Wildest Dreams | A James and...

By holly10121

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Lily Evans declared that she would never love or even like James Potter, the arrogant, Quidditch playing bull... More

Character Profile: Lily Evans
Character Profile: James Potter
Character Profile: Sirius Black
Character Profile: Remus Lupin
Character Profile: Marlene McKinnon
Character Profile: Peter Pettigrew
Character Profile: Alice Prewett
Character Profile: Mary MacDonald
Face Claims
Chapter One - Mudbloods and Marauders
Chapter Two - Platform 9 & 3/4
Chapter Three - Truth or Dare
Chapter Four - Home Sweet Home
Chapter Five - An Interesting First Morning
Chapter Six - Predictions, Potions and Peeves
Chapter Eight - Karaoke and Kisses
Chapter Nine - Girls Night and the First Full Moon
Chapter Ten - Quidditch, Quidditch, Quidditch
Chapter Eleven - Hogsmeade
Chapter Twelve - Realisations
Chapter Thirteen - Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
Chapter Fourteen - Dreams
Chapter Fifteen - An Absolutely Hilarious Halloween
Chapter Sixteen - The Typical Halloween Hangover
Chapter Seventeen - No Holding Back
Chapter Eighteen - No Love Lost
Chapter Nineteen - Just Talking
Chapter Twenty - Eighteen, Baby!
Chapter Twenty-One - Love Is In The Air
Chapter Twenty-Two - Violence
Chapter Twenty-Three - Revenge and Recovery
Chapter Twenty-Four - Better, Definitely Better, Right?
Chapter Twenty-Five - Close Call
Chapter Twenty-Six - Secrets
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Plans, Plans And More Plans
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
Chapter Twenty-Nine - After the Afterparty
Chapter Thirty - Legends
Chapter Thirty-One - Letters
Chapter Thirty-Two - The Last Straw
Chapter Thirty-Three - Invitations
Chapter Thirty-Four - Shopping!
Chapter Thirty-Five - Bizarre
Q & A
Chapter Thirty-Six - Shock
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Slughorn's Christmas Party
Chapter Thirty-Eight - The Ball
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Never Let Me Go
Author's Note // The End

Chapter Seven - Friendships are Formed

3.3K 62 135
By holly10121


I wake up with a jolt, fear quickly flashing in my eyes. There are a series of crashes coming from the room next to mine, loud crashes. I quickly hop out of bed and knock on James and I's connecting door. "James, James! Are you ok in there?" I say, slightly frantic. "Yea, yea! I'm good! I just... I just can't really see a thing! My glasses have disappeared!" he says, trying to sound calm but failing miserably. "Ok, I'm coming in!" I shout, and open the door quickly. What a mess! His duvet is lying on the floor, completely spread out, as are all of his many pillows. There are books lying open everywhere and James is standing in the middle of it all, looking extremely confused. He's only wearing his pyjama trousers - Quidditch ones of course, with little quaffles all over them. Honestly, it's kind - of cute! I catch myself staring at James Potter, yet again. Damn, why does that keep happening? Instead of standing looking at him all day, I rush over to him. I grab his shoulder and guide him over to his large king - sized bed. I sort - of push him down, perhaps a little bit too forcefully, because he almost topples over. Hey, I thought he'd be too strong for me to push over! I really do underestimate my own strength....

Anyways, even with my strong, powerful push he is still standing, just very unsteadily. He reaches for my shoulder to try and steady himself, but instead gets my breast. Awkward. I blush a nice, dark shade of magenta, and I think he realises what he did because he joins me. He quickly moves his hand away and this time does get my shoulder. I slowly guide him down, and when I am certain that he is sitting steadily, I move to try and find his glasses. I always knew that he had bad eyesight - but he's basically blind without his glasses! I really need to find them or else he's screwed! After hunting for about five minutes, I find them buried underneath his duvet and pillows. The lenses are broken, but I mend them with a simple 'Oculus Reparo' spell. I hand them back to James and he puts them on. Relief quickly floods through his face. "Ah, thanks so much Lil. And...um...I'm sorry about..well..you know." he says, smiling sheepishly.

