From Work, With Love || Dylan...

By stiles-o-dylan24

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If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... More

Meet Cute
And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Quiet on Set
New Season, New Characters
Gag Reel
Booking Roles
Guest Star
On Location
Unit Base
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
Autographs & Pictures
From the Top

Play the Trailer

736 21 16
By stiles-o-dylan24

Addy POV

Following the directions given to the car that picked me up from the airport, we drive down the city streets of Baton Rouge where the cast is staying at a Hotel while they film.

They have built their set and are filming just outside of Baton Rouge on 18 acres of a 200 acre local farm which Dylan had informed me of when he gave me the first FaceTime tour that he could.

That was just over a month ago and on the next FaceTime call I was introduced to Thomas, Ki Hong, Will and Kaya– who took the phone from Dylan and I chatted with her for the rest of the call while the guys played video games in one of their hotel rooms.

Kaya quickly became my friend and she chats with me almost as much as Dylan since they've been filming.

She's also the reason for my surprise visit to the set, claiming that that good of a mate with Dylan paired with my love of the book series should mean I get to visit them on set.

So Kaya figured out what days in filming would work best, which happened to line up with a mini break I had with my Davina filming schedule, and next thing I knew I was booking a ticket and flying over here for the weekend.

The driver gives our information to the outside security and I see Kaya's excited face bounding towards the car as soon as we park.

I laugh as I climb out "Oh my lord you're not on a phone screen!"

She laughs and wraps her arms around me "Fuck, it's so good to see you in person"

Grabbing my hand after I shoulder my bag, she smiles with a little wink "Come on– he's going to lose his shit."

We walk through the front lobby and head straight for the elevators to head up to the rooms. As soon as the doors close I look over at her "So he really has no idea?"

She laughs "Not a one, I basically only chatted with Wes about it if he would be okay with it, which he agreed instantly. Thomas knows but he's having as much fun as I am with having to keep this secret."

"I'm not sure how he feels about my surprise appearances though" I mutter, instantly nervous that maybe this wasn't a good idea– though Kaya squashes that thought instantly "Ha, well based on him bringing up the other two times on his own and the smile on his face when he talked about both of them– he's a fan of you surprising him."

"He said that?" I question softly and she smirks "Yup," popping the 'p' and everything "May I ask again why there's not something happening between you two?"

"Oh, we're friends– he's my best friend– and we– we work together," I ramble off lamely, scrunching my nose up into a small grimace almost instantly.

Kaya crosses her arms over her chest, making a little 'hmm' noise "Right. I fucking knew it over the phone but now I'm sure of it."

"Sure of what exactly?" I question back towards her and she wastes no time at all to say "That you're in love with him"

I widen my eyes and step closer towards her, flailing my hands a little "Shhh, try not to yell that would you?"

She laughs and throws me a look "He's not going to hear us in the fucking lift, Addy and even if he could maybe he should."

"I've seen you in person not 5 minutes and you're already on your way to not being my bestie anymore" I grumble and she barks out a laugh, stepping up to my side and linking her arm with mine as the lift stops on our floor.

The doors open and she guides us out into the hall, heading for the rooms "Aw, come on it's just a bit of fun– I won't say anything. I'll just give you sly looks from behind him whenever I'm around."

"Great I'm so excited I came" I grumble and she hops a little, laughing with her excitement "Well I'm bloody excited!"

I return her laugh because let's face it it's infectious and I was never actually mad in the first place with my threats that literally held no meaning. I've not known her for long but I know she's a true friend who, like everyone else, just wants me to be happy.

We stop by her room first where I'll be staying with her and drop off my bag before we head to the room next door right as the door opens and we see Thomas.

His face breaks out into a bright smile as he leans forward and offers a quick hug "It's lovely to finally meet you in person"

I return his hug and smile back at him "Same to you"

He winks and nods his head towards the room "Come on in"

We walk inside the room behind Thomas with Kaya walking in front of me and keeping me out of sight as she announces "You lot will not believe who I found downstairs trying to come up to our floor."

I can hear the sounds of people turning in their seats to look over this way and I move to her left, coming to stand in between her and Thomas.

"No fucking way– Adds?" I hear immediately as I step out from behind Kaya, a smile spreading across my face when I spot Dyl sitting on the couch and his shocked face.

The corners of his mouth twitch as he releases an unbelievable breath and I draw my brows inwards in a playful grimace "Surprise?"

He makes a noise and laughs as he stands up and steps over the legs of the two people sitting next to him. He closes the gap between us, wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up off the ground "What are you– aren't you filming– holy shit, I can't believe you're here!"

I wrap my arms behind his neck, chuckling with his reaction "I had a break this weekend so thought I'd come see you– is that okay?"

"Wha– is that?" he questions, setting me down so he can look at me "Of course it's okay, Adds. This is amazing and holy shit I missed you" he wraps his arms around my shoulders and brings me into his chest once again.

I laugh and return his hug, looking over at Kaya and Thomas who are sporting the same fucking we knew it looks on their faces while they look at us.

I make a noise and indicate over towards the pair "Well you should thank them because there's no way I would have been able to pull this off on my own."

"Wha– really?" he stammers and turns to face them as Ki Hong and Will make their way over, officially introducing themselves even though we've 'met' through the phone so this is more like a nice to see you again but now it's in person hug.

