Chapter 9:

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"I really should have brought my own groceries." I mention out loud as I close the fridge door. I know my intention was to go straight home after my discussion with Harlan...but my plans went awry the moment I arrived at Harlan's house. I am still not sure if being around Ransom was a good idea or a bad idea.

I look at Ransom. "Don't you have anything to eat in this place?"

Ransom's eyes are fixed on me, licking his lips as he looks up and down with his seductive eyes.

I clap my hands to try and snap his attention on the situation at hand. "Stop trying to imagine ways me stay here." I give him a sullen look.

Ransom looks back into my eyes and pouts like a child who got told he can't have any candy.

"But I like having you here." He mumbles.

"Do you have anything to eat in this house?" I repeat the question, as well as changing the subject which I don't wish to answer.

"There's a baking mixture or something in that cupboard." He darts his chin in the direction of the cupboard. I open the cupboard to find 3 mixtures; 1 pancake mixture, a muffin mixture and a cookie mixture.

I remember the brand names of these mixtures as I bought these when I was staying here. These must all be expired by now. When last has this man gone to the grocery store to buy food?

"That's it!" I slam the cupboard door. "I am going to the grocery store. You clearly need food in this place." I declare.

"Not dressed like that you are not." Ransom remarks, pointing at me.

I look down and honestly...I forgot I was wearing Ransom's t-shirt - and only the t-shirt. I know it is not the best dress-code to go to the grocery store in, but I decide to play around with the idea.

"But I like wearing this shirt. It's comfortable." I whimper.

He arches a brow in a no-way-in-hell-are-you-going-out-like-that look.

I narrow my eyes at him and stomp my foot like a child. "Fine! I'll go change. You are no fun!" I stomp to the doorway of the kitchen and halt, "Oh wait! I can't, because somebody broke my dress." I sarcastically say with a smirk.

"Well then, let's go back to your house first, and then you can go to the grocery store." Ransom retorts.

I part my lips and crease my brows together. "Did you just say I can go to the grocery store? Like by myself?"

"The grocery store is not my thing." He simply states.

"But...everyone goes to the grocery store." I cock my head to side.

"Well I am not everyone."

"Wait! Did you just say that you and I must go back to my house? For what? I am not staying here." I scrunch my face and place my hands on my head.

"Yes that is correct. I will take you to your house and we can get your clothing then, you can go to the grocery store." He says as if I have agreed to his plan.

I place my hands down by shoulder height in confusion. "What makes you think I am going to be staying here?" I ask.

"We are back together. Last night proves that you are not over me." He gives an enigmatic smile.

"Ransom..." I take in a breath, "Last night...I drank a little too much -"

"A little?" He cuts in.

I roll my eyes. "Look...what happened last night...happened, but it doesn't mean that we are back together."

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