The Fish Song

By Harriet_Messie

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DJ liked one thing and one thing only. Her niece Gabby. Her 6-year-old niece Gabby made her small world feel... More

Adore You
Kill My Mind
Some Kind of Disaster
Everybody's lonely
I Don't Know You Yet
Fly to You
Rhythm of Your Heart
Absolutely Smitten
Bad Habit
Let's Fall in Love for the Night
Fire For You
Head Above Water
It's You
Saturday Nights
I like me better
Nice To Meet Ya
Before You Go
July 10th
Dear Insecurity
Critical Mistakes
All You Need To Know
She's Not Afraid
Lonely Heart
Falling Cardigan
Lost In A City


819 28 2
By Harriet_Messie

Harry's POV

I felt the blush rise on my face as I shook my head, stepping out of the bathroom and stepping towards Harry. "Let's not talk about this anymore," I said as Harry began to make any last adjustments to the suit.

"Oh come on Harry, it's cute seeing you blush. You really like her," Sarah said with a chuckle.

"Are you making fun of me over there, Sarah?" I asked looking at her from the corner of my eye, while Harry fixed my collar.

"No. I am just happy for you. It's about time you found someone good." I couldn't help the smile that made it's way to my face. I was glad I found her too. I felt like this was the first time I was finally feeling what home could feel like.

"Okay you are all good," Harry said. I nodded turning and heading back into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Jeff asked from where he was seated.

"I am changing," I said pulling of the suit and hanging it back on the hanger.

"Why? You go on in just a few hours."

"I am going to go get DJ." I walked out of the bathroom suit in hand, handing it back to Harry.

"Harold," Jeff said rolling his eyes and a chuckle.

"I'll be right back. It is fine. There is time. I'll be right back," I said pulling out my phone to text DJ again. The strange feeling that something was wrong was still in the pit of my stomach and I couldn't help the worry in my chest. I had never really felt this way before and it was making me feel uncomfortable in my skin.


I slowly pushed open the door of the Starbucks, expecting to see DJ there but as I looked around she was no where in sight. I walked up to the counter, hoping she really did come here and someone seen her.

"Excuse me?" I said to the man behind the counter.

"I will be with you in just," he started but then paused when he looked up seeing me, " a second."

"That is fine, thank you." The man nodded. I pulled out my phone again, sending DJ another text. I knew she wasn't going to see any of these but I couldn't help but send them. It made me feel like I was at least doing something. I went into my photos pulling open the photo I snuck of DJ while on our hike, the few days prior.

"Sorry about that what can I get for, uhm, you?" The man stuttered out.

"Well actually, You haven't by chance seen her have you? I was told she was coming here but here, she is not," I said holding my phone out to him. He looked at the photo and then nodded.

"Yeah she was here about an hour ago actually. She got a water and sat down for a moment but left pretty quickly. I'm not sure where she went after that, sorry." My stomach dropped. She hadn't been there for an hour. Even if Jeff didn't stop me from coming when I originally wanted to, she still wouldn't have been here. But where was she?

"Thank you," I said flashing him a smile and turned to leave.

"Uhm, I am sorry to bother you, but can I take a photo with you?" A small voice came from behind me, as I reached the door. My heart was racing but I took a deep breath shoving my feelings into my stomach. Replacing what I figured was a worried look on my face with a smile before turning around. She was a younger girl, maybe twelve or thirteen. An older woman who I assumed was her mother stood behind her, a huge smile on her face.

"Of course, no bother at all. What's your name?" I asked, motioning for her to come stand closer.

"Clara. I am seeing your show tonight. I can't believe I am meeting you right now. I love you so much," she squeaked out. She was visibly shaking. I pulled her in with a squeeze around the shoulders.

"Hey. Linky dinky doo, do you know I love you too?" Clara began to chuckle making her heart rate relax and her shaking stop. She smiled up at me and I couldn't help but smile back. She was sweet. I motioned for us to look at her mom, and she snapped a photo. "Thank you Clara. Enjoy the show tonight." I waved at both her and her mom as I moved back to the door.

I pulled my phone back out hitting call on DJ's name but this time when it went straight to voicemail I decided to leave a message. "DJ. I don't know what happened or where you are but I need to know you are safe. I am worried something is wrong. I seen the article. Don't worry about it everything is going to be fine. It is just a weird coincidence. You don't need to listen to what anyone says. But listen to me. I have you. You are safe with me. We know the truth and that is all that matters. DJ, just please turn on your phone on and call me and let me know if you are okay."

I hung up the phone placing it back in my pocket. I knew I didn't have time to try and find her so I needed to think of something else. My interaction with Clara calmed me down a little but I still had a weird feeling.


I walked back towards the green room noticing Jeff and George talking by the door. As I approached Jeff turned to me.

"So. Where is she?" I just shrugged.

"The guy said she left quickly. I don't know what that means. You thinking calling the police is too much?" I asked. I knew it probably was but something was wrong and I knew it.

