My Boyfriend

By saabelz

578 177 32

"There are different kinds of guys and their characters reflect in their love-life. That's why I said we all... More



45 15 2
By saabelz

The next day Uriel,Ene and Daniella got  dressed and went to Salihat and Funmilayo's apartment off-K. They planned on spending the day there then get dressed later on for the party.

When they arrived at the apartment Salihat and Fumilayo were still sleeping. They knocked for awhile with no answer.

"Are you girls dead or what!!" Uriel shouted with her fist now banging on the door.

From their sleep Salihat and Fumilayo groaned and opened their eyes. Salihat stood up to go open the door for her friends. Uriel raised her to knock again but the door was pulled open by Salihat who was still very sleepy.

"Its you that killed us abi " Salihat murmured as she opened the door for them.Then she turned to go back into the room.

"Good morning to you too Sally. " Daniella said.

"What kind of sleep is this?" Uriel asked  as they walked in. "Its past eleven already " she said.

Salihat rolled her eyes. The girls sat down. Fumilayo stood up from bed when she heard her friends voices and walked to parlour. She and Salihat lived in a room and parlour self contain.

"Good morning " Fumilayo greeted.

"Almost twelve " Uriel said not responding to the greeting.

"Morning " Ene said

"Uriel what's your own with what time we wake up " Salihat stood with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"Do you know how long we stood outside knocking?" Uriel countered.

"We slept late besides you know we always wake up late on Saturdays. Ma binu " Fumilayo explained to Uriel .

"Better person.." Uriel said to Fumilayo

"Funmi is the one that opened the door for you abi?" Salihat said with her mouth full of toothpaste lather.

"Go and rinse your mouth joor " Uriel looked at her with disgust.  Salihat knew she was irritated and decided to look for her trouble . She walked to where Uriel was sitting who stood up and ran to other side of the room avoiding her. Uriel started screaming when she saw Salihat following her.

"Ohh you people should tell Sally to stop" Uriel started laughing. The other girls been used to their playful antics didn't interfere.

Salihat stopped and went in to rinse her mouth. She came back and sat with the remaining girls.

"I'm hungry. what do you girls plan on cooking?" Ene asked

"I don't even know yet" Salihat answered her. " why haven't you eaten?" She asked

"I got a call from my group mates early this morning. Our project supervisor has been posting us so when I heard she was in her office this morning we rushed there to submit chapter one." Ene explained.

"Pele..eyin project people. " Funmilayo said smiling.

"Don't worry by this time next year you will be facing your own. Your faculty that has plenty crazy lecturers." Daniella said to Funmilayo.

"We have plantain,let me make dodo and scrambled eggs yeah?"Funmilayo suggested.

"Ok"Ene said.

"Let me check if the plantain will be enough sef " Funmilayo went into the kitchen.

"What's in the bag?" Salihat asked Daniella who had a big bag beside her.

"Oh that. It's our clothes for the party. Let me drop it inside."Daniella said.

The girls had brunch and gisted the whole afternoon. When it was seven they started preparing for the party. By the time they were done, a car was sent to picked them up. They arrived the club around 10PM.

The club was located in Maitama for the high class. It was where all the big boys went to. All those northern rich kids were always there ready to spend their father's money. The girls were looking all pretty. Someone led them to the VIP section where Uriel supposed  suitor and his friends were.

As soon as they entered the VIP Uriel walked up to a guy and gave him a tight hug.

"Hey baby " The guy said giving her a peck on the cheek. "You look amazing "

"Thanks " Uriel smiled. She introduced her friends and they all exchanged pleasantries.

"This is my friend who we are all here to celebrate with " Tony put his arm over the shoulder of a guy he introduced as Mustapha.

"Hey ladies, let's have fun!" He shouted over the music.

Soon they were all having fun, enjoying the party. Uriel was occupied with Tony.   She sat on his leg and they were talking.  She was obviously into Tony and her friends could see it. Funmilayo, Ene and Daniella stood up to dance while Salihat sat sipping on her drink watching others do their things.

