Chapter 30:

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"So I heard you met Evelyn at Harlan's author function." Ransom says with a cocky smile.

Please don't be an asshole Ransom.

"Yes I met Evelyn there, but you were there too." Jake points out, his attitude suddenly harsher.

"Well that may be true, but I did have work to do though, thus I was not around Evelyn as much. So who knows who was around Evelyn during that night." Ransom playfully insinuates, and I know he is not being friendly toward Jake.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jake narrows his eyes at Ransom, puffing his chest out.

Ransom pulls a face and shrugs. "Nothing. Just..." he tightens his grip around my shoulders. "...don't let me find out along the grapevine that some dude was checking out my girlfriend's breasts."

Yep. He went there.


Jake's eyes widen. "How dare you -"

"Ransom!" Jake and I both speak in unison - which actually shocks the both of us.

"What?" Ransom asks, like it is no big deal. He keeps his eyes locked on Jake.

"That was accidental. It wasn't like it was intentional. It's not like I wanted to look at her boobs, or boob considering only one popped out." Jake raises his voice.

I frown at Jake and he catches my eye. He looks down for a second and then back at Ransom with rage in his eyes. "And you don't work. Last I heard, you haven't worked a day in your life."

"What did you just say?" Ransom removes his arm from around me and he takes a step toward Jacob, but I intervene and jump between the two men.

Oh no!

Jake's hit a nerve!

"Okay. I think we need to leave this place." I say to Ransom, trying to sound calm - and hopeful because I want to leave!

Ransom looks at me, but he doesn't move.

"Please. Let's just go." My voice is but a whisper.

Ransom's eyes dart back to Jake. "Say that again?"

"You heard me! You don't know what it is like to have a job." Jake looks down and his mouth twitches into a smile and then he looks at me with dismay. "And Evelyn, you told Ransom?"

"I didn't." I snap, and my eyes widen. "Sorry." I shake my head. I shouldn't snap at Jake like that.

"Then how did he find out?" Jake's face looks a little flushed.

"Some gold digger told him." I say bluntly.

Yes I know that isn't right to say, but Callie sure acts like one.

"Does it really matter who told me? I would have found out anyway. The point is, you checked out my girlfriend's breasts."

"I looked away when I saw her boob pop out her dress. It was one boob." Jake scowls. "And I just pointed it out to her. What? Would you have preferred the whole damn room look at her boob sticking out?" Jake flares his nostrils, sounding louder than before.

Does he really have to be so loud?

Ransom doesn't speak, but I can see his eyes are like daggers looking at Jake. If I wasn't between him and Jake, Ransom would probably start throwing punches.

It's not like it hasn't happened before. Ransom wants all men to know I am his and no man can touch me.

Gotta love the possessive side of Ransom.

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