
By KristinaMancheva

33.2K 1K 65

*Based on the tv show Violetta. -Violetta just moved from Madrid to Buenos Aires. She is a new girl to studio... More

Living in Buenos Aires
Love for the first sight
I cant stop thinking about him..:(
Should i sign?
Am i inlove with another person?
Im confused
The Audition
Um..Problems With My Dad?
Tomas and me?
My second kiss
Tomletta <3
The Show - End of Season 1
Season 2-A year later
Thinking about Tomas
LEON! :'(
Leon and I? <3
Angie is back!! <33
Aaah <3
Leon,Leon ❤️
The Date ❤️
Diego is leaving!! ..
The Show -End Of Season 2
Season 3-I'm back!!
I cant believe this!!
Together again?
Introducion and Knowing!
Break up and new boy
New Boyfriend ^.^
We arrived ❤️
10.Los Angeles❤️
10.Los Angeles#2❤️
Happy Birthday!
❤️Buenos Aires(:
Disney Land
Back Again❤️
No words!
All together!
New Students
Stop it!
Untitled Part 57
Lazy day
Leon proposed mee <33
The Wedding


503 17 1
By KristinaMancheva

The next day:
I went in the studio because we had a break for 2 months and today I have to go back :)
*In the studio*
I saw Diego sitting on a bench and thinking.I wanted to apologize for yesterday,so I went to him:
Hey..what are you thinking about? -I said smiling
Diego:Ah hey Vilu :),nothing..
Aham..okey..I'm sorry about yesterday..I wasn't in the mood-I said
Diego:No prob,Violetta I love you!
*He camed close to me and KISSED ME?!
Diego what do you think your doing?!!!!???!!-I said angry
Diego:Sorry baby..do you want more?
What?Ew get away of me idiot-I said and walked away to my house.
*In my room*
I can't believe that jerk!!How could he possibly kiss me and infront of Leon :'( ,he will never talk to me again:'
*Someone knocked on the door and I went to open it(I was crying):
Leon:Violetta we need to talk!Are you crying?!Why?
Because you saw me kiss Diego and then you walked away and I wanted to kill myself because you would never talk to me for that :'( I hate Diegooo :'((((-I said crying even harder.
Leon:Wow Violetta calm down..Tell me what exactly happend please.
Well..yesterday Diego called me and I yelled so hard to him because he was annoying and he asked me to go out with him!And I yelled that I'm with you and that I will never go out with him or something like that,idk I don't remember..Anyway today I went to him because he looked sad and I wanted to apologize for yesterday..he said no prob and then kissed me ewwww what a freak..and then I yelled at him..I told him that what does he thinks he's doing and then he said do you want more and I said ew get away of me jerk and I camed back home crying...,ugh I feel better -I said.
Leon:Wowww...idk what to say..but if that jerk does something to you again I swear I will kill him!!Violetta I want to be with you but do you want to be with me?
Of course I do!I love you more than everything..I'm really sorry :'(-I said starting to cry again.
Leon:Hey don't cry my love ..everything is going to be alright,I promise ❤️
Thanks for always being next to me :'( ,I love you !!-I said
Leon:Forever and always!💕
*He said and hugged me tight and then kissed my forehead..

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