I'm introduced to the few other cast members that I hadn't seen through one of the FaceTime calls and the rest of the evening is spent playing video games and laughing as they easily welcome me into their group.

I noticed Dylan staring at the side of my face and I laugh before looking over at him out of the corner of my eye "Why are you staring at me?"

Taking a sip from his drink he leans forward and places it back on the coffee table, smiling brightly towards me with a wink "Your accent is even stronger right now and you're absolutely sober. It's very apparent your new costars are not American and they're influencing you."

Laughing with that I shrug "I think there's only one American on the set over there, may take a bit once we're done filming for me to sound more like myself."

He scoffs and sits back on the couch, slightly buzzed smile thrown my way "You still sound like you, just with a hot accent"

I snort, stifling my laugh in my shoulder as my eyes connect with his "You a little drunk there, Dylio?"

Kaya laughs on my other side as Dylan feigns being offended and slaps a hand over his chest "Slightly buzzed, blondie– and sue me I love your voice."


Dylan POV

We walk down the red carpet press line of cameras and various interviewers as we also take pictures with the 2013 Comic Con backdrop behind us.

I stop for some pictures with Addy and Pose, the three of us laughing as we try to keep up with the direction of where our names are being shouted from.

Next we're separated for solo quick minute long interviews with different interviewers from Clever TV.

Addy heads to the camera crew and interviewer beside me, bumping her hip into mine as we stand next to each other and I throw her a wink when she smiles over at me.

The guy who's interviewing me says hello and introduces himself before we get under way and he jumps right in "On a scale of 1 to American Pie... how much does Stiles want to have sex?"

I hear Addy snort into a soft laugh while I laugh right along with her and answer honestly "Dude, American Pie man"

"I really got that a few episodes ago," he laughs with me appreciating his question and shrugs "Is there any chance of new developments in the relationship status for him this season?"

I breathe out a deep breath, attempting to give myself a moment to figure out an answer "You know the rest of the first half of this season everyone is really pushed to their limits with all the twists and turns to what happens. Stiles specifically goes through something where he's really vulnerable and luckily he has incredible people, specifically an incredible person who actually helps him tremendously in that moment."

I watch from the corner of my eye as Addy shifts back and forth on her feet having heard my answer, and instinctively I reach over and rest my hand on her lower back as I finish with the answer "But as far as a relationship status development, I mean there's 16 episodes left before we wrap on season 3 so I have to hope that something is going to happen for him soon."


Addy POV

The panel host for this year's comic con panel introduces us starting with Jeff before Ty gets called out followed by my name. I walk out and Ty sets his hand on my shoulder once I sit down and pulls me into his side while Dylan gets called out, setting his hand on my shoulder as he takes the seat on my other side.

I widen my eyes and share a little can't believe it laugh with both Ty and Dylan as we take notice of the massive crowd that's in front of us. I think the hall we were in last year was half this size, if not more than that, and it's just unbelievable that this many people are here right now.

Crystal walks out towards her seat and lifts her phone up to snap a photo of the crowd that's still cheering while Holland, Hoech, Daniel, Max and Ethan all get called out and take their seats.

The crowd's cheering dies down a little, however the host is right there to get them back "Before we get started we were given the exclusive to be allowed to announce this news in the panel today and I just have to say a massive congratulations to miss Addison Young," Dylan and Ty both reach over and wrap their arms around me, laughing through my blushing cheeks with the attention as they slightly move me from side to side as the panel host continues "For booking the role of Davina Claire in the new CW show The Originals– the Vampire Diaries spin off that has been a hot topic for months since it was first announced in January and picked up in April!"

Everyone at the table with us and the crowd in front of us erupts in celebrating applause and I lean forward towards the mic "Holy shit– I wasn't prepared for that, but thank you so much–"

Dylan and Ty make loud cheering noises to keep everyone going and I lift my hands up "Oh, okay–"

The audience quiets down a little bit and I'm able to be heard in the mic once more, smiling through my words "Okay stop, jeez that was incredible you guys are insanely supportive and I just– stop it"

"She's blushing guys, keep it going!" Ty yells into his mic, earning laughs and more cheers to erupt as I jab his ribs with my elbow and try to talk over the supportive crowd, laughing a little as I smile towards the crowd "Thank you, but seriously shouldn't we be moving on?" I try once more and the host laughs, attempting to help me out "Alright, alright– so correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard you've been filming the first season and the character you're playing is complete opposite to Addy?"

I offer him a grateful smile that he was able to cease the cheering and I nod as I lean forward once more "Yeah we've been busy filming in Atlanta for the past few months and we're almost done. Davina has been such a different character for me because she's a witch," there's excited claps and gasps from the crowd and I smile into the mic with a little chuckle "Exactly what I'm saying, um, so I've been learning a new language of sorts and it's a lot darker in the sense compared to what I actually have participated with on Teen Wolf. It's been different and so much fun to bring together, I'm really excited for everyone to see the show in general."

"We're so freaking proud of her and excited to see her absolutely blow everyone away with this new spooky witchy role" Ty shouts into the mic and everyone chimes in with their agreement whistles and hollers, successfully making my cheeks redden even more.

