By CognizantMind

32.7K 1.7K 643

"Strip!" "What? What the hell did you say?" "With that one inch of fabric hanging from your waist which I be... More

5.Beg me.
8.I Quit
31.Like Lovers
32.Movie Room
36.Trust me.
38. Absence.
45. Vin Chaud
53.Happy Birthday! (THE END)


587 37 4
By CognizantMind

She runs to her cabin in order to reach out for her bag. As soon as her legs drag her to the elevator, a blub flickers inside her head and she stops the elevator in the middle floor of the skyscraper. She hurries towards his cabin and breaks into his room without knocking.

"Mr Jungkook you need to help me. Right Now!" She doesn't wait for him to speak and yanks him outside of his cabin to the elevator.

"What happened Annastasia? Where are we going? " He asks being surprised by her inconvenience act.

"No time to explain Mr Jungkook, just drive me back home, as soon as possible."

As the elevator door opens, she doesn't even give him time to step out and pulls his hand through the floor to the parking lot where his car is at.  A peculiar scene which everybody is a spectator to, and which ultimately lands up in the boss's ear.

The engine starts and they are on the road.

Annastasia chews her nails, bites her lips, grabs the leather seat, her shoe tapping on the mat, and eyes on the watch. Being apprehensive as if her water just broke and she needs to deliver a baby.

"No! Mr jungkook, we can't afford to go so slow. Drive fast!!!" She shouts.

"Calm down, cursing queen, I am not an r1 racer ."

She rolls her eyes and trying to patiently wait while glancing her watch in every sec.

Finally, when they do reach, Annastasia just opens the door and rushes towards her room, running in her heels.

"Where the fuck is it?" She searches for her large raven diary.

"Ta-da!" She leaves the room with it and heads to the stairs.

"What were you here for Annastasia?" Jungkook asks while standing in the living room with his hands on his waist.

"This Mr Jung..." as she raises her hand to show what she was here for, her legs skips one stair.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Her body trips and rolls down on the floor. With her back hitting the floor once at a time and her front supported by the diary, protecting her chest, which is her most valuable jewel.

"Annastasia!!!!" Jungkook runs towards her, but he is too late. Annastasia's body hits the floor.

"Fuck! My body. AH!" Sound of groaning keeps on escaping from her mouth. Jungkook traces his eyes and moves his hands on her limbs for any serious breakage.

"What were you thinking stupid?" He blurts while helping her stand.

"My j-joints. It hurts everywhere Mr Jungkook," she yowls.

"Take a holiday for today, stay at home. I'll inform your boss."

"No way! He will kill me."

"He won't,  trust me."

"Even if he won't kill me, he would definitely kill me. So No!"

They both then walk to the car and take their places.

"Mr Jungkook!!!!!! We have only five minutes. Drive fast!!!"

"Yes! Yes!" Jungkook starts the car and they hit the road. Even though Annastasia asked him to drive fast, he doesn't. He doesn't want to get into an accident, so he drives carefully.

"Are you fucking driving a bullock cart Mr Jungkook???" Annastasia yells. Her impatience irritates Jungkook now. He never bothers, but now raises his voice.

He turns his head towards Annastasia and speaks in a sharp curt, " Do me a favour and shut this pretty mouth of yours." He says while glancing on her lips and then shifting his eyes back to the road.

Only one sentence was enough to shut her up because she was getting the vibes of Jin in Jungkook.

When they finally arrive at the office, Annastasia opened the car door and as she was about to walk, her knees helplessly dropped on the ground, as if they were junked.

A random employee passing by witnessed the scene, but his eyes at first landed elsewhere. He decided to help and walked towards her bending down while eyes still there.

Annastasia took his help and glanced on his face to see who cared to help her and notices his eyes glued to her chest. "Ahem! Ahem!"

The guy flinches and finally cares to look at her face on which even his eyes are fixed.

"Thanks a lot for helping me in order to see my breasts." She faked a smile and pushed him rudely aside to walk inside.

Jungkook watching the scene giggled and followed Annastasia.

"Hey! You know right, you aren't allowed to use this lift?" He said as he saw her walking inside.

"Oops! I'm sorry Mr Jungkook, but I didn't know. Thanks for telling me." She mocked.

"Haha! You're one hell of a girl Annastasia."

"Woman! I like being called woman." Her head was upright because she feels proud of who she is.

"Okay woman, all the best for where ever you are going now," Jungkook exited the lift to head to his cabin on the middle floor.

Annastasia checked the time, it was more than 10 minutes, it was half n hour. The tension in her grew to the hilltop. She reached her floor and strolled to her boss cabin.

