Your Ghost

By StarlightCevans

86.5K 2.3K 318

Evelyn is like most ladies you would have met: Kind, caring, ambitious and a go-getter. Evelyn loves animals... More

Writer's note
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter: 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:

Chapter 3:

3K 77 8
By StarlightCevans

Ransom kisses me. Hard. I am completely caught off guard. I try to say his name, but the sound that comes out of my mouth is a muffle instead. Ransom pins me against the door and I hear a click. Did he just lock the door? Ransom takes my hands in each of his and slides my arms above my head. His knee pushes right between my legs...right there so I cannot kick him.

I know what he is doing. He is trying to stop me from escaping out of his grasp. I curse, but again, my voice is muffled by Ransom kissing me. I used to love kissing Ransom. Believe me. I loved it. His lips are soft and they fit perfectly with mine. Whenever I kissed him I would feel safe.

Now all I feel from his kiss is possessiveness, anger and frustration. I try to pull away from Ransom, but the more I push away, the more he tightens his grip on me.

"Stop fighting." Ransom says between kissing me, "You won't win the fight."

I try to speak but Ransom kisses me harder and forces his tongue in my mouth. Once his tongue is in my mouth, I knew that I am going to give in. I try to push Ransom away, but I have lost my train of thought. My legs start to shake and if Ransom was not holding me up, I would have fallen right onto the ground.

"I got you Eve." Ransom quickly says.

Before I can do anything, I am suddenly picked up- his hands are right on my butt – and he lays me on the bed.

Ransom quickly takes off his trench coat and within seconds...he is towering over me.

I look straight into his eyes. Those angel blue eyes. He smirks...he knows I am falling under his spell again. Before I can look away, Ransom places his lips over mine. He takes both of my hands into his and his legs are on either side of my legs – making sure I don't escape. I want to leave this room, but I cannot fight the feeling that is building up inside me and it feels so good.

"I have missed you." Ransom whispers as he takes both of my hands into his one hand while his other hand caresses my cheek. His touch feels welcoming and so good. I close my eyes to try and steady my breathing. He knows that I am going to fully give in. Ransom places his finger on my bottom lip and my body jerks.

I can hear him laughing softly. He kisses me on the corner of my mouth.

"Stop...Ransom stop...." My voice is barely a whisper. I need to stop this before I go any further. I cannot be a victim to his ways – again!

Ransom trails his lips to my neck. "I didn't hear a please." His cocky attitude is back again. I must admit I used to love it, but right now, I cannot take it.

Ransom kisses my neck and I moan. Ransom laughs. "I have also missed this." His free hand is on my chest and his hand slowly moves to my breast. The moment his hand is directly on my breast, I moan.

"I have missed that moan." He adds as he squeezes my breast again. I moan even louder.

I shut my eyes. As much as I am enjoying this, I have to stop this. Right now! Before this goes any further.

Ransom moves his hand to under my shirt and he squeezes my breast. I wince.

"Stop....Please stop Ransom..." My voice is barely audible.

Ransom continues to kiss my neck. He lifts my bra above my breast so that his hand is directly on my breast.

"So you are over me are you?" Ransom taunts.

My breathing quickens. I know if this goes any further now, I am going to lose my self-respect. What this man does to me.

I can feel his teeth on my neck. I know what he is doing.

"Ransom stop!" I scream.

Just then there is a knock on the door. Ransom sits up and his grip around my hands loosens. Now is my chance.

In one swift motion, I open my eyes and sit up, I push Ransom off me – who falls on the ground – and I jump to unlock the door.

It's Fran. Shit! I close the door just enough so that she can only see me.

Fran's eyes dart around me to see if she can peak inside, but I block her view.

"Harlan wishes to see you." Fran bluntly says.

I look behind me to see that Ransom is sitting on the bed. I look back at Fran who I hope has not seen Ransom yet.

"I will be there shortly." I quickly say, plastering a smile on my face.

"He wishes to see you now." Fran drags out the last word. She frowns as she looks at my chest. I look down and see that my shirt is still rolled up – but thankfully she cannot see anything.

Fran raises a brow at me. "Let me just sort this out." I giggle and close the door. I place my head on the door and close my eyes.

"That was close." Ransom says.

I roll my eyes. "This was a mistake." I saw through gritted teeth.

I look in his direction, but avoid his eyes. "This cannot happen again." I straighten myself, but I curse because I pulled my top up in front of Ransom – who is locked onto my chest.

"You won't ever see them again." I sneer.

"We will see about that." Ransom smirks.

I groan and open the door, to see that Fran is still standing outside. I walk out and close the door as quickly as I can.

