spider-man oneshots

By ratk1d

356K 9.5K 5.8K

mostly spider-man oneshots most of the characters used belong to marvel, later on some r mine enjoy :) More

quick an for start
tiMe tRAveL pt. 1
tiMe tRAveL pt. 2
she's gone
apparently I'm still in 2016
irondad to the rescue
mj and the shaved head dilemma
let's get brunch
texting 101
the one featuring carol danvers as a cool aunt
irondad is alive
mysterio's mysteries
texting 102
halloween // 2019
[schreeches] (a chapter, i promise)
give 'em hell, kid
irondad to the rescue part 2
of late night calls for help and hot chocolates
kids from yesterday
texting 103
Untitled Part 32
hey, give me back my dog!
rogue meetings 2.0
[AN] i got tagged!
she's a witch!
texting 104
movie catastrophe
gen z shit
there are things to know before cloning yourself
are you okay?
sleepy peter
steve's adventures featuring time itself.
[AN] wash ur hands and please read
hydra is a little bitch
the aftermath of a fight
learn the alphabet with mcr
irondad is a goner (somebody catch his breath)
idiots in love
[AN] we're in a weird time of life
watch your profanity
i'm proud of you, kid
dinner table conversations
black widow
the aftermath of a fight 2; it never ends
please save my soul
peter's run-ins with the police
watch your profanity vol. 2
[AN] im sorry but please read!!!
multiverse confirmed
texting 105
three cheers for sweet revenge, motherfucker
the adventures of peter parker featuring the multiverse
black sheep
please don't bury me alive
[AN] tagged again!
fieldtrip 2.0
fieldtrip 2.1
catch me if you can (it's easier than you'd think)
guess im caught now (no wait thats not fair!)
no need for catching (never let me go)
'bye dad'. also known as how two words changed peter parkers world
Untitled Part 69
heaven help us
consent is sexy (and a basic human right)
i love us
[AN] i was tagged again!
[AN] read this or i will steal ur kneecaps after asking nicely for them
spider-man's trip to germany; the aftermath
halloween // 2020
"I'm just not like the others", y/n sighed
you'll be fine
happy is a snitch
this is what happens when you write after midnight
mr. doctor man
coloring book
[projects onto my comfort character] anyway. (yes this is a chapter. i promise.)
be nice to me
s8ter boi
from outer space to new york city
i cannot figure out a funny chapter title so u just get a bunch of words
cloud 9
here for u
[sweater weather plays]
stoopid avengies >:(
hi besties [AN,,,, v important!!!]

in a land of myth

2.3K 63 31
By ratk1d

.................its a merlin crossover.....................

i dont think you need to have seen to read this?? honestly, I think you can understand everything without it since this doesn't deal with the plot of the show in any way.

there might be spoilers?? im not sure?? and im not really sure where this fits on the time line, but Arthur is the king so its somewhere around season 4 or 5 

sorta struggled with capturing the characters since its my first time writing them. if you see them act out of character, please mind your personal business I am figuring it out.


King Arthur was out on patrol when he found him. A young, injured boy, lying unconscious on the ground, only a few feet from the path, a bag still clutched in his hands. He couldn't be older than fifteen, and he wore funny clothes. Arthur couldn't just leave the poor boy there. 

So, he did what he found reasonable, and after a few failed attempts to wake him up, hoisted the boy up on his horse and started riding back to Camelot to bring the boy to Gaius. He had great temptation to look into he bag, and a few minutes from the gates he almost gave in, but then Sir Gwaine spotted him and he couldn't. He felt shame build inside him from even trying to. 

"Sire", Gwaine greeted him. "What have you here?" 

"I found him in the woods. Couldn't leave him there. He's injured. I'm taking him to Gaius and once he wakes up I want to talk to him", Arthur told him as he rode into the palace yard. "I think he might've run away, or someone might be after him." 

Gwaine nodded and waved for someone to come fetch Arthur's horse as he dismounted and pulled the boy down. He put one of the boy's arms over his shoulders and Gwained grabbed the other arm. Arthur took the bag, and together they dragged him to Gaius' chambers. 

They were met with a warm atmosphere and Merlin and Gaius eating supper. Both of them looked up when they entered. 

"I found him in the woods like this", Arthur said. 

"Put him down over there", Gaius instructed, pointing towards the bed as he stood up and walked over. "Has he been unconscious the whole time, Sire?" 

Arthur and Gwaine set the boy down and stepped away, letting Gaius do his job. "Yes. I tried waking him up but he didn't respond in any way." 

"Alright. On the first look, it doesn't seem too bad. Pulse and breathing are steady, and it would seem the bruises and cuts are limited to his face. Merlin, bring me some bandages for that nasty cut on his forehead", Gaius said. The cut started about an inch above his eyebrow and continued almost all the way down to his chin, through his eye. "At the moment it is our main concern. Once he wakes up we'll know if there's grater damage to his body, or the eye." 

