Before Us ✔

By dyingmelodyyy

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"Let's break up" That phrase changed my life. More

Intro and Prologue
Forever isn't for everyone
The price of memories
Silence and sound
Stars on the sky
Nobody likes being heartbroken
Broken toy
Colours of autumn
Back to seventeen
Catching on by letting go
Your name doesn't hurt anymore
Just friends
How to find Mr. Right?
One step closer
Don't ask me if I love him
See through
Water and wine
The trouble with love
To fly, to drown
A bridge you can't cross
What we had
Still your best friend
Butterflies and peace
Dear future husband
Marriage isn't an ending
After Us- Epilogue

That kind of love

147 10 0
By dyingmelodyyy

We all had images and ideas of how love is or what kind of love we want. But in order to get love, we have to love. Love isn't something easy to explain but please don't mistake it for attraction or date anyone because you are lonely.

Growing up, I had many ideas about love. You can say that I loved the idea of love more than the reality. Love was a beautiful feeling and I often mistook it for attention given and taken. Maybe if I was any better, all this mess with Chance would never have happened.

Chance and I were at his house. It's been a month since all that had happened, the kiss outside which glued us back together. My parents, especially my mother was over the moon that I finally gave Chance a chance. But in reality it was him who still decided to love me no matter what. I couldn't explain the gratitude no matter what.

Ah Rin, So Mi, May and Mitch were jumping like lunatics when we told them we were back together. The fact which shocked me was, Joo Hyun was happier than all of them. He said that he was happy that I made the right choice. He said that he trusts Chance and believes that he's the best for me. So Joo Hyun and I remained best of friends growing closer and closer to each other.

I hugged Chance's sleeping form, he was sleeping soundly. He had a rough night, working all day because of his new project. He came home late but instead of sleeping, he spent it with me. We stayed up really late last night, the night faded into a beautiful morning. It was around five when Chance fell asleep while talking.

I shook Chance, "You are going to be late, you idiot!"

He stirred but didn't wake up. I got closer to his ear and screamed. He sat up straight with a startled, scared yet funny expression. He glared at me, "You could've woke up me a little nicely!"

I shrugged, "No better way than this."

"Girlfriends usually wake up boyfriends by kissing or doing something sweet-"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a normal girlfriend so get your ass up. We both are going to be late."

He groaned but got up. I showered in his bathroom while he had to use Mitch's. Mitch was yelling at him for disturbing his peace. Mitch was a web cartoonist, he does it usually at home. Lucky jerk.

I got ready and grabbed instant noodles for me and an apple for Chance to eat on the way. Since he drove me to work, I got used to eating breakfast on the way. It makes me motionsick but I'm slowly getting over it. Chance however hated this fact of me getting all motionsick every other morning.

"Get home soon, bitches!" Mitch yelled from his room.

I laughed, "Don't miss us too much."

"He probably won't," Chance snickered.

Chance dropped me and went to work after kissing my forehead. The whole day, I was waiting for evening to roll in sooner. I was loaded up with work, whoever said designing is easy never tried it. Sometimes I had to work overtime, overnight and sometimes carry a whole bunch of editing stuff home.

After hours of working, I was done for the day a little earlier. Chance and I tried our best to leave very little work to do home. We usually finished due projects early to get us some time. The moment I was done, I almost did a happy dance. My co-workers teased me all the time that I'm a love-sick puppy. It's just that everything is back to what it was. And I had Chance Wilson back again, my addiction.

He was a little late in picking me up from work. I crossed my arms, "You're late again."

"By ten minutes literally!"

"Whatever, you're compensating it with a date."

"It isn't a punishment, is it now?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Let's go to the arcade today."

"Your wish is my command," He chuckled as he drove us to the gaming spot in the town.

I looked for a game to play, "What should we play?"

"How about shooting?" He suggested.

"We always play that, let's play rings today!"

We ended up playing rings as per my wish. I won myself a cute bear plushie. But Chance won me three soft toys, winning three times in the row while I  lost in two games of mine.

His smirk surfaced again. "You lost."


"Well what do winners get?"

I shoved him playfully as my cheeks flared. Winners get kisses from the losers. It's a win-win for both of us but somehow the safisfaction was a different thing to see each other lose in silly games.

"Slaps," I changed the prize.

He frowned, "Cheating. We get kisses. I won, you have to kiss me now-"

"We are in public-"

"But I kissed you in public already!" He cut my sentence off. I looked to the sides and saw everyone busy. Sighing in defeat, I kissed his forehead and cheek. He frowned again.

"What now?"

"You didn't kiss me on the lips-"

"Don't be a kid, Chance Wilson. Private things should stay private." I huffed and walked ahead.

His laughter rung in my ears as he neared me, "I love you, Ji Hee."

"How sad, I don't," I scoffed.



"Then I'm going to-"

I cut him off getting jealous, "I love you, loser." Last time this happened, Chance was acting like a kid. He went out and flirted openly with a girl in front me. I wanted to kill him for making me yell that I love him in front of the girl. I dragged him away from the girl by the ear. He had to compensate it with saying "I love you, Ji Hee" for one hour straight. We get childish like that, we were always like that though.

He grinned like a cat, "Now that's what I wanted to hear."

I switched my phone on, ignoring him only to see Ah Rin and So Mi spamming for the girl's night tomorrow. Leave it to us to be adults. Age never made people mature but friends like mine, drove each other mad and childish.