"No worries. Here, we'd better start getting ready for school. What time is it?" I ask him, waking myself up a little more. He takes a look at his watch. "5:30 a.m. I had better be going out on my morning run." he says, laughing at my shocked expression that appears on my face following this revelation. "You...what?!" I say, completely stunned, "Why the hell would you decide to do a run at half five in the morning? Geez Potter...what's wrong with you?". I say the last part with a smile on my face, despite trying to act serious, which only grows wider when he snorts. "Oh please, Lil. I do this every morning." he says, still grinning. "Is someone chasing you? Are you competing in a running race? No? Because those are the only good reasons I can think of for waking up at 5:30 a.m to go on a run! Don't get me wrong, I love a good run! But at a good time in the day, not in the middle of the night. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and get some beauty sleep. Goodbye you extremely odd person!" I say, and walk into my room and shut the door. I can still hear his booming laugh echo through the walls however. It honestly is infectious. I have a little giggle to myself before hopping back into my warm, cosy bed to go back to sleep for at least another hour. You know, like a normal person.

When I do actually get my lazy ass out of bed, it's seven a.m. Even that's an unreasonable time to wake up at. If I had things my way, school wouldn't start until at least lunchtime. Ugh, I really hate early mornings. I HATE them! After wallowing in my self - pity at having to wake up early, I grab my dressing gown and my towels and head downstairs. As I walk into the common room, I see James sitting on the sofa. "Morning, Lils" he says, quite cheerful. "Did you enjoy your night time run?" I say, smirking. "Of course! It really was quite lovely! You know, I was thinking that you could join me tomorrow! How about 5? Brilliant, I'll see you there!" he says. I roll my eyes. "If you wake me up at five a.m tomorrow you will no know what's hit you!" I say threateningly. He better fucking not. He laughs, and heads off into his room. I've noticed that he does that whenever I shower. It's nice, the fact that he tries to give me some privacy. James is actually a really considerate roommate! I know that it's only two days in, but so far I have no complaints. He's quite tidy and respectful of my space. Also, I think that he's finally over the joke of asking me out! Yay!

I head into the bathroom and turn on the shower. When I hop in, I immediately feel relaxed. I wash my hair with my coconut milk shampoo and then condition it using the matching conditioner. Hmmmm...I really love the smell of that shampoo. It just reminds me of...well, honestly - popcorn! I wash down my body with my lavender body wash and reluctantly hop out of the shower. I magically dry my hair and hair and wrap my body in my super fluffy dressing gown. I brush my teeth and then I walk back up to my room and get changed into my uniform. It's too early in the year for robes - so I just wear a long sleeved white shirt, my Gryffindor tie, a red and gold patterned skirt, white knee high socks and small heeled black shoes.

(Just imagine her skirt to be red and gold)

Once I am fully dressed, I style my hair (magically of course!). Today, I decide to go for light curls in my dark red hair. When I was younger, I used to HATE my hair. It made me different. But now? Now, I really love it. Because it makes me different. It makes me stand out. Petunia's is a boring blonde - dyed of course. She would just hate to stand out - and I think that's one of the reasons that we don't get along anymore.

