
By ms_writer_ac

231K 6.8K 2K

His face is leveled to mine and I can see tiny droplets of water on his face and lips as he draws closer to... More

Clean Up
Another Day Another Misson
No Solo No More
Who Is He?
Girls Day
Different Minds Think Alike
Winter Formal
Blue Beetle Kisses
Wearhouse Wonders
Sleepless Thoughts
December Spirit
Merry Mishappenings
The Agent Trap
New Years
Clouded Feelings
Lockdown Pt.1
Lockdown Pt. 2
Pineapple Pizza
Fake Persona
Secret Spies
Hold It Together
Inside Information
Birthday Daisies
U-nder Alleyways
D-on't Leave
E-mbrace Me
R-eady or Not
C-omplete Me
O-ver the Past
V-iolence And Love.
E-nemies Battle
R-ed Reality
Next Steps
Bonus: Balance

Sleepy Feelings

3.2K 111 53
By ms_writer_ac

2:30 pm

I texted Boss if Jasmine, Jayden, Natalie, and I can head to H.E.X.A. I then texted Josh if he can explain to everyone what he told me. He has been quite busy with all those appointments all day.  He sets up a time for 7 pm when he will finally be done.

I was currently walking  Jasmine to her car.

"You seemed out of it today."

I look at Jasmine who has concern in her eyes. "It's fine, my mind is on this morning", I reply, which is true.

"Are you sure Joshua is on our side?"

"To be honest, I wonder that too sometimes but, I know him. He's my cousin and I know he is a good person with a big heart. He wants to stop whatever they are planning." I stop at her car and face her. "We can't give him all our plans though. Safety measures, we need to be careful."

She nods. "He's your cousin right?"


"No wonder he's so cute." She smirks, teasing me.

"Yo", Jayden walks to us greeting me with a  handshake.

I got much closer to the twins. Jasmine and I had a major class together so I got to know her more. She always tells me she finds me cute, but "ships" Natalie and I like the rest.

Jayden and I became bros, especially after our Lockdown, which now our school has cops rotating all day. I gained a lot of respect when he was there for Natalie, helping her with the lockdown and since then we have been talking more often. Jayden leads me away from their car as Jasmine takes one last glance at me and gets in the car.

Two girls pass us by. "You do realize almost every junior and senior girl gapes over you, right?"

I look at him confused. "What?"

He laughs his flashy smile. "Those two girls just  looked you up and down like a snackkk."

I look back at the girls and look at him.


"I didn't notice."

He laughs and shakes his head leaving me hella confused. "So many girls want a bite out of you yet your eyes are only on one girl."

I walk with him, hands in my jacket pockets staring at my shoes.

He stops and points up, where Natalie just exited the school and someone comes up to her.

"What's going on between you two?"

I squint in Natalie's direction, where the late January sun is directed on her like a spotlight, lighting her glowy tan skin and light brown curls.

"We're friends Jay, just friends."

My mind goes back to when she came to my house after New Years' when I injured my shoulder just three weeks ago. She basically friend-zoned me, and that's all I thought about when she left that day.

"You like Natalie, Lucas, we all see something brewing."

"I like her Jayden." His eyes go wide with surprise that I admitted it and I face him.

"I like her, but she is selfless enough to put the mission above us, and I should keep doing the same."

He looks at her who finally makes eye contact with us, and I swear my heart swings  and starts beating  faster.

He pats me on the back. "You know, Natalie is one of the prettiest girls at school but no one has said anything to her this year because of you. Your bulging muscles scare the crap out of those football guys man."

Both of us laugh while Natalie comes up to us. Jayden kisses her cheek goodbye and she faces me.

Shes so goddamn beautiful.

"Mark here yet?"

"No", she shakes her head which I find cute.

"Is he arriving late on purpose so I can drive you?", my eyebrows raise at her and she shrugs innocently.

I'd drive her any day if it means being close to her for even just a few minutes.


We enter my car which I immediately sink into and close my eyes. I hear her open the passenger door and shuffle in.


