'Dragon's Grudge'

LeoKenEvil द्वारा

98.5K 1.9K 2.6K

It...It almost feels like a dream. The heroes and sidekicks who are gathered in this hall alongside me are no... अधिक

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 3. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 4. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 5. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 6. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 7. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 8. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 9. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 10. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 11. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 12. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 13. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 15. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 16. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 17. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 18. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 19. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 20. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 21. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 22. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 23. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 24. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 25. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 26. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 27. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 14. (Under Rewrite)

2K 65 36
LeoKenEvil द्वारा

The shambling horrors' roars echo throughout the ash and fire-filled sky as the undead dragon spread his rotting wings, making his presence known to the other massive dragon that slowly inched closer and closer, the giant reptile of black scales roaring back in rage-fueled insanity as each step he took caused the ground beneath him to fracture and quake beneath his weight.

From some distance away, the heroes of Japan, as well as the students of class 1-A looked on at the two titans, fearful of what would happen, but that fear was more palpable in none other than Ochako Uraraka.

The ninth holder of One for All looked at the scene, scared for the safety of her beloved Izuku as she watched the monster that was once him march ever so closer to the abomination that was his father.

Her body trembled with each and every maddened roar that escaped his lipless jaws, her eyes shaking violently as she gazed at a monster and not the boy she had come to love, her grip on the white scales of the dragon hero Ryukyu tightening as she subconsciously activated One for All, causing a crack to form on said scales as little jolts of power spark off of her form.

She was however brought back to her senses when she felt the comforting hands of her friends Mina and Tsuyu being placed on her shoulders, causing her to snap both out of her little trance and her neck over her shoulder so she could look at them, first locking eyes onto the pinkette.

"Girl, I know that this is hard to watch, but we're all going through this together! You're the one who has to lead the charge for the class since this whole disaster started, don't you quit that attitude now!" Shouted Mina as she gave her friend a confident smile, trying to boost the brunette's morale while also giving her a soft gaze, trying not to come off as some sort of demanding army general.

She turned her gaze to the frog-like girl as she spoke up. "Ochako, I know that this must be very difficult for you to see right now, but we're all counting on you to be strong, and I'm certain that Izuku's counting on you too right now!" Said the other greenette of their class who spoke this out in a low but comforting voice, as well as the part that her boyfriend was counting on her to help him out of that fit of rage he's got himself in.

Hearing her friends reassuring words, Ochako gave them a thankful and warm smile that was accompanied by two thumbs up. She turned back around to witness the start of the battle between the two behemoths, one of great death, and one of unfathomable destruction.

It was at the point that Hisashi, or what was left of him, began charging at his son while he let out a ghostly, bellowing howl as he charged across the charred land, blue flames appearing with each and every decaying footstep he took, the ash-covered ground dying even further than it already had.

With that one roar that signified that start of a fight, the black dragon raised himself up off the scarred floor and took in a colossal amount of air into his lungs before he slammed back down onto the floor and let out a mighty roar that picked up the ash within its field and sent it barreling into the monstrosity coming his way.

The ash that was blown into his face didn't stop the mindless wretch from charging headfirst into the cloud, the embers licking at his dead flesh before he made it through the other side and snapped his bony jaws shut, only to see that there was no black dragon in sight.

He looked about the place for any sign of the other titan, only to hear a screech come from above him, causing him to look up and see that Izuku was coming at him with all the speed and force of an asteroid.

The horror sent a barrage of hellish blue flames at the descending drake, trying to slow him down or steer him off course, but it did nothing to change the crash course Izuku was on as he took the hit and continued descending from the sky like a meteor.

He landed right on top of the abomination, a massive explosion of fire erupting from beneath them both with the impact alone causing a massive shockwave that forced Ryukyu back by some distance due to the sudden blast of wind that was backed up by a storm of embers and ashes.

After taking a moment to recover themselves from the sudden blast once it had dissipated, everyone tended to the little burns on their bodies and rubbed their eyes to see that Izuku had lifted Hisashi up into the sky, his black claws digging into his rotting flesh before he opened his jaws wide and bit down into his father's neck, only to remove his teeth and recoil in disgust.

Black ooze escaped between the gaps of his teeth, his tongue hanging out from his mouth as he gagged at the taste of his fathers' dead black blood. This left an opening for the shambling horror as Hisashi drove his bony elbow into his son's side, the spike on the end breaking through the scales and finding soft, but fiery flesh as the black dragon screamed out as his grip loosened.

A window of escape opened up for Hisashi as he bit down his son's neck and threw him off his back and down onto the floor, the ground beneath the maddened boy caving in and wrenching open as he fell into the fiery pits below, his roars echoing from inside the raging cavern.

With Izuku now out of the fight, Hisashi turned his attention to the pros and heroes in training before he beat his wings furiously at them as he let out his infamous distorted screech before he rushed them.

Seeing that the shambling horror was on a collision course in their direction, the heroes, students, and the dragon hero Ryukyu all took on a battle stance, many quirks being prepped and going haywire off of many of the pros as they prepared to engage with the monstrosity.

Ryukyu spread her wings as wide and as threatening as she could, her teeth bared and gritted as she growled at the abomination that was once her little brother.

Ochako channelled One for All to its maximum that she could hold while being able to bare the strain it has on her, sparks of pink lightning bouncing off of her arms as she tightly clenched her fists, getting into a battle stance as she steeled herself to face against the dragon of death.

"Izuku, this is all for you!" She thought to herself as Hisashi didn't slow down and was fastly approaching them with his jaws wide open, ready to tear into his sister and everyone else on her back, both sides completely unaware that the ground was violently shaking this whole time.

Just as Hisashi was on top of them and ready to take a chunk out of his sibling, the ground behind him exploded with fire and magma with the resurgence of Izuku, the black dragon soaring through the air like a whale breaching the surface of the ocean with teeth and jaws ready to kill before he slammed into his father like a log in a raging river.

His teeth descended into the abominations head, breaking through bone and crashing into his brain, immediately halting all movements and sounds from Hisashi, the only sounds being made left are pain-filled whimpers that escaped the skull of the creature, the blue fires that blazed in his eyes faded in and out, along with those in his mouth and chest, before the very embers are snuffed out and fade away completely, leaving an empty husk dangling from the jaws of a literal apocalypse.

Everyone just looked at the scene with shocked expressions, shaky breaths and violently trembling eyes. The zero point robots at the entrance exam were the best weapons to deal with Hisashi, and they'd prove to have difficulty in slowing him down.

And yet here he is, limp and lifeless within the jaws of his own son, teeth buried into his massive, deformed skull. A fracture in the bone fell out and landed on Ryukyus' neck and right in front of the students, and each one was mortified to see just how thick it was, which led them all to beg the question.

Just how much force did Izuku just bite with to chomp down on his fathers' skull and kill him just like that? But Izuku was far from through with it as he spun 90 degrees on the spot, and without any form of hesitation whatsoever, he wrenched his head to the side and snapped the World Breakers' neck not once, not twice, not even three times.

Izuku repeated the process seven different times and in seven different ways each, such as holding his skull in one hand and his lower neck in the other before he pulled his head up. When Izuku was finally done having his little time of using the shambling horrors' neck like it was his favourite toy on Christmas day and he uses that much it breaks, he picks his father up by his severely damaged neck and throws him some distance away.

But all of them were shocked to see that his father was teleported to someplace, not by the mist that made up Kurogiri, but rather, from Hisashis' mouth came some sort of black sludge that quickly engulfed his colossal and rotting form.