I grab my schoolbag and head out of my bedroom. I descend the stairs to the common room and see James there, fully dressed and ready to go. "Let's bounce!" he says, moving towards the door. I nod my head and follow him out. We laugh and joke with each other the whole way down. I tease him a bit about losing his glasses, and tell him how hilarious he looked standing in his ruined room. He teases me about being lazy, and I defend myself by saying 'No, I'm normal. I don't run at five a.m - I run at a regular time!' but laugh my head off nonetheless. We reach the Great Hall, and James instantly sprints to Sirius' side, and begins shovelling toast into his mouth. The boys are sitting away from the girls today, and it's a bit strange. I go and sit beside Mar, and ask, "Hey! Is there something up with the boys? Because I'm a little bit confused.". "No clue! They just said that the wanted to talk about guy stuff. Strange, I know. But it gives us time to plan for a Girls Night! We really need one!" here Marly pauses, and we all nod our heads in agreement, "How about we have it on Saturday night, back in Gryffindor Tower?". "Sounds fab!" I say, enthusiastically. I love Girls Night! For the last three years, almost every Saturday night we will have one, and basically what it entails is eating our weight in chocolate and sweets, gossiping and sometimes some pretty awful drunk karaoke. Yes, drunk! Just some butterbeer! Well, maybe a bottle or two of Firewhiskey! No need to judge! You would do the same thing!

We begin chatting away. Good, hopefully the thought of a Girls Night will make this week move a little faster. It's really strange, because I am enjoying myself, it just seems to be moving extremely slowly! Anyways, after finishing my cereal (Pixie Puffs - classic!), me and the girls get up and head to Transfiguration. The boys must have finished talking about their 'guy stuff', because they joined us on the way there. Most of our classes went pretty similar to yesterday. I did ok in Transfiguration - I managed to turn my bunny purple on my fourth attempt! We also got yet another Transfiguration essay! Geez, Professor McGonagall does not want us to relax! Herbology was ok - Professor Sprout didn't set us any homework, which was a relief. DADA was good, this new teacher is amazing! Ancient Runes was mediocre, another rune translation for homework. In Potions we just continued making our Polyjuice Potion, all while shooting pitiful glances at Frank Longbottom. We got set an essay on how to make Polyjuice Potion - a nice, long, 20 - inches! For fuck sake, Slughorn! I thought you liked me! In Charms we just continued on from what we were doing yesterday - the theory behind the disillusionment charm.

Today was boring enough, but tomorrow is Friday and I can't wait! The Marauders said that we are going to have 'A typical Friday night in the lives of the Marauders'. So, basically we're going to get drunk and party! Sounds good to me...


After classes, when we're all sitting in mine and Lily's common room doing our homework, the boys and I tell the girls to not have any plans for tomorrow night, because they are going to have a Marauder's Friday Night! This is going to be so fun....

It is the night before a full moon, so Moony might turn in early. He always tells us to keep partying though. I was a little bit worried that the girls were going to be quite suspicious at our leaving on Saturday night, but it's good because they are having a Girls Night! It actually works out perfectly! I did see a certain Flower looking at us strangely when we sat apart from the girls this morning though. We had to prepare for the Full Moon, and as much as we like the girls, we can't trust them with something this big yet. Soon, though. Soon.

As I ran toward Pads and grabbed a slice of toast (I was so hungry - and have no idea why!), Moony said, "You really are a pig Prongs. How the hell your Animagus is a majestic stag I will never know!". We all laughed a bit and began planning stuff for the Moon. Once that was all sorted, it was almost time to leave the Great Hall to go to Transfiguration. "Hey, what did you guys tell the girls we were talking about?" I asked as we got up to leave. "Oh, just the usual 'guy stuff'." Pads said, and I nodded my head. Thankfully that didn't cause any awkward questions! We then went to all of our classes, which is quite an unusual occurrence! Padfoot and Prongs not missing a single class on their first two days back? Flip, something like this hasn't happened since first year!

That brings us up to the present moment, and we're just finishing up our homework. I get up at the same time as Moony, and as we go to leave I say to Lil, "Hey Lils! We should probably arrange the prefect's patrols tonight? You free?". She nods her head and says, "Yes! If you're doing something tonight just say so, and I can do it. Or we could just do it here at like 8?". I say, "No worries. I'm free tonight! 8 works great! Hey, that rhymed!". At this everybody sniggers, and Moony and I leave to go get some dinner. Marly and Pads are already down, and Mar, Ali and Lily say that they're coming down soon, and I have no clue where Wormy is. Hmmm....that's strange. Usually Wormtail just hangs out with us! Oh! I just had a thought - what if Wormtail has a secret girlfriend! Ooooohhhh.....