"May I come in sir?"


Annastasia walked inside, holding the diary, but her steps fumbled which was noticed by his eagle eyes which now decided to pay her attention.

Meanwhile, Annastasia stood in the nucleus of the room and began reading the schedules.

"Sir, you don't have any meetings for today as I can see. There is a dinner schedule with Mrs Lee tomorrow, and you have a business trip to Japan after two days for the integrated project on merchandise for impoverished people. "

The deadly man sitting on his chair growls in anger. "Even though that bitch has a husband, she still wants to get inside my pant." His tongue moves over his lips with his hand clutched on the table, "Send Managing Director for the dinner with Mrs.Lee, and take care for the lodging for four people to Japan."

"Okay, Sir," Annastasia notes down everything important.

"And yes, don't book any tickets as we will be going in our private jet. I haven't used it for a long time."

"Ok! Sir." She bowed and turned around to leave.

"I didn't give you permission to leave Miss Annastasia." His voice makes her footsteps pause. And makes her come back to her former position in the room.

Suga stands up, walks to the front of his table and leans on it while folding his hands and crossing his legs. Eyes scrutinising her body from head to toe. Not a  lecherous look but a look of suspicion turned into the assertion.

"So! Annastatia.."

"Yes Sir"

"Tell me... How does the Managing Director's cum taste like?" A question equal to a nuclear bomb landed on her ears. But she can't disarm it and ends up taking it to her brain.

"C-cum?? I am s-sorry Sir, but I didn't g-get you."

"Didn't you have a good time giving him a blowjob?" he snickered.

"B-blow?? What???"

"Don't act surprised Miss Annastasia, I can clearly see your bruised ankles, they are popping out in your white skin."

"S-sir you are misunderstanding."

"Oh! don't you lie to me, do you want me to believe that it wasn't because you were bending on your knees, instead you fell from the stairs."

"Yes! I did. Brutally!!!"

One more lie, he felt and grabbed her arm, roughly.

"Don't fucking lie to me. I saw you dragging him outside of the building. ".

"Sir, I-I asked him to give me a ride on the way to the house."

"Uh-huh!" He raised his eyebrow.

Annastasia realised what she said, which she shouldn't, but she didn't mean it and changed her choice of words.

"I asked him for a lift because I had to reach the office within 10 minutes."

Suga let go of her arm, which was now bruised inside her shirt.

He walked to his seat, " Talking about your 10 minutes... " looked over his Rolex watch, "You're half an hour late,  Miss Annastasia ."

It is not feasible to be back within 10 minutes while only one-way ride takes 10 minutes. Even Suga knew this, but he wants what he wants. And he wants her to suffer, and with time, he will increase the intensity of it without her even knowing anything.

"Miss Annastasia!" The tone of his voice increased. She didn't see anything but two scary eyes black as his dark heart. Lips always uttering poison, like he is about to do now. " I hate people without any code of conduct. Especially with no self-discipline. You!!!" He points his index finger at her, " ..have been unruly in my office. You don't obey me, nor the rules of this building. You are not being professional. Do you know the worst consequences of people like you?" He asked a rhetorical question.

Annastasia instantly nods.

"Good for you that you know."

"I'm sorry sir, I won't repeat my mistakes." She apologizes having no other option. The Annastasia in New York would never do that. But the Annastasia in Seoul just did.

"I don't take apologizes, now get back to your work, I'll think about your punishment."

She nods and walks back to her room. Taking sluggish steps, not able to walk because of her body.

Suga  becomes confused what the hell she has been up to. Without any fore thought, he berated, "Did Jungkook fucked you so hard that you aren't even able to walk?"

She turns around instantly, letting her diary fall on the ground. "Excuse me, Sir!" This time she doesn't want to handle his horrible behaviour.

"Excused you!"

Annastasia's balled fist wants to punch the life out of him. She doesn't care even if he is her boss but just wants to slap the truth on his face. "For your kind information, Mr Jungkook is nothing but an elder brother for me. And I for real fell down the stairs. You don't have your cameras in his house as you have all-around your massive building, otherwise, you would have known." She slams the door and gets out of the cabin.

She didn't just slam the door, but she slammed the door on Suga's face, who slammed his fist on the table out of uncontrolled anger.


It's been past lunch, as usual, she eats with Tae Hyun. But once she enters her cabin and sits down to work, Tae Hyun enters as well.

"Hey, kiddo!" Her face lits up whenever she sees him. A little brother that she never had.