And then, when it dissipated, the World Breaker was nowhere to be found. Nobody knew just what exactly happened that caused the World Breaker to disappear like that, but they were thankful nonetheless that there was one less issue to deal with.

Now the question that lingered in their heads was, how on God's green Earth are they going to deal with the walking natural disaster in front of them?

The dragon turned his head around and locked eyes with the pro hero that's his auntie before letting out a bellowing roar and charging full speed at her, every move he made caused the ground beneath everyone to shake.

Ryuko immediately knew that if she took on her nephew in head to head, jaw to jaw combat, given the serious bulk he has on him, she wouldn't stand a chance. So instead she took to the air and got as much distance from her rampant nephew as she possibly could.

Although, she didn't get really far when she felt something clamp down and stab into her tail, causing her to let out a shout of pain before she was forcefully pulled back onto the ash-covered ground.

Izuku had jumped into the air at the time Ryukyu took off to escape and just got into biting range of her tail and pulled her back down. The dragon hero landed with a loud thud on the ground, many of the people on her back ended up flying off and landing on the piping hot, rocky ground below as Izuku began his assault on his auntie.

From across the ash-filled plains, Ochako raised herself off of the ground and looked back to Izuku tearing Ryuko a new one, his teeth and claws embedded deep into her shoulders as the dragon hero tried shaking him off with little success.

Seeing this, brunette rushed over and channelled 9% of One for All in her legs and jumped up to Izuku's face, travelling at lightning-fast speeds before she landed on his left cheek, some moderate distance away from his eye.

She climbed up across his rough and fractured scales, bearing the searing heat he was producing, as well as the sudden outlets of flame from the breaks along his face before she was met with the furious eye, not belonging to Izuku, but that of a raging god.

The fire that roared from the back of his eyes was sporadic, his black pupils were now torrents of flame that were around her whole body size, the madness swirling around inside his tempered pits was utterly spine chilling as she trembled with the realization that this isn't Izuku she's dealing with anymore, but something else entirely.

Despite this, she remained strong in the belief that the boy she grew up with was still in there somewhere, so she tried calling out to him, trying to spot anything of him that she could recognise. "Izuku! Izuku, you need to stop this! This isn't you!"

She shouted as loudly as she could, trying to get the dragons' attention, but he didn't even acknowledge her, he just kept on biting and clawing at Ryukyu. But she wasn't about to give up on him. "Izuku please listen to me, what you're doing isn't right, you need to get it together! IZUKU, LOOK AT ME!"

She shouted at the top of her lungs, begging the giant creature of fire to pay her attention, and she saw his eyes widen a little, as if the dragon thought the voice that called out to him sounded familiar, and this brought great relief to the brunette when she not only saw the change in his eyes, but also his fiery pupil turn and look directly at her.

"Yes, yes that's it, just look at me! Izuku calm down please, it's me, Ochako Uraraka, don't you recognise me!?" She pleaded to the dragon, the massive reptile continued growling as he removed his jaws and meat-hook claws from the dragon hero and moved away from Ryukyu, carrying Uraraka with him as he moved away from the white dragon as Uraraka continued talking to him.

"Listen to me, I don't know exactly what went through your head when Hisashi showed up, but let's get one thing down. Is this what Izuku Yagi would do? Is this what you would do Izuku because I know you're in there and I know you're trying to fight it! So please, remember back to all those years ago when you and I first met, what I thought of you, and think back to where we got ourselves in!"

As the gravity girl continued to utter words in an attempt to snap Izuku out of it, she saw as his bright and furious pupil starting to quiver slightly along with the rest of his body as he growled and winced, as if something was trying to break out of its prison.

Suddenly, the black dragon began blinking rapidly and after a few moments of doing so, it gradually slowed down until he stopped and the slits began widening slightly, almost as if he was a cat that had calmed down after chasing a mouse, looking directly at the girl as the flames from the back of his eyes got smaller and smaller.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he actually said something. "O...Ocha-ko?" He said, his voice and breath heavy as he slowly but surely came back to his senses, making Ochako breathe an ecstatic sigh of relief as she responded. "Yes, yes Deku it's me, Ochako Uraraka! Listen to me, just focus your attention on me, don't focus on anything else around you, and just keep your eyes on me!"

As the brunette continued to talk to the dragon, trying her best to console him as best she can see the look of panic his massive eye when from the reflection of his lens, she could see pro hero Edge Shot appear from nowhere and grab her before he jumped away with the ninth wielder of One for All.

"Sorry kid, Endeavour's got a plan and we can't pull it off unless you're in the way!" Said the pro as Ochako began squirming in his arms, kicking and hitting them as she screamed at the pro to bring her back.

"PUT ME DOWN, I WAS ABLE TO TALK TO HIM, I REACHED IZUKU! BRING ME BACK, I CAN HELP HIM!" Her words fell on deaf ears as Edge Shot told the others through an intercom that the coast was all clear.

When he turned around though, he could see the black dragon giving chase as he called out to the brunette the pro was holding, shocking the pro hero before he sees Mt Lady strike the dragon in the face, driving her fist straight into his head and knocking the beast to the side, causing the brunette to scream out in fear.

"DEKU!" She watched as the giant lady from the day she nearly died, the day Izukus' quirk manifested, slammed her fists into the dragon again and again as she made her hatred of him know to everyone.

"THIS IS FOR WHAT YOU DID TO DEATHARMS YOU MONSTER!!!" Over and over again she drove her fists into his head, having not forgotten what the boy did to her friend. After spending about a good five minutes beating the walking apocalypse to a pulp, the blonde got off him and shouted out to none other than the #2. "ENDEAVOUR, YOU'RE UP!" Just as she said that, a blazing trail of fire zwooshed past her head right onto Izuku's eyelid.

When the black dragon opened his eyes and saw who was in front of him, he gazed right into the piercing blue eyes of Endeavour who looked at him with bared teeth as his flames began to roar in every direction as he shouted. "PROMINENCE!"

This caused the dragon to let out a vicious growl as he buried his claws into the dead ground, raising himself up off the fractured floor, but wasn't quick enough to swipe the hero away before Endeavour shouted. "BURRRN!" With this one word echoing across the barren plains, a sudden flash of light that burned as brightly as the sun flashed across the field, being followed up with a pain-filled roar that shook the ground and the skies alike.

From within Edge Shot's arms, Ochako watched in horror as she saw the creatures' head get blown to bits with Endeavours' ultimate move, watching her boyfriend suffer through so much. All of the events that happened today were all things he never asked to happen, his father reappearing as an undead horror, scarring an entire country with power that no one ever thought anyone could be born with, all the heroes on his case.

Izuku didn't ask for any of these things to happen. She looked on at the arching flames that stretched for a mile into the sky, left and right, and deep into the Earth's crust with shaky eyes, trembling breaths and her blood running as cold as ice as she kept her arm stretched out, tears flooding her eyes and flying helplessly in the air.

Upon landing with a few of the others, Ochako finally managed to break free from Edge Shots' grip, landing flat on her stomach with wind knocked right from her lungs, what little of her skin was showing burned slightly from the scorched earth beneath.

She got up from the floor and immediately turned to the pro before she started to furiously punch him in blind anger, the pro not even flinching upon each and every hit the brunette threw his way as she screamed furiously at him.

"WHY, WHY DID YOU PULL ME AWAY FROM HIM!? I WAS TALKING TO IZUKU, HE WAS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME! I COULD'VE HELPED HIM!" She was beyond livid with the pro hero right now as she didn't slow down her actions one bit, her tears threatening to escape her eyelids as she gritted her teeth as much as she could without making her gums bleed.

