Rude Ralph x Horrid Henry fan...

By BTSARMY4life5ever

66.9K 672 2.3K

Henry never thought he would fall for anyone, EVER! But that all changes after he meets his best friend who h... More

Dream Come True
Sleeping and Kisses
Alone on Christmas Eve (PT 1)
Alone on Christmas Eve (PT 2) LEMON🍋
Christmas Party (Part 1)
Christmas Party (part 2)
I Love You, So Please Rest (Part 1)
I Love You, So Please Rest (Part 2)
Advice (Epilouge)

Photos and Squealing Moms

12.9K 124 408
By BTSARMY4life5ever

(Hi everyone! This is my first story but I have many more accounts with more books if you want to check them out! So anyways, I made this story as if Ralph and Henry were in their young adult years, like age 20 and 21. Henry is 20 but will be turning 21 soon, and Ralph is already 21. They both also have very well paying jobs, they are CEO's of multi-billion dollar companies. So they both make very good money. Ok, I think that's all you need to know for now and please enjoy the story!)

Henry and Ralph were hanging out in the Purple Hand Gang's fort, laughing, talking and making fun of girls. Henry didn't even realize that he was staring at Ralph so much, looking at Ralph's handsome face and fit body made him blush red like crazy! Henry now owned his family's old house but his family stays with him frequently, even if they all have houses of their own. Surprisingly, Henry and Ralph passed Middle School, Highschool and even college with top grades! They both have good jobs and are making a lot of money, like, company amount money! Now, they are living their adult life comfortably, with their family still pestering them.

Henry POV:

'Wow, Ralph is so handsome... he would never like me the way I like him...' I thought inside my head. Jeez, I didn't even notice that I was unconsciously staring at him. He turned his head to look at me while I was still staring at him, he put on a small smirk.

"Henry? Why are you staring at me?" He giggle a bit. 'So hot...' I thought again but I instantly snapped out of it when he started getting suspicious. 'Oh god Henry! Think, Think, THINK!' I alarmed myself.

"Oh, I wasn't staring at you, Ralph! I was staring at A BEE! Yeah! A bee was right beside you and I just froze so it wouldn't sting me or you!" I quickly lied, then he looked at me like he knew I was lying. I was panicking!

"Oh...? Ok, if you say so Henry." he said and looked back at the TV. 'Phew...I'm safe...maybe one day I'll tell him'.

Ralph POV:

I saw Henry staring at me from the corner of my eye, I turned to him and caught him still staring. I smirked and asked him why he was staring at me while giggling a little bit. He froze for a few second, which was weird because Henry NEVER freezes while talking! 'Hmm...maybe doesn't love me in that way...' I thought. Henry finally spoke and told me he was staring at a "bee" that was beside me. 'If you think I'm gonna believe that think again Henry.' I thought to myself, I obviously didn't believe him because he STUTTERED! HE NEVER STUTTERS! I lied and told him "ok" but I still didn't believe him.

Henry POV:

'I was safe...for now...' I thought to myself, then I heard Ralph's mom call him from our backdoor.

"Ralph! Honey! Time to go home now!" I heard her say. I checked the time and saw that it was already 9:47pm! Jeez, have we really been in the fort for 5 hours?! I looked at Ralph as he got up, he then extended his hand to help me get up. I took hold of his hand and stood up, I hid my face as we walked out of the tent due to the fact that I was still blushing.

"Henry? Why are you hiding your face? Are you ok?" he asked. I started blushing even more but I had no choice but to lift up and show him my face. I was still red and he obviously took notice of that.

"Henry!? Your face is all red! Are you having a fever or something!?" I turned even more red when we cupped my face.

"Ummm... I-uh... YES! I feel kinda sick! Owwwww! My-uhhhmmmm...HEAD! My head hurts!" I faked being hurt. My face was still in his hands!

