A Special Life, A Special Lig...


4K 219 88

After two years an half Tsukiko has become stronger by training with the Akatuski. She meets her friends one... More

Fighting For What Matters
We Meet Again
The New Akastuki
Tell Me
To Save A Friend
What To Do?
Here's the thing
This Is Who I Am
To Home I Go
Lies And Reunions
Home Sweet Home
To Keep A Secret
The Real One
Now What?

New Beginnings

1K 30 16


"P..p..please.. let me go.." The man under me cried. My right hand reached for his throat but he tried to bite me.

"How can I when you're fighting back." I pulled out a kunai and held it at his neck. "Now. Tell me who send you to kill the people in the Hidden Cloud Village?" I asked as I pressed harder on his neck.

"I'll... take it..... to my..... grave..." He replied. I sat up with my legs at his sides.

"Alright." I replied with a smirk. I took my kunai and cut his throat. I watched as the life left his eyes. I stood up and sealed his body up. I turned around and headed towards the Hidden Cloud.

"You done?" Itachi asked as he joined me. I looked at him before facing forward again.

"Yeah. What about you?" I asked him. He frown but replied.

"Took a while but we finished. Kisame is taking our target to the hideout." Itachi explained. I nodded and continued to make my way towards the Hidden Cloud.

"Do you miss it?" Itachi asked.

"The Leaf?" I asked as I jumped over some boulders. I thought about it then smiled. "At times." Itachi shook his head but didn't say anything.

"Just hope my plan works." I said as I looked over to where I had killed the runways from Shinya prison.

"They could have come with us peacefully but they chose the hard way." Itachi said as he looked at me.

"Come on let's go. I don't want to keep people waiting." I said before disappearing in a swirls of blue and black flames. We reappeared in front of a island and walked through.

"Keep your eyes open. The animals here will attack you if they don't know you." I warned Itachi. He nodded and raised his guard up. As we walked deeper into the forest we came across our person.

"I'm guessing your mission went awful." The man replied. I nodded and handed him the scrolls.

"I'm sorry Lord Raikage but the prisoners wouldn't listen to reasoning. They would rather fight then to be punished by the crimes." I informed. He nodded his head then looked over at Itachi.

"What about your mission?" Itachi pulled out a scroll out of his cloak and handed it to the Raikage.

"They're in our hideout. Their being questioned by Hidan." The Raikage nodded and sighed.

"I still can't believe you two changed the way the Akatski works now. Thanks to your people we see less threats to our neighboring countries." The Raikage said with respect. We bowed to him before dismissing ourselves. We continued to walk until we heard horrible rapping.

"~My friends will be here any minute so let's start training so we can be winning!! Yeah!!~" As we came to a clearing with a waterfall our friend Bee was there. He was flipping off rocks and trees and attacking clones.

"Hey Bee. I see you've been busy." I greeted as I walked over to where he was. He stopped to look at us and smiled.

"Well, if it isn't my in singer. How you been kid? I see you finished a mission for my brother?" Bee said as he put his swords away.

"I've been well. Yeah the mission was a tough one. They wanted freedom but they wanted to kill. Some would rather die than tell who send them to kill your people. Others didn't even bother to talk. This world is full of hatred that I don't know if we can pull off what we want." I said with crossed arms and with a sigh at the end. Itachi ruffled my hair then poked my forehead. Hard.

"OW!! What the hell dad!!! That hurt!!" I yelled at him. He just laughed and went to go sit by the water. Bee was staring at us with kind eyes and a soft smile. I shook my head and let out a chuckle.

"You two are the weirdest family I've ever seen." Bee said as he went to sit by Itachi. I followed and sat in between them.

"What do you mean?" I asked while resting my head on Itachi's shoulder.

"You two are feared by everyone yet when you two are alone your personalities change. You guys become soft and real when you're alone." Bee said. Itachi ruffled my hair and pushed me playfully.