I laugh softly and smile at him in thanks, looking up at the panel host as he waves his arm to get our attention "Well now I am congratulating you, patting you on the back from over here and everything, but I have to know what that means for my dear sweet Addy McCall because I may not survive if you're going to leave or be in the show less."

Thankfully I'm not in the hot seat with that question and Jeff comes to my rescue, laughing a little as he replies "Addy and I talked about this new role a lot before she even went on the audition. Our film schedule is hectic, however, there's room to work things around... so Addy's future in the show will never be decided based on any other roles she may be given."

"I mean, that sounds incredibly vague and cryptic" the panel host grumbles, earning laughs throughout the room before Jeff shrugs with a deep smirk "I have to keep my cards close and keep everyone on their toes."

"Yeah including us!" Hoech shouts and Holland laughs as she chimes in "Right you think any of us are safe?"

"We don't even know what's happening in the 3b half yet..." Ty trails off and I nod as Dylan quips through a chuckle "We literally know nothing minus the first two episodes"

I laugh and look down the table while I announce "Jeff loves suspense and no one knowing what's coming."

"Yeah even I don't know what's coming half the time" Jeff admits with a laugh and I make a face as I chuckle into the mic "See how reassured and comforted we are by that?"

Dylan snorts beside me, bumping his shoulder into mine while everyone laughs and the panel host moves us on to talk about Ty and his tattoo having to be written into the show before he's asked about his True Alpha potential.

"Another big question that has been looming over this whole season and even since last season for one of you, as Stiles so perfectly put it with his 'You're something' line– What are Addy and Lydia?"

Holland laughs and looks down the table at me before she leans forward to answer first "Honestly Lydia is just grateful to even know that she's on a werewolf show at this point so whatever she's turning into won't be any more shocking than that."

I share a chuckle with her answer before I try to be just as vague "Addy definitely has had some help from the supernatural as she's been helping Stiles figure out everything that's happening, especially at the motel– but as far as what kind of supernatural help, I'm not sure."

The host rolls his eyes dramatically before he waves his arms towards us "Well fine then, let's talk a little bit about that because we saw Stiles literally try everything he could to figure out what they are– and then Addy had the clue on her arm which led them to find Deaton and I just– Jeff, when are we going to find out what they are and are they the same thing because it seems different, yet also the same?"

"Uh, episode 9" Jeff answers immediately and we're all a little taken aback at the fact that he actually answered that specifically, proven further as Ty says "Oh wow"

Jeff smiles and nods over towards us as he elaborates "And I will say Addy and Lydia are the same thing because we have multiple werewolves so why wouldn't we have multiple of this other figure we're bringing in, however Addy is a little bit different and why these last few episodes she's been figuring things out differently than Lydia."

"The episode title is a clue as well," I murmur into the mic earning the host to push further "And the name of the episode is?"

I look over towards Jeff who smirks and looks up at the host with his answer "The name of the episode is actually an homage to Hitchcock called The Girl Who Knew Too Much based on the movie The Man Who Knew Too Much."

"You guys remember Hitchcock" Hoech asks the audience and there's a smattering of replies before the host continues "I've got to say I loved the dynamic between Stiles and Addy last season and their sudo detective agency as they solved the mystery with the Kanima" I smile brightly and lean to my right, setting my hand on Dylan's arm that's resting on the table while he smiles and leans the side of his head against mine "And now this season they're at it again with figuring out the different sacrifice categories and I absolutely love how they really took down Motel California in a big way"

We nod with that as I answer and sit back up straight "We tried" while Dylan chimes in with a loud "Yeah!"

"Speaking of Motel California– I would be remiss if I didn't take a minute to commend Dylan's performance in that final scene of Motel California it was in-credible."

Everyone cheers loudly, including everyone at the table and Dylan looks around, his eyes connecting with mine which earns him to jerk his head back a little.

"Oh my god stop" he mutters and drops his head down to rest his forehead on the table. I laugh to myself and reach over, setting my hand on his back as I console him in his embarrassed time of need.

He sits up again, setting his hand on my arm as the panel host asks "Dylan what do you like about what that scene meant for Stiles?"

"For Stiles the character?" he attempts to clarify before exactly what he said registers and he scoffs "Ah, uh I dunno– apft– what a stupid... my god get me– get me off the panel"

There's a chorus of laughs erupting from around the room and I rest my elbow on the table to cover my mouth with my hand.

Dylan notices me trying not to laugh more at the situation and he throws me a look as he reaches over under the table to squeeze just above my knee– also known as where I'm the most ticklish and I make a surprised quiet yelp as I jerk to the side.

I hear Ty snort and cover his mouth with his hands as he also sets his elbows on the table at the same time that Jeff reiterates "The scene between you, Scott, and Addy that emotional moment"

Dylan clears his face and nods "Yeah I guess I always answer it as myself because it was such a Dylan, Tyler, Addy moment, kind of, first for us you know– it was almost like the characters came second there and that was almost like the biggest thing we've had to do as actors."

Someone shouts "You're hot!" before anyone can really register his answer and we all look towards the right side of the audience as he stammers "Im sorry uh what?– We're talking about something sweet here"

A bunch of voices try talking and the most we can decipher is "You are" before we hear "We love you" and Hoech laughs while he tries to bring us back "You were saying" at the same time Holland addresses the audience "Ah you guys are like a big hallmark card."