I want to speak but my mouth doesn't move so I give up.

"You okay?"

I nod, eyes closed.

A few seconds later I hear her shifting and her light perfume hits me closer.

She's the type of girl you look at and just know she smells delicious.

"Fuck it", she unfastens her seatbelt. "I'm driving, sit here."

My eyes shoot open. "No."

She looks at me daringly. "Yes."

"This is my car, Natalie. No one drives it except me."

She rolls her eyes. "Well no one will drive it if you can't keep your eyes on the road", she mumbles getting out of the car telling me to do the same.

I sigh and head to the passenger side where she's getting her backpack.

"What happened to you anyway?", she asks when she turns around to face me.

I forget what I told Jayden about keeping it friends, as my body lulls for her.

I lean on her, head nuzzled on her neck and I feel her freeze, the car door behind her body supporting us, but I know she's strong enough to support both of us alone. Her captivating aura puts me more to sleep.

"I'm tired."

She sighs, easing her breathing and loosely wraps her arms around me, as I silently hope she runs her hand through my black curls.

She doesn't.

"And your dumbass was going to drive me home?"

"You're welcome", I say into her neck, which smells sweet.

"No, YOU'RE welcome. Gimme the keys."

I sigh and stand straight giving her my keys which she smiles at and enters the driver's seat.

I get in and she starts the car.

She looks cute in the driver seat.

"Wait how are you gonna drop me off at my house with my own car?", I ask.

She smacks her hand on her forehead and I snicker.

"Dumbass", I say.

"We have that meeting with that Joshua guy, right? I'll ask Mark to pick me up from your house then.

Natalie hasn't met Josh yet.

"You need your own car", I say.

She sighs in frustration. "I do, but Grace wants him there especially since the lockdown."

"No need, just stay at my apartment, I'll drop you off after our meeting."

She opens her mouth about to say something but smiles and starts the car.

I knew she was thinking it but didn't wanna ask.

I close my eyes on the drive and her scent swirls around my sleek black car which makes it harder to stay awake.

2:50 pm

I open the door to my apartment and Natalie's gaze goes to the high ceiling walls, observing her surroundings.

I want to go to sleep, but I want to make her comfortable before.

Mama always taught me to be a good host.

I set her stuff by the couch near the fireplace and ask her if she wants anything to eat or drink.

"I'm fine, thank you", she replies sweetly.

"If you change your mind just grab something, okay?"

She nods pulling her hair into a bun.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I'm gonna take a nap for a bit."

She looks at me with worry in her eyes, which makes me want to hug her.

"Did you not sleep last night?"

"I woke up early to meet Joshua. And I didn't sleep well either.

She purses her lips at my lack of sleep.

She's worried about me.

"You gave him your number?"

"Yeah, he's helping us."

I didn't tell Natalie he's my cousin, only Jasmine knows.

"What are you gonna do here? I can stay up if you want."

She shakes her head. "No, no I'm just going to do homework. Take your nap."

She smiles and I fight the urge to hug her as  I head into my room, taking my coat and jacket off so I'm sleeping in an olive green long sleeve.

I wake up from my needed nap, slowly blinking.

Is it daytime?

I stopped taking naps when our mission and schoolwork got hard, but today I just had to.

I turn my phone on to see its 5:31. I go into my bathroom to wipe the sleep from my eyes and brush my teeth before I remember.

Natalie is here.

Natalie is here and you're taking your sweet time brushing your teeth.

It was like my body was rushing by itself to see her.

I crack open my bedroom door which gives me a good side view of the living room connected to the kitchen. I see Natalie, her pretty curly hair in a bun, and her head dipped low to her computer and a notebook. I walk out the door and she lifts her eyes, which trail to my fitted tee.

She likes the color green, emerald green or olive, like her eyes.

I should wear this color more

I just smile at her sarcastically as she gives me an annoyed look.

"How do you sleep that long?", she asks.

I shrug walking towards her. "What do you mean?"

"You slept for like three hours", she closes her book.

"Look who was counting", I smirk as she rolls her eyes and passes me just before I grab her hand.