"Well, we have to stick together if we want to accomplish this. And remember, not one word about this to anyone. Got it?" I said as I activated my Sharingan. He looked away but nodded. I smirked and got up as well.

"We should get going. We'll see you soon Bee. Right now I have some business to attend to in the Sand. Bye." We said our fair wells and headed home.

~Time Skip~

I was laying on my bed with my eyes closed and thinking about life. Everything I have done up to now, was it worth it? Is this plan of mine worth it? Are my friends worth it? Am I worth it? I let out a sigh of frustration as I turned my face towards the wall.

"Why is this so frustrating?" I asked.

"Because that's just how it is." I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pull me into a hug. I let out an sigh and turn to face the red hair ninja.

"Hey." I replied with a smile.

"Hey." He kissed my head then my lips. "How you've been? I got worried since you haven't been showing up to the village."

"You worry too much Gaara. I've been fine. My dad has been keeping an eye out for me and the guys are really nice to me." I answered as I cuddled into his chest. I could hear as his heart beat calmly as it was a rhythm to a song.

"I like hearing your heart beat. It's really calming." I said as I closed my eyes.

"I'm glad that you like it because my heart only beats for you and no one else." Gaara replied and kissed my head again. He stroke my hair softly and hummed the song I taught him. I never found out the name of it but the melody was soothing.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in Itachi." I said without bothering to get up. If anything, I snuggled closer to Gaara. I heard the door open then close.

"You two are just inseparable." Itachi said with a sigh. Gaara and I chuckled before sitting up.

"Wats up?" I said as I sat in between Gaara's legs. Itachi smiled at our position before changing his expression to a serious one.

"There's a new organization going around killing people." Itachi said as he took out a small book.

"Do we know who they are? What are their goals?" I asked as I took them book from him. I opened the book and saw pictures of bodies. Some of men whose heads were swiftly cut off. Others had spares through their bodies. However the last few pages made me cringe. Photos of children and women with their eyes burn to ashes, some when their mouths ripped open. The last photo was of children lined up with words craved into their chests. The last word threw me overboard. 'Peace'.

"Why would someone do this?" Gaara asked as he was looking over my shoulder. I clenched my fist and stood up handing the book back to Itachi.

"Tsukiko?" Gaara called out.

"I'm going to the training grounds. Don't follow. I'll be back." And with that said I left. I ran towards the training grounds at a blinding speed. I needed to cool down before I hurt someone.

Why them? Why did it have to be them!?

"ARGH!!" I shouted as I punched a tree and destroying it and a dozen others near it. I stood up and started to make quick seals. "Aura Barrier!!" A barrier quickly covered the field.

"Shadow Ninjutsu: Mist of Death!!!" I shouted as I few up making quick seals. A thick black mist started to come out of my hands and surround the area below. The barrier stopped it from going any further. I knew I had lost it but anyone would if they saw what I saw.

"You need to calm down child." Matatabi said as I cleared the mist. I land on the ground again and canceled my jutsu. I got on my knees and cried.

"Why!? T-their just children!!!" I shouted. I left a hand on my shoulder followed by a fluffy tail.

"This world is cruel and unfair to everyone Tsukiko. We know it's hard but if we help the great nation come together then we can end all the pain and suffering." Kurama said as he embraced me. I cried into his chest as my barrier fell. The pain was too much. If we don't pull this off people will die.

"I'm s-still weak." I said as I wiped my tears.

"You're not weak Tsukiko. You've just been strong for too long." Kurama said as he tightened his grip on me. I continued to cry in his arms before I felt some else touch my shoulder.

"You okay?" I wiped my eyes and let go of Kurama. Kurama gave a nod before disappearing. I sat up and turned to face Gaara.

"Hey Gaara." I said as I gave him a sad smile. He sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Next time come to me or Itachi first before running off like this." He said as he placed a small kiss on the top of my head. I nodded and looked up at him.

"Why kids?" I said with such a broken expression. Gaara shook his head before kissing me.