Arthur nodded. "Right. I'll just–"

The boy's eyes flew open and he fell off the bed with a yelp. Before anyone could react, he was already backing away into the wall, away from them, both eyes open and full of fear. He breathed heavily and his eyes darted from person to person and around the room. 

He was looking for an escape route.

Merlin stepped up, hands in front of him so he could see them. He walked slowly, and talked in a soothing voice. "It's alright. You'll be safe here." 

The boy raised his hand, too, and Merlin got the message. Stop, don't come any closer.  

"Wh– where am I?" the boy asked. His voice was full of fear, and sounded like it was still caught in his throat. 

The question confused Merlin, but he found it best not to worry about it now. "You're in Camelot." 

The boy's brows knitted together. "What? No that's– what? No, that can't be– no! I was in New York! This can't be happening, I must be dreaming, holy fuck."

"I don't believe I follow", Merlin said. "My name is Merlin, that there is King Arthur. He said he found you in the woods."

 The boy's eyes widened. "Did I jump fucking universes?! I am not in a tv show right now, this is not real. I must be losing my damn mind." 

The boy started pacing from one side of the room to another. A sob left his throat. "I 've to– I have to get back!" 

"H– hey. Hey! I don't understand what you're talking, but I know that you're scared. It's okay. You just– I need you to calm down", Merlin told him. 

The kid stopped and looked at him, tears running down his face. "I–" his voice broke. 

Merlin slowly walked forward until he was right in front of the boy. "Um, may I?" he asked, opening his arms. 

The boy basically fell to his embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around Merlin's waist and burying his face against the taller man's chest. Merlin wrapped his arms around the child and tried his best to comfort him. 

The rest stood awkwardly at the sidelines. They didn't really know how to deal with a distressed child who made no sense. 

It took the boy a while to calm down. Once he did, they all settled around the table and resumed eating, sharing the little food with the boy. 

The kid was closed off, tears dried on his face and curling in on himself. "I'm sorry", he said quietly. "I shouldn't've broken down like that, I don't know what came over me." 

"It is quite alright, child. Now, if you could tell me your name", Arthur said. 

The boy looked at the table as he spoke. "My name is Peter Parker, sir. This is going to sound crazy but I think I'm from a different universe than you. I'm not sure how I got here, but I need to find a way to get back." 

The table fell silent, before Arthur spoke again. "Right. Okay. Could this be the work of magic?" 

"It is possible Sire, but that kind of magic is ancient and powerful. It has been unheard of for centuries", Gaius told him. "Why would someone use it now? To bring a child here?" 

"On accident, maybe?" Merlin suggested. 

"Or maybe someone wanted to get rid of me", Peter said quietly. "I managed to break this huge crime circle and they were pretty mad at me. I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted me out of the way, but– shit, that would mean they figured out my identity." 

"What do you mean by that?" Gwaine asked. 

"That's not important, what's important, is figuring out a way for me to get back", Peter said. "I can't stay here, I have people I need to look after, who I can't just abandon!" 

"I promise you, we will figure this out. In the meanwhile, I can arrange for you to stay at the guest chambers in the palace", Arthur said. 

After three months the Avengers finally managed to track down the people most likely responsible for Peter's disappearance. Tony had him pinned against the wall, repulser pointing at his face, ready to blast. 

"What the hell did you do to my son?" Tony growled at him. 

The man smirked evilly at him. "I blasted him into a different universe. That bug will not disturb us again."

Tony pulled him off the wall before shoving him back against it roughly. The man groaned but managed to laugh. "You'll never find a way to bring him back." 

Tony gritted his teeth and blasted his face off. 

Later that night Thor came back. He was surprised by the grim atmosphere in the penthouse. 

"What is wrong, Man of Iron?" he asked. 

"It's Peter, Point Break. He's in another universe? At least that's what the guy who made him disappear said", Tony responded from the couch. 

He couldn't believe he'd never get Peter back. He would. He'd invent cross-universal time travel if he fucking had to.  

Thor frowned. "Let me try something", he said and closed his eyes. 

Everyone looked at him, and Steve was about to open his mouth but Bucky shushed him. They had to let Thor try. 

"Heimdall!" Thor exclaimed. 

Nothing happened on the outside, but once Thor gasped and opened his eyes, he said: "I know where he is! I can take us there. Get ready."

Peter was slowly getting used to living at King Arthur's palace in fucking Camelot, but grief and misery were with him every day. Tony had given him an old Walkman and some tapes before he left the Tower on the day he disappeared. He spent a lot of time listening to the AC/DC songs he had, because they reminded him of Tony, of his home. 

