Under the same universe

By Minipurse

3.4K 143 17

At 40 years old Allie has finally earned her freedom. 20 years of toleranting abuse and fear has left her nu... More

Glossary of Cautions
Epilogue: My Recurring Past
E: M R P
E: Mean while
E: M w
E: M w
E: M w
E : Akl-6734
E: Akl-6734
E: Akl-6734
author note:
Chapter one
coming back
Chapter 2
author note:
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
C: 4
Author note: Intermission


68 5 2
By Minipurse

I hear the operator start saying something but the door violently clashes against the floor. She starts quickly explaining " Don't hang up, a partial is com......." I didn't hear the rest of what she was saying.

Positioning the phone on the sink and listening to the outside chaos was more important than listening to her right now.

I press my ear to the floor and look under the bathroom door. His heavy footstep reverberate throughout the apartment. A thud from a door hitting dry wall echoes in the silence. The wall adjacent to the bathroom resonates the thumps from the other room.

He must be tearing apart the room looking for me. Gulping down hard my dread, I start formulating a plan of attack.

I have a can of pepper spray to defend myself with but it will only work if I surprise attack him. Waiting until he breaks down the door to use it is probably the best bet.

The steps grow heavier as he gets closer to the bedroom we are hiding in. He steps Into my line of sight through the slit of the bathroom door.

" If you come out now, I promise to make it good for you and I won't be mad at you anymore"

Lies, all lies. I had always hoped that by giving him what he wanted in the past would appease him. As the years wore on I began to realize he was a selfish leecher who only thought of himself.

My eyes prick and sting with unshed tears but I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

I will not shed anymore tears for some trash person. I get off the floor positioning myself away from the door to the furthest corner.

Silence is going to be the answer my answer to him. He stands out there in the bedroom waiting for something that will never happen.

" Fine, have it your way" he scoffs when no one answers him.

He abruptly twists the door knob violently clinking it back and forth.

With a grunt he starts kicking down the door. Smashing it to the side, the door hangs by the hinges in a bent defeated sort of

I stare at his seething expression."We....Need...to....talk" Each of his words spaced with each step he takes.

His eyes glint with dark promises of intimidation, humiliation, and coercion.

He gets within a couple feet of me. The can shakes in my hands as I aim mentally toward his eyes.

" WE have nothing to talk about!" taking aim before busting out the can and spraying the contents on his eyes with all my might. I keep going until the can sprays the last drop, emptying out the liquid completely.

He gropes the air unsuccessfully for me I easily evade his blind grasp.

" ahhh you will fucking pay for this bitch....it fucking burns!" I push him hard as he tries to wipe his eyes and leap quickly over his tumbled body on the bathroom floor.

I run for the open door of the bedroom but somehow he follows close behind me, the wind swishing past my body as he continues to fruitlessly swipe with his hands.

My neighbor leaps into action from the closet seeing her chance for a tactical advantage of surprise. She screams at the top of her lungs scaring me and our piece of shit assailant with her sudden entrance into the fight.

She rushes to hit him behind the knees, forcing him into a kneeling position. Proceeding afterwards to give a double hit to his back pummeling him to the floor.

She wails on him landing several body blows. The bat high over her head as she picked up speed. Her relentless beating causing resounding satisfactory thuds against his body. He helplessly flails his arms trying to evade the hits, his eyes red swollen pits of flesh.

I heard an audible thwack when he was forced to kneel. Good, that is a small pittance to what I had endure all those years its probably the reason he hasn't kicked yet.

" POLICE PARTIAL!! POLICE PARTIAL!!" A male voice shouts

I walk over to her gently pausing her arm with my hand. She looks at me sweaty and heaving. " Hey, in HERE!!"

His boots smack the floor loudly as he quickly runs to the bedroom. The black veins around his eyes are visible denoting his host class. The Sclera and iris of his eyes turning completely black as he surveys the scene.

"Female caller identified, voice match confirmed, reinforcement in t-minus 10 minutes, requesting ambulance blunt force trauma observed"

He speaks to the air and at no one in particular. Though partials give me the creeps sometimes because of the fact that I don't know if I am speaking to the human or nano part when dealing with them.

However I couldn't give a rats ass which one I am talking to right now. I dry sobbed into my arm glad that this nightmare is finally over for good.

The partial walks over to me
" Female, 5' 2, preliminary observation: Injured, bleeding from the mouth area, cheek discolored, right eye area discolored. More extensive recording required permission granted? We can always do this after medical care"

I nod my head "yes, what information do you need? I don't want to wait to do it at the hospital"

" I need your full statement of events along with the female next to you"

" Hey, you goddamn fucking abomination, a real human is down here injured too!" He whines laying on the floor in the fetal position. His attention gets diverted from us,  he slowly crouches down to my ex.

" Male, 5'9, assailant voice match confirmed. Preliminary observation: Red eye area, no other visible injuries noted. Subdued, not a present threat. medical care directly requested from suspect" The guy whips out a curved baton and gently hoovers it over my ex's body.
" Weapons search: negative, wallet in left back pocket, keys in front right pocket"

The wails and sirens of reinforcement makes it all the more sweeter. Knowing that I will be able to report him without any festering guilt from him manipulating me like in the past.

My neighbor and I look at each other. I step forward toward the crouched partial " I am ready".

He gives a encouraging nod
" Please, begin. In accordance to section 6789 of new law section 1453.567.37.............. "

He goes on for a while with lots of technicalities but she already said yes my dude.
Ahhh, a couple of these pages were hard to write because of the very real possibility of these events happening in everyday life. It brings tears to my eyes that it does happen all the time. I was satisfied with the massive ass beating her neighbor gave though.....

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