Chapter Eleven - Hogsmeade

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Currently, James and I are sitting eating dinner by ourselves. None of our friends are down yet and we're just chatting away. It kind-of feels like one of our patrols; we're even playing the question and answer game again.

"Chocolate or sweets (candy for Americans)" I ask him, and he thinks for a minute before replying, "Chocolate! It's just unbeatable!". I nod my head in agreement and laugh a bit. This is really, really fun! "Ok, ok! Ummm....Birthday or Christmas?" he asks me, and I respond confidently, "Christmas! It is definitely the best holiday!". James says, "I have to agree! Birthdays are fun, but Christmas is just.......superior!". I laugh at his answer and the game continues, with us just asking each other really silly questions. After about half an hour of this, all the others join us.

"Hey!" I say to them, and they all say it back, sitting themselves down. After a little while of idle conversation, I finish my dinner. James does as well but before we leave I say, "So, I was thinking of having the first Hogsmeade trip next Saturday. Does that sound good?". Everyone nods their heads enthusiastically - trips to Hogsmeade are always really fun! The boys will probably visit Zonkos, and I really want to go to the bookstore. Marly and Ali always stock up on sweets from Honeydukes, and Mar loves shopping for dresses. After making that little announcement, James and I leave the Great Hall. "Hey! Should we go and see Dumbledore now? You know, just to tell him about Hogsmeade." James says, and I nod in agreement. We walk up the stairs to Dumbledore's office and say the password ('Anglo Bubbly'). We walk up the stairs and knock on Dumbledore's office door. "Come in!" sounds Dumbledore's calm voice from inside his office. James and I enter slowly, and Dumbledore looks up at us, and smiles. "Hello Miss Evans! Hello Mr Potter! Is there something I can do for you?" he asks, and gestures for us to take a seat on the other side of his desk from where he is sitting on a throne-like chair. James and I sit down on the two chairs, and I say, "Professor Dumbledore, we were just thinking about when to set the first Hogsmeade visit. We were thinking of maybe..... next Saturday?". Dumbledore smiles at this, his blue eyes twinkling slightly. "Yes, Miss Evans. I believe that to be perfectly in order. Now, I must alert you of some extra security that will be taking place in Hogsmeade during the visit. There will be various aurors, including your parents Mr Potter, stationed around the edge of Hogsmeade. These aurors will be stationed here just in case there are any Death Eater attacks. In light of recent events, I believe this to be quite necessary. When you put the Hogsmeade announcement up, please add that no students are to leave the main village. Now, how are your Head Boy and Head Girl duties going?". Dumbledore says this all slowly and clearly, ensuring that James and I could hear and understand every word that he said. 

Recently, there have been more and more attacks, and not just by witches and wizards. Dementor attacks are becoming more and more common, and the giants are joining Voldemort too. Hundreds of muggles are being slaughtered every single week, and I can't help but worry about my parents. My poor parents! What if something happened to them? It would be all my fault! Even at Hogwarts, the safest place I could be, I'm not totally safe. Muggle-borns are being hunted all over the world, and as an authority figure I attract even more trouble.'s really awful, isn't it? 

As I finish pondering over these thoughts, James answers Dumbledore's final question. "Head duties are going very well, sir. I hope that we're doing a good job, and so far we haven't had any trouble.". Dumbledore smiles at us and says, "You two are doing a fantastic job! Keep it up! Now, unless there is anything else that you wish to chat about, I suggest that you go and enjoy your Saturday night!". We smile back at him and say, "Good night, Professor!" in unison, and then we stand up and leave the room. I decide to go up to Gryffindor tower and sit with my girls for a while, while James goes and sees his Marauders in their dorm. After some conversation, I leave quite late and head back to my dormitory. I go straight up to my bed and have a fantastic night's sleep. 

Wildest Dreams | A James and Lily Love Story ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora