Rude Ralph x Horrid Henry fan...

By BTSARMY4life5ever

65K 671 2.1K

Henry never thought he would fall for anyone, EVER! But that all changes after he meets his best friend who h... More

Photos and Squealing Moms
Dream Come True
Sleeping and Kisses
Alone on Christmas Eve (PT 1)
Alone on Christmas Eve (PT 2) LEMON🍋
Christmas Party (Part 1)
I Love You, So Please Rest (Part 1)
I Love You, So Please Rest (Part 2)
Advice (Epilouge)

Christmas Party (part 2)

3.2K 26 184
By BTSARMY4life5ever

Henry POV:

"Guys! Nice to see you all!" I said to all my friends at the doorway. I saw that they were all carrying lots of gifts. Everyone smiled.

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Get inside!" I joked and everyone laughed while heading inside and into my living room. Me and Ralph's family then followed them all from behind. Ralph and I were the last ones to go to the living room. But before we did, we both looked at each other and gave one another a quick kiss, we then both walked to the living room along where everyone is. As we walked in, everyone looked at us and smiled.

"So, how is everybody?" My mom asked as me and Ralph sat down next to each other on the couch. Everyone then started talking about they were all doing in their own lives, a lot of people have changed since Ashton Prep. For instance, Moody Margaret isn't so much of a bogey brain anymore, but I still don't really like her. Sour Susan isn't so...weird anymore, and she and Margaret are actually dating!

To put it short, a lot of people matured a lot! But there are some that never changed, Beefy Burt is still a big foodie. Brainy Brian is still as smart as ever! And William and Andrew are as wimpy and anxious as before, even though they are both married.

~An hour into the part!

"Henry! EARTH TO HENRY!" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Nick standing right in front of me, I smiled awkwardly and he smirked at me. I was suspicious but I shrugged it off.

"Hey Henry, can you come to the staircase with me for a few minutes?" Nick asked me, I was now very suspicious but I decided to follow him to the stairs. Mostly everybody was either in the kitchen, the living room or the halls. I saw Ralph talking with Al in the halls but I had no chance to stare because Nick pulled me to the stairs to sit down on the steps. We both sat down.

"SO, what do you want Nick?" I asked Nick, I never really liked him because he seemed so weird and kinda creepy! He smirked at me again, and then scooted a little bit closer to me.

"Well Henry, I just wanted to tell you that I love you! I love your eyes, your sexy body, and your gorgeous face. I want you for myself, Henry. So what I'm asking is...will you be my boyfriend?...And also..." Nick trailed off at the last part, I was super shocked though! Nick liked ME! Eww! I barely even like the guy as a FRIEND! Now he wants to be with me just for my looks?! Fuck no! I was about to say something but the next thing that happened what super unexpected!

"...Will you marry me, Henry?" Nick said after he got down on one knee and opened a box with a diamond ring inside of it! I was now disgusted! He only wants me for my body, he wants to be in a relationship with me and not even a few seconds after confessing to me, he PROPOSED for me to MARRY him!

"NO! Nick, I'm sorry but I don't like you! I barely even liked you as a friend! And jus so you know, I actually have a boyfriend!" I said sternly. Nick looked up at me, both shocked and angry. I started getting worried, but I got scared when Nick pinned me against the wall, pinning my arms above my head with one hand and with his other covering my mouth. I tried to escape but he was much bigger than me, making that height an advantage.

"Well, I'm not letting you go that easily, Henry. You'll be mine whether you like it or not! And you'll also tell that little boyfriend of yours that you are now MINE!" Nick said to me, not letting me go. He started leaning to kiss me, but I kicked him in the stomach, making him lose his grip of me, but not enough to escape. I noticed that I was still in his grip but I did the only thing I could do since I noticed my mouth was no longer covered.

"RALPH!!!! HELP!!!!" I screamed very loudly. Nick and I were high enough on steps, but at least we were on a stable part of the stairs. I then heard footsteps climbing up the stairs, then I saw Ralph running up. I felt a wave of relief run through me, but that faded when Nick gripped on to me harder.

Ralph POV:

"Henry! Nick, what the fuck are you doing with my boyfriend?!" I screamed in anger when I saw Henry being held hostage by Nick. My blood was boiling, no one touches my boyfriend in a matter where he is uncomfortable! Nick just smirked and chuckled. He then touched Henry's face and started laughing. Everyone then came to the scene and was shocked to see Nick about to harass Henry.

