converse and politely thanked people complimenting her.

Aman was the first to see her and she turned towards him with a full smile as she heard him say, "Oh my god! Khushi! I should have known, considering half the male population in this room is directed towards this direction," he told her.

"Do I look alright?" She asked, fully nervous and earned a look of absolute disbelief from Aman. She really wanted to know. She might be a model and may appear confident and comfortable in her skin to the entire world but she was the most insecure person he knew. Aman was her photographer and as close to a friend she had in the industry and she knew he would tell her honestly so she asked him again.

If it were anyone but her Aman would have thought they were trying to fish for compliments but this was Khushi. So he said, "Alright? Did you just ask if you were alright? You are unbelievable, Khushi. Alright would be the understatement of the millennium. You look gorgeous and you only have to take a look around the room to know how many eyes are on you right this moment."

She hadn't been oblivious to all the attention and it's hard to ignore when you're blatantly ogled at. She was so tense underneath her calm demeanor that Aman went ahead and hugged her, patting her back. She smiled at him and before she could say anything else they were swept up into conversation by a group of acquaintances.

Arnav had just begun descending the stairs from the top floor when his eyes alighted on Khushi. She was hugging Aman. Not a sight he had hoped to see as soon as he entered the room. If he had been in bad spirits till now, he was more than slightly annoyed right now. It worsened when his Nani, Devyani Singh Raizada pulled him aside to introduce him to a family friend which only translated to prospective bride.

Khushi knew it the moment he stepped into the room. She felt him. Felt his eyes on her and felt the attention of the entire audience turn toward the stairs where he was walking down along with Aakash. Their eyes met for but a fraction of a moment. His expressions may have revealed nothing but Khushi knew he appreciated what he saw. She felt his eyes slowly take in the full length of her in a sensual caress only she could have noticed. And suddenly, all her nervousness flew out the window giving way to a confidence she felt only in his presence.

She took in his appearance as he walked regally down the stairs looking devastatingly handsome in his dark charcoal suit and pristine white shirt tailored to perfection and neatly gelled hair. But the deep chocolate of his eyes seemed... angry? She hadn't known what to expect considering how unpredictable he usually is but he could've at least nodded at her. She shrugged as she saw him turn towards people who had come to greet him and she turned back to the conversation beside her.

The fact that it was his brother, cousin though he was, who was getting engaged and that he really loved the two people on stage prevented Arnav from wearing a disgusted look on his face. But for the life of him he couldn't fathom how two people could constantly look into each other's eyes and not get tired? It wasn't as if they're seeing each other for the first time. They had known each other since kindergarten. Aakash and Payal were childhood sweethearts. They had practically known eachother all their lives. He stood near the stage and watched as the couple exchanged their rings and his sister was wiping fresh tears off her face.

Was it necessary to cry all the time and for everything?

Ahaan voiced out the question in his mind. Arnav turned to see that he was looking at his mother. "Aakash mamu just got engaged and mom is crying. Shouldn't she be happy and doesn't being happy mean you laugh?"

Arnav wished he could answer but he didn't know the answer himself so he only shushed him and warned him never to ask his mother that. The blame would no doubt fall on him for the little boy's innocent behavior.

Khushi looked at the couple and thought they were adorably cute. She was happy for them, she really was, but she was also a little bit jealous. The kind of love that they shared was rare and she couldn't help but wanting it for herself.

When it was turn for the guests to wish the couple, Khushi waited until almost the entire crowd had cleared before she went up to the stage.

"Congratulations," she said walking up to them extending her hands for a shake.

"Oh Khushi!" Payal exclaimed when she saw her and came forward to engulf her in a hug. "Don't you know apne gale milte hai?" Payal was a drama queen and Khushi really loved her like the sister she always wanted and around her Payal always behaved like the mother hen. Payal was the reason, she was a model.

"You look stunning," Khushi complimented her embroidered lehenga set in lemon yellow. She then hugged Aakash while Payal introduced her to her parents and Anjali who was standing nearby.