Dylan laughs nervously and drops his head forward a bit, shaking it as he admits "I don't even know what I was talking about."

Ty laughs loudly and leans into his mic as he bellows "He lost his train of thought guys, stop complimenting him!"

"Seriously it's too much" Dylan mocks being on the verge of a breakdown, earning more laughs from us.

"We love you, Dylan!" someone shouts loudly and he waits a second before he responds "I love you, too."

Dylan looks over at Ty and I and makes a noise, circling back to where he was before he was interrupted "You know, we've been working together for years now but it's mostly been laughs with a few serious moments, nothing that heart wrenching though. We did that scene in one take, you know, Adds and Pose– they were phenomenal and kept me in the head space to just talk to him, reminding him we're in this together and we both need him because that's absolutely true to our actual relationships with each other not in the show world."

"Well said, man" Ty chimes in and I nod with my agreement, resting my hands under my chin as I smile over at Dyl, getting a wink and shy smile thrown my way in response.

The panel host taps his hands on the podium and we all look over to him once more "You know in the beginning of this season when the sacrifices were going on... Stiles was the one to put together that virgins were being sacrificed and he was very concerned about his safety and a certain someone else's in the world of Beacon Hills–" he connects his eyes with my wide ones and immediately blushing cheeks and he laughs as he adds a little shrug "I mean I said it last year and I'll say it again now that the recently nominated Teen Choice TV Chemistry and Scene stealers themselves could be in danger! I just, I feel like we're not addressing the fact that someone needs to let those two just hook up already– immediately actually, as in these next four episodes kind of immediately."

The audience erupts in cheers and claps with his words, even Ty stands up and claps dramatically with that.

Dylan vehemently nodding his head yes gains my attention and I snort with the face he's making. I smile and shake my head at him, chuckling softly as he shrugs towards his mic "It'll happen one day– you guys just need to pester Jeff more than we already do."

"Hey I'm not the only one who thought this needed to be a painful, taking forever kind of process" Jeff laughs through his statement and I throw him a look, pointing across the table at him "Hey man, I just gave a suggestion don't pin this all on me."

"Well maybe I liked your suggestion" Jeff phrases that as a sort of question and Dylan dramatically sucks in a loud deep breath, pointing between me and Jeff as he makes a noise and exclaims "My god was that a hint? Because with what I think I know, that could most definitely have been a hint!"

At this point I'm laughing behind my hand as Jeff looks between Dylan and I with narrowed eyes as he tries not to smile.

Ty is laughing beside me and the panel host is hanging on our every word as I hear Hoech chime in "Tell us, we're dying here!"

Jeff ultimately shakes his head "You don't know anything."

There's groans of disapproval from everyone around us, especially the audience, and I laugh as I drop my head forward, resting my forehead on my arms that are crossed on the table in front of me.

Though I lift my head a second later as the panel host makes a noise and questions further "I feel like there was so much we just missed but my takeaway is that Addy knows at least a hint of something?"

Dylan smirks at me and I roll my eyes at him, jabbing him in his side with my fingers which earns him to release a little yelp as I lean towards the mic "Staddy is incredibly special to me and I want them together. I, however, want them being together to be done at the right time so there's no chance of something coming between them. I want them to be endgame and that's more or less what I reiterated to Jeff in season 1."

I look over my shoulder at Dylan seeing him smile and wrap his arm around my back, pulling me into his side to show he completely agrees.

The audience chimes in with their own agreements, clapping with my words as Jeff talks over the noise of the room "Addy and I have talked in great detail about this and I promise we will not let anyone down– I still won't say when it's happening though."

"You said when it's happening!" The panel host shouts and we all laugh with his mini fangirl moment with that tiny confirmation.

The host thankfully moves on to Crystal and brings up Allison's journey this season since the darkness she was in last season and Crystal answers about Allison's mom and thanks Jeff for giving her character such range this season.

We talk about Scott and Allison having a friendship even though they're not together and how important that is to show before Max and Charlie answer questions about what it's like to work together on this project and others. Answering how they actually moved in together before they started filming this season and how great it is to have that constant ally and best friend there as they experience everything together.

Jeff nods along and chimes in about being a twin himself and makes a terrible joke about how now one of them is inside the other, referencing their conjoined alpha-ness and the reactions are about what you would think as we all cringe and laugh with him.

Jeff however thinks it's hilarious and Ty laughs "He's so proud of that joke, look at him I've never seen him laugh like this."

My shoulders shake with my silent laugh as I cover my face with my hand and hear Jeff snort through his laughter.

A few seconds later he clears his throat and brings it back to the serious side of the conversation, lifting his hands up off the table "No but really having your best friend beside you all the time is the perfect way I can describe growing up with my brother, so that's honestly really what I wanted to bring to Scott and Addy's relationship."

The host points over towards Ty and I "Thank you for that segway because I was going to say when I'm watching the show, even though they look nothing alike, they– I've always gotten the sense that they are siblings. Like I don't even question that fact in the slightest and that's not always the case when you're watching people who aren't related playing characters who are– and I just think that's a tribute to the two of you and the real life relationship you're bringing into the scenes."

Ty smiles with that and leans closer towards me, wrapping me in a side hug for a moment as we nod through the claps of agreement throughout the room.