Ralph POV:

Now I knew something was up, Henry looked super red that I swear he could match my red sweater! He said he felt sick and started acting like it, but he couldn't food me! I immediately realized I was cupping his face, I slowly took my hands away and blushed. But, I had to figure out was was wrong, before I did though, my mom and Henry's mom took a photo of me cupping Henry's face! UGH!

"AWWW! LOOK ALISON! Isn't this so cute!" my mom squealed as she showed her phone to Mrs. Alison. (Yes, I made up names for their parents) I saw both of them smiling like crazy!

"Yes! It is! Oh! Ralph! Henry! You two would make such a cute couple! Me and Jenna will even pay for your guy's wedding!" (Jenna is Ralph's mom) I instantly blushed and I saw Henry turn super red.

"MOM!" We both shouted, our moms just giggled and walked back in the kitchen, I heard my mom call for me again and me and Henry both went inside.

Henry POV:

Ralph and I walked back inside to see Mrs. Jenna start packing up but still sharing comments about the picture they took of me and Ralph outside. I was so embarrassed, and when we got to the front door my mom showed us the picture on her phone! Ralph blushed even more and I covered my face with my hands. Ralph is a few inches taller than me so it makes him look even more dominant in the picture. Both our moms giggled and me and Ralph both groaned in annoyance.

"Aw, I'm sorry sweetheart! But you two look so cute together!" My mom said as she hugged me. Ralph and I both knew our families and basically the whole town supported LGBTQ but our families love teasing me and Ralph about being together. Also, since I matured a lot from my past self I got a lot more popular in school and in my family, but I was still horrid sometimes. 

"Ok, it's time to go Ralph." Ralph's mom said, Ralph nodded and me and my mom escorted them to their car. My mom hugged Mrs. Jenna goodbye and I waved bye to Ralph. But, it was winter and I forgot that all my sweaters and jackets were in the washer so I was freezing cold! I shivered, and Ralph, Mrs. Jenna, and mom noticed.

"Henry, you really should have cleaned your jackets earlier! Now you might catch a cold! And plus, your wearing shorts, in Winter! What mind were you in to wear such a thing in this weather?" My mom said as I shook in the cold air. I nodded at her words and rolled my eyes. I heard my mom sigh and give me a pat on the head and put a warm smile on her face.

"Just promise me next time that you have all your necessary gear and right outfit for the cold weather, ok?" She asked me.

"Yes, mom, I promise." I replied sarcastically and she patted my head again before turning back to talk one last time to Mrs. Jenna before they go back home. I shivered again, then I sneezed softly but my mom and Mrs. Jenna were to distracted with laughing that they didn't notice me. Ralph was still looking at me and I looked at him, we both stared at each other for a few seconds before I shivered again. I closed my eyes shut since I was so cold! Then out of nowhere, I heard a sweater unzipp and before I knew it, Ralph took off his sweater and put it on ME! He's never done this to anyone, not even the boys in the Purple Hand Gang! I opened my eyes and saw Ralph standing in front of me with a hot smirk and only a white shirt instead of his sweater on him.

"You better stay warm Henry, you could catch a cold and I might not be there the next time you're being irresponsible." He smiled and winked at me playfully.  I blushed and smiled back.

"B-but what about you? Aren't you *achoo!* cold?" I asked him while warming up. He smiled again and shook his head no.

"Heh, nah. It may be a bit chilly but I'm fine since I'm not wearing shorts like you are. And you need it more than me." He smirked and teased me again, I punched him on his arm lightly and we both giggled a little, until we noticed that our moms were recording the entire scene! They started squealing like teenage girls!

"MOM!!!!!!!" We both screeched at them. They both were still laughing. I swear they are so evil. Ralph and I turned to each other and facepalmed ourselves in the face while our moms were being evil. Mrs. Jenna checked the time and saw that it was already 10:04pm!

"Ralph, we should go now! It's already 10 o'clock. And I don't think we should be out in the cold for too long." Mrs.Jenna said. Ralph only nodded. His mom gave my mom one last hug before waving goodbye and getting into her car.

