Take Me With You (Deadlox/End...

By Clouds-of-Anime

7.8K 326 289

Everyone's dream is to meet a Youtuber on Minecraft. It was what all my schoolmates talked about. Too bad I d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
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Chapter 12

162 7 5
By Clouds-of-Anime

~Layla's POV~

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's an extra chapter :D

Its been one month already and they still wont let us out without at least two escorts. They also dont let us two girls share one room because they say if Enderlox and the other do find us its better if we have one person to protect us, though i dont see the use of protection from boys when they're all asleep.

Jerome has cut down on the morning surprises, but sometimes i find him sleeping in Mitch's bathroom when i walk in each morning. Mitch was gone those mornings too, and one day i questioned Ty about it.

"Sometimes i find that bacca in Mitch's bathroom every morning," I said, taming my hair in Ian's bathroom with Ty, who was combing her own hair. We were getting ready to sleep.

Ty laughed. "So thats where Jerome's gone. When he isnt here, Mitch is in his closet, or bathroom and he always freaks me out."

I whistled. "So thats where he went. Its all getting a bit suspishy."

"Suspishy?" Ty laughed, dropping her comb. She bent down to pick it up. "The next time we find the boys not in their rooms we should have something special for them."

"I think the only thing they want is for us to strip and dance," I laughed, keeping my voice low and hoping no one was outside eavesdropping.

Ty sighed, pretending to be worn out. "We already do the dishes." She placed down her comb and rubbed her hands. "What we need is a secret code so we can contact each other and set up plans and traps."

"I like the way you're thinking," I grinned. We discussed about this, and when we traded some secrets. I taught her how to use redstone with my rules and she told me a bit about her logic manipulation. I managed to open up two small portals side by side around the size of a quarter of a block, only large enough to suck particles in. And even that i only managed to hold open for a few seconds.

"You... Are amazing..." I huffed. We went back to our respective bedrooms and sent up our redstone stuff. I also added some new things in there, such as DNA recognization. We had got some Mitch Hair and Bacca Fur. So we're all set up.


I woke up to the tapping of the wall. Our secret code. I casually tapped back with my foot while i was pretending to enjoy the scenery from the balcony.

I think Mucth got in your trap! Ty signaled. It took me a while to figure out what Mucth meant. Well, our code wasnt perfect. Yet.

Thats great! I think Jeromes in mine too, i replied. Lets go check. At least, thats what i think i said.

I exited the balcony and went to the closet and listened carefully. There was a dull thump thump. I opened the closet and found a bacca tangled inside. Duct tape was a useful thing. I got some special redstone and smeared it all over his face, making the removal of the duct tape less painful.

I also managed to cut open the strong spider-string rope we used in our trap. Guess no one noticed the pressure plate behind the door afterall. And when it detected Jerome's bacca fur, the trap immediately sprang into action, pasting duct tape over his mouth and wrapping him in rope and then tossing him in the closet, all in less than five seconds.

Thank Notch for redstone. I absolutely love that stuff.

I helped Jerome get out of the closet. "How long have you been in there?" I asked innocently.

"Long enough," Jerome muttered, but smiled. "That was clever."

I winked at him and went over to Ty's side to check on things. Mitch was in the closet, and Ty was just about finished with freeing him.

"The redstone repeaters wouldnt work and so it wrapped him a bit tighter than expected," Ty reported to me, and I laughed. I checked on her equipment and it was perfectly fine. Maybe she forgot how to set up the delayers properly.

"How do you forget how to set up delayers?" Mitch asked, massaging his ribcage. Ty giggled and winked at me.

Ooooh... Well I guess Mitch deserved it. LOL. I need a camera with me at all times.

~Jerome's POV~

When i first saw Ty land in the forest with her friend, my first impression was OH MY GOSH ITS TY I MISSED HER COMPANY.

My second thought was Whos that with her?

Over time I've grown attached to the two, especially Layla. Shes unlike any girl I've seen... I mean, who bends rules like that? Dyeing hair in Minecraft! It had been unheard of... Until Layla came along and twisted the rules around.

Now i cant stop thinking about her. And her way with redstone, too. Its hard to imagine she's a player and not a redstone goddess or something.

~Mitch's POV~

Its GREAT that Ty's back. Ive had a crush on her since we were little. Im two years older than her, i remember much more when we used to play.

I know that Ty's got a crush on Enderlox, though. The problem is Enderlox may actually like her back, or maybe he's faking it. Its hard to tell. At least I've got contact with her now.

Who knows, maybe there'll be a plot twist. Maybe she'll stay with me.

~Ian's POV~

Is it just my problem? I feel left out.

I guess its not their problem. I should get out more.

~Layla's POV~

Mitch and Jerome went back downstairs first while Ty and I stayed behind and locked ourselves in the bathroom and celebrate our victory.

"To catching boys!" Ty said, raising her redstone sword. I had told her to let the redstone accept her, and she had waited patiently. Now she had claimed her sword as hers and only she can activate it.

"In ropes!" I added, clinking my sword on her sword, producing a shower of red sparkles. We laughed and went back downstairs. She had finally changed her hoodie, and it was a red hoodie with black words printed on it.

When she sat next to Mitch, as per usual, and I sat next to Jerome, with Ian at the head of the table, it struck me that Ty's hoodie and Mitch's hoodie looked a bit similiar.

Ty didnt seem to notice though. It may be a coincidence, maybe not. I just know for sure i will not be wearing a brown fur coat anytime soon.

"Lets go to the lake!" Ty jumped from her chair, startling me and making me spill some of my fruit cereal. Ian cleaned the table while the rest of us went to pack our stuff.

I stuffed an extra rubber band into my bag, some redstone and iron, cobble, my special crafting table which can be reduced in size, my redstone iron bird cube, and left the stupid stringy bikini i had found at the bottom of the closet and grabbed a sturdy one-piece swimsuit that covers up my belly and it also has short sleeves.

Luckily Ty also picked that swimsuit, because when I asked her she said, "Nothing too exposed." Which meant something that could cover up her dragon legs and tail.

There ya go! On with the next chappy!

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