When the sound dies down a bit, Ty leans forward towards his mic "You know for me personally there hasn't been a day where I have to remind myself that we need to play siblings. Addy is the easiest person to get to work with and I say that knowing everyone on the other side of us is hearing me" everyone laughs and I can already feel myself get choked up as he continues "But truly, she's such a hard working person and her professional presence on set is just insane. Especially this season in the episodes you guys haven't seen yet, she– I mean jesus I'm getting choked up just thinking about one scene in particular," he clears his throat and I rest my hands on the side of my cheek while I look at him "We obviously aren't twins in real life but I feel the same way about her– she instantly became one of my best friends the day I met her. I only had brothers growing up and I truly feel like I gained a sister three years ago," I smile through the tears he's quickly causing to invade my eyes, nodding with him as he laughs and pulls me into his side again "And I tell her all the time she's stuck with me for fucking life because of that."

I rest the side of my head on his shoulder, giving myself a moment through the cheers from the crowd and table before I clear my throat "I'm an only child so, I mean I've told Ty this before but, growing up I had no idea what I was missing out on– but being here on set with him I finally get what all the hype is to have a sibling that's your best friend. He's the best, I mean literally everyone at this table has made being a part of this show the most amazing experience but Ty really has helped me be comfortable and he's that protective older sibling I know is always looking out for me. It makes the McCall twin scenes that much easier to pull off in the least amount of time because he's the brother I never got to have– so it's incredible to hear that we're portraying that real of a bond to you guys watching."

Ty dramatically wipes his eyes muttering "I love you" before he kisses my temple and I respond through my chuckle "I love you too."

"That's so sweet" the panel host smiles between us before Jeff leans forward "I just have to add that we really did get lucky with these two and how quickly they were believable as twins– just one example of their great dynamic is half the lines that they've said at the same time throughout the seasons? That's been allthem, we didn't plan any of them besides I think one this season?"

"Really?" the host asks and there's a smattering of incredulous agreements from the table around us while Ty and I laugh and Dylan shouts over the audience's laughter "Yeah it's freaky that they can do it!"

The panel host claps along with everyone else, subtly signaling to Jeff if we want to announce any exciting news about next season– which we haven't heard about yet since we're technically working on the next season even though it's still the third season.

So Jeff shakes his head and instead announces the start of 3b which is airing the first week of January.

The audience celebrates with more cheers and claps with that news for a few seconds before the panel host announces the next bit of news "But before we get ahead of ourselves there's still a handful of episodes left in 3a to experience. So MTV and the cast of Teen Wolf wanted to give you a sneak peak of everything that is coming up in the remainder of season 3a so take a look..."

The lights dim in the room and the projector screen behind us begins to play the trailer that was put together with clips of the last four episodes.

We turn in our seats to get a look at the screen behind us, and even I admit to getting pumped up with the trailer and everything they're showing.

We had seen a rough cut of how it was going to look a few days ago, however this version is even better.

About midway through the trailer though– my eyes widen and my jaw drops as I watch the scene of Dylan and I in the locker room, my hands on his face before my lips are on his and the gasps of complete yet excited shock sound loudly throughout the entire room.

I spare a glance over at Dylan out of the corner of my eyes and see his eyes widen, brows raised, sharing in my silent how do we avoid those questions look.

The trailer ends soon after our kiss is announced to the world and the lights come back on in the loud murmur filled room while we all turn back in our seats to face the audience again.

Feeling everyone's eyes on us, I try not to bust out laughing with this shocking revelation since in the trailer we originally saw, it did not have us kissing.

Ty hits my shoulder with his and I set my elbows on the table, resting my hands under my chin as I prepare to cover my blushing cheeks with whatever happens next.

The panel hosts wastes no time in shouting into his mic "Okay I'm sorry, there's sooo many things to talk about but my heart just flew out of my chest and is halfway to New York from pure happiness and I need to talk about Stiles and Addy kissing immeeeeediately!"

The crowd answers with even louder cheers than before as I feel the table shake with the hands of everyone besides Dylan and I hitting it, laughing because they know how embarrassed I am to be addressing this.

I laugh and rest the side of my head in my hand, looking at Dylan who was already looking at me and trying not to laugh.

I make a face and playfully shove his shoulder lightly with my free hand, earning him to laugh as he reaches over and grabs my hand in his.

He drops our hands to his thigh and squeezes twice waiting for my three squeezes back before he smiles brightly and leans towards the microphone, raising his free hand to point towards the audience "That's right! That was most definitely a thing that happened!"

His reaction causes me to laugh even more, slowly replacing the nerves as his reaction calms my racing heart.

I spare a glance to the crowd in front of us, sliding my hand from the side of my face to rest under my chin once more.

Jeff gains my attention though as he leans forward "Well so Addy you're blushing and you know how much I want to push this and embarrass you further– what is it like to kiss the Dylan O'Brien?"

"Jesus christ, Jeff" I mutter through the excited cheers from his question, my mic of course picking it up, as I sit back in my seat and hear the audience laugh more.

I try not to laugh as I look over at him, shaking my head at him laughing. My eyes move over towards Ty, seeing him smirk while he keeps looking at me and questions further "Yeah, does he have soft lips?"

I lean forward, setting my elbow on the table and resting my cheek in my hand as I look from him and over towards Dylan who is failing at not laughing.