Seeing that she won't calm down on her own, the pro stopped her next fist by grabbing a hold of her wrist and kept her arm still in the air as he looked at her with a calm expression. "Ochako Uraraka right? Listen to me kid, I know that this is a lot to handle right now, but if he were to fly over any city in that form, then there would be nothing left of it the morning after from the wind pressure alone. I don't doubt this is a really hard experience for you kid, but the best thing we can do right now is to tire him out and revert him back through exhaustion." Said the pro, not raising his voice once to the girl in an attempt to calm her down as the girl continued huffing with gritted teeth and teary eyes as Endeavour lands right beside them with Hawks as Mt Lady slowly walks towards them, her arms crossed to her chest as she recognizes the girl from before. "Oh look at that, if it isn't the little bitch of that monster."

Upon hearing this, Ochako and the others turn their heads back around and locked their focus on the giant woman, who stood roughly at about 80 metres high to rival the size of the black dragon, and given the nice little names she gave him and her boyfriend, the brunette immediately had a problem with this. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT IZUKU YOU OVERGROWN BIMBO!?"

Ochako was too far gone to think rationally anymore with even the slightest thing being able to set her off right now, they were in the middle of a fire and ash-filled, barren wasteland, and she was just after watching her boyfriends' face getting blown up.

Needless to say, the pro calling her a bitch and Izuku a monster was the last thing the ninth wielder of One for All needed at the moment. "You heard exactly what I said tramp, if it weren't for that sack of reptile flesh over there, MY FRIEND WOULD STILL BE HERE!" The heroines' voice bellowed in the air as she shouted back at the girl in anger with Ochako respondin


Ochako had to be physically restrained by Edge Shot, Endeavour and Hawks, as well as a few of her classmates like Shoto and Kirishima as they saw her get violent, and it was obvious that what she said pissed off the heroine as well.


"SOME DEAD WOMAN!" Shouted a deep and inhuman voice, causing everyone to adorn a look of utter shock as they snapped their heads in the voices' direction. Mt Lady felt her blood run cold, her body trembled instantly as she knew exactly who that voice belonged to, having heard it not so long ago as she slowly turned her head around, the thunderous sounds of feet running across the ground getting louder and louder before she saw what it was just as it was on top of her.

There he stood, half his face being nothing but spiralling trails of fire, his eyes glowing white hot and jaws wide open as he pounced on the heroine, his hind claws burying deep into her back while his foreclaws sunk deep into her shoulders before he descended that vicious, oversized bear trap that are his jaws into her right shoulder.

With Mt Lady pinned onto the floor as she shouted out in agony of what was essentially being stabbed with red hot daggers, everyone could only look back and watch in terror as the black dragon succumbed to his rage again and tore into the pro with tooth and claw.

Mt Lady continued to scream out in pain as the hind claws of her assailant raked the flesh from her back and crushed her spine beneath the pressure, leaving her with no way of getting back up and escaping.

His teeth sunk deeper and deeper into her shoulder as the heroine tried driving her elbow into his left eye, trying to get him off her back, or at least get herself a quick breather from being maimed, but all her efforts were futile when Izuku, finally getting a good enough grip on the woman's shoulder with his teeth, wrenched his head up and not only ripped Mt Ladys' arm straight off her torso.

The pro screams of agony echoed in the sky as blood spurted from her wound and poured out onto the charred ground beneath her like a steady river. What made it worse was at the same time, Izuku's other forearm pushed down further onto her other shoulder, not only driving his claws deeper and crashing through her bones but also completely destroying the nervous system in her arm entirely.

Just as he was about to move on to bite down on her neck and kill her, a large ball of fire hit him square on the forehead, causing a grunt to escape his jaws as he shook off the shock of the impact and looked to see what it was.

From some distance away, he could see Endeavour preparing another fireball in his hands, causing the dragon to roar at him as his attention goes from Mt Lady to the #2 hero, getting off of the broken heroine and rushing over to Endeavour, each step he made left behind footsteps of fire as they grew over time.

Seeing that the dragon would be on top of them at any moment now, Endeavour shouted for everyone else to get away with he himself joining them soon after, not having enough time cast the second fireball at full power without getting quashed, so he settled for a smokescreen and sent what fire he had in his hands at the dragon and blinded him for a moment before rushing off.

Izuku let out a hearty snort while bringing his hand to his face and clawed at it, trying to distract him from the tickling sensation between each scale on his face before slamming his hand back into the ground and shaking his head from side to side before he refocused his gaze on the running students and pros.

He let out yet another mighty roar as he gave chase to them with everyone turning back around and seeing that massive dragon rushing towards them, roaring loudly in anger with the fury shining in his eyes, each step causing a few explosions with each step he took as he ignited his forelegs, which caused the ground he treaded on to combust into huge explosions.

Ochako watched her lover revert back into a rage-fueled animal as tears threatened to escape her eyes once more as she ran while looking back over her shoulders, but her sadness quickly turned to horror when she saw Izuku's mouth, neck and chest glow brighter and brighter.

The dead giveaway that he was about to unleash a torrent of fire.

He stopped charging at them, reared his head back and took in a huge breath of air, his growl getting louder and louder as the flames roared in his chest as everyone knew that most, if not all of them, weren't getting out of this alive.

The brunette was quickly given flashbacks as she looks at Izuku with a look of pain, not that he would do this to her, but that she was feeling powerless to help him, feeling that what she did earlier for him was the only window of opportunity to help him.

The vision she received was of Izuku and herself spending one afternoon at the end of a hard day of heroics training, sleeping underneath a cherry blossom tree that the draconic greenette had flown her to on their date.

It was a peaceful and wonderful time where they were free of any and all stress, from schoolwork, it was just them in a peaceful orchard. They had been napping for about half an hour at this point before they both woke up in unison, the dragon boy letting out a hefty yawn while the One for All user drowsily raised her hand up to her eye and rubbed it while she mumbled tiredly.

Eventually, they opened their eyes and turned to each other, giving their respected other a soft smile before they leaned in to give each other a chaste kiss before they greeted each other. Not long after, Izuku spoke up to his girlfriend. "Ochako, can I ask you something?"

Hearing her boyfriend ask her a question, she nodded in confirmation so as to allow Izuku to speak. "If I were to lose control of myself one day from a villain, or myself. Would you promise to help me and bring me back?" Izuku asked with pleading eyes, wanting to know if Ochako was willing to help him if his anger would override his judgement.

Seeing this face, Ochako held Izuku's cheek in one of her hands as she looked deep into his emerald green pools with a soft and sincere gaze. "Izuku, I promise you that whatever happens, if you lose yourself to your anger, I'll always be there to bring you back, even if it seems as though you've gone beyond the point of no return."

The dragon boy looked into her eyes to look for any sign of self-doubt in her words that may be present in her eyes, but there was none to be found, just the brutal honesty of her words that gleamed inside her eyes.

This caused Izuku's heart to tighten up in his chest as he gave Ochako a happy smile before the two gently rested their foreheads together for a moment before Izuku said his thanks and went to lift Ochako so he could fly them back to the dorms.

As Izuku took off into the air, a few cherry blossom petals were blown off from the trees and into the sky with him, following the star-crossed lovers in a small trail before they eventually went their separate ways, slowly drifting back down to the ground as the two lovers fade to black as they flew higher into the air and closer to the sun.

The vision fades away and Ochako is greeted to the ash and fire-filled atmosphere, the sounds of angry roars, and not to mention, her own boyfriend as a colossal dragon, ready to breathe fire onto her and turn her along with everyone that's with her into a pile of smoking ashes.

