Character Profile: Peter Pettigrew

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Peter Pettigrew ~ Thomas Brodie-Sangster

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Peter Pettigrew ~ Thomas Brodie-Sangster

>Loves to bake, and always has some kind of bun or pastry on him.

>Drinks hot chocolate religiously.

>Incredibly shy.

>Loves his mother dearly, but despises his father because he always feels weak compared to him.

>Struggled with becoming an Animagus, and secretly didn't want to do it but did it anyway because he didn't want his friends to leave him or think he was cowardly or stupid.

>Asked the Sorting Hat to be put in Hufflepuff, and was quite concerned and upset when it put him in Gryffindor instead.

>Always feels inferior to his friends, and never feels like he compares to them in any way; they are all good looking and smart whereas he isn't.

>Grateful to Lily Evans who once defended him against the Slytherin's in sixth year when the Marauders weren't around.

>Couldn't believe his luck when he met James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin on the Hogwarts Express in first year.

>His attempts to grow a moustache in sixth year led to much teasing from the Marauders before he eventually gave up.

>No Outstanding OWLs - mostly Acceptables and one or two Exceeds Expectations.

>Only really good at Herbology.

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