"Because this world is so cruel that they rather hurt and use children to do their deeds than doing it themselves." Gaara said as he rubbed my back.

"Can we go back to your village? We still need to pick up some supplies and help around the orphanage." I said trying to change the subject and the mood. Gaara nodded before helping me stand up on my feet. We walked back to the hideout and saw Diedara and Sasori waiting for us. We smiled at them and Diedara quickly summoned a clay bird. Sasori handed me my bag as we climbed on to the bird and off we went.

~Time Skip~

"So remember, we need to unload all the supplies and stock them up into the storage room, help around in the orphanage, and....umm..."

"Help in the academy. We have some kids who need help so I'll appreciate if you help them." Gaara added. I nodded as I added that to the list. We landed right outside of the Sand Village and were greeted by Temari and Kankouro.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"I see you're doing well Tsukiko. How's everything back at HQ?" Temari asked as Deidara made he bird disappear.

"It's great! Mostly if you have to deal with those monthly things you girls get!" Deidara sarcastically as he rolled his eyes when he heard Temari and I laugh.

"But you love us!" We shouted as he walked passed us.

"Let him be. He's on his right now." Sasori said making us laugh even more.

"Hey!! I heard that!! Hn!" Deidara shouted from where he was.

"I know." Sasori replied as he walked away with Kankouro.

"You guys are so weird. Come let's head inside." Temari said as we started to make our way to the orphanage.

The whole way people greeted us and gave us things. Deidara and Sasori weren't used to it so it was a little weird for them. Kids would come up to us and hug us before going back to what they were doing.

"Oh just a heads up Mira and Kuroko have been up to no good but Yin helps keep them in check. Also don't eat any candy around the kids. It's horrible" Kankouro said with a shiver. I raised an eyebrow at him but with the look he gave told me I'll find out later.

"Well I have to get going. Shikamaru is going to be guiding me around the Leaf village." Temari said as she started to walk back to the entrance. "Take care of them Tsukiko!!" I nodded and we continued walking.

"So where's Yin?" I asked as we walked into the orphanage.

"She's in the Leaf Village. She wanted to know where you came from so she asked me to let her go." Gaara said as he walked into the lobby of the orphanage. I looked at the splatter paint on the ceiling and the neatly aqua color on the walls. I looked over at Deidara who was admiring his art work on the ceiling. Then at Sasori who admired the neatly painted walls.

"You guys are unbelievable." I said as I shook my head. I went to sit down on the couch when all of the sudden I was being pinned to the ground.

"Tsukiko!!!" I looked up at the person who had my hands above my head and smiled.

"Hey Mira. I see you've been working on your sneak attacks." I said with a small smirk forming on my lips. I quickly shoved my knee upwards making her fall off of me. I hovered over her and pinned her to the ground with her face facing the ground. "But you need more practice." I said as I looked down at her.

"Okay break it up you two. Tsukiko I would love to have my sister alive." Kuroko said as he entered the room. I let go of Mira and stood up facing him.

"You just ruined my fun Kuroko." I said let a little bit of my K.I. out.

"That's the point." He said as he walked over to Mira. Mira pouted as she crossed her arms and looked to the side. Kuroko sighed but hugged his sister to cheer her up.

"Okay we have to get ready for the Chunin exams. We'll see you guys at the academy." Kuroko said as he and Mira left the orphanage. I let out a sigh and sat down next to Gaara.

"Tried?" Gaara said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Every" I replied with a sigh. Gaara rubbed my arm before laying my head on his shoulder.

"Then sleep. We have a busy month so make sure not to get too exhausted." Gaara said as he kissed my head. I smiled and nodded my head. I cuddled closer to him and closed my eyes slowly.


Hello my little pandas!!!! I'm back!!!! Missed me? Of course you did. Keep reading!! This story will change big time because I'm writing it my way. So if you're like 'this didn't happen in the actual story line?' that because it didn't and this is a fanfic. So deal with it. I'll try to update as much as I can but I don't promise anything.

See ya soon!!!

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