Wildest Dreams | A James and...

Von holly10121

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Lily Evans declared that she would never love or even like James Potter, the arrogant, Quidditch playing bull... Mehr

Character Profile: Lily Evans
Character Profile: James Potter
Character Profile: Sirius Black
Character Profile: Remus Lupin
Character Profile: Marlene McKinnon
Character Profile: Peter Pettigrew
Character Profile: Alice Prewett
Character Profile: Mary MacDonald
Face Claims
Chapter One - Mudbloods and Marauders
Chapter Three - Truth or Dare
Chapter Four - Home Sweet Home
Chapter Five - An Interesting First Morning
Chapter Six - Predictions, Potions and Peeves
Chapter Seven - Friendships are Formed
Chapter Eight - Karaoke and Kisses
Chapter Nine - Girls Night and the First Full Moon
Chapter Ten - Quidditch, Quidditch, Quidditch
Chapter Eleven - Hogsmeade
Chapter Twelve - Realisations
Chapter Thirteen - Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
Chapter Fourteen - Dreams
Chapter Fifteen - An Absolutely Hilarious Halloween
Chapter Sixteen - The Typical Halloween Hangover
Chapter Seventeen - No Holding Back
Chapter Eighteen - No Love Lost
Chapter Nineteen - Just Talking
Chapter Twenty - Eighteen, Baby!
Chapter Twenty-One - Love Is In The Air
Chapter Twenty-Two - Violence
Chapter Twenty-Three - Revenge and Recovery
Chapter Twenty-Four - Better, Definitely Better, Right?
Chapter Twenty-Five - Close Call
Chapter Twenty-Six - Secrets
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Plans, Plans And More Plans
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
Chapter Twenty-Nine - After the Afterparty
Chapter Thirty - Legends
Chapter Thirty-One - Letters
Chapter Thirty-Two - The Last Straw
Chapter Thirty-Three - Invitations
Chapter Thirty-Four - Shopping!
Chapter Thirty-Five - Bizarre
Q & A
Chapter Thirty-Six - Shock
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Slughorn's Christmas Party
Chapter Thirty-Eight - The Ball
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Never Let Me Go
Author's Note // The End

Chapter Two - Platform 9 & 3/4

5.4K 93 241
Von holly10121

(Time skip to the start of Seventh Year)


I close my eyes, and take a deep breath. This is it Lily.... the last time you'll hear the chatter of excited pupils, preparing to go back to school for another year. The last time you'll hear the owls hooting, and mothers crying, saying goodbye to their children. The last time you'll see that wondrous sight, the Hogwarts Express, getting ready to take students back to school. Wow....I'll never feel this way again. That's a lot to take in.

I begin walking towards the train. I had said goodbye to my parents at the barrier - I didn't want them to come in incase Malfoy or Black tried to say or do something that could hurt them. I wouldn't put it past any of the Slytherins to try and hex my poor parents when all they want to do is say goodbye to their child. I told them I was embarrassed - they definitely didn't buy it but understood that I must have had a good reason for not wanting them to come in. I keep my head bowed, not wanting to attract any trouble. I'm wearing my muggle clothes - a light pink knitted sweater and some black skinny jeans and black ankle boots. Nice comfy clothes.

There's a bunch of people standing in my way - there's no use trying to get through them so I just stop and start fumbling with my pendant necklace. I got it for my birthday from my mum last year - she said it was her mum's and she wanted me to have it. It's really beautiful and means a lot to me because I was really close with my grandmother up until she passed away two years ago.

As I look at the pendant and begin to feel more confident and upbeat about this year, I decide to look up and see that the crowd is gone.

I take a step forward and immediately something crashes into me. I fall to the ground, not very gracefully. Frustrated, I take a look at what it was. Potter. I should have known. Despite his kindness after Snape called me a...a mudblood, he has barely changed. He did stop asking me out every day though - it is now a weekly occurence. He is still as big a pain in the ass as he was in 5th Year. Godric, am I still looking at him? Wow, has he really grown even more over the summer? He's always been tall but now he's towering over me. I'm not actually even that small - I'm 5'4 which is an average enough height. He's just a bloody giant. Merlin, he must be about 6'4! And he's really grown into himself over the summer. Potter blushes and I realise that I've been staring at him. Flip sake Lily, catch a grip on yourself. He's still Potter, the annoying arrogant asshole that he's always been.