"Yeah we aren't going to do that. Have you tried calling or texting her?" All I could do was stare at Jeff. What did he think I was doing?

"No. That is a great idea, I wonder why I didn't think of that."

"Harry. I understand you are upset but you don't have to be like that. Everything is going to be fine," Jeff said placing a hand on my shoulder with a squeeze.

"I know. I just have a bad feeling." I could feel the sweat building on my hands. I wasn't usually the one to get nervous like this.

"Harry. I will keep my eyes out. You need to get ready for the show and not worry about it," George said. I nodded at him, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.


It had been over an hour and I still hadn't heard anything from DJ. George had gone out looking with no sign of her. I had decided if I didn't hear from her before the show, the cops where going to get involved, and after George came back with nothing, Jeff was in agreement. She didn't have much longer to get back to me.

"Harry, Jenny is just about to go on and then you need to be on deck. It's time to get dressed," Jeff said from the door way. I just nodded my head keeping my eyes closed, from where I laid on the couch. Upon arriving back at the arena, I locked myself in the green room. I tried to distract myself from thoughts of DJ. But it was hard. From the moment I seen her in the crowd that night it was like my thoughts revolved around her. This had never happened before and I wasn't sure why it was happening now. It had been less than two weeks and every time I looked at her my stomach did flips. I guess that is just what humans do. They are conditioned for love. It doesn't matter who it is or the amount of time. If it is meant to happen, it happens.

I slowly sat up, once again trying to shove my feelings back down into my stomach. I quickly got dressed in the suit from earlier and decided to head out into the mess of people. I opened the door stepping into the hallway. That was when my phone started going off. DJ's name flashed across the screen. The sinking feeling in my stomach rushed back. "DJ! Where are you? Stay where you are. I'm coming to get you," I didn't care where she was or that I was about to go on soon. I needed her here and safe with me.

"Harry," She breathed into the phone. She seemed destressed, not herself. Something did happen, I could tell. It is what I was worried about.

"Are you okay? Please talk to me," I felt like I was swirling into a pile of panic.

"I'm okay, I'm just nervous. You can't come and get me. There isn't time. You need to get ready for the show. I'm not far, and I'm on my way back now anyway. I'll try to be back before you go on." She thought she was nervous. I had been sick all day.

"OK," was all I could get out.



"I'm sorry," She said. I knew she was. There was just so much she wasn't telling me and I needed to know what was going on. I needed to know how to help her. I could tell she was always on edge. Always had her walls up. She needed to know I wasn't going anywhere and I would continue to try and break down every wall until she could tell me everything. No matter what.

"DJ, we'll talk when you get here."

"Harry, come over here!" Sarah yelled from where she stood around the others. I looked over to her motioning for her to give me one second.

"OK," DJ said.

"Bye," I siad and then hung up. There was so much more I wanted to say but I wasn't going to say it over the phone. I shut my phone off, turning back into the door way and tossed it onto the couch. I stepped back out of the room and headed towards the gang.

"Who was that?" Adam asked.

"DJ. She is on her way. She should be back before we go on," I said pushing the curl that fell on my forhead back into place.

"Oh good," Sarah said, "Where was she?" I just shrugged. I wasn't sure where she went. Somewhere not even George could find her, and George can do anything.


"Driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it," I sang from stage, "I'm kind of into it." Everyone was screaming around me but I kept getting distracted by a group of girls in the front row. There was one girl in the middle holding a phone up at me and a few others were huddled around it. I wasn't sure what they were doing but I just continued to sing. Once the song came to an end I couldn't help but bring my attention to them.

"And what are we doing over here?" I asked into the microphone. They all froze and then began laughing. "What's so funny? What did I do?" They all shook their heads but the main girl turned her phone to me. I squinted down at the phone trying to figure out what we were looking at it. It was me and a photo of DJ. But it wasn't a photo it was a video. "What is this?"

"Instagram live," the girl said. I looked back down to the phone and DJ was waving with a smirk on her face. I pulled the mic from my face and leaned down closer to the girl.

"Can I borrow your phone," she began to nod before I could even finish, "I'll give it right back, I promise."

"Yes. Yes. Of course," She said handing her phone up to me. I grabbed her phone and moved across the stage. I put the hand the mic was in on my hip and pulled the phone close to my face. Everyone was screaming and I wanted to make sure I could hear.

"DJ what is going on? Where are you?"

"Outside. They wouldn't let me in." I couldn't help but laugh. She was stuck outside the venue and went live on Instagram instead. I had to remember there was others on this live and anything I said would be heard by all of them.

"Okay I'll send someone you weirdo." I rolled my eyes at her with a smile.


How you all doing?

I want to make a huge shoutout to @adorefishsong on twitter.

I was shown this amazing account this week and you should all follow them for the most amazing meme's. They have me cracking up. I appreciate you guys and your support. (Also Harrysbussy: They want you to join them.


DJ's official IG: follow for updates:

And dont forget about DJ's Playlist: This is what she listens to and is the soundtrack to this story:

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