I suggest this to Moony who says, "Oh, Merlin yes! Hopefully it's not that bitchy Ravenclaw! But why would he keep her a secret? We won't judge - well, as long as it's not Bellatrix!". "Yea, that is quite strange, isn't it?" I say, a little confused. It probably is a Slytherin, and he's afraid to tell us. Moony and I agree not to say anything to him just yet, in case he is embarrassed. We also agree not to tell Pads about our suspicions, because Padfoot would just want to ask Wormtail about it at the first chance he got, because if there is one thing I know about Pads, it's that he is a huge blabbermouth! Even if it is a Slytherin, as long as it isn't one of the evil ones, we won't care. I'm happy for Wormy!

We arrive at the Great Hall at about 6 p.m and see Marly and Pads sitting together. They seem to be having quite a deep conversation - and I most certainly do not want to ruin this moment. I see a light blush on Padfoot's cheeks, and I can't see Marly's face because her back's to me. Moony and I exchange a look and silently agree not to interrupt this moment. We creep back through the door of the Great Hall, and round the corner. We stand against the wall, and decide to leave them alone for another 15 minutes. Hopefully they decide to kiss - it's not like they haven't done it before. There are definitely feelings there, and I just hope that they decide to do something about it. After a couple of minutes of standing against the wall, we see Mar, Ali and Lily walk down the stairs. We beckon them over to us.

"Don't go in yet! Pads and Marly are having a conversation, and it looks quite important so I don't want to interrupt it. We should probably stand here for another small while just to see if this goes anywhere. Ok?" I say. I know that the girls understand our nicknames - Sirius is Padfoot, Remus is Moony, I am Prongs and Peter is Wormtail. Easy peasy. The girls nod and join us by the wall. After about ten minutes of standing there talking quietly, we decide to head on in. When we walk in, Pads and Marly's conversation ends, and they both have matching blushes on their cheeks. Cute. We all sit down for our dinner, and there is a bit of an awkward silence for about a minute before Lily brings up homework. We chat about that all through dinner, and only leave when dinner ends. The others all decide to head up to Gryffindor Tower, and me and Lily head to our common room.

When we enter, I say, "So, do you want to work on the patrols now or....?". "No, lets do them now." she says, grabbing a piece of parchment and a strange shiny thingy that she uses instead of a quill. "I'm just going to go upstairs and change into comfier clothes first though." she adds, and I nod. When she leaves, I go upstairs to do the same thing. I pop on black sweatpants and my 'Potter 07' quidditch shirt. I head back downstairs, and only have to wait a minute or two for Lily to join me. She's wearing an oversized sweatshirt and black sweatpants, like me. But Merlin, is it possible that she looks even more gorgeous now than she did earlier? Her hair is twisted into a messy bun, and she looks so fucking adorable. How can she expect me to get over her if she continues looking like this?

We get to work on the patrols. They go something like this:

Monday - Remus Lupin and Alice Prewett

Tuesday - Amos Diggory and Sarah Chang

Wednesday - James Potter and Lily Evans

Thursday - Benjy Fenwick and Amanda Conner

Friday - Severus Snape and Bellatrix Black

Saturday - Various Professors

Sunday - James Potter and Lily Evans

It was quite hard work, because we had to work around Quidditch parctices, and as Heads me and Lily have to patrol two nights a week. We gave the Slytherin's Fridays because, you know, why not? Deprive them of an enjoyable Friday night! Mwahahahaha.... Also, I got to call dibs on Gryffindor Quidditch pitch time! Being Head Boy really does have it's perks. The trials are next weekend, and I'm honestly so excited, but a bit nervous. What if there are no good new players? What if I fail at my job as Quidditch captain? These thoughts go through my head every year, and so far none of these things have happened, but you never know!