"Hey Evans. Sorry, didn't mean to crash into you! Here, let me help you up." he says, offering his hand. I look at it suspiciously. Due to the fact that I've been forced to live in Gryffindor Tower with him for the past six years, I've learned to be careful when offers to help me with anything. He chuckles, "Don't worry, Evans. There's nothing in my hand!". I reluctantly take his hand and let him pull me up, realising that I can't stay on the ground forever. "Thanks." I say, and go to walk past him. Much to my annoyance, he begins to walk alongside me. "Hey Evans, congrats on getting Head Girl!" he says, smiling. "Thanks." I reply, a little unsure of what is happening. You see, Potter and I have had about one civil conversation before - us 'talking' usually consists of him asking me out, me glaring and responding with a sarcastic comeback (which are usually brilliant, might I add) and the conversation ending in a minor shouting match. Yep, that sums it up nicely. The only other time that we have had a civil conversation is when he apologized to me after the Snape incident in 5th Year. Funnily enough, that was the one time that he didn't actually do anything wrong!

"I guess I'll see you on the train then!" Potter says, giving me a strange look. What does he mean by 'I'll see you on the train'? We never sit together and besides, I have to sit with the Head Boy for a while and lead a Prefect's meeting. I only nod in response, extremely confused. He hops on to the train and I look around to try and find my girls. That's when something very excited jumps on my back...

"Marlene!" I cry, turning around and hugging my best friend and sister. Marlene McKinnon and I are polar opposites. She's tall, I'm short. She's tan, I'm pale. She doesn't give a shit about rules, I follow them meticulously. She misses at least one class a week, I have a perfect record. But these are just some of the reasons that we are such good friends. We balance each other out perfectly. I make sure that she does ok in exams and doesn't miss too many classes. She encourages me to have more fun and CHILL OUT! She's really pretty and has boys drooling over her. She has incredible blonde, curly hair and a fabulous tan all year round (seriously though - how does she do it?). She has the body of a supermodel and has incredible light hazel - grey eyes. She's also like 5'8 and has these long legs that have boys staring. She has an on - off fling with infamous Marauder Sirius Black and, although she insists that there's no feelings there, I can't help but think that she might have an actual crush on him. To be honest, I ship it. He's a 'Bad Boy' and she's a 'Bad Girl'. They are literally the same person, just opposite genders. My 'Blackinnon' ship is starting to sail!

I look to the right of Marlene once she gets off me and see Alice Prewett. I give her a massive hug! "Ali! How are you?" I say, half - shouting over the noise on the platform. "I'm great! How are you, Lils?" she shouts back. "Fab now I'm here!" I reply. It is impossible to find anyone kinder and more gentle than Alice Prewett. You just know that she'll be a great mum some day (Operation Neville Longbottom is ready to go - Frank Longbottom and Alice are head over heels for each other but both don't think the other likes them. Alice has always wanted to name her first child Neville and Frank would do anything for Alice so me and Mary have been planning this for years). She smiles at me. Alice is really pretty. She has bob length brown hair and big brown eyes. She also has a beautiful smile and incredible style. No one can pull of a hairband quite like Alice Prewett. She's short like me and we're like two peas in a pod. Ali also loves baking and seems really shy, but when you get to know her she NEVER shuts up!

I then get squeezed half to death by the person standing on the other side of Marly. Mary MacDonald makes up our friend group. We've been best friends ever since we sat beside each other at the start of year feast in first year. I was upset that I wasn't in a house with my then - best friend Snape, but they immediately made me feel better and I knew the moment that we started joking around with each other that I would love being in Gryffindor and that we would be friends for life. Mar has chocolate brown skin and incredible hair. And I mean incredible. She has shiny, black hair that flows down to just above her waist. She also has the body of a supermodel and is an average height, about 5'6. Me and Ali are about 5'4 and Marly is 5'8 so Mary fits in perfectly. I squeeze her back and flash her a grin. Mar and I have the same sarcastic humour (once Ali commented that when we get going everyone else starts shitting themselves!).