"Joo Hyun is calling for drinks, Mitch and Kang Joon is going too," Chance looked up, "Should I go?"



I sighed, "Can't you guys postpone it to tomorrow?"


"Tomorrow's the girls night. So we both would have company. And I want to spend the night with you," I gave him my puppy eyes.

He rolled his eyes but squished my cheeks. "Okay, I'll ask them to postpone it."

The rest of the night, we spent it talking about each other's day while cuddling on the bed. It was past twelve and we didn't even eat dinner. Chance being the lazy bum that he was, he didn't want to eat. Why? Because apparently he didn't have the energy to walk to kitchen and reheating food.

Next day, we both parted each other's ways at Ah Rin's house. The girls and I videocalled May to share the juicy stuff happening in our lives. Girls nights like this were the best part in having female friends who were as crazy as Harley Quinn sometimes.

Ah Rin burst out laughing, "And you know what we fought over? A fricking juice can."

"Leave it to Ah Rin to fight over anything," So Mi snickered.

I laughed, "How is it that you fought over a damn can of juice?"

"Kang Joon's the laziest bum on earth, he didn't want to get up from the couch to get another can of juice. We fought over who was the laziest among us-"

I shook my head, "You never saw Chance. We skipped dinner last night because he was lazy to eat."

May giggled, "Chance never changes."

"I don't expect him to either, somethings are harder to change- his laziness, let's not go there." I groaned.

Ah Rin grinned, "Chance and Kang Joon should have a competition with each other in being lazy."

"No matter how lazy he is, he would do anything for me," I sighed in happiness, a smile tugging at my lips.

So Mi squealed, "It's been so long since you were talking about a boy this way."

May piped in, a smile stretched on her face, "She's not wrong, once Chance woke up from his sleep and ran to get medicine when Ji Hee fell sick."

Ah Rin and So Mi were going all awe at May's words. My cheeks were turning red as they began squealing like baby seals that they were.

"I wish I could have a boy who looks at me the way Chance looks at Ji Hee-"

"But you have Kang Joon," So Mi cut Ah Rin off.

I nodded, "Yeah, you do have your long time crush with you now."

"But he is so self obsessed, then the phrase should be, I wish he looks at me the way he looks at himself!"

We all burst out laughing at Ah Rin's whining. Kang Joon seemed to stay the same no matter what. But then that's what made Kang Joon as him, arrogance, pride and confidence. He was that way since I remember.

"But you liked him because he was self obsessed," I commented.

So Mi shook her head, "Ah Rin just needs something to whine about. I can imagine Kang Joon and her fighting over this. He would ask her to look at him the way she looks at pork ribs and she would ask him to look at her the way he looks at mirrors!"

I high-fived So Mi as we three burst out laughing at Ah Rin. May sighed, "We all have our own kinds of love I guess."

"Of course, God isn't as lazy as these idiots are to write the same story for everyone." I said.

"But seriously though, Chance and you are goals for anyone," So Mi grinned.

I grinned, "I know right?"

It was indeed true, ever since we got together again, all I heard from the girls was having a man like Chance for themselves. Not just my friends but females wherever we went to dates for looked at as if we were couple goals.

But Chance and I were best friend goals (though Mitch and Joo Hyun would say otherwise), it's true. Chance and I will be best friends then lovers. And that's the best part of our relationship. I finally found that kind of love where everyone looks at me and says, "she's the luckiest girl ever."

That kind of love where we are each other's everything. That kind of love which made most couples want to be like us. That kind of love which steals the spot light in front of any other couple. That kind of love which authors want to write about. That kind of love every love song is about. That kind of love which I thought only existed in books and movies. That kind of love I've only heard about till I met Chance. Ours was that kind of love.

I do not regret kissing him that night one bit. It, in fact, is one of the best thing I've done ever. And like they always say, "better an oops than what an if." I'm glad I took the risk that moment because I ended up resuming living in a fairytale once again.

Maybe Chance could be right about me loving him lesser than he loves me. But that only gives me more to love him and it makes me love him more by the minute. Because he doesn't look at me like I'm a human but rather, magic. He treats me as if I'm magic too.

We ended up sleeping on the floor of Ah Rin's living room that night. We must've fell asleep while talking. The next morning I woke up to my body aching in every place. We three were a mess, tangled and it took me everything to wriggle out of their grip.

It was Saturday and that made me smile. I rushed the girls to wake up so that Ah Rin and I could visit our boyfriends. So Mi parted ways with us to visit her lover.

Ah Rin had a key to Kang Joon's place so we didn't have to knock on the door. I opened the door only to face a mess of beer bottles, snacks here and there. It made us chuckle when we saw that the boys were passed out. They too were like us, a mess in the living room.

I leaned down next to Chance's ear and instead of screaming, I thought of something more brilliant. I blew cold air into his ear and he groaned knowing it was me. He grabbed me by my ear and I landed on top of him.

"Oi, love birds, get a room," Kang Joon chuckled.

Ah Rin winked at me and I made a face at her. Chance smiled before kissing my forehead, his eyes still closed. I got up and stretched an arm out for him. He got up and hugged me, "I missed you."

I pointed to the mess in the hall and teased, "Doesn't look like it."

"Should I show then?"

"Not here!" Mitch and Joo Hyun cried in unison. We laughed as we made our way out of Kang Joon's house. We crashed in Chance's house. We fell asleep again, this time comfortably, in each other's arms. That kind of love ours was, where the best place on earth is each other's arms.

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