He tried his best not to show his sadness. He didn't want to be ungrateful, he had a good life there. Some nights his chest ached because of how much he missed New York and he couldn't even listen to AC/DC because he feared he would never see Tony, or Natasha, or the Avengers, or MJ, or Ned ever again. 

Those nights were the worst. Those nights the only thing that got him through was writing. He listened to My Chemical Romance tapes instead of AC/DC and wrote letters to everyone he loved. It helped him get the feelings out. 

He still had Tony's old MIT shirt in his bag. He wore it at night. After some time it lost the safe sent of motor oil and cologne, but he kept wearing it. 

He had a bracelet MJ had given him for their one year anniversary, only a few days before he got sent there. He never took it off. 

He quickly made friends with Gwen, Merlin, and most of the knights. Even the king. It seemed everyone he met liked him, and he didn't know of the unspoken rule that everyone would protect him with their life. 

His not-so-modern technology baffled everyone. Gwen proved to be a fan of AC/DC's music though all the instrument confused her. Merlin preferred My Chemical Romance, while Gwaine liked the few songs he had by The All-American Rejects the best. 

A few days after the three months mark, Peter had to drag himself out of bed. He dressed in the MIT shirt and his jeans. The clothes he ha baffled them, too. They had different clothes there, and Peter wore them sometimes, but his own clothes reminded him of home. He always wore his converse instead of the boots he was provided with. 

He took his Walkman, chose AC/DC's High Voltage album and left the room as the familiar music filled his ears. 

He knew the castle like the back of his hand, he had spent the first week exploring it as well as the city. He walked towards the throne room, where a meeting would be held, and the king had requested his presence. He smiled at every he passed, hoping they wouldn't notice the circles under his eyes from the sleepless nights. 

He quietly slipped into the throne room, where many were already sitting by the round table. He paused the music and let the headphones hand around his neck. 

"Ah, Peter. Come sit down, we have things to discuss concerning your stay here", Arthur said, motioning to the seat next to him. 

Peter walked over, dread filling him. Were they kicking him out? 

Peter sat down, and Arthur noticed the panicked look. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Just that we were thinking you should have your own chambers, instead of staying in the guest chambers. I am truly sorry, but Merlin and Gaius aren't closer to figuring out how to get you back", he told him. 

Peter felt relived and disappointed at the same time. He was glad he had a place to stay, but that didn't mean he wished to stay there forever. 

Maybe he had to give up hope on going home. 

Soon everyone was sitting down, and Arthur declared the meeting started. Before it could go further, a guard burst into the room. 

"Sire, there are people looking for Peter! They're–they're rather aggressive", he said. 

Arthur and Peter shot up from their seats as another person ran into the room. "Fuck off you bitch ass losers!" she yelled towards the corridor.

Peter felt his hear burst. "MJ!"he exclaimed and started running towards her. 

MJ turned around and her face lit up. Her feet took off running as well. "Peter!" 

They met in the middle and collided against each other. They almost fell over, but refused to let go. Peter wrapped his arms tightly around MJ, who held him just as tightly. Tears burned Peter's eyes and laughter bubbled in his throat. 

"What? How– I'm so glad you're here!" Peter rambled and pushed away just so he could see MJ's face. He kept one arm around her and raised one to her face, running his thumb over her cheek bone and wiping away the few tears that left her eye. 

MJ managed a grin as she moved her arms around Peter's neck. "You can't get rid of me by jumping universes." 

Peter grinned, too. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much", MJ said in return, and pulled Peter to a kiss. 

Peter happily kissed back, melting into the familiarity of MJ's lips, embrace, scent. 

He smiled into the kiss and pulled away when he heard the door open again. MJ turned to look, too, and they saw the rest of the Avengers walk through. Peter didn't want to let go of MJ, but she nudged him towards them. 

"Go, hug them, we all missed you. I'll be here", she said with a smile on her face. Peter gave her one last kiss before going to Tony, who was already crying. Tony pulled him close, cradling his head against his chest. Peter wrapped his arms around Tony's waist and breathed in deeply. 

He felt Tony press a kiss to the top of his curls and his smile widened. 

"Oh, tesoro, I missed you so much", Tony said quietly. 

"I missed you too, dad, so so much. But you're here now. That's what matters."

Tony pushed Peter away took look at him and cupped his face on his hands. "Let me look at you. Oh, bambino, you look like you haven't slept in weeks", Tony said and pressed a teary kiss on Peter's forehead. 

Peter chuckled. "Probably because I haven't, really. I was so scared I wouldn't see you again."  

"I'm not going anywhere, now." 

No-one interrupted their moment, which both Peter and Tony were grateful for. When they pulled Peter could burst into tears at the sight of the Avengers again. He gave each one a big hug before grabbing MJ's hand and turning to the round table. 

As King Arthur and the knights all stared at him, embarrassment and nervousness filled him. 

"Um, so uh", Peter started, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand. "These