"To be fair they look super soft" Hoech chimes in and I playfully glare down at him while the audience laughs and murmurs their agreements.

I make a noise and remove my hand from my cheek, laying it on the table as I grumble into the mic "You're all evil and yes he does, it was not a bad time at all."

Dylan throws his arms up into the air in celebration with my words causing me to laugh and shake my head softly at him and his theatrics.

Not a second later does he smack his hands on the table a few times, much in the same way he did in the second episode of 3a, and I jerk to the side with the noise, smiling at his excited smile on his face as he leans forward "I just have to say Addy has incredible lips to kiss and I had a great time."

"Sweet fucking christ" I grumble lowly and lift my hands up, keeping my elbows on the table as I slap my hands over my face with the new round of embarrassment. Though I'm equally loving the fact that he really seemed to have meant that.

I can literally make out everyone's laughs at the table with us over the cheers and laughter coming from the audience and I mentally flip them all off.

Through my own silent chuckles I turn my head to the side and barely remove one hand from my face to look at Dyl, silently asking him why. To which he responds with a wink and shrug, leaning forward to wrap his arm around my back while he murmurs close to my ear "I'm sorry but I couldn't lie."

"I'll tell you the kiss isn't just a kiss" Jeff interrupts our little moment and we turn to look at him as I place my arms back onto the table in front of me.

"I'm sorry Jeff, say that again?" the panel host repeats, making the audience quiet down.

Jeff leans closer to his mic and reiterates "Their kiss isn't just a kiss."

I quickly raise my brows once, looking towards the audience with a little smirk of my own– though Ty completely turns the tables as he bellows "It's also sex!"

Dylan barks out a laugh while my eyes widen immediately, moving my lips between my teeth as I silently laugh and shake my head slowly at Ty.

"It quickly turns into us having sex" Dylan goes on further and I lift my arm slightly off the table as I look over towards him quickly "Holy shit"

He laughs more and quickly rushes out "I'm kidding! I'm totally kidding we do not have sex in the locker room and we do not condone that happening at school ever"

At the look I throw him, drawing my brows inwards in my silent why was that necessary, he laughs more and lifts his hands up off the table, muttering "Why am I still talking about us hav–" at the same time as I reply through my own laugh "Stop talking about us having sex."


Addy POV

First night shoot of 3b and I'm watching the third half of the dream sequence that Dylan is filming first for the premiere episode.

He's walking out into the clearing set up to look like the woods of the preserve and the lights come on, surrounding him in a circle of bright light.

Watching on the screen in front of me, I bring my knees up to my face and rest my feet on the edge of the chair.

The camera pans in close on his face and he talks right into the screen "It's just a dream– wake up Stiles."

My fingers are covering my mouth and I can feel myself furrowing my brows deeper as he continues to yell for himself to wake up, hitting the sides of his head over and over.

I have chills from the way he delivered those lines and once they call cut I continue to look at him through the screen.

He seems to take a moment to himself before he walks away, heading right over towards where I'm sitting. Though he obviously wasn't expecting to see me as his steps falter a bit and he takes half a step backwards "I didn't know you were gonna– were you watching that?"

I point towards the screen in front of me like it's obvious, though I still answer "Yeah– um, I was. I got done in makeup and wardrobe quickly since there's not much to me for this scene and I just sat down to wait."

He seems nervous almost and I make a noise "Was that not– would you prefer I not have been?"

"No," he answers quickly and takes a step towards me, clearing his throat as he elaborates "No of course I want you here, I just– how was it? Was it okay or how you imagined it when you read the script?"

"Dyl," I murmur, waiting until he connects his eyes with mine before I soften my face and nod towards the screen "That was incredible and on a whole different level than what I imagined. It was chilling and absolutely terrifying, I felt like I got punched in the gut when you were yelling to wake up. Plus–" I lift my arm up in between us "Goosies, man– you gave me straight up goosies through the whole scene."

"Thanks, Adds" he murmurs with a shy smile that brings a bigger smile to my face– I like making him blush.

Clearing my throat, I throw him a smirk and lift a shoulder in a little shrug "I think you're going to completely smash losing your mind this season."

Dylan POV

Once I grabbed some water I was in desperate need of after the scream session, I make my way back over towards where Addy was sitting, smiling to myself that she used her free time to watch me film a scene.

She stands up from her chair and my mouth immediately goes dry seeing her in one of my shirts. It's massive on her and the bottom goes down to her mid thigh while the collar hangs off one of her delicate shoulders.

My eyes move around every part of her and I've completely lost the ability to breathe... so I point instead, my voice betraying me when I attempt to ask "Is that one of mine?"

She smiles and holds her arms out to her sides, looking down at the shirt in question "Yeah I think you're supposed to wear it in an episode or two– I like the palm trees right here"

She places a hand over her chest where the palm tree pocket is and I definitely don't remember if I need to tell my lungs to move or if they're supposed to do that little trick on their own. My brows raise probably higher than I need them to as I lick my lips quickly and nod a few times "Oh"

"Don't worry wardrobe said they're gonna wash it after we film" she states with her soft laugh, obviously catching on to my weird response to her in my shirt, though I don't miss a beat with my reply "Do they have to?"

She looks at me for a second, smiling with a little shake of her head wondering if she heard me right "What?"