"Well, I'll see ya tomorrow Henry. Um, Mrs. Alison, what time do you want me and my mom to come over?" He asked turning to my mom.

"Oh you can come over somewhere along the lines of 7:30am or earlier if you want Ralph, I think that would be a good time for you to come since I think Henry here wants to spend some time with you~ Right honey?" My mom teased me, I blushed even more and Ralph was giggling now 'Why are you so handsome Ralph...?' I thought.

"MOM! Give me a break!" I said while they both were laughing. Mrs. Jenna then open her car window and told Ralph that they needed to go home once more. Ralph rolled his eyes then opened the car door after waving "goodbye" to me. But before he got in I did something i thought I would never do to anyone...I gave him a hug.

"Thanks for lending me your sweater, Ralph." I said while hugging him and I saw that Mrs. Jenna and my mom took photos of it but I didn't care at the moment. Ralph was stunned at the moment but then put his arms around my tiny waist and hugged me back.

"No problem, Henry" He said while hugging. We then let go after a few seconds and then he smiled and waved by at me for one last time before going in his car. They then drove away and I watched as the car went off into the distance. 'I love you, Ralph." I said to myself before going back inside.

"Henry? Can I ask you a question?" My mom asked while she closed the door and then turned to me.

"Sure, what's up?" I asked

"So you like Ralph? More than just a friend I mean, like, do you love him as a boyfriend should love his mate?" My mom said, I instantly turned red since I never thought my mom would ask me that. I stuttered for a bit before nodding. She starting squealing with joy and started hugging me. I immediately shushed her since dad and Peter were already asleep. She quickly covered her mouth and smiled.

"Ok, good to know. Oh, Henry, I'm so so happy for you! My little boy has found his first crush! And I think Ralph loves you too, Henry. I know he never gave up his favourite red sweater for anyone except now! And you both hugged and he also cupped you're face earlier!" She was obviously excited for me, I smiled.

"Nah mom, I'm pretty sure he's straight and I'm also sure he only likes me as a friend and nothing more." I smiled sadly at my own statement and my mom saw.

"You never know honey." She said trying to cheer me up. I smiled sadly again.

"I'm pretty tired mom and it's pretty late, I'm going to sleep. Good night." I told her and walked upstairs, she then said goodnight and went back to the kitchen. I got in my room and closed the door, I stayed in Ralph's sweater and zipped it up so it won't fall off me. Then I looked myself in the mirror and saw that I look like I'm wearing nothing underneath except his sweater. I blushed while replaying the moment in my mind. I smiled and went to go lay in my bed.

I was still thinking about today, it was cut an amazing day for me, I pulled the covers off of myself since Ralph's sweater was all the warmth I need. It smelled like him, like vanilla and lavender, he smells so good, I wish he was here laying beside me, cuddling and holding me. I dreamed of that moment but I knew it would never come. The best I got is his sweater. I then soon fell asleep into the dream world and soon everything was black.

Ralph POV: After we left Henry's house and got inside our own I bid my mom goodnight and saw her head to the living room, I went back up to my room and collapsed on my bed, I set my alarm to 6:30am, I thought I might surprise Henry early. I was thinking all about today, and then I saw photos that my mom printed out from her photo printer that were slid under my door. I got up and picked up the pictures, my face turned red and I saw pictures of today that my mom and Mrs.Alison took of me and Henry.

I smiled softly and took out my photo album of me and Henry, which was named at the cover 'Me and my best friend', although I wish we could be more. I put the photos carefully in one slot each and put them back in my drawer. I then played back down in my bed again and started imagining me and Henry cuddling and kissing...and maybe doing something more. I blushed even more at the thought and pulled the covers up on myself and drifted off to sleep.

"I love you..." Both Henry and Ralph said.

Hi muffins! This is my first story on this account, my other account names will be posted soon but I hope you all are liking this story so far! The next chapter will be

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