Only one thought was racing through her mind like a speeding bullet as she watched the fire in his chest grow more intense. And it was the feeling that she had failed to keep the promise she made to her soulmate, and it crushed her to bits as more tears kept falling from her eyes, knowing what bitter failure tastes like.

"Izuku, I am so sorry, I couldn't help you when you needed me...I'm so sorry." She thought to herself, thinking that she let the love of her life down in the worst possible way. Her hair shadowed her eyes as her tears streamed down her face like a raging waterfall while she bit her lip in frustration and sadness.

And then, another vision flashed before her eyes, one where she and Izuku were very young, around the age of five, and the two were just hanging around Dagobah municipal beach before it became an illegal dumping site. The two friends were just tossing a ball to each other as their parents talked.

As Ochako tossed the ball back to her friend, she noticed he looked a little down about something as she made a hunch of what it was and spoke her mind. "Hey Zuzu, what's going on? You look sad."

The little girl commented as she looked at her friend, her voice grabbing his attention as he processes the question she asked him before it clicks and his head lowers and his sad expression returns.

"It was the kids at school calling you a villain again, isn't it?" The rosy-cheeked brunette asks in a sombre tone, looking at the greenette with a concerned look as he nods in confirmation. Seeing that what was said plaguing his mind, she walked over to her parents and Inko if it was alright if she could go for a little walk with Izuku alone.

The parents agreed to her terms, as long as she stayed both in their sight and in earshot of them and their parents, the little brunette thanking the adults before she rushed over to her future lover and grabbed his hand before being dragged off with Ochako, his expression going from sad to surprise in an instant as he tried getting his bearings and get one foot in front of the other.

After a minute of rushing off to the water's edge, Ochako asked Izuku what happened. "Izu, please tell me what the kids said, I don't like seeing you sad." The boy only started to tear up at this, the thoughts of what was said to him was like having vinegar being injected in between the gaps of your fingers and fingernails.

After a good five seconds, Izuku responded to his friend with a slightly shaky voice. "T-they said that since I'm a villain's son, I should die instead of becoming a hero..." Izuku's voice was low and ragged, he was having a difficult time dealing with this.

He's received mockery for being quirkless, as well as the World Breakers' son, but this was a whole new level of extreme for the boy, he never had that said to him. Adorning a look of shock on her face, Ochako let the words sink in for a second before she suddenly wrapped her arms around her friend in a hug as she spoke to him.

"Well they're meanies who like to pick on people for fun, don't listen to them Izu, you've got me to play with!" Ochako tried lifting the boys' spirits as best she could in the way she knew how, but upon looking at him, she could see her words had no effect on him at all.

It was also at that moment that Izuku asked a question of his own. "Ochako, can I ask you a question?" Hearing this, the girl allowed her friend to speak what was on his mind, but she had a gut feeling she wasn't going to like what he was about to say.

What he said next shocked and upset her to the very core. "Ochako...Should I do what they said to me? Should I die?"

Izuku said as he started to lose his composure, the tears threatening to escape his emerald green eyes as he was completely oblivious of how his words had affected his friend. Ochako looked at him with a pale look, her face contorting into one of horror as she felt her own tears immediately well up in her eyes as she realized how badly it had affected him.

But above all else, she couldn't stand the thought of losing her best friend.

Without uttering another word, she wrapped her arms around him again, this time as she nearly broke down sobbing, causing the boy to look down at her in shock and confusion as to what was going on. "O-Ochako, what are yo-"

"D-do-don't say th-that Izuku..." He could hear the pain in her voice as looked down and was just barely able to see her tears stream down her face as she spoke.

"Don't ever say that again Izuku, do you hear me!? I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU SAY THAT AGAIN!" It was here that Izuku realized that his question had seriously hurt his friend, immediately making him feel awful for making such a happy and wonderful girl upset, but Ochako had more to say still as she lowered the tone of her voice.

"I know that everyone at school doesn't like you for being quirkless, but I do, you're my first friend Izu! So to see you so sad it...It makes me sad to see you sad! Please know that I'll never be like them to you Izu, I'll never give up on you! But please don't leave me Izu, I need you here with me, and I don't want you to say you should die because if you do, I'll die with you!"

These were the words that broke him, he didn't want Ochako to go with him there, she has so much to live and see, such as going to a hero school and learn how to be a hero, become a hero herself, to become a wife and a mother. Izuku never wanted to make Ochako upset in any sort of fashion, but this was the one thing he can never really let himself go for.

Even if they were just kids, Izuku never wanted to hold Ochako back, no matter what happened, so to hear her say that she'll follow him into death was what tore him apart for years, and still does to this very day.

He wrapped his arms around her tiny and fragile body and cried with her, saying over and over and over again that he was sorry and that he never meant to make her cry. It was only a matter of time before the adults came rushing over when they heard Ochako shout, but when they arrived, they overheard the entire conversation as they went to console their kids, Inko also tearing up as she now realized what her son was dealing with.

Two hours later, a long time after the two friends had calmed down, their parents were saying goodbye to each other and doing some last-minute chatting before they parted ways while Izuku and Ochako had a friendly little talk of their own.

Although the greenette was feeling a lot better from earlier, he still had his doubts about something, and they were gnawing at his mind like a pack of scavenging vultures. He turned to his friend, and with a heavy heart, asked her a question. "Hey, Ochako?"

Hearing her friend speak up, the little rosy-cheeked brunette looked at her friend with her usual bright and happy smile as she responded. "Yeah, what is it Izu?" Her voice always managed to bring a sense of calm to him, no matter how upset he was or distraught he was, no matter the scale, he always felt that little less anxious, angry, whatever it was.

He looked deep into her chocolate brown eyes, the very ones he would come to treasure with everything he held dear to his heart. Taking a deep breath of air, he looked directly at his friend with an anxious expression with closed eyes as he asked the question, clutching the hem of his shirt as tightly as he could.

"What you said earlier, about not giving up on me...Did you really mean what you said back there? Even if I'm quirkless and you're picked on because of me, will you really never give up on me?"

Ochako, not even being taken aback by the question one bit, walked closer to her friend and took his hand in hers, causing the boys' eyes to open in surprise as he felt her soft hand grasp his as well as her other hand being gently placed on top.

Izuku turned his head up and looked at Ochako with an expression of surprise as the little brunette in front of him replied to his question. "Izu, you don't have to believe what I say, but I really meant it when I said I will never give up on you, no matter what happens."

Ochakos' words struck a chord in Izuku's heart as the green-haired kid started tearing up and smiling at his friend, that kind and genuine smile that always made the gravity girls' day as she looked deep into his eyes and finished her little speech just as everything started to fade away into a bright light.

"I promise Izuku, I won't ever give up on you, not ever." As the memory fades away and Ochako comes back to her senses, she realizes just what she had done not so long ago, she had broken the promise she made to her best friend, her soulmate, the promise that she will never give up on helping him.

"No way, I broke the promise I made to him...I actually gave up on helping him...No...Never again, I won't give up on him again! That Ochako was weak, a part that needed to die, I WON'T LET MYSELF BE WEAK ANYMORE!"

Immediately, Ochako stopped running on the spot, spun 180 and looked up at the mighty black dragon, who was now standing up on two legs and fire starting to swirl in his mouth now as he prepared to let out a torrent of hellfire.