By the time we finish making the patrols, it's 9:30 p.m. Lily and I have to go and hand these to Professor Dumbledore, so we go and do that now. Dumbledore's happy with what we've chosen, and says that he will inform the prefects of each house of their scheduled patrol time. He also says that patrols will be extended from 8-10 p.m to 8-11 p.m due to the increased risk caused by Voldemort. After we sort through some finer details, we leave and walk up to our common room. By the time we get back it's 10:30 p.m, so I go and decide to shower. I shower twice a day - I know! Some people think it's strange, but honestly it helps me sleep better. Lily decides to go straight up to bed, and bids me a goodnight. After my shower, I do my regular night time routine and get a good night's sleep.

Things are going good.


I...I have a crush on Sirius Black. A big one. Shit.

I'm Marlene Dianna McKinnon. I don't get crushes. Sure, I have my fun, and I fancy a fat load of guys, but I never 'like like' them. You know? This is all fucked up! And of course it's on Sirius Black, infamous playboy and Marauder. We've hooked up loads of times, but it's never actually meant anything. But...now. Now, I just keep getting closer and closer to him, and I actually like his personality as much as I like his body - maybe even more. See! Look what's happening to me! I don't want a serious relationship - do I? Ugh, I'm so fucking confused right now! I can't tell you how much I need this Girls Night!

I only realised that I actually have feelings for him earlier tonight. We were...talking. Just talking. In the Great Hall at dinner. And, it was nice. It was really, really nice. Every word he says captures my attention, and he's so passionate about the things he loves. You just know that he would take a bullet for any of his friends in a heartbeat, and that makes him a fantastic person. I have it bad, don't I?

Anyways, right now I just want to spend more and more time with him just to try and work through these feelings. I know he doesn't feel the same way back - he once told me that he doesn't have relationships, just flings. But Merlin, I wish he did. Sirius Black would be the perfect boyfriend. He's caring, compassionate, kind, unique and so fucking amazing. Tomorrow night, me and the girls will be experiencing 'A typical Friday night with the Marauders'. I'm intrigued..... Apparently we shall be partying our asses off - I'm in! I love a good party, and I have a very strong alcohol threshold. It's really funny when me and the girls get drunk - Lily and Alice are such lightweights, it's hilarious and Mary eats her feelings. Oh my Godric, I can't wait! But for now, I should probably get some sleep. I can't imagine that I'll be getting much tomorrow night!

I wake up in the morning to Ali jumping on my bed. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" I shout angrily. Do not wake me up in the morning if you don't want to die a very painful death. "Waking you up so that you actually manage to get to at least one class today! Lily's not here, so she told me to take her position. Rise and Shine!" she says, singing the last bit. "What time is it?" I ask groggily. "7:45 Miss McKinnon. You have 15 minutes!" Ali says. How the hell is she so happy in the morning? It's quite late, so I have to quickly hop in the shower and have one of the fastest showers of my life. I magically dry my hair and it poofs up into my regular curls. I quickly get changed into my uniform (the same as Lily's except with a short - sleeved shirt) and hop down to the Gryffindor common room at 8:00 a.m on the dot. The Gryffindor common room is so similar to James and Lily's, but I prefer theirs. No annoying first years around. Listen, I love kids. I really do. But do they ever shut up?! The first years are everywhere - it's like you can't escape them. I'm so jealous of Lils, she literally gets to escape these little monsters forever.

Just as I'm thinking all this, a little first year boy bumps into me, knocking the wind out of me. I glare at him and say, very angrily, "Watch where you're going, little squirt!". He looks quite sacred, but some of his friends laugh pathetic little high - pitched laughs. Oh, shut the fuck up! Merlin, we CAN'T have been this annoying when we were in first year! "Marly, be a little bit nicer to them. We were once like that!" Alice says, being the perfect little prefect that she is. Godric, I'm in a bad mood this morning. I'm even insulting my friends! Mentally, of course, but still! But no, we weren't that annoying when we were that age - no way! It's not possible.