I'm so happy to see all my girls again! To be honest, I didn't really have a great summer. I mainly just did my homework and read. I know, I know! I'm 17 years old and I did THAT all summer! It's just that Mar was over in France, Ali was visiting family in Northern Ireland and Marly was in Florida so all my friends were away. And it wasn't like I could do anything with Tuney - no, Petunia. She doesn't let me call her Tuney anymore. My sister was my best friend until I was 9 and she was 11. That's when I met Snape and he told me that I was a witch and all about this world, the world of magic. He said Petunia was jealous of me, that she was ordinary and I was special. I don't know what to think. All I really do know is that someday I want to patch it up with my sister. I know that we can never go back to how things used to be, but I do want it to get better. She just got engaged to a crossover between a whale and walrus called Vermin, no Vernon Dursley. Ugh, even she could do better. The amount of times that I was tempted to 'accidentaly' hex his ears off was unbelievable. Their wedding is next February - very strategically planned so that there is no possible way I could be there. I will admit that that stung a bit. I mean, when we were kids we planned our weddings together! I would be her Maid of Honour and she would be mine. But now I'm not even invited to her wedding. As much as I would love to be there on my older sister's big day, I'm also actually a little bit relieved. Why, you may ask? Oh, because she told all her friends and Vermin's family that I go to a school for troubled teens. What?! Would it really cause her so much bother to simply say that I go to an Art school or something? No, no, no - she just had to make me out as dangerous. What a bitch! Anyways, back to the present moment.

After all our hellos, me and the girls start boarding the train. We start heading to our regular compartment when I suddenly realise that I have to go and meet the Head Boy and start the Prefect's Meeting. "Shit," I say to them, "I have to go and meet the Head Boy!". "Oh yes Lils! I totally forgot to congratulate you on becoming Head Girl!" Mary says, grinning. "Time to put some Slytherins in detention for breathing!" Marly adds in, rubbing her hands together mischievously. "Good luck Lils!" say Ali, rolling her eyes at the other two. I snort and say, "Bye! Oh, and who do you think the Head Boy will be?". Marly suddenly grins, but doesn't say anything more. "What's got you grinning like a Cheshire cat?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, nothing!" she replies, still smirking. I look at her with a puzzled expression on my face when Mary butts in saying, "Anyways. Have fun Lils. You better come straight back here and tell us who it is when the prefect's meeting is over!". I smile at her and start walking down the train. I stop in the bathroom to brush my hair and get changed into my robes. I proudly pin my Head Girl patch to my chest and recall what Petunia said when she saw it: "Aw, congrats. You are officially the freakiest freak ever! Hope you're proud!". Ouch. I push that thought out of my mind and smile as I walk out of the bathroom and start heading town to the prefect's carriages. One is reserved for the Head Boy and Head Girl, and we have the Prefect's meeting in the other. We don't have to stay in these carriages for the entire train journey, just the first hour or so. The Head Boy and Girl meet in private before the meeting starts for about half an hour, and arrange patrols on the train and such. Then they go in and introduce themselves to the prefects and go over the train patrol rota.

Not for the first time, I wonder who the Head Boy will be. Is it Remus? Oh, I hope so. He's been the Gryffindor prefect alongside me for the past two years, and we've actually developed quite a good friendship, despite the fact that he's a Marauder. Even though he is a Marauder, still to this day the resident pranksters and mischief makers, he actually is a very good prefect. He sticks to the rules a lot more than his friends, and seems to enforce some level of control over them. I'm pretty certain that he is the only person that can do that!

It could also be Amos Diggory. He's alright I suppose. A bit of a pretty boy and an airhead but he's nice. Nicer than some of the other prefects. And a Hufflepuff. He is also a bit of a player, and is like Black and Potter in that sense. It could also be Benjy Fenwick, the Ravenclaw prefect. He's really nice and clever, a bit of a know - it - all but other than that he's ok. If it wasn't Remus, I'd want it to be Benjy. We study together in the library sometimes, and we did briefly date in 5th year. That didn't really work out though, and we decided that we're much better off as friends. It's not awkward between us at all because we literally only dated for a month. It was both of our first real relationships so it was actually more awkward us being together than not!