"Oh~ I'm so scared~ Well, NO I'M NOT! Henry is now mine! And no one else's! And when I'm done with him tonight, he won't be able to walk!" Nick screamed as he laughed like a maniac. Everyone gasped, and some even got ready to fight. I already knew Mrs. Alison was calling the cops. I could swear my eyes filled with rage.

"Let...My...Boyfriend...GO!!!" I yelled loudly, running fast towards Nick. He seemed terrified now. I reached where Nick was and punched his face and grabbed Henry out of his grip and started to beat him up. Nick was now bruised up badly, I got up and grabbed Henry's hand, leading my poor darling to the bottom of the stairs where he can be safe around everyone. Nick then got up and looked at me and then at Henry.

" won't let him do this to me right?! You love me right?!" Nick screamed like a maniac. I heard Henry whimper and I rushed down and comforted him. Henry then calmed down and spoke up.

"No! I don't love you at all! Whoever or whatever made you think that I would ever love you is just downright WRONG! I love Ralph!" Henry exclaimed, shocking a few of our friends, but then they all let out a long 'Awww'. Everyone, except Nick. He didn't seem convinced.

"If you can prove that you are dating Ralph, Henry. Then I'll leave you alone, but if you can't, then you're MINE!" Nick responded, looking directly at Henry. I looked at Henry and held his hand. He smiled softly at me and kissed me lovingly, I kissed him back of course. After we pulled away, Nick looked like he was about to kill someone.

"You staged that! You two aren't dating! Henry is mine!" Nick said very loudly. Henry then looked angry and started screaming.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Can't you take a fucking hint?! I don't like you! And just so you know, I'm PREGNANT with RALPH'S baby! And if you don't believe that, then look at me and Ralph's necklace and bracelet! His bracelet is from me and my necklace is from him! And they both have charms saying how much we love each other! So stay away from me and my boyfriend!" Henry screamed at Nick in anger. I was shocked, but proud. He revealed that he was pregnant in front of our entire guest group. Everyone then whooped up in excitement. I then held Henry's hand again and we both looked at Nick.

"He will be mine! That sexy body will be mine!" Nick told us in fury. He looked almost ready to pounce, so I hid Henry behind me and got ready to fight. Nick was about to jump until we all heard the police siren ring from outside Henry's house. Margaret opened the door and seven police officers came into the house. Nick then took out a knife and stabbed me in my arm, it wasn't deep but it still hurt. I screamed out in pain and then the police officers came up the stairs.

"Drop the weapon!" One officer yelled. Henry then came up behind me and started crying. I held my bleeding arm and saw my crying boyfriend. I cupped Henry's face and held him close, ignoring the searing pain in my arm.

"I SAID DROP THE WEAPON!" The officer repeated again, louder this time. Nick dropped the knife and got cuffed by a police officer. Nick started to scream and wrestle, even on the way inside the cop car. An officer then came up to me and Henry.

"We will need to get you to a hospital, sir. Your boyfriend can come along but everyone else will have to stay here." I looked up at the police officer and noticed that he was Korean but he spoke very good English. I nodded and told everybody the news. They all agreed to stay here until me and Henry got back.

Henry POV:

I didn't know what to think, Ralph was hurt and I was almost harassed! This is a very stressful party. Ralph and I were then brought in a cop car, separate from the car that Nick was in. It was a few minutes ride to the hospital, I tried to help Ralph get distracted from the pain, with kissed and cuddles, and it seemed to be working.

"He-Henry...what would ever do without you?" Ralph told me, I smiled and kissed him again.

"Hehe~ I love you Ralphie~" I responded to Ralph. He smiled at me. We got into the building and Ralph was taken into a room to get his wound cleaned up and stitched. I had to wait in the waiting room, but I was crying and worrying about my boyfriend.

~20 minutes later~

I saw Ralph coming out of the room and I immediately ran up to him while sobbing. Ralph hugged me back and kissed the top of my head to calm me down.

"Shhhhh...its ok baby, I'm ok now..." Ralph told me. I pulled away from his chest and pecked his lips. We smiled at each other and walked out of the hospital, where the same police officers that saved out lives were waiting.

"Ah, I see that your arm is now fixed, Mr. Ralph. My friends took that criminal to the prison where he will await trial and charges for his crimes. And now we are here to take you home." The officer with a really good English Accent said to us.

"Thank you so much for saving us officers! We wouldn't be here without you!" I answered him and thanked all the other six officers standing behind him. They all smiled at me and Ralph.