When we get out of the common room, we quickly make our way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. When we arrive, we see that the boys are already there. "Morning!" I say, a little bit cheered up now that I see Sirius. "Morning, ladies! Would you care to join us?" Sirius says, in a fake posh manner. Well, I'm pretty sure that it's actually not fake! That's the way his entire family talk! Oh my mother of Merlin! If Sirius didn't have any common sense, he would be talking like that full time. Strange.... "It would be our pleasure!" I say, smiling for the first time this morning. I think I'm blushing slightly, but I hope no one notices. As me and the girls take our seats, Lily and James walk in, laughing. I love that they're friends down. James is like a brother to me and Lily is like a sister. So now that they get along I can bridge all of my friendships together!

As much as I do love the fact that they're friends, a part of me thinks that maybe, just maybe, they could be more. I know James always laughed off Lily's rejections over the years, but what he said during the game of Truth or Dare on the train confirmed my suspicions. James likes Lily. He really likes her. Maybe he even loves her? And he has finally stopped asking her out - it seems like he has given up. I'll have to think about this a little bit....

We go to our classes, and they are boring. Easy description. I'm glad that I'm paired with Lils in Potions - I would be totally fucked if she wasn't there to help me. Divination was a load of tosh, Charms was decent, Tranfiguration was hard and Herbology was harder. We got a homework for every class but Potions today - Yippee! I'll just do it all on Sunday, I'm actually going to enjoy tonight as much as I can. Once Charms ends, me and the girls agree to meet with the Marauders in the Head's common room at 6 p.m in good - enough clothes. Apparently we don't need to get dinner. Will the boys go down to the kitchens? Or will they do that thing were they disappear for about an hour and come back with loads of Firewhiskey and Honeydukes' sweets? Hmmm... Either way, we are going to get hammered. Sounds like the perfect Friday night to me!

Lily grabs the clothes she is going to wear from her room before coming with us to Gryffindor Tower to get changed. It's like we're getting ready for a mini - party! I mean, any excuse to dress up, am I right? As it's only 4:30 p.m, we have a reasonable amount of time to get ready. But before we start, I bring out a bottle of white wine that my Dad snuck me. My Dad is so hip - he literally gives me alcohol! I mean, I am of age - I turned 17 last April, but still! My mum doesn't know about it though - she'd go ballistic! The girls all laugh as I dramatically pop the cork and pour it into four wine glasses that Lily had. Should I question this? Probably. "Do I question this? No.

"Here's to a great night, of dancing and drinking! Woohooo!" I say, raising my glass. We all cheers, and take a drink. Ooohh...nice choice Dad! After drinking the wine and eating some chocolates that Ali had, we begin to get ready. We start off by painting our nails and toenails. Mine are white, Lily's are red, Mary's are black and Ali's are pink. Cute. Now, it's time to get dressed!

We go simple and casual, but nice. I decide to wear a white halter top with navy - blue jeans and white heels. Lily goes for a black off - the - shoulder dress that goes great with her red nails. She tops this off with black strappy heels. Mary goes for a red, white and black tube top that has the word 'Queen' on it with black jeans and white strappy shoes. Wow, those jeans really accentuate her great ass. Fuck, I'm jealous. And Ali goes for a form - fitting pink halter top, a short white skirt and some light pink wedged heels. Wow, I'm friends with a bunch of motherfucking supermodels!

Now, it's time for hair and makeup. I go quite simple, but classy. The usual base (foundation, concealer, eyebrows, mascara), a pair of false eyelashes (my short stubby ones are the bane of my existence), a small amount of shimmery pink eyeshadow and just some nude gloss on my lips. Lily does the same as me, except opting against eyeshadow and going for a full red lip. She looks drop - dead gorgeous! James will be absolutely pissing himself! Alice just puts on a light bit of foundation and concealer, mascara and a light pink glossy lip. She doesn't do her eyebrows because Alice Prewett is blessed with naturally perfect eyebrows. What the hell! Mary does the same sort of thing as me and Lily, except she does a smoky eye and a nude matte lip. Fantastic. That's how we look!

I keep my hair completely natural. I love my hair - it is fabulous, if I do say so myself. Lily straightens hers, so it hangs like a shiny sheet over her back. Wow! She looks HOT! I actually think that she is trying to torture James for all those years of annoying her! He will barely be able to hold himself together! Ali curls her short hair, and pins a bit back using a beautiful diamond hair clip. She looks so classy and beautiful - like an angel! Mary, on the other hand, is dressed like a devil. She ties her long, dark, glossy locks up into a thick high ponytail, and looks jaw - droppingly amazing!

Wow. We look stunning. For a simple - enough Friday night, we look pretty damn good!

At five to six, me and the girls head to the Head's common room to meet the boys. We say the password to Wendelin the Weird and walk in. The boys are all sitting there in shirts and trousers, laughing about something. As we enter, they look up. Their eyes bulge. "Wow. You's look fucking hot!" Sirius says. I blush at his words, thoroughly relieved that I put makeup on so know one can see it. I don't want the boys to know that I like Sirius yet, I need to talk to the girls first. "You look stunning!" Remus compliments, and Peter nods in agreement. James is speechless. James Potter is speechless. It is really quite easy to tell what he is looking at. Lily. He looks all over her, not hungrily, but lovingly. Like he wants to soak all of her in, and remember this moment forever. Lily doesn't notice this however. Remus quickly nudges James, and he blinks and looks at the rest of us. "Yes, you really do look incredible!" he says, his eyes lingering on Lily no matter how much he tries not to. I mean, I can't blame him. She does look unbelievable. So do Mary and Ali. I look good too, I suppose. I've never been the sort - of girl to say that I think that I'm ugly when I know that I'm not. I hate those girls. If I look good, I feel good. If I look bad, who really gives a shit? lets just say, there are most certainly no confidence issues in this gal!

"Ok! Who's ready to drink until they can't no more?!" Sirius shouts, obviously excited. They pull out about ten bottles of Firewhiskey. Let's get this party started!

Remus and Lily cast a silencing charm over the room - you know, just in case things get out of hand. We all grab a Firewhiskey and Sirius, James, Mary and I chug ours quickly. More have appeared on the table so we all take a second bottle. "Do you want to play Truth or Dare?" Sirius suggests, glancing at Mary. "No way in motherfucking hell!" Mar shouts back. She curses a LOT when she has some alcohol in her. "How about Never Have I Ever?" Lily suggests. We all nod and Remus produces a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. "Ok, here are the rules. Take a sip of our special potion, and we'll all take it in turns asking a question. If you have done it, you take a bean. Sound good?" he asks, producing another bottle of Firewhiskey that we all know has some Veritaserum in it.

"Yea!" Sirius shouts, already quite tipsy. Merlin, he looks really hot right now. Like, hotter than usual! Fuck! He takes a sip of the Veritaserum - Firewhiskey and passes the bottle to James, who is beside him. The bottle makes it's way around, each of us taking a drink. Godric, you can't taste anything different in it at all! I'm actually quite surprised that the boys haven't confused it for a real bottle of Firewhiskey before! Or maybe they have, I'm not sure. All I know is that it would be really funny to see that.