I shrug, lifting one arm up to scratch behind my head as I try to play it cool and not actually let it be known I'm mildly obsessed with her intoxicating coconut and all Adds smell "I'm just saying it's not like we're going to be doing much, just filming in the bed... plus you always smell like summer– like coconuts and it's nice."

She smiles a shy smile that brings a smile to my face as she absentmindedly lifts her arm up to slide her fingers through her hair above her ear "I don't think anyone has ever commented on that fact before. It's my shampoo and conditioner– it's my favorite smell and actually works well with my hair so if it's ever discontinued I will cry."

I laugh with that, nodding my head to the side as I offer "You could always become a hoarder for those two things. You know, stock piling it up in a closet at your house."

She adorably widens her eyes causing me to chuckle as she admits "That's genius."

I snort with a little shrug as I point towards myself "Told ya, not just a pretty face my friend."

"Yeah so humble too," she laughs and pokes my side with her tiny ass little fingers, causing me to jerk to the side away from her with a yelp.

I playfully roll my eyes at her, though in the next second my eyes travel down her bare legs again and I lose all rational thought as I point towards her "I'm sorry if this... I just– are you wearing anything under that because–"

Addy interrupts my words as she quickly pulls up the shirt to her stomach and reveals the small shorts she's wearing "Yes, I'm wearing these super comfy yoga shorts I just bought– why wouldn't I?"

"No uh–" I clear my throat, smiling through my embarrassment and disappointment "No reason. I just wanted you to– you know, just want you to be comfortable and I wasn't aware of the proper outfit attire for this type of scene."

"Are you okay?" she asks and I nod quickly "Yes– yeah of course, just uh– trying to get"

"Back into the scene, right I'm sorry" she fills in and I make a noise to correct her, however, Jeff walks over and interrupts "Hey guys, we'll have you head over now"

We follow his direction and walk into the set of Stiles' room, my heart beating right out of my chest as we head for the bed. I won't be any closer to her than I have before when we fell asleep on the couch and I woke up with her in my arms... but this– this feels more intimate.

I swallow thickly, momentarily wondering how many more moments like this I can take before I take a chance and probably ruin everything with her.

Addy snaps me out of my thoughts when she climbs into bed first, heading over to the other side up against the wall.

I hold up the blankets for her to get situated, averting my eyes so I don't pass out when she lifts my shirt out from under her and I see her stomach again.

She quickly gathers her hair into one hand and lays back against the pillows before I climb in after her and lay down..

My body feels on edge, knowing she's laying beside me in the same fucking bed and looking incredible with her no makeup and sleep tousled hair.

I feel her shift around beside me and I look over at her, raising my brows with my questioning gaze "Whatcha doing?"

"Just trying to figure out the best way to lay with you for you to sit up quickly" she answers and lays on her side, placing her hands under her head as she faces me.

I feel my lips twitch while I lift my arm up and place my hand behind my head, looking over towards her more while I offer "How we're laying probably works?"

She smiles a little, shifting into the pillow more "True just feels very old fashioned of us."

I turn on my side with that, mirroring how she's laying and placing my hands under my head as I face her "You want to cuddle with me, Blondie?"

She throws me a look that I try not to laugh at "With the smolder and everything," she playfully rolls her eyes "You know, you portray Rider perfectly– are you aware of that?"

"Because of my dashing good looks?" I quip and she laughs "Yes, exactly. Has absolutely nothing to do with your arrogant tendencies."

I make a pft noise, throwing her a smirk as I lay back on my back "Well I want to be comfy while we wait for them to set up, so c'mere" I mutter and lift my arm up, indicating with my hand for her to scoot over and lay her head on my chest.

She rolls her eyes at me, however, she doesn't argue and scoots over in the small space between us.

She easily cuddles into my side and just as I wrap my arm behind her back I immediately gasp with a jerk of my body when legit ice cubes get thrown on my shins "What the fuck was that?"

"Oh, sorry I probably should have put socks on" she states and I scoff, not believing those could have been appendages attached to a human body "Those are your feet, Adds– it's July, how are you that cold?"

She lifts her head off my chest, sheepishly connecting her eyes with mine "It's night time?"

I move my lips between my teeth, laughing a little "I mean fair enough but holy shit, here–" I lift my legs up, grateful for the barrier even if the pajama pants on my legs are thin, and have her put her feet in between my legs and the bed "There, get those fuckers warm."

"I don't want to make you cold and–"

I squeeze my arm around her a little more, interrupting her words as I push my head back into the pillow "Adds, accept the heat of my legs since I'm wearing pants and willing to share it with you."

She snorts and I smile up to the ceiling as she burrows into my side more, completely fitting herself around me and leaving me with zero complaints.

My grip around her tightens while we both settle back into the bed and I've never been more comfortable than when I get to hold her like this. She just fits and I wish more than anything I could do this every day. How does one go about telling their best friend they're in love with them?

I'm sure it's easier than I'm making it out to be, however, I don't want to lose this– lose this ease of being comfortable with her, and that's what telling her could ruin if she doesn't feel the same way about me. There's moments where I absolutely think maybe she feels the same, but then there's other times when I just don't know if I could be more than a friend to her.

It's exhausting to think about, which paired with how comfortable I am at this moment, I feel myself drifting– which is apparent with the noise I make when Jeff walks over to tell us they're all set.