I think that's all it could be....Oh no! I just had a terrible thought! What if Severus Snape is Head Boy? He's the Slytherin prefect, and the fact that he does ok in school, and the annoying fact that he is really good at Potions would make him a good candidate. But, outside of marks, he would make a terrible Head Boy! I couldn't think of anyone worse! He would be biased towards the Slytherins and is even more of a prejudiced git than he used to be. It feels weird to be thinking of my ex - best friend in this way, but that's what he is. My EX - friend. He tried, in vain, last year to apologize. Said that it 'just slipped out'. What the fuck! Something like that doesn't 'just slip out'. No, it had been a long time coming, and my life has been better with him out of it. But if he's Head Boy he would be there all the time, and I wouldn't be able to escape him, and his so - called 'friends'. They're all aspiring death eaters! And he's just like them. Ugh, he makes me sick...

I was thinking all of this in my head as I walked towards the Head's compartment. Please let it be Remus! Please let it be Remus!

I opened the door and received quite the surprise....

Potter. There's no way in hell he could be Head Boy. "Excuse me," I say to him, in quite a polite voice, "I think you have the wrong compartment Potter.". "Actually, Evans. I'm Head Boy. Surprise!" Potter says, making a feeble attempt at jazz hands. There's no way. Potter can't be Head Boy...can he? There has GOT to be some kind of mistake! He's a Marauder...no - he's the main Marauder! He's the ringleader for all of their stupid pranks and bullying of other students. I mean, he has been doing less of that since sixth year started but still! Given his detention record, and the fact that he wasn't even a prefect, this is impossible! I will admit, his marks are actually quite good (actually they're really good, but I will never be able to bring myself to admit that!), and he was Quidditch Captain....but he's not Head Boy material! All of that stuff he's done - there's just no way! I suddenly realise that I've been quiet for a while, and should probably say something. "Um...how?" I say. I know it seems kind of rude, but I need to know. He chuckles, "Yep, I asked myself the same thing! How could I possibly be Head Boy? I thought that there must have been some kind of mistake, so I wrote to Dumbledore. Turns out there was no mistake - apparently I've matured a lot and have 'leadership qualities'." he used his fingers to quote the last bit, and let out a little laugh as he shook his head, "You know, I thought for sure that it would be Moony... Remus.". He corrected himself after seeing my confused look. Quite a weird nickname, I must say. I do know about Remus' 'furry little problem' as Potter calls it, and I know that he doesn't own a badly behaved bunny. He's a werewolf, but it doesn't change him. And honestly, the way the Marauders don't act any different around him, and take his notes when he's not in class, actually makes me respect them a bit more. That's a really good thig to do. Potter continues, "I hope that you're not too disappointed that it's me. If you don't want to work with me, that's fine. I can just tell Dumbledore that I can't do it, no big deal. I..". Here I interrupt him, "No, it's fine. He must have chosen you for a reason. I'm just a little shocked right now, that's all. I'll get over it soon.". He smiled at my words, "I'm glad to hear you say that. It means a lot Evans. Do you...um...do you think... Oh shit, Lily do you think we could try being friends this year?". I nod my head, "Sure, James?". It sounds like a question at the last word. Suddenly his face contorts into the biggest grin I've ever seen. Not a cocky smirk, or a cheeky grin, but a genuine smile. It was actually quite nice. I gave him a shy smile back.

"Ok, so. How much do you know about being Head Boy?" I ask him, sitting down. "Not much." he says, smiling sheepishly. "Ok, that's fine. We firstly need to sort out passwords for each of the houses and the Prefect's bathroom. We also need to arrange train patrols. We'll have to meet sometime tomorrow to sort out regular prefect patrols. Ok?" I say. Pott...no, James nods. Wow, it sounds weird saying his name in my head, instead of a 'Potter' or 'arrogant idiot' which are names I usually refer to him as. We begin to choose the passwords. Hufflepuff have a pattern that stays the same every year. However, we had to come up with a riddle for Ravenclaw. I came up with the one we used: 'Sometimes I shine, sometimes I'm dull, sometimes I am big, and sometimes I am small. I can be pointy, I can be curved, and don't ask me questions because even though I'm sharp, I'm not smart enough to answer you. What am I?'. The answer is a knife. It was quite good in my opinion. I think James agreed because he gave me a look of what seemed like amazement when I suggested it. The Slytherin password is 'Serpent' and the Gryffindor password is 'Propugnatores' which is 'Champions' in Latin. I mean, Gryffindor has won the House Cup the last three years in a row, so it is fitting. The password for the Prefect's bathroom is 'Aqua Bullae' which is 'Water Bubbles' in Latin. Once that was finished that it was time to sort out train patrols. In no time at all we were ready to start the Prefect's meeting.