Uriel and Tony were also and were all over each other. Tony was a tall dark handsome guy. Uriel was light in complexion,of average height and curvaceous. As Salihat sat down there,she couldn't help but not how they both fit each other well.

Daniella didn't take it easy on the drinks and soon she was already tipsy. Ene kept an her on her. Funmilayo had always been the best dancer amongst them and was always ready to show her moves. Her dance steps were tight and soon all the guys around wanted to dance with her. She was dancing with one of Tony friends when Mustapha the  celebrant came and stole her.  He smiled at her and she smiled back. They  started dancing and Funmilayo enjoyed dancing with him. They spoke a little while they danced. A few minutes later Funmilayo noticed Daniella was getting drunk so she pulled away from Mustapha to help her cousin sit down.

Funmilayo and Ene took Daniella to sit with Salihat. They gave her water and left her in Salihat care while they went back to dancing.

Funmilayo found her way back to Mustapha's arms as they continued dancing. Ene was dancing with some random guy.

Hours later they all found themselves outside the club, ready to. Tony drove them back to his house where they slept until the following morning.

Ene was the first to wake up or so she thought.It was past 10. She got up from  the bed where Funmilayo and Salihat were still sprawled out. She heard the sound of the toilet flushing before Daniella walked out looking like a zombie.

"You're awake "Ene said.

"Hmm uhm.." Daniella sat back on the bed while Ene entered the bathroom to ease herself.  Ene looked into the mirror and laughed when she saw her face. Her makeup was smudged just like Daniella's.  There wasn't anything she could use to wipe the makeup off and she wasn't ready to go through the tedious process of using soap and water, so she left the bathroom to ask Daniella.

"Dani, do you have wipes in your bag?" She asked.

"Noo..  but I think I saw Uriel put a little wipe pack in her bag."Daniella replied.

"Where's she?" Daniella asked. She was too drunk when they got back so she didn't notice the sleeping arrangement.

Ene told her Uriel didn't sleep in the same room as them. Ene in her mind knew she didn't want to go and knock in the other room and Daniella wasn't willing either.  After awhile of just sitting Daniella decided to wake Funmilayo and Salihat.

"Wake up! Funmi!!" Ene tapped Funmilayo on her arm. When she didn't open her eyes Ene tapped harder and she began to stire. Ene woke Salihat which was pretty easy then she went back to waking Funmilayo up.

Daniella sat on the couch in the corner of the room holding her head in her hands.

"Fuck my head is pounding " She said.

"That's what you get for getting so drunk " Funmilayo said to Daniella who was nursing a pretty bad hangover.

"Funmi please go and help us collect wipes from Uriel and ask Tony  if he has panodol or something I could use." Daniella said.

"Why didn't you or Ene go since you guys woke up before us?" Funmilayo asked not liking the idea of her going.

"My head is paining me "

"See as my face is"

Daniella and Ene said together.  Funmilayo sighed and got up from the bed not minding that her hair was ruffled and her tight green sequence dress had raised up to upper thigh. Funmilayo was light in complexion, busty with her tiny waist and her big behind. She usually dye her hair and that day her was colour red.

She got out of the room and walked to other side of the apartment where Tony's room was. Apparently they had slept in the guest room. She knocked.

"Who is it ?" Tony asked from inside the room.

"It's me Funmi " she replied. She heard voices, probably Tony and Uriel talking.  Few seconds later the door was opened by Uriel who closed the door immediately behind her but not before Funmilayo caught sight of a shirtless Tony.

Funmilayo took a glance at her friend who was putting on a vest and boxer. Funmilayo raised an eyebrow at Uriel who was blushing

"What!?" Uriel smiled

"Have I said anything?" Funmilayo asked looking amused.

"You don't need to. I know that face"

"Since you want me to talk I'll. You're already wearing his clothes hmmm." Uriel was smiling sheepishly.

"I couldn't sleep in that dress na. Anyways what's up?" Uriel asked.