"Ok," Remus begins. I notice that he looks a bit tired and pale tonight. Poor Rem, I hope he's feeling ok! "Never Have I Ever stolen something out of Filch's office?" he finishes. I take a bean, so do James, Sirius, Peter, Mary and Remus himself. No one is shocked that each of the Marauders take a bean, but me and Mar? We get a couple of confused looks, leading us to explain ourselves. "He stole some Dungbombs that we wanted to use on Snape and the other Slytherin's the day after he called Lily a...a you - know - what. We wanted them back so Mar created a diversion while I went in." I say simply. "That was you!" Sirius says, "That was fucking awesome! Regulus still stank of Dungbombs when we went back to that hellhole for summer. My ex - mother was not very happy!". He seems really happy that his brother got Dungbombed. I know they don't get along and I know he was disowned last year so he probably has a right to be happy! He hates his whole family - they're almost all elitist purebloods. Sirius is nothing like the.! See, this is one of th things I want. I want him to open up to me about things like this - his family, his hobbies, his likes, his dislikes...the list goes on! Ugh, I just really want a relationship. But only with Sirius. No one else. Fuck, I'm boring!

Everyone laughs at Sirius' words. No one asks the boys what they stole because, lets face it, we would probably be here all night listening to the list it will be that long! "My turn!" says Lily, sitting up straight on the floor, "Never Have I Ever....had sex with a Slytherin?". Oh shit. I take a bean, and to my surprise so does Sirius. "Who?!" everybody asks us, looking shocked. "With that guy who left last year, Pearson. We were both pretty drunk and one thing led to another..." I say. They all look a bit relieved, Pearson wasn't bad. He wasn't in to all the elitist pureblood stuff, and he was nice enough. Honestly, why was he in Slytherin? "Bennet, the year below." Sirius says, a little shame - facedly. "She gave me a love - potion and....yea." he adds. What a cow! James pats him on the back and Sirius shivers, "Worst snog of my life though - that's for sure!". We all laugh and continue on with the game. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter and Mary admit to lying to their parents about being hungover, and James and Sirius also reveal that they have kissed. "What?!" we all shout in reaction to this news. "We were in fourth year and we were playing Truth or Dare!" James says, defending himself and Sirius. Me and the girls burts out laughing at the thought of a 14 year old Sirius with shorter hair and a 14 year old lanky James snogging. HAHA!

That brings us up to my turn to ask a question. "Ok," I begin, "Never Have I Ever...refused a kiss?". Tame, I know. Lily, Sirius, James, Remus and Alice all take a bean. Wow! That's actually quite a lot! I never refuse to give people a kiss, if they ask for one I'll give them a kiss on the cheek if I don't want to kiss their mouth. We all know Lily has refused James many, many kisses, and James, Sirius and Remus literally have fanclubs of girls asking to kiss them. But who did Alice refuse to kiss? As if reading my mind, Ali says, "I refused to kiss Leonardo Zabini in third year!". We all burst out laughing. No wonder she refused. If he asked for a kiss from me I would go against my 'kiss on the cheek' custom and just slap him clean across the face!

We do a couple rounds more before a very tipsy Ali asks, "Never Have I Ever had sex?". Oh, the typical 'who's a virgin?' question. Nice. I take a bean, as do Sirius and Mar. To me surprise, and clearly everyone else's, James doesn't take a bean. James Potter is a virgin? Who would've thought? Don't get me wrong, it's a great thing but...how? He's had legions of girlfriends, and I'm almost certain that I heard Daphne Vane claiming that she slept with him at the end of sixth year! Interesting....

At this the game ends, and karaoke starts! "Ok,ok! Doubles Karaoke. James and I vs 2 of you girls." says Sirius, competitively. All of us girls huddle together. "Ok," says Lily, "Marly and Mar, do you want to do this?". Lily has the best voice out of all of us, but we agree to save that for later. Mar and I nod. "Great! You had better win this!" says Ali. Ali hates singing, but she loves to hear us do it. We turn back to face the boys. "Marly and I will be singing!" declares Mary, and she starts staring James down. Me and Sirius look at each other, and I grin.

It's on!

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