We gather our papers and head in. As we walk in, I take a look at all of the prefects, who are all seated waiting for us to begin. All of the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor prefects say a cheery and enthusiastic hello to us, whereas the Slytherin's ignore us altogether. The prefects for Ravenclaw are Benjy Fenwick and Amanda Connor, who are both nice enough. The Hufflepuff prefects are Amos Diggory and Sarah Chang. Remus and Ali are the Gryffindor prefects and Bellatrix Black and Severus Snape are the people we have to deal with as Slytherin prefects. I smile at Ali as I prepare to begin the meeting. I can hear a couple of people muttering "Potter - Head Boy! Impossible!" in hushed voices. I also caught a rather hurtful, "They made a mudblood Head Girl - what has happened to the world?". Potter and I both glare at her, and Potter is about to say something when I give him a look and slightly shake my head. "She's not worth it" I mouth at him. He nods his head. He looks annoyed, but understands that as Head Boy he shouldn't retort. After realising that it came from the delightful (notice the sarcasm) Bellatrix Black, it didn't hurt anymore. Realistically speaking, was she going to let this opportunity to insult me pass by? Not a chance. I just brush it off. Who cares what she thinks anyway?

I wouldn't have believed it, but Bellatrix has gotten even worse over the summer. I thought that with Narcissa and Lucius gone (they've graduated - thank goodness!), it would be a bit easier and she might lay off a bit. But no, she's only got even more cocky. She got engaged to Rodolphus Lestrange over the summer (except, is it really an engagement if technically this has been planned ever since she was born?). I actually feel quite sorry for Bellatrix in that sense. She doesn't even get to choose who she marries! Her entire life is planned out for her. If she wasn't so evil and didn't seem so content with her life I would have definitely helped her by now. But no, I think she actually enjoys this life. Godric knows why? Maybe she simply doesn't know anything different? There isn't a shadow of a doubt that she is a death eater now. She constantly fumbles with her left forearm, and it is always covered. Both the Lestrange family and the Black family are very well known supporters of this 'Dark Lord' who is also going by the name 'Lord Voldemort'. Most wizarding folk don't dare speak his name, preferring to call him 'You - Know - Who' or 'He Who Must Not Be Named'. I speak his name simply because Professor Dumbledore once said to me, "Fear of the name also increases fear of the thing itself.". I thought that this was extremely wise of him. Bellatrix is also one of Snape's closest 'friends' in his group of aspiring death eaters. To be honest, he'll most likely become one. Wow, can you imagine, my childhood best friend becoming a death eater? It's almost unbearable to think about but it's his future, or his destiny as he most likely views it. Merlin, the mere thought of him makes me feel sick to my stomach. And here they are, Snape and Bellatrix, sitting impatiently waiting for James and I to start the meeting.

"Hello everyone," I say confidently, "Congratulations on being made prefects, and welcome or welcome back to the prefects who have been here before. I am Lily Evans, your Head Girl for this year, and the is James Potter, your Head Boy." at this I paused, and James winked at the prefects. "You have all been made prefects because you have shown time and time again responsibility and a willingness to help others. I am sure that we will all work well together this year, as long as you stick to the following rules;

>No abusing your position - taking points away for stupid reasons or awarding points for the wrong things. If we hear about anyone doing this your prefect privileges will be taken off you.

>You can't tell your friends the password to the prefect's bathroom - we don't want everyone knowing it.

>Try not to get more than three detentions - if you get three detentions you'll be put on probation and more than three and your position will be taken from you.