The brunette shouted as loudly as she could, at the very top of her lungs, with all her heart and soul put into her words, tears trickling down her face as she called out to Izuku, hoping that the boy she fell in love with was still in there. Unfortunately, the walking disaster that was Izuku didn't seem to hear her this time, because he was just about ready to fire and he kept his head steady, ready to incinerate anything caught within the fires of his blast furnace.

Ochako immediately charged up One for All in her legs at 15%, the pain being incredibly difficult to put up with, but she bared with it as she got herself ready to dash as soon as Izuku unleashed hell.

Izuku had finished taking in his steep breath and was ready to fire, Ochako glaring at him with her chocolate-brown eyes with pink and a determined smile on her face when suddenly, something happened that would turn the tide of this fight completely on its own head.

She doesn't know what caused it, but Izuku suddenly shook his head slightly and cancelled out his fire for a moment, smoke flaring from his chest, mouth and nostrils as the fires died down before it snuffed out and he turned his giant head to his right.

She was completely confused as to what was going on, she was lost for words as to why Izuku just suddenly stopped as the colossal dragon landed back on his forelegs, causing the ground to shake.

She watched him look off into the distance, completely baffled as to why he turned his focus off of her and the others, but she was completely oblivious to the sound Izuku was hearing, what little lip he had at the very back of his jaws formed into a vicious scowl as he growled out in agitation.

With no warning whatsoever, Izuku suddenly inhaled a deep and growly breath before roaring out in a threatening tone before turning around, the ear-splitting sounds he was making forced the brunette to cover her ears and was brought to her knees, given that he wouldn't stop.

After about thirty seconds of roaring, Izuku finally stopped and with great force, he beat his wings as he immediately ascended into the air, the pressure of wind that came after forced Ochako back slightly, given she was quite the distance away as she was sent falling onto her back while covering her face from the cloud of ash that kicked up.

After fifteen seconds of ash being blown at her, it all died down and she was to see where Izuku went, but all she saw was a trail of smoke and fire that lead to the sky, as well as Izuku's wingbeats in the distance, each one sounding like thunder in the terrible storm.

She got back up to her feet and looked at the trail with her best assumption being that Izuku ignited his wings, and although she doesn't want to get her hopes up, she took it as a sign that Izuku was still in there somewhere and was leaving her a trail so that she and the others could follow him and stop him however they can.

All the while, the brunette was completely oblivious to the heroes and her classmates rushing behind her with one particular student shouting at her. "ROUND FACE DO YOU HAVE A FUCKING DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING!? WHY DID YOU STAY BACK!? Shouted out Bakugou, more confused than anything else as he watched Ochako stop running and shout out to the dragon that is her boyfriend, the ninth wielder of One for All turned back around and addressed the bomb boi.

"Wow, I never took you of all people that would want to know if I was alright." She replied with a smirk on her face, giving the ash-blonde a taunting look as she wanted to see how he acted.

"DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND THAT I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU, I WANTED TO KNOW YOU STOPPED TO CHAT WITH YOUR SHIT-NERD BOYFRIEND DUMBASS!" Suddenly, he was smacked upside the head by none other than the redhead that is Eijiro who ran over with Mina and a few others of the Deku squad to see how their friend was doing as they were incredibly worried about their gravity-defying classmate.

"Uraraka, why did you stay behind like that, you would've been killed!" Shouted Mina as she and the girls inspected her from top to bottom while the boys badgered her with questions, but it was quickly put to an end when some of the pros and two of their teachers, Cementoss and Midnight, came over to break it up.

"Uraraka, although I know that you're trying to help Izuku out, please give us a heads up of what you're doing! We really thought you were going to die back there!" The 18+ hero shouted at the girl, having seen her student suddenly stop out of the blue and practically made herself a target.

The brunette only turned to her and gave the hero an unpleasant frown before she walked over to the rest of them as Edge-Shot spoke out. "To be honest, I can see where the kid's coming from with her approach in a way." Said the pro as the #2 hero Endeavour spoke out to his close competitor.

"What do you mean, the girl was practically suicidal back there!" The pro was silenced by Cementoss who held his hand up and told the hero with fire for a beard to be quiet and allow the #4 hero to speak his mind.

"Remember that we heard him speak right before I took young Uraraka out of the picture and when Mt lady and you came in." Pointing a finger at One for All user, Edge Shot continued. "It was because the kid over here managed to reach him, though how she managed to do it I will never know. She was able to calm him down to some extent until we came into the picture."

To Uraraka and the other heroes surprise, the ninja hero turned to the girl and bowed in front of her as did something that stunned her and the students.

"Young Uraraka, for what it's worth, and on behalf of both Mt Lady and Endeavour, I am sorry for intervening. It was obvious that you had him back there, and yet we came in and only made the situation much worse than it needed to be, that much is clear to me now. I have no excuse for what I did, nor will I give you one, but all I can say is that I implore you to forgive me and my comrades' mistake." The girl was lost for words, the #4 hero Edge Shot, let alone any pro hero, was apologising to her for his and his comrades actions.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, and although they did blow the situation way out of proportion, his intentions were good and he was only doing what he and the other heroes thought was the right course of action.

Despite all that has happened today, she forgave the hero for his and the others actions as they went about their next course of action. "Okay, so it's clearly obvious that Izuku can be easily angered when someone causes him physical harm, that much is obvious with how he acted after our little stunt. Uraraka, you were able to calm him down to some extent that he was able to verbally speak right?" Midnight asked her student with a questioning look, much to Endeavours' shock as he interrupted to speak his mind.

"Hold on a moment, is this what we're resorting to!? Are we really making a plan that's based around a Disney movie!?" Hearing the flaming shit stain shout this out, Ochako turned to him and gave him one nasty stink eye as she spoke to him.

Her voice held aggression towards the hero, having not forgotten what he did to Izuku, as well as not having the pair to apologize for what he did. "You can complain about how this plan sounds all you want Endeavour, but like it or not, I'm your best shot at stopping him! I've known Izuku ever since we were kids, I know him inside and out, if there's anyone that can help him out of this, it's me, so grow up and deal with it!"

At this, the pro fell silent, as well as everyone from hearing Ochako, a first-year student, giving him a pep talk before the brunette turns around and continues on with discussing their little plan. "Okay, now that we've got the chuff out of the way, how are we going to follow Deku without Ryukyu?"

"Someone called my name!?" Shouted a deep and feminine voice, causing everyone to turn around and see a bloody and battered Ryukyu land near them with a thud, showing everyone else on her back as the group rushed over to them as fast they can as the dragon hero brought her left-wing down at the behest of someone.

Down came Skele-Might who slid down the white dragons' wing like a flume before landing on the ash-covered ground and ran over to his successor. Upon reaching Ochako, he immediately checked on her to see if she was alright and was super thankful that aside from a few scratches, bruises and burns, she was relatively unharmed.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay Uraraka! We heard everything over the coms, come, we've got to catch up to Izuku before he escapes earshot!" Said the skinny man as she grabbed the brunette by the wrist and hollered her to his sister in law, much to Ochakos' irritation.

"We've got the others covered, we've contacted the army and they're coming to pick up everyone else and get them out of this hellscape! In the meantime, Uraraka, All Might, Endeavour and Hawks will come with me and we'll take care of Izuku!" Shouted the #10 hero as she ushered for the pros to come on her back while everyone else that hitched a ride on her disembarked and allowed the three pros and student safe passage aboard.

When Ochako said her goodbyes to her friends with her class wishing her good luck, she, Endeavour, All Might and Hawks climbed onto her back as Momo made her friend and the pros gas masks so they can breathe through the wall of death that lived at the very edge of what the world would come to know as the Ash Lands.