"People, meet Khushi. She's the reason how I'm one of the most leading designers of this country. She makes my designs look prettier," she said with so much pride you'd almost believe it was true. The truth was Payal was an accomplished designer long before Khushi had even entered the scene.

Khushi turned a pretty red at that and turned her attention to them folding her hands in a namaste. "She is exaggerating," she told them. "It's actually the other way round."

Payal's parents smiled while Anjali's eyes glinted as she asked, "Khushi, is it? Are you a model at Elan?"


"Very well," Anjali smiled. "Hello, Khushi, very nice to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine." Khushi said awkwardly not knowing what else to say. This was Arnav's sister!

And after wishing the couple again and after Aakash had asked her to definitely have dinner before leaving for the hundredth time, Khushi politely excused herself, but not before Khushi pulled him to the side and asked, "Do you have any idea why your brother is so grumpy?"

"When's his brother not grumpy?" Payal asked earning a glare from Aakash. She shrugged. "What? It's the truth."

Aakash ignored her and answered Khushi, "I have no idea, Khushi. He was alright when we were getting ready."

"He is behaving as if I don't exist. He could politely say hi to me and no one would care. But he hasn't even acknowledged my presence. He stares right through me like I'm invisible."

"Are you blind?" This came from Payal. "You are the only one that's visible to him. He has only looked at you ever since he entered this hall. If he got the chance, he—" Payal was abruptly stopped by Aakash calling her name out before she said something to embarrass Khushi. Payal was quite outspoken and Khushi was too shy.

"Maybe because di and Nani have been breathing down his neck trying to find out if he is dating and who the girl is. Nani is trying to match him with every possible acquaintance of hers today and he's been trying to be polite and you know how tough it is for him. And you look like a possible candidate for being his girlfriend and you talked to di and you're here talking to us for a longtime now," Akash said without a break counting all the plausibilities.

"Oh..." Khushi turned to look at Arnav. And sure enough he was talking to some girl. The girl was short and fairly good looking but she obviously came from money.

"Should I be worried?" She asked Aakash.

She looked so endearing Aakash went ahead and hugged her as he said, "You know as well as I that bhai is interested only in you. And she or anyone here isn't a match for you, Khushi. Inside out," making Khushi smile, albeit hesitantly.

"What's with the secrecy, anyway? And blatantly ignoring her is not going to helpthings. If I were your sister, I would find out in a minute. I think Anjali di already has a doubt. Did you see the way her eyes glinted?" Payal said and added, "If your brother has any ulterior motives I'll forget he's my brother-in-law. He better not hurt my bacchi," Payal said.

"It's complicated. The secrecy was my idea," Khushi said which made Aakash jump in to defend his brother's honor leading to Payal saying something resulting in abanter. Khushi quietly left the place letting the couple bicker in peace.

The music had started playing and drinks were being served. Arnav's Nani absolutelyhated alcohol in her house but she had made an allowance only this time and had retired early leaving the guests to enjoy themselves. And Anjali had to take Ahaan to his room since it was already well past his bedtime.

For the nth time this evening, Khushi was stopped by someone asking her for a dance. She politely declined saying she had a sprain in her leg. She had no mood to dance. Not with any of them. And the one she did want to dance with was standing far away and she knew he had no idea of asking her. 'I don't dance' he would say.

The power this man had on her sometimes overwhelmed her and she hated herself for giving him the power to make or break her. But she also knew, whatever she was today, he was the person behind it.

"Hello, gorgeous!" Khushi heard someone call from beside her. She turned to see a rather young man extending his hands toward her introducing himself as Vijay Bakshi.

Khushi had heard of him. He was a designer. But she didn't like the way he was watching her, his eyes openly admiring her. It was kind of creepy and made her uncomfortable. Khushi stiffened and smiled slightly to adhere to polite civility. His large hands encased hers as she shook hands with him and his hands lingered a touch too long. She jerked her hand free when he didn't let go and before he could say a thing excused herself walking over to the other side.

Arnav stood leaning on a pillar on the far side of the hall sipping his drink and watching while one after the other, men went to her and talked to her. Why can't they leave her alone? She was his! This wasn't how he had anticipated spending the evening. And this jealousy he felt was unexpected and definitely unwelcome.