Looking down at Addy, I laugh quietly to myself as I move her hair out of her face and gently nudge her "Adds, you awake?"

She makes a noise of confirmation before she slowly lifts her head and rests her chin on my chest. Barely squinting her eyes open to connect with mine "So are you Joey or Ross, because cuddling with you instantly makes me fall asleep."


Addy POV

"All right Addy, you're going to stand on this–" Nick, the stunt coordinator, informs, pointing to the metal animal trap on the ground that we stop our steps in front of.

"This looks real" I remark a little nervously and he chuckles through his response "That's good because it is."

I widen my eyes and he laughs "It won't go off though. It's locked into place and nothing stepping on it or touching it would remotely make it go off."

"Right..." I trail off, kneeling beside the scary looking device.

Dylan and Jeff crouch down on my other side "Here, look right there... see this?" at my nod Nick continues "This is locked through both sides all the way under the bottom of the pedal and is what will prevent the teeth, which are fake, from snapping closed when pressure is applied to the pedal."

"See" Nick states and pushes down onto the pedal with his foot, no fear at all that it's going to go off and I nod "Well all right then."

We all stand up and Jeff touches my shoulder reassuringly as he moves to walk over by the cameras that are setting up.

Nick claps his hands together and indicates between Dyl and I "Now what we need to choreograph is you jumping off the plate and having Dylan catch you, so step up here," he points and turns to his right "And Dylan you stand here"

We move to where Nick had indicated for us while Jeff stands where the camera will be and points between us "That camera is going to be a wide shot that first moment that you jump, Addy, and then these cameras here will be closer in on your faces."

We nod with everything he said before he moves to talk with the director and Nick stands in the middle of the small space between Dylan and I "Okay I just want to see what kind of range you have with just jumping from where you're standing towards his chest, so let's start with that."

"Great, no pressure" I mumble and bounce on my feet, playfully rolling my eyes at the smirk Dyl throws my way.

Nick chuckles and takes a step away from us "Ready?"

Dylan nods and holds his arms out to his sides while I lick my lips quickly and push off from my feet as hard as I can as I jump into his chest, setting my hands on his shoulders.

His arms wrap around my waist immediately and Nick taps my foot with his own "Okay that was actually really good with not having anything facilitating your leap. We just need your legs to snap up behind you since you are escaping harm's way."

"Oh, right" I snap them up as instructed and feel Dyl's chest shake in his silent laughter "Delayed reaction on point, munchkin"

I throw him a look as he sets me down and Nick has us run through it this time with me putting my hand in Dylan's to use as leverage to push off from.

Hand in his, I feel him increase his hold around mine as I push up from my feet and use his hand to optimize propelling me higher up on his chest with our eyes level. My arms wrap behind his neck while his arms wrap around my lower lower hips, which is borderline around the top of my ass basically.

Being this close to his face and feeling his strong arms wrapped around me has me releasing a shaky breath as my eyes move in between his quickly.

"I like how that looks a lot more" Jeff chimes in and snaps me out of my inner thoughts as he further instructs "So run through it again and pause a little longer before you set her down."

We acknowledge his instructions and I hear Dylan clear his throat before he gently sets me down in front of him.

My hands slowly fall from his shoulders and down his chest while we get set up to run through it one more time.


Dylan POV

I stifle a yawn with my hand and lean back on the couch in Addy's trailer, waiting for her to finish changing into her quote 'comfy lounge clothes' so we can run lines for the next episode.

Once she makes her way over to me my eyes lift up from her bag she packed earlier with her essentials to be gone for the next week and half while they wrap up her scenes in the first season "So you had died but now you're being resurrected?"

She laughs and sits down beside me "Yes and because I was using my magic against witches for the vampires the ancestors are pretty pissed about it and took it away. Then I get my magic back and make it my mission to take down Klaus– should be fun to film though."

I laugh at the bright smile on her face "That sounds intense."

Addy laughs and reaches forward for her script "It's definitely escalated since the beginning of the show, she doesn't know who to trust because it just seems like everyone uses her for her power. She's getting stronger though, thinking for herself and I'm loving how everything plays out."

"So once you film this and get back, you're– you're back until we're done with this season right?" I question hesitantly and she makes a face as she mentally goes through the schedule "Yes?"

I snort and she throws me a helpless face "I'm pretty sure that's the plan but we'll see how filming goes over this week. Luckily my scenes are all pretty cut and dry, there's not much to them... so unless something goes wrong in the schedule I should be wrapped this week."

I chuckle and nod with her words, slowly looking back up to connect my gaze with hers "It's just weird without you being here with– with us, everyday."

"I won't be gone for long though, not like the two months basically last time– you're hardly going to notice I'm not here," she states, having absolutely no clue apparently how untrue those words are, smiling as she sits back on the couch.

I lick my lips quickly, offering a small shake of my head "Yeah I will, Adds. I'm..." I trail off and she looks over towards me as I clear my throat "I'm going to miss you, Blondie."

There wasn't much of a space between us with how close we're sitting on the couch but she still scoots a bit closer, easily laying the side of her head on my shoulder.

In return I lay the side of my head on top of hers, breathing her in while she wraps her hand around my upper arm, her tiny voice sending shivers down my arms "I'm going to miss you more, Rider."

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