Thanking the creation quirk user for the gift, the quartet climbed onto Ryuko's back, they placed the gas masks on them and adjusted the headpieces accordingly before the dragon stood up, the quartet sitting comfortably as they held onto the hero's torn costume tightly as Ryuko beat her wings and ascended into the air just as the helicopters arrived to pick up everyone else.

She looked around and saw that the trail of fire was dissipating, but noticed that it was still very prominent some distance away, as well as still being able to hear her nephew's monstrous wingbeats, leading her to conclude that he went North West of their current location.

With the four heroes and the student steeling their hearts for the fight ahead, the #10 hero flew in the direction Izuku went, following the thunderous sounds and the trail of fire that the black dragon had left in his wake.

They spent over half an hour flying across the wasteland as they had greatly caught up with the trail with Izuku's wingbeats getting increasingly louder, and finally, they were quickly approaching the wall of smoke that filled the skies and separated the scorched land from the rest of the world.

From within the wall, they could see that something horrendously large had decided to go through it, meaning Izuku had raced into the wall and was flying through it, leading the dragon hero to shout out to the others on her back that they were about to breach the wall and that they should keep their eyes open for the dragon.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, WE'RE ABOUT TO BREACH THE WALL IN THREE! TWO! ONE!" Upon reaching the final number, they had entered the cloud of thick smoke and searing ashes, the gas masks really coming in handy as the pros and students had no trouble breathing whatsoever, all of them keeping an eye out for Izuku while also travelling to the other side of the wall.

As they got closer to the other side, they kept on looking for the insanely huge dragon while also noticing the sounds of his wing beats getting louder. In fact, they got so loud, they genuinely thought they were right on top of him with the simple answer being that they were actually right above him. For from out of the blue, two huge black wings came into view, taking them by surprise as Ryukyu fell back slightly to avoid colliding with the massive appendages.

Upon gaining some distance between herself and her out of control nephew, she saw the full size of the wings, both of them ignited and leaving behind a trail of flames as they glowed in the thick clouds of smoke and his head came into view as they approached the exit.

From the back of his head, down the back of his neck and all the way down his back, as well as from his barely visible sides, they could see small flames licking the air as the light ahead of them grew brighter and brighter, signifying that they were getting close.

Suddenly they go back to the clear blue skies that were supposed to be present today, leaving the barren land behind as they looked down and were greeted to lush grasslands and small forests.

But it was all immediately destroyed when Izuku flew above both, the flames from his exposed chest spewed forth onto the lands below him and stripped them all of life, the fire from his wings blocked out the sunlight from any creature caught under it.

Izuku took off with a sudden burst of speed from the vents across his form and bolted for the mountains far away at the edge of the horizon. "OKAY, JUST WHAT IS IT THAT HE'S LOOKING FOR!?" Shouted Endeavour as he tore the mask from his face while the other three on the white dragons' back took them off as well as Ryukyu responded.

"HE'S OBVIOUSLY HEARING SOMETHING COMING FROM THE MOUNTAINS, AND I SHOULD KNOW BECAUSE I CAN HEAR IT TOO!" Said the dragon hero as the others on her back give her looks of both shock and confusion as Hawks spoke up, clearly not understanding what she meant.

"HOLD ON A MOMENT, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GET HIS ATTENTION FROM ALL THE WAY OVER THERE!?" Ryuko took a moment to collect herself, preparing for the berating she's gonna get from the other before she told them what was going on.

"WORLD BREAKER'S NOT DEAD, HE'S OVER AT THE MOUNTAINS AND BOTH IZUKU AND I CAN HEAR HIM ROARING OUT AT US!" Hearing this, everyone's jaws dropped and Endeavour began shouting at the pro for not letting him and the others know that the undead horror had not been killed.

As they bickered, Ochako only looked at her boyfriend flying just ahead of them, scorching the land below him as he soared through the skies at incredible speeds, which was astounding given just how massive he is. She looked on with a determined look as she spoke to herself from inside her own head.

"Don't you worry Deku, I'm going to take you back home when this is all over." The ninth user of One for All said as she and the others are finally in earshot of Izukus' father, just being able to barely hear his distorted roars from the raging wind blowing against their faces, as well as the crackling sounds of the fire beneath them with it all being topped off with the sounds of his and Ryuko's wingbeats.

From the mountain range itself, Hisashi could be seen with a healed head and neck as he roared out to his rampant son, all while he loomed over an entire village of people that were evacuating, seeing the abomination just above their home.

As they panicked and rushed their way out of the village, they heard the unmistakable roars of the natural disaster off in the distance, and from between the peaks of rock that hid their home, they saw the colossal black dragon quickly approaching as he brought nothing but a cloud of death with him.

As he approached the snowy peaks, he suddenly beat his wings and rapidly ascended into the air, the flames from his wings being put out with the swift and powerful motion as the snow was blown from the mountain tops from the raging winds that kicked up from Izuku's ascendance into the air as cast a dark and massive shadow over the village as he soared directly into the sun, the size of the shadow increasing as he unfurled his wings in front of the ball of fire in space.

Then, his body turned and he dived down towards the mountain peaks like a hawk hunting a mouse in an open field.

He rushed down towards the rotting abomination above the village, ready to tear Hisashi apart with tooth and claw. As the shambling horror looked at his son with blue, fiery and emotionless eyes, a voice whispered from inside his head, telling him that it was time to retreat.

Heading his master's words, the dragon turned around as a massive warp gate opened behind him, courtesy of the wispy villain who brought him and Shigaraki back to whatever hellhole they came from.

And just on time too, because just as he walked through the warp gate and it vanished behind him, Izuku had just landed on top of where the portal once stood, causing a massive explosion upon impact as tons of rocks were blown into the sky.

The sky now darkened with thick smoke and searing embers as molten rocks began falling from the sky and towards the area that the people were evacuating. In particular, one really large boulder was falling directly on top of a husband and wife running from the village while the woman carried her baby in her arms as they ran for their lives, the baby screaming in terror as the assault from the maddened dragon carried on.

The family braced themselves, seeing that they weren't going to make it out of this as they closed their eyes as the husband wrapped his arms around his wife while the woman held her baby close to her chest, not ready to meet their ends but steeled themselves for impact.

But it never came, instead, all they felt was a few tiny petals hit their heads as they heard the rock above them explode as a flash of orange light destroyed the boulder completely. When they opened their eyes and looked in front of them, they saw the #2 hero Endeavour before their very eyes, blasting many more rocks out of the sky to avoid injuring and killing anyone as Hawks got the others to a safer area while he scouted out the area.

From between the mountain peaks, Izuku raised himself up and held onto the side of a larger peak while he held the very top of a mountain to bring himself into the air, the rock melting were his claws gripped as the rocks became scorched beneath his super-heated pads before he let out an ear-splitting scream.

Everyone covered their ears, desperately looking for some relief from the sounds that shook the sky and earth alike, all except the pros as they just had to deal with it as best they could, no matter the damage it would cause to their hearing, they didn't falter in their job of protecting the civilians.

High above the breathing apocalypse was Ryuko, making sure to keep the sound of her wingbeats low so as to not get Izuku's attention as Ochako and All Might look at each other before turning back down to Izuku, only to see that Ochako would have to get close to his head.

The reason for this was simple: his lower body was engulfed in a huge blanket of fire except for his tails with each one producing that spine chilling rattle while they swayed in the air as the flames rose higher and roared louder as they licked the air.