That was when he saw Bakshi approaching her. He tensed and straightened, ready to go to her but before he could reach her she somehow walked away. Arnav looked at the man then, his eyes were greedy as he watched her walk away.

Arnav's eyes lingered on her too. He wasn't surprised that Bakshi and many others today were slavering over her. She looked delightfully stunning and positively radiant and... frustratingly untouchable. She straightaway refuses to even acknowledge their interest on her. And that no one could digest.

"Beautiful creature, isn't she?" Vijay said to him his head flickering in her direction. He had seen her watching her and Arnav had no idea when he came to stand beside him.

He tensed but nodded.

"Exceptional," he said almost to himself and looked at Arnav, "do you know her? Does she work for you?

"She's a model at my company, yes," he said in a clipped voice aimed at discouraging further conversation.

Vijay though wouldn't get the hint and asked, "Is she with someone?" he asked and answered it himself, "Of course. Someone like her couldn't be single. I could wait. She must be worth it."

Arnav had heard enough. But before he could say anything, another person joined Vijay and said, "She denied you too? How many times do we try asking her for a dance? So much attitude! As if she's untouchable. What is she, a blushing virgin? Don't we all know the ways of this industry? She's probably aiming for the bigger prize. Who knows how many beds she has warmed to get here and here she's behaving as if she's above them all. But whoever is currently enjoying her must be one lucky fellow. Just imagine!"

"Excuse me," Arnav said looking at them sharply. "I don't think this conversation is appropriate. And it is extremely ill-mannered to consider a beautiful woman, just because she happened to be in this industry, a wh— he couldn't say the word and instead said, "a fair game. You don't know her," Arnav said already turning to walk away.

But before he could take a few steps, Vijay said, "Woah, Mr. Raizada. You don't have to get so defensive. It was just a friendly conversation. You really must introduce me to her then."

Arnav grit his teeth, his hold on his glass harder. This man was not his friend and this wasn't a conversation that was in the least friendly. "Excuse me," he said and walked away. He had heard enough. He was ashamed to have people in his acquaintance who couldn't respect a person for what they were.

This had been the reason Khushi had wanted to keep their relationship a secret because loathe as he was to accept, it was true that a person, especially women and more specifically women in their industry were never credited for their hardwork. It was always physical. It just was the way things worked and there were people who had no qualms about it. And Khushi had been a breath of fresh air among them.

The reason he had once thought the industry was going to swallow her whole. The reason he had always felt fiercely protective of her. The reason he was still protecting her.

They were in a relationship, yes. But she did not receive any special treatment professionally because of that. She wouldn't take any of it. And if people knew about their connection, her identity would be shadowed by her connection to Arnav Singh Raizada.

Arnav didn't want her in front of their eyes for a minute more because he was on the verge of doing some bodily harm to them and that would cause a scene. He didn't want to spoil Aakash's day. And this man was also one of the foremost designers in the country.

He returned his glass to a waiter who was passing by while lurching forward towards her. She sat at a table with Aakash and Payal, talking cheerfully – oblivious to what was happening around her. Abruptly holding her arm, his quiet voice spoke volumes as he said, "Go home now, Khushi."

To the casual observer it would look like they were having a casual conversation but Khushi felt his incensed eyes scorching her. She didn't know why he was so angry. She hadn't even done anything.

Their eyes clashed and she felt her temper rising. All evening he ignored her and finally he comes and says this. She opened her mouth to refuse. He didn't get to order her about like this – at least not after he had refused to even acknowledge her all evening. She was here for her friend and she would leave when and as it pleased her. But she looked at his eyes turning soft as he softly said, "Please. I'll have Aman drop you."

"Why? What happened?"

"Yeah, Arnav. What happened?" Payal asked.

"Nothing. Just..." he whispered to Khushi, "go home now," and walked away leaving her irate.

A moment later he watched as she walked with Aman towards the front door. She was angry, he knew.

And he would make it up to her.

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