Chapter Six - Predictions, Potions and Peeves

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Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I've had a fantastic day back so far. No really, I mean it! Apart from the RIDICULOUS amounts of homework we've been given - like, come on Minnie! Give me a break! Does she know how stressful it is to be Sirius Padfoot Black (yes I know that's not my actual name, but don't you dare say it or I will not hesitate in hurting you)? Because it is VERY stressful! I have to deal with REMUS MOONY LUPIN - who is my favourite ever werewolf, but has study problems. Like studying? Really Moony? Studying is for people who actually want to succeed. I personally don't give a shit. And then I have to deal with PETER WORMTAIL PETTIGREW! I mean, I feel really bad for Petey - Wetey. This Ravenclaw who he had a crush on full on rejected him and was a bitch! Oh, I'll make her pay for that one! And then, to top it all off, I have to deal with JAMES PRONGSIE - POO POTTER! The idiot who is in love with Lily Evans and yet still insists that he is 'getting over her'. Yeah, right.

So yes, Minnie G, I do apologize if my Tranfiguration essay isn't 'perfect' or, you know, 'sub - standard'. But realistically speaking is it going to change my life? No no no! So why set it?!

A/N - I wanted to have a Sirius moment so that he can really reflect how he feels on the inside. It's not really relevant to the story but, I mean, it's Sirius!


Ancient Runes was pretty average. Frank, Remus and I sat in the front of the class as per usual. The Slytherins were annoying, and Professor Smith just droned on and on. Boring. After Ancient Runes, we all head to the Great Hall where we had arranged to meet for lunch with the others. They arrive from divination looking thoroughly disgruntled about something.

"That bitch!" Marly declares, sitting down. The others all nod their heads in agreement. Frank, Remus and I all shared a look. What the actual hell happened? As if reading my mind, James says, "She predicted all of our deaths. I'm going to die at the age of 21. Yippee!". Everyone bursts out laughing at the sarcasm dripping from his voice. "My entire family are going to be murdered. I believe that I am the real winner here!" Marly says, laughing. "No! No! No! I'm the winner! I get poisoned and then tortured! Then, and only then, shall I be murdered savagely!" Mary says, gasping for breath. Thanks for that mental image, Mar. "I will betray everyone and then die because of hesitation. I will also live life as an animal. Weird!" Pete says, making us all laugh even harder. Divination's a bunch of tosh, everyone knows that!

Sirius then danders in from his Muggle Studies class. "Bonjour, everybody! No need to panic, no need to fret! Your King is here!" he announces, taking a bow. James grabs him by his shirt collar and pulls him down into his seat. "The King has been dethroned!" he says, standing up and taking a bow himself. I roll my eyes at their antics. Boys! After a couple of minutes of trying to push each other over they finally realise that there is food on the table, really good food. They immediately stop and start wolfing down many portions. How are they not cclinically obese? I am almost certain that I just saw a certain Sirius Black eat seven chicken sandwiches and wash them down with twelve biscuits and two slices of cake. How?! It really does amaze me! I mean, it has literally been four and a half hours since we last ate! What the hell!?

I look past the boys and further up the table when I see a very pleasant sight. I quickly nudge Mar and nod my head in their direction. Their direction? Oh, that's nothing! It's just Ali and Frankie having a little conversation! Oooohhhh..... Mar nudges Marly who looks up, a bit peeved off that her lunch has been interrupted. Her facial expression immediately changes when she sees exactly what we're looking at. Frank says something that makes Ali burst out laughing, a really girly laugh. To be honest, what I want to know is how they are so oblivious to each others feelings! I mean come on! It could not possibly be any more obvious! Frank then gets up and says goodbye to everyone, and Ali and Peter get up soon afterwards. This is when we realised that the Marauders are not totally oblivious to everything that goes on around them.

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