After settling for the base of the lower neck to act as a landing point, All Might turned to his successor and asked her. "Uraraka, we're all counting on you to get Izuku to stop this! What you're about to do means you might not come back! Are you sure you want to go through with this!?"

The #1 hero shouts as he keeps his gaze on the brunette, who looked back down at the dragon below, seeing him in such a state of uncontrollable anger that it caused her to make her mind up and wouldn't change her mind on it as she responded to her teacher.

"Yes! I'd do anything to save Izuku, nothing's going to make me turn away from this All Might!" The gravity girl responded, her voice filled with unbridled and unwavering determination as she clenched her hand into a fist, sparks of pink electricity jolted from her fist and forearm as she channels 11% of One for All through her arm before she switches off the quirk and gets ready to be literally thrown into Hell.

Ochako walked some distance away from her mentor, starting the plan as All Might raised his right arm into the air and opened his hand, acting as a pedestal for the brunette he's about to toss. The gravity girl turned back around and saw the blonde powerhouse, ready to perform his part, as the girl takes in a long and deep breath through her nostrils and out the mouth with her eyes closed, despite everything that's happening.

Suddenly, without any hesitation for the horrendous danger she's getting herself into, she opens her eyes as her expression of determination is strengthened as she runs forward, getting ready to jump at her boyfriend.

As she got closer to All Might, she jumped into the air and landed on his open hand, causing the pro to toss the girl at the black dragon below. Just as he threw her, Ochako channelled One for All in her toes at 9% just as All Might threw her forward, further increasing her trajectory.

The reason for this was so that Ochako could avoid any sudden flames from the pit if they ever flared up, as well as to avoid getting battered by Izuku's massive tails, to which she thankfully didn't have to deal with either as she landed safely on the back of the dragon's neck.

The temperature was searing and Izuku's scales were roasting to even the slightest of touches, but Ochako put up with it as she began to climb up the walking natural disasters' neck at a very quick manner, using One for All at 11% as she pulled herself up and leapt into the air before grabbing another one of Izuku's giant scales with both hands and repeating the process before she was finally atop Izuku's massive head.

Rushing off to the right side of the black dragons' overly large eye scale, she looked for a quick way down to get right in front of his eye, but there was no way it would be feasible. She was going to have to climb down slowly.

Taking a pinch of salt, as well as quickly retaining her balance to make sure that she doesn't screw up her footing, Ochako turned around and began her descent to Izuku's eyelid.

As she climbed down, she got a fine look of his set of death-inflicting jaws, each of his lower teeth, taller than a street lamp, was a railroad spike that was accompanied with an incredibly powerful bite.

She looked down and noticed that there wasn't going to be a safe landing, given that Izuku's brow scale was more extended outward whereas his eyes were more inward. She searched below to see if there was somehow a way to reach his eye quickly but safely, but there was nothing she could see that would allow her to gain a foothold below, leaving her stuck at the very top of the dragon's brow.

She wouldn't be able to fling herself inside either for two reasons. For one, his brow scale was far too large to pull off the technique, and two, even if she could, she'd most likely land directly into Izuku's eye and get seared alive.

She took a moment to brainstorm, to come up with some way to get to the eye of the beast and reach him before something cropped up in her mind but she had her doubts about it. If the flames suddenly flared up to her, or if Izuku's tails suddenly slammed down, then she might not make it back, and the black dragon might never calm down before turning the entire country to ash.

After thinking for a moment, she was about to throw the idea away and call out to Hawks for an easy ride down, seeing that the hero was not so far away, but she realized that given just how close he was to Izuku which was compounded by the fact that the dragon was also roaring so loudly, he might not be able to hear her.

She attempted to call out to the pro, but all of her attempts at communicating with him didn't work, even with the chip in her ear, Izuku was just too loud at the moment. She had no choice, she was going to have to do it.

With a heavy heart, she climbed back and onto his brow and walked straight to the centre of his head before turning back around and running at full speed and jumped off the very side of his head and into the air, taking a leap of faith as she soared through the air like a swan.

In the middle of the air, she made sure she gained enough distance between herself and her out of control lover, as well as being careful of the fires below, in case they started to burn and flare with the fury of the dragon's rage, falling through the air like a leaf in the wind.

As she fell and believed she's gained enough distance, Ochako turned around and aimed her arm right in front of her while she pressed her index finger behind her thumb and channelled One for All through her finger, and in the blink of an eye, as soon as she released her thumb and flicked the air, she was sent barrelling towards the giant black dragon, all the while she thought to herself. "Don't worry Izu, I'm coming for you!"

She was flying directly towards the eye of the beast, or more specifically, just beneath his eye, with open hands, coming at him as quickly as a speeding bullet. "This is it!" She shouted to herself mentally as she fastly approached the side of her boyfriend's scaly face with a determined smile on her face before she slammed right into him.

Grabbing a hold of the scales on his lower eyelid, Ochako tried to get her footing while holding on for dear life, Ochako finally managed to climb up and immediately crouched down as she walked right in front of Izuku's fiery orange eye.

She looked at his eyes and saw nothing but the rage that was present when she was in this spot earlier, but she wasn't going to waver in the belief that she could bring Izuku back, no matter what she does. "Here it goes, all or nothing!"

"IZUKU! IZUKU, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN AND LISTEN IZUKU, JUST TAKE A BREATHER AND HEAR ME OUT!" She looked directly into his eye with determination while she held a scowl on her face, screaming as loudly as she could to get the dragon's attention again.

But it would seem Izuku's rage was a lot worse time time around as he roared even louder and raised himself off the ground, nearly causing Ochako to lose her footing as he stood on his hind legs and bared his claws for all to see while spreading his wings wide for all to see, casting their shadow on everything and everyone beneath him.

It was at this point that she looked at his right forearm and saw it light up in a blazing fire, causing Ochako to have a flashback to the entrance exam and seeing Izuku rear up and lighting his arms on fire like he was doing right now.

And then she remembered the outcome of when her boyfriend slammed back down into the floor, and she immediately feared what would happen now given that it will be on a much larger scale.

Seeing that he'll drop back down at any moment, and without many options, she had to do something quickly, something that she never wanted to do to Izuku ever. But the situation demands it, if she doesn't do this, the outcome would be so much worse then what happened at the entrance exam.

So with a heavy heart, she said "Izuku, I'm sorry! I don't want to do this, but you're leaving me with barely any options here!" As she pulled her arm back and channelled One for All at 9% through her limb, her fist clenched tightly as she prepared for what she was about to do.

She stared deep into Izuku's eyes as she mustered up the will to strike him before she sent her arm barrelling forward, and with all the force she could bring, she slammed her fist directly into the dragon's fiery and blazing eye, all the while she let out one vicious battle cry.

Upon impact, feeling the great force that was plunged directly into his eye, the dragon tossed his head into the air and let out a pain-filled screech that could blow the very clouds away as the fires on his arms suddenly vanish as some spat from his mouth while he lost his balance, falling back down onto all fours as he clutched the sides of the mountains with all his draconic might.

When he fell back down while he thrashed his head back and forth, trying to shake off the pain in his eye. Ochako was having great difficulty holding on, the speed he was tossing head at as well as the pressure of the wind blowing with each and every sway Izuku made was making difficult in keeping her grip on his lower eyelid, but by some sway of luck, Ochako managed to hold onto him throughout the constant thrashing.

Whenever it ceased completely, she climbed back onto her feet and held onto Izuku's upper eyelid as she looked at him. She watched as his eye began tearing up with liquid fire from the irritation and pain he suffered as she watched his eye heal up like the damage never happened.