"Can you please show me where Harlan is?" I asked Fran.

Fran turns on her heel and walks me back to where Harlan's study is.

I walk inside the study, but there is no one inside. "Where is –"

"Mr. Thrombey is outside." Fran says in an irritated tone.

I turn to face her, and she points to the open door leading to outside.

I thank Fran – who marches off – and I walk outside to see Harlan is witting on a bench, looking into the distance.

"Mr. Thr – I mean Harlan. Fran told me you wanted to see me." I mention.

Harlan looks at me and smiles. "Yes I did. Please...sit." He gestures for me to site next to him.

I look into the distance just Harlan did. The sun is nearly gone.

"I am happy that you have changed your mind about staying here." Harlan smiles sweetly at me. I smile back. Well I would have left...but your grandson held me back - literally. I want to tell Harlan that, but I decide a different approach.

"You asked me so kindly. So could I say no?" I look back to where the sun is nearly gone.

Harlan laughs softly. "Listen Evelyn, I wanted to ask you if you wouldn't mind staying for dinner?" He asks.

I gulp. I don't want to stay. Especially if Ransom is here. I fear of what I might do if I stay around him.

"That is very kind Harlan, but I must get home. It is getting dark and I have to feed Sheila." I decline his offer.

"Don't be silly Evelyn. You cannot drive back in the darkness, especially on your own. Besides, you can bring Sheila here."

I raise my brows. "You are aware that Sheila is a dog right?"

"Yes I do. I know you have a dog. I can remember when you and Ransom brought her at Christmas time." Harlan places his arm around me, "I may be old, but I am not senile." Harlan laughs.

I force a giggle out. "Still though, I cannot bring her here. Also, why would I need to?"

"Well you are staying for dinner. It is going to be dark outside and I prefer for you to stay here for the night. Simple as that. Besides, I am sure that Ransom would love it if you stayed."

I almost gag when Harlan mentions Ransom's name. Sure...Ransom would love it. Yeah, love to taunt me while I am here.

I face Harlan. I open my mouth, but he speaks before me. "One night." I close my mouth and frown.

"One night is all I ask for. You have the guest bedroom and I can guarantee that no one is going to disturb you." He smiles.

"Everyone you say? Are you sure?" I tease.

Harlan laughs as he places his hands over mine. "I know Ransom can be –"

"Pushy? Rude? An asshole?"

"I was going to say difficult." Harlan's eyes narrow.

"Oh sorry." I look into the distance.

"Anyway, I know Ransom is a pain –"

"Pain in the neck? Pain in the ass? Sorry" I interrupt again.

Harlan sighs. "I was going to say a pain sometimes, but you need not worry about him as much. He won't stay in this house."

"He might." I blurt. I can picture Ransom creeping into the bedroom during the night, crawling under the duvet. I shudder at the thought. I cannot be a victim to his ways again.

"He prefers his own place. In any case, most of the rooms will be filled."

I nod. Harlan is right about Ransom. Ransom does prefer to be in his own house. I can remember after our visits to Harlan, Ransom would decline Harlan's offer to stay in the house. It's probably because Ransom didn't want anyone to hear us. I shudder at that thought and curse to myself for even thinking about that. I know Ransom only visited Harlan when he wanted something, or when he showed up to the house unannounced, just to cause a scene in front of his family...

Hang on! As if my self-conscious slaps me, I realize what Harlan just said.

"Wait a minute. Did you just say that most of the rooms will be filled? Does...Does that mean..."

I hear a car speeding up into the driveway. It's Linda and Richard. Shit!!

"My family is coming for dinner tonight." Harlan clarifies for me.

Shit! Shit! SHIT! The whole family plus Ransom! My breathing quickens.

"I need to get some air." Realizing what I just said, I clarify. "I need to be alone for now. I have to make a call quickly." I stand up and Harlan grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"You will be okay." He smiles. I nod and race back to his office, where I left my bag.

As I enter the house, I see Ransom – who has his trench coat on again – walking toward me. I walk past him, but he grabs my arm.

"Ouch! Ransom! Let me –"

"We are not done talking." Ransom says in an undertone.

I glare at him, but not in those eyes. "Let. Me. Go!" I say through gritted teeth.

Ransom pulls me closer. "Watch your tone with me" He warns.

I roll my eyes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me. You know what I am like when you roll your eyes."

My legs almost give way, but I stand my ground.

"Since when can you tell me what to do?" I question.

Ransom looks around. I quickly pull my arm away and run into Harlan's office.

I grab my phone to call my neighbor. I hear a click and turn to see that the door has been locked by Ransom...again!

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