"Noona! You have to complete this." He drops a bundle of documents on her desk.

"What is this?" She peeks over it and realises what it is. "Kid! This is your work, not mine. I'm not the Managing secretary, I am a personal secretary. Remember!!" She hands it over to him.

"But it's an order for you ,  Noona." He again drops it on her table.

"Order!!! By whom??"

"The boss"

"Urrgh! But I don't even know how to maintain these records."

"Better talk with the boss. Bye Noona!" He walked out of the cabin.

"Wait, kid!!" Before she could stop him, he is already on the way to his floor." This kid walks fast."

She looks over those papers and realizes, this isn't the work she is capable of. So, she decides to talk to Suga. It's not a decision but a daring. A man would choose to piss in his pants if he said so. But this girl has finally gathered some courage to stand against him.

"Sir! I believe this work can better be done by Tae Hyun, rather me."

A face, always with a scrunched nose and furrowed eyebrows glares at her. "Did I ask your opinion?"

"N-no! Sir"

"Then? Why are you giving them? Just do your work. And finish it by tomorrow. I need it on my table sharp at 7:00 in the morning. Now go!"

"B-but S-sir."

"Do you want to lose your job and end up on the roads?"

"N-no, sir!"

"Then leave!"

She nods and heads back to her cabin," Why the fuck he has to be rude all the time? It feels like I am his worst enemy. No, doubt because I am a girl. But no worries until he pays me. Once the debt is paid, I'll return back to Jin." The consolation that aids Annastasia from any catastrophe.

Annastasia starts her work diligently while walking one to two rounds to Tae Hyun's cabin. She concentrates on her work and doesn't realise that it is already night.

Jungkook calls her, but she says she'll be back after finishing her task.

"Gosh! Still, so many things are left to do, I can't complete this today. It's already so late, I want to go back." Her whining is visible to someone outside in his cabin. He sees her walking out of her place and proceed to his place.

"May I come in Sir!"

A knock this man already expecting. The corners of his lips bending into an evil smirk. " Yes!".

"Sir, can I complete it back home."

"No! Leave after you've completed it.

Having no option Annastasia stays in the office. Everybody leaves one by one. When the work is near to be finished she sleeps off and wakes up at 5:00 when her usual alarm rings.

"Hmm" She groans to the sound of the alarm and reaches for her phone.

Her squint eyes look at the screen." It's five, I have to get ready for office." As soon she stands up, she realises she is already there."Fuck! " Her hands reach  for the documents."I need to finish this ." She has two hours to complete it.

As soon as her task is over as instructed keeps she keeps it on her boss's desk.

Suga at his usual time enters his cabin. And isn't surprised by a half-sleeping women standing in the centre of the room.

He knocks on the table and makes her awake.

Her eyes enlarge at the sites of a freshman in his usual colour suit, black. Either it has to be black or grey or anything in-between

"Good Morning Sir!"

"Hm!" Suga's hand reaches out for the coffee but doesn't find it. A scowl forms on his face and then he looks over her work.  After nodding once or twice, he says, "Nice! " He is surprised by how perfectly she has done it, even though it isn't her expertise.

"I'll keep on checking this while you go and bring my coffee."

"Coffee?" Annastasia has totally forgotten that cup of bitterness he drinks every day.


As usual, she has no option but to obey. First, her ached body, then sleep deprived and now she has to run for his cup of coffee. Her life is hell.

"Why don't I just die?" She fumes while entering the cab. "Ain't anything good happening with my life ." She notices the driver staring at her. " What are you staring at shithead. Drive!!"

He nervously starts the engine.

Once she has got the coffee, she comes back to the office and hands it over to him. While excusing for going to her cabin.

While peacefully organising all the upcoming events on the pc, she gets a call on the landline, an unknown number visible. She picks it up as she does to every other number.

"Hello! Augst D Corporation. How may I help you?"

An intense husky voice replies, " I heard a girl is working in there."

"Yes, sir you are talking to the personal secretary of Mr.Suga.  How can I assist you?"

"You have a beautiful voice." The man replies in a flirtatious tone. "Can you direct me to your boss's landline?"

"Surely sir. May I know your name?"

"I'm the CEO of Gucchi Co. Kim Taehyung ."

What the actual fuck. I am talking with Kim Taehyung. She is literally jumping inside her brain in excitement. But she also shouldn't forget, it's her office, not a concert where she gets to fangirl over her idol.

"Ok, sir. One second" Annastasia directs it to Suga's cabin and the man there picks it up.


"Hello! Old friend. Recognise me?"

"You motherfucker!!!!"

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