Once fully healed, Izuku looked around to see who was responsible for wrecking and saw the brunette that is the love of his life standing right in front of his eye like she did earlier. Before he could roar furiously, she shouted out at him, not giving him the chance to make a sound as she finally establishes a means to talk to her beloved.

"NO, NO YOU DON'T, YOU'RE GOING TO HEAR ME OUT IZUKU, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" Ochako was furious, and this genuinely caused the dragon's eye to blink as he flinched. After a moment of shock, the beast that was inside Izuku's body snarled back at her in agitation but was immediately halted when Uraraka shouted back.


Hearing the brunette in front of him say this, Izuku adjusted his grip on the mountains and lifted himself up to take a look at his surroundings. As this went on, his nerves finally seemed to simmer down a little, because it seems that he's finally aware of what's going on to some degree.

At this very moment he saw the destruction he wreaked across the land, as well as the massive globe of smoke that concealed the massive areas of land he scorched. Izuku only remained silent and looked at the sight, his expression proving difficult to decipher.

"YOU SEE ALL THAT!? THAT'S ALL YOU IZUKU, YOU WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR CAUSING ALL THE CHAOS AND DAMAGE TODAY, NOT YOUR FATHER, YOU!" The ninth wielder of One for All shouted at him, trying to knock some sense into him and to make his mind war with itself, trying to get Izuku back in by making him aware of what he did and how it affected everyone else.

And it seemed to be working because, after a few moments of silence, Izuku finally said something with a shaky voice.

"I...I did...A-all this?" He said as his voice started to go and his fiery pupil finally started to fade back to their normal black colouration. But it was clear that Izuku was still angry because his eyes didn't change back entirely, the colour only faded into view by a margin and the fire that burned at the corner of his eye only dissipated slightly to somewhere around three-quarters of the size.


Upon hearing this, the dragon looked to his left and saw the entire village burned to the ground and smashed to bits from roasting debris, smoke rising from the burnt down houses and into the sky as Izuku's face finally showed an expression.

The horror he felt tore him to shreds as he eyes widened in unison with the colour of his pupils fading out even further with the flames at the corners of his eyes dying down even further before he turned his attention down to the citizens below.

Each one of them gave him the look that said he was a monster to them, and this would eat at him for a very, very long time as he heard and saw so many children and babies crying their eyes out in terror, hiding behind or hugging their parents bodies to avoid looking at him.

The flames that roared from his eyes died down to where they were barely visible as the colour almost came back to his slinted, onyx-black pupils, but as the final form of berating she could deliver, she shouted out something that would go on to haunt the black dragon's dreams for the rest of his days.


This was it, the moment that broke Izuku to bits as the fire in his eyes finally died and the colour of his pupils to finally comes back as his rage finally subsided, his eyes trembling with so many emotions as he watched the brunette in front of him, finally properly recognizing who she was, breaking down into tears as she held onto him for dear life and sobbed.

She was rather blurry to the dragon, given that she's right in front of his eye and the focus on her is obscured, but he knew what he felt as soon as she broke down and something fell onto his scales. Ochako's tears.

With this in mind, Izuku moved down towards the floor and got his girlfriend to hop off his face before raising himself off the ground and spread his wings before he suddenly flew into the air, and before anyone knew what was going on, he was out of sight.

Then, a large flash of light illuminated in the sky above as a shockwave was released with it. The blast itself was so powerful that it dispersed any and all clouds for hundreds of miles. This brought about sunny weather for all of Japan and it even dispersed the dome of smoke that cut off the newly formed scarred land that Izuku created when he transformed.

Once the flash of light faded away into nothing, everyone looked to the sky again and saw that the only bright light there was was that of the sun while they also noticed the magnitude of the blast also extinguished the massive fires in the mountains.

And then Ochako noticed something, a small little spark that only seemed to get larger and larger, squinting her eyes to see what it was. As it approached, she realized that it was something speeding directly towards them, but it was nowhere near as large as Izuku was just mere moments ago as it fell with lighting speed.

Soon enough, it zoomed down and landed just a few feet away from Ochako, a fire starting where it had landed with the flames immediately vanishing as quickly as they appeared. She walked over to see what it was before a charcoal grey, scaly hand grabbed onto the rim of the small crater as the one who owns it pulled himself out.

As he revealed himself to everyone, Ochako immediately rushed over to him with her tears rushing freely from her eyes at full speed. When she reached him, the boy was out of the crater and standing on his own two feet, but it didn't last very long as he fell beneath his weight, causing her to quickly catch him before he hit the floor.

He panted heavily in the gravity girl's arms, his body was searing hot as Ochako held him tightly, and after a moment or two has passed, he finally opened his eyes to reveal two non-aggressive, emerald green orbs that Ochako had desperately wanted to see again, the eyes of her boyfriend, Izuku Yagi.

From looking upon her face, the draconic greenette's face contorted into uncontrollable greif as he spoke, his voice filled with so much sadness and regret that it made the ninth wielder of One for All's heart break into a thousand pieces. "O-Ochako...I-I am s-so s-sorry..."

As he utters these words to her, he lifts his right hand up and gently cups her cheek in it to wipe the tears from her face as she responds to him, her arms trembling as she held him with all the feelings going through her.

"It's okay Izu, it's okay. Everything's going to be alright, it's all over." She said to him in a whisper-like tone as she brought her head down and touched foreheads with him as he brought his scaly and clawed hand off of her cheek and held her hand tightly.

Izuku and Ochako cried for a bit together before the dragon boy passed out from exhaustion while he still held her hand, Ochako being careful to move her arm to avoid it getting singed from the fiery tears her soulmate shed before the brunette lifted her head to the sky and let out the biggest scream of anguish she had ever made.

Everyone from the village, Hawks and Endeavour watched as she cried into the sky and allowed her tears to stain her lover's face as Ryuko lands nearby and reverts back to her human form and rushes over with All Might as both of them rush over to see how the boy was doing.

This day was the day that the people of Earth, both good and bad, would learn of the power that Izuku truly possesses, and a new name would be coined specifically for him, one that Izuku would have a hard time coping with whenever he would go out in public for a long time.

From this day until the extinction of the entire race, it would be impossible to erase this event from memory.

This was the longest chapter I have ever written...14K words have gone into this one. Okay, here's the plan for you lads and lassies. I'm going to reduce the word count in my stories from around 9 and 10K to somewhere around 6 -5K, so that I not only don't exhaust myself from writing so much, but I also won't get burnt out to fuck right after, kinda like how I am now.

But seriously, a lot of work and effort has been put into this chapter so if you guys like what you read here, then vote for what you read here, leave a comment, add it to your reading lists and libraries, and please be sure to drop a follow for ya boi cause that will do wonders for my mental health state at the moment, please and thank you...Aannnd onto the Shneak Peeks!

It would be an entire month and a half since Izuku had passed out in Ochako's arms, and while he continued to sleep, the government of Japan was trying hard to figure out what to do with him. Many wanted him dead, others wanted to use him for research, others wanted to use him a weapon against other countries.

To combat this, Nezu and other members of U.A went back on a large trip down Izuku's memory lane by going through his entire history as a citizen, as well as doing some great research on not only how the broccoli boi's quirk works, but also how and why it manifested the way and time it did.

Will the staff, Izuku's friends and loved ones pull this all off and ensure that Izuku will walk away a free man? Well...You'll just need to wait and see for yourselves.

Take care of yourselves lads and lassies, hope you're having a good time right now! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go and drink my frustrations away! Seriously, I'm going to take quite a break from writing after this chapter, I honestly need it.

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