Chapter Twenty-Eight - Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

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Prongs has been bloody working us to the bone this week in the build up to the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff game. I mean, I get it - we can't have Slytherin win or anything...but like...fuck! My arms ACHE, and I'm not even being dramatic!

Currently, Marls and I are on our way down to our final practice before the match. "I swear, if he works us as hard as he did last night, I'll not be able to throw tomorrow!" she says, and I laugh. "You think that you have it bad? In my FREE TIME he has been doing extra push ups! I swear, I will use my newfound strength to wallop him one!" I reply, and Marly sniggers. "He deserves it!" she replies, and we spend the rest of the walk down just ROASTING Prongs!

When we arrive at the pitch, everyone is already lined up ready to go. "In everybody! Come here!" Prongs shouts from where he is standing near the goalposts at the end of the pitch. We rush over as he beckons us and join the huddle. "Right! Our training this week has been good, and I really do think that we are ready for tomorrow's game. I've been watching Hufflepuff train, and they really aren't that great! Ok, so start off with a fly around the pitch, and then we'll work from there!". We nod and mount our brooms before kicking off into the already darkened sky.

I think the reason Prongs is working us so hard is quite simply the weather. It's looking good for tomorrow, but all of this week it's been cold and wet. I've even almost fell off my broom a couple of times after losing my grip! But the worst part is the early nights - due to the fact that the Quidditch pitch has no light, and despite us brightening it as much as we can, it is nearly impossible to see after about six. Considering the earliest we can get on to the pitch is half past five, that doesn't leave us much time to practice. So far this week we got to stay out until about half seven on Tuesday, and about quarter past seven last night. Due to these much shorter practices, Prongsie is trying to fit as much stuff in as he can.

The night is cold, and it has a damp feel to it, despite the fact that it isn't raining. It rained earlier today though, and now the ground by the lake is just a mud bath. We had to be careful walking down here, trying not to slip on the muddy, wet grass on the downhill slope. I shiver as I finish my lap around the Quidditch pitch, and take a look at the sky. It's misty, and there are a lot of clouds, but you can still see the beautiful, shining stars, lighting up the night sky. Stunning.

Practice is actually decent, and I really do think that we are ready for tomorrow. We've got this game in the bag anyways! We'll flatten Hufflepuff! They, quite frankly, are not a very good side and it should be easy peasy to beat them, and I really don't think that I am being cocky or over confident in saying that.

After practice, Prongs orders us to bed for an early night, and we oblige, trudging back up the hill in pure darkness. I shower as soon as I enter the boy's dormitory, and then hop into bed soon after. Moony comes in quite late, and I tell him off for waking me up. But, to my surprise, Wormy comes in even later!

"What the hell were you doing out so late?" I demand of him, and he stutters nervously. "I...ummm...". "Wait, wait, wait! Wormy, do you have a bird?" I ask incredulously, and he nervously nods. "Why the fuck are you hiding this information? Bloody hell man! I give you most details about my life, and here you are seeing a girl and not even telling me! I'm hurt!" I say melodramatically, and the boys laugh.

"Right, we'll not talk about this anymore tonight 'cuz Prongs will have a fit if I don't get a good nights rest. However, you shall spill the beans to all of us when Prongsie is here tomorrow, ok?" I say, and he nods. I turn back over and head to sleep, the boys following me not long later.

The next day I wake up at about six, and I can't get back to sleep. "For fuck sake." I mutter, standing up and heading into the bathroom. "Well, if I can't sleep I may as well do something useful!". Neither Moony or Wormtail stir, and I start the shower. I've decided that I may as well go down to the Quidditch pitch and do a little warm up before breakfast.

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