The Vordox

By read_immortal

822 175 10

This story is an outcome of a drastically declining future. When humanity was completely lost and there was n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 15

22 7 1
By read_immortal

I was laying on my bed writing in the book. I wasn't able to sleep I was writing the thing that was bothering me. I looked towards the watch it was 3 in the morning I thought that this was the perfect time. I sneaked out of the room it was dark. With my watch flash light I tried going to Isabel's room. I slowly open the door and I walk in and silently shut the door behind me. Suddenly the lights turn on. Isabel was standing there her gun pointed at me I said, "it's me don't worry" she lowered her weapon and asked while turning around and keeping the weapon away, "what are you here for anyway? Sneaking up on my" "well I didn't tell you the truth that time. I am not that dumb that I didn't realize that Ethan was right outside of the room. So, I deliberately changed the topic and told you something else" "what do you mean? Was that not what you wanted to ask me?" "uhh... yeah I wanted to ask something else. more like tell something else but we're not safe here meet me in the storage room to the right in 5." I had to get over with this and telling Isabel was right she was the only person I could trust. I turned the lights off and slowly went out of the room. I left the door open a crack and tiptoed to the storage room. It was dark inside. I closed the storage room door behind me turned the lights on and checked if there was anyone inside or were any windows or mirrors in there, but there were none so I sat on the chair and pulled one up for her. In a few moments the door opened it was her she walked in I asked her, "did anyone see you?" "No. why have you called me here?" suddenly the light flickered off and the camera tilted on us we didn't pay attention to it "don't you think it's weird that the infected didn't get us when they had the chance?" "is this why you called me here" she said with a blank expression "this was the whole reason why you woke me up just for a stupid question?" "no wait. Don't you remember? On the building they didn't hurt us or in the forest when she grabbed you, she didn't hurt you or when we were trapped in the dead end and even in the room of that house. Don't you think that they had the perfect opportunity but they still didn't go for it like they didn't kill us when they had the chance yet they acted that they would but every time they just left us" "yeah that does sound weird but what are you trying to say?" "I'm saying that either Ethan and his base is not playing fair and they know something the WWO's doesn't or it's the other way around" "you mean the WWO's know something that we all don't know?" "I mean yeah that the only possible way. What do you say" "well I'm in this with you but how do you think we are going to bust Ethan and his base?" "I don't know. Follow me and get your gun" "what are you going to do now? Don't tell me it's one of your stupid plans like jumping off a bridge into the river not knowing where it is" "this is exactly like one of those plans" she followed me out we headed into her room. We opened the door and silently grabbed a weapon for ourselves.

We were going up the stairs to his room trying not to get spotted. The base on this side had minimal light as it was the sleeping corner. For the night shift and the day shift. "The room next to the office" Isabel whispered. We opened the door quietly and stepped in. Suddenly the lights turned on and there we saw Ethan standing, armed, I whispered to Isabel, "that's how you scared me" "oh shut up Harison" Isabel replied amused Ethan said, "well, well I knew from the first time I saw you, you both were trouble sneaking up on me to get me. Wont the WWO's like to know that the their field man and his friend double crossed us and let one of the base down and are trying to get the other" I said, "wait, what?" lowering my weapon rather confused Ethan taking aim at me, "oh... don't act all dumb. I knew you guys were about to kill me in my sleep and rule this base or even crumble it like the previous one" "no that's not what were here for. You got us wrong this is just a big misunderstanding and how can you say that, you're the one behind all this" he lowered his weapon and said, "no, I thought you guys were behind this" "this is just a big misunderstanding if you're not behind this and were not behind this then who is?" Isabel also lowered her weapon but suddenly he aimed again saying, "how can I trust you?" we kept our weapons low and I started slowly approaching him saying, "see Ethan we are not here to kill you, were here to ask you some questions" "okay then go on" he sort of lowered his weapon Isabel dropped the weapon and told me to drop mine too. I kept my weapon on the table and Ethan also kept his weapon near mine. We told him everything all the questions about why did they not do anything if they had the chance. He said, "this is something serious even if we wanted to, we couldn't get that much control on them. They must be someone with some power or a good authority it's not us man" he nodded his head we were convinced. All of a sudden out of nowhere I got the thought that the infected reacted to the fire rather oddly. If they were afraid of fire, why did we not know that before? Why did WWO's not tell us before. They were the ones who did all the experiments and tests on them I said, "wait this makes sense we have such technology where we have holograms and hover objects then how come do we not know they were afraid of fire and were having sight problems after seeing it. I mean there were millions of tests performed by the WWO's to know how to get the infected better or scare them" "well they ran all the tests. It could be possible that they hid it from us or forgot to tell us" Isabel said, "Ethan you know this is not something small it's a big advantage for us how could they forget?" "yeah. But why would they hide it from us?" "that's what I'm thinking that's why I was up till 3" "you mean to say that WWO's are behind all this?" "yes, don't you remember when they were evacuation Earth many buildings were on fire everything all around was burning. Just to keep the infected away. They knew the infected won't come near and into the rockets so they were intentional fires caused by the WWO's". The alarms blared off; we ran out of the rooms. All the lights switched on it was way too bright. We were adjusting to the bright lights after being in the dark room. We heard a person in the megaphone "all units report to the main deck there is an announcement from the WWO's." We were confused we thought that the WWO's might have heard our conversation through the cameras. Which they did. We hurried downstairs. I was right they did hear our conversations the big screen suddenly joined a connection with the WWO's

"Urgent message from the WWO's

This message is being broadcast live to the 6 bases left on the earth and on every single screen on mars

The WWO's is proud to tell human race that the mission of reducing human population has been achieved successfully. Our goal was to limit and reduce human population to its max and we have done it by creating a fake virus to spread on Earth called the Vordox. Which we have ultimate control on as it is our lab made virus, we tend to mutate it every 4 months for it to look real. We have stopped every rocket from Mars to Earth or the other way around so that no one from Mars survives our main goal is to execute all the humans who are on Mars. We have all the things planned in about 24 hours mars in going to run out of atmosphere and resources as we had stopped providing resources from a month now. The people on earth will be cured by us. We will create an organization and be the only known business on earth. Ruling the world"

The announcement was over there was nothing we could do about it.

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