Are these rules clear?" I finish. The prefects nod. James then steps up and tells them the passwords to their house common rooms and the prefect's bathroom and then finishes up. As we say goodbye to everyone, I smile at him. "You actually did a really good job today. I can see why Dumbledore made you Head Boy for your 'leadership qualities'." I compliment him. I wasn't even lying - he has a way of commanding everybody's attention. It works perfectly for me because I'm quite shy and don't possess that kind of authority. We actually make quite a good team. I don't tell them this however. I may have agreed to be friends with him, but that doesn't mean that I want to give him that big a compliment. For all I know, the old ego is still in there, just hiding behind this 'nice guy' act. I mean, we have only been friends for about an hour!

"Thanks!" he replies as we leave the Prefect's compartment together, "You did really well too! They all respect you, which is good. They probably think that I'll be a bit of a pushover.". He gives out a nervous laugh as he says this. For the first time, I can see that he is genuinely nervous about this job, and doesn't want to muck it up. "You did fine!" I say, rolling my eyes playfully. He nods, and the smirk quickly returns to his face. Wow, I think to myself, he actually isn't bad looking. In fact, he's quite handsome. His hazel eyes (not muddy brown like I'd previously thought) are alight with life, happiness and mischief, and he has a permanent smile on his face that lights up his features wonderfully. James actually has quite full lips, and cute dimples. Who would have thought? And his hair. Ugh, if I'm being honest with myself, I've wanted to run my fingers through it for years. Every time he would do it, just to mess it up, I'd want to do it to. Hey, it's not like I liked it! It just looked, and still does look, really soft. Damn, what conditioner does he use? Oh Merlin! For the second time today, I've caught myself staring at James! What has happened to the world? Had you told me this morning that Potter, the James Potter, would be Head Boy, and that I'd agree to be friends with him, I would have told you to go and see a doctor for brain damage! I mean, come on! He's Potter! This has most certainly been one strange day. And I have a horrible feeling that it's only going to get stranger...

As I'm walking back to my compartment to find my friends, holding my trunk and walking alongside James, he suddenly nudges me. I look at him, wondering what's up. "In here, Lily." he says. Wow, that sounds weird. Him saying my actual first name instead of Evans. And the way it just rolls off his tongue like that as well. I look into the compartment and, sure enough, my friends are in here. But who are they sitting with, you might ask? The Marauders. The Marauders.




I'm really confused. Since when do we sit with the Marauders of all people? We always sit together, just the four of us, in our compartment - the same compartment that we've sat in for five years. What changed? I have a feeling that this is something to do with a certain Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black. Hmmmm.... I'll have to do some investigating in the near future. "Hey!" Ali says, as James and I arrive. She and Remus left the prefect's meeting a couple of minutes before James and me. "Hey Ali!" I reply. "Potter, you're still alive?" Marly jokingly asks, smirking. Clearly all the girls had been informed who the Head Boy was. James snorts and I roll my eyes. "Careful Lilypad, they might stay like that!" a certain Sirius Black says. I glare at him. Black has taken it upon himself to come up with a variety of names for me including, but not limited to, Lilypad, Lilyflower, Flower, Petal and Lilykins. "Oh Black, how nice it is to see you!" I say, my voice dripping in sarcasm. He sticks his tongue out at me. Wow, mature. James laughs, "Lay off her, Pads. She's had enough for one day!". "Wow Prongs, I cannot believe you're still alive. But Head Boy? You disappointment!" says Black, emphasising the word 'disappointment'. Potter snorts.

"Hey Lily, how was your summer?" Remus speaks up. "It was good, I suppose. How was yours?" I say, actually happy to see Remus, the only bearable Marauder up until today. "Good. Congrats on getting Head Girl!" he says, smiling nicely, but I noticed that his eyes were twinkling mischievously. "Thanks!" I reply. "Hey Peter, how are you?" I say, addressing Peter, who was sitting in the corner. "Great, thanks Lily!" he replies, smiling slightly. Peter has always been the most shy out of all the Marauders. I'll have to go out of my way to include him because I think that sometimes he feels a bit left out because he isn't as outgoing as the rest of the Marauders.

"Hey Lils!" says Mar, "We were thinking of playing a game of Truth or Dare! You want to play?". "Sure!" I reply, quite enthusiastically. I always love playing Truth or Dare, well, except when it's my go. "We have to play it proper Marauders style though. Pads, got our special potion?" James says. "But of course Mr. Prongs!" Black says, flourishing a bottle of Firewhiskey. Oh, no.

This is not going to end well.


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