"The girls are awake and we need your wipes. Then when are we going back or are we leaving you here." Funmilayo had a accusing smile on.

"Stop it joor... we are leaving soon.let me get the wipes for you." Uriel went back into the room and came back empty handed.

"my bag isn't in the room abeg check the kitchen I think I left it there when I went to get water earlier on." Uriel said " babe you look like something from a horror story." Uriel said laughing.

"Thank you " Funmilayo eyed her doing the waka sign.

Uriel entered the room and Funmilayo went towards the kitchen.

As she stepped into the kitchen she saw a guy opening the refrigerator. A tall dark guy. He had his back to her. His naked back. His body was well toned and Funmilayo couldn't help but check him out.

What's up with all the shirtless men in this house na. She thought to herself.

She didn't notice the guy had already turned to face her and saw her checking him out. He cleared his throat and that brought her out of her daze. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was. Mustapha Tony's friend stood there with a bottle of smirking. Her cheeks felt hot. She looked down clearly embarrassed that he had caught her checking him out.

"Is this how you check all guys out or am I just to hot to resist?" Mustapha asked with a smirk.

"I wasn't...I was.. just surprise to see you here. Didn't know you lived here. "Funmilayo wished she could wipe the smirk off his handsome face. She glanced up to see him staring at her from head to toe. For the first time that morning she felt conscious of how she was looking. Mustapha was taking his time taking her all in. Her green dress up her thighs and her red ruffled hair with her round sinful body making her look like a watermelon.

" I look like a mess." Funmilayo said not waiting for him to say it.

"A hot mess.. yeah" he said quietly but she heard and blushed. "...and I don't leave here. I live next door. Just came to get water. Didn't notice I ran out  until this morning. Why are you here?"

Funmilayo walked towards the island where Uriel was laying on top.

"I came to get Uriel's bag." She said bringing out the wipe pack and pulling two pieces out. "...needed this to clean my face " she gestured to the wipe.

Mustapha nodded still staring at her.

"I'm Mustapha Aminu..." Mustapha started but she interrupted

"I know your name... well at least the first name.Tony introduced us remember?" Funmilayo said.

"I know but I would love to know you better hence a proper introduction. " he said and she nodded. "I'm Mustapha Aminu but you can call me Musty that's what everyone calls me. I'm a real estate contractor. " He smiled showing his cute dimples.

He has fucking dimples!! Just kill me already. Funmilayo thought to herself.

"Well I'm Funmilayo Lawal. I'm a student." She said and laughed a little. Mustapha joined her.

"What course?" He asked


"Wow... that's great. I have two siblings that are lawyers also.. " she smiled.

"Cool.. by the way congrats. " she said as she finished cleaning her face and went to throw the used wipe in the trash bin.

"Thanks" he said knowing she was referring to his recently awarded contract.

"Don't mind me asking. How did you bag such a huge contract.?" She walked back to the Island and took out one of the stool to sit on.

"Perks of  being the son of the former FCT minister " Funmilayo nearly drop off the stool when she heard it. Mustapha must have noticed cos he asked

"Are you ok?"

"Uhm yeah yes Yes I'm Okay " she said but in her mind she was like Ahmad Aminu is your father!! Why are you still working?. "..that's nice. I don't know you..well not like I know your family but I do see your sisters post on Instagram. " she laughed trying to act cool like she didn't almost just fall off her ass when she heard who his father was.

"I've been out of the country for years and I don't do much social media. " he said and she nodded. ".. fuck I forgot I left someone at my place. I need to go"

"Oh" Funmilayo faced dropped for a minute. She was enjoying his company  but she couldn't let it show " ok I also need to get this to my friends. " she raised the wipe.

"We'll continue this later" Mustapha said and left her sitting in the kitchen.  Just then Salihat entered the kitchen wondering what was taking Funmilayo so long to get the wipes.

"Funmi..what took you so long na?" Salihat asked.

"Uhm I was ..."

"Isn't that Tony's friend I just saw" Funmilayo just nodded.

Funmi: what do you think about Mustapha?? press that orange star ..

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