"Well, you're welcome, it's our job to protect the citizens of this town. OH! I just realized we haven't made a proper introduction. I am Chief Kim Namjoon. This handsome man beside me is my husband, Lieutenant Kim Seokjin." Officer Namjoon pointed to the blacked haired Korean man next to him. Lieutenant Seokjin smiled and waved at us sweetly. We waved back.

"Those two, over there at Car 6137, is Officer Kim Taehyung and his husband Officer Jeon Jungkook." He then pointed at the couple who were holding hands and the one called Officer Taehyung was holding Officer Jungkook's waist. They blushed and then shyly waved at me and Ralph. We giggled a bit and waved back, smiling.

"Those two midgets over there, KISSING AND BEING ALL OVER EACH OTHER! Are Officer Min Yoongi and Officer Park Jimin." Ralph and I turned our gazes to the two cops smooching on the hood of the car, they then immediately pulled away when they heard Chief Namjoon shout at them. They blushed deeply and waved at us, we of course waved back.

"And finally, the one drinking a bottle of sprite is Officer Jung Hoseok." Chief Namjoon told us. The cop drinking the sprite closed his soda and smiled widely at us while smiling.

~30 minutes later~

Ralph POV:

After we got back from the hospital, we waved goodbye to our new favourite cops. They all went off in their cars and drove off. Henry then helped me into his house, where everyone was waiting, worriedly. When we got inside everyone smiled and some of our old friends and members from the purple hand gang even came up and hugged us. I looked at Henry and gave him a quick kiss, making him blush in the process. Everyone gave us a long 'Awww' in reply.

"I knew you two were dating! I just knew it!" Margaret came up to us, with a snooty but victorious face. Henry and I looked at her, confused and surprised.

"And how did you know? We didn't tell anybody unless it was our family." I told her. She smiled and then took Susan's hand.

"Well, it's so obvious! You two always looked at one another lovingly back in school days, and Henry, your wearing Ralph favourite red sweater! And he never gives it to anyone!" She explained to us. Me and Henry both blushed deep pink and looked away from Margaret. She giggled like a snob and walked away with Susan.

"Oh geez, were we really THAT obvious to everyone but each other, baby?" I asked sheepishly to Henry, who looked at me while blushing and playfully stuck his tongue out at me. Everyone said 'Yes!' in response to my question. We blushed even deeper, making everyone laugh at us playfully.

The party went on until 8;30 at night, when everyone had to go home. Our families wouldn't let me and Henry help clean up the little mess, due to them knowing that Henry is pregnant and that I'm injured. They will all be going to their own houses in the morning, after breakfast of course. Mrs. Alison and my mom sent Henry and I to his room to get some rest, and I can still hear them talking about the baby shower.

I pushed Henry on the bed gently after we got dressed into our bed clothes. He smirked at me cutely and I kissed him with so much lust, I knew he was still in pain after last night and I also knew that we can't have sex for the next 9 months because of the baby. Henry moaned into my mouth, our tongues swirled and I started putting my free hand underneath my sweater that he is wearing and rubbed his beautiful body underneath to warm fabric. Henry pulled away first and smiled at me with so much love.

"We can't do IT, Ralpie~ Not for another 9 months~ Came on, let's go to sleep now, we've both had a long day~" Henry said to me very seductively. I smirked and got into my sleeping position, pulling Henry closer to me carefully. He hummed comfortably and I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Just wait until our baby is born, you won't be able to walk after that~" I teasingly told my baby boy, who in return, pouted cutely at me. I chuckled and kissed his lips quickly. Henry smiled at me and cuddled into my chest.

"I love you, Ralphie. I always will." Henry told me. I smiled wider.

"I love you too, my beautiful baby. And I love you, our child" I said to Henry and then rubbed his stomach, the stomach that is carrying out unborn child, while saying the second part. Henry giggled cutely and closed his eyes while gripping onto me. I held my baby close, making sure he was safe, comfortable and secure. I also closed my eyes, tired from today and fell into a spell of sleep, along with the love of my life in my arms.

'You're safe, baby...'

MY BOOTIFUL MUFFINS! I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH! IT'S BEEN OUR 24 HOURS SINCE I LAST POSTED MY LAST CHAPTER! I'm sorry to keep you all waiting but don't worry! The next chapter will be here VERY soon! LUV YOU ALL! BYEEEE! <3

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