She looks at my arm on hers, and then her olive eyes bore into mine.

"I like to sleep", I say softly.

"Are you the type of person to sleep anywhere?"

"Not anywhere, but yeah."

She continues to share my gaze as my thumb grazes back and forth on the fabric of her sweater.

She moves her hand before I get to stop her, and her fingers twirl around my black curls that fell forward.

"How do you get your curls to look this good after sleep? Mine look like a mop after ", she says with her eyes on my hair.

My brows furrow immediately. "No that's not true. Natalie you are beautiful."

Her eyes fall on mine again as she slowly smiles. She wraps her hands around my waist loosely and kisses above my eyebrow.

Doesn't take even one second to melt my insides.

My eyes close at her touch. Before it was me making a move on her but now it's her.

I nuzzle myself into her neck once again and this time her hands weave up my neck into my hair, caressing the curls that lay on top of my head.

My eyes stay close and I fight the urge to groan at her touch. The feeling felt so good, so cared for that I almost felt dizzy.

Those few seconds of bliss dissipate. Natalie let's go to look at me and from her reaction I can tell that my poker face failed and she knows how much I liked her touch.

She gives me a shy smile. "Don't read into it. I said we would be focused on our jobs and I still stand that okay? "

My heart hurts every time she says this. This was her third time. But to be fair, I pushed her away too.

I dip my head low. "Yeah. Same here."

It's like the presence of the room tenses and grows cold and she sighs trying to touch my arm but I move away.

"I didn't mean it like that, Lucas."

"It's cool, we got a bit of time before the meeting so I'm going to work on my homework a bit more."


Natalie, Jasmine, Jayden and I all drive to one of the abandoned wear-houses  which is where Josh lead us to. He was smart not to bring us to H.E.X.A as we could get caught.

All of us head into the house and open the door.

"Is he here yet?", Jayden asks searching around the room turning the lights on.

"Must be running late", Natalie answers.

We all sit at a couch while Jayden wraps an arm around Natalie and they silently converse as Jasmine talks to me.

I try my best to listen but my attention goes to her.

Soon enough footsteps come into the room and a tired looking Josh enters.

"Sorry guys, I was detained by work. I'm here now."

He takes his hood off and freezes.

"Oh you all are here. Good."

He sits down on the couch and his eyes go to Jasmine, then Natalie.

His face falls on her features.

"Who's this?"

"Natalie, my partner for the mission."

"I thought Jasmine was?" He shakes his head. "Never mind doesn't matter."

"Tell them what you told me today", I say.

He explains to them how more spies are getting extra training and not many know why. He also shows the video of the two men as  I watch at Natalie's eyes go wide when she sees the guy in the long hair.

"That's the guy that chased Lucas and I at our Winter dance. And the one who broke into BlackLight."

"So Lucas told", he smirks at Natalie which causes my blood to pump stronger.

"What's your theory on what's happening?", Jasmine aks.

Josh leans back into the couch. "They are using a prototype from BlackLight to make earpieces and contacts. I'm guessing they want to go against BlackLight in a war over authority. Authority over what? Over who? I'm not sure. But they want to fight."

"How did they get our formulas?"

"Why don't you tell them, brother?", he smiles at me.

"Brother?", Natalie asks eyes wary.

"Brother, cousin, same thing." Josh smiles while Natalie stares daggers at me and Jayden's jaw drops the ground.

"I think we have a spy in BlackLight. Someone must be working with them."

"That can't be. Our technology is too strong. We've never had spies for the enemy in our agency. The last one was in 1923 and they disappeared." I sense Natalie's form go tense.

Jayden speaks next. "Joshua, you say you want to help us stop your own agency that you work in. Why?"

Josh takes a few seconds thinking quietly.

"Because I don't want war. I don't want an unnecessary fight over two strong agencies. H.E.X.A and BlackLight are enemies and  we are close in distance, and BlackLight advanced while H.E.X.A was left behind."

Jayden continues. "So what's our plan?"

"Our plan is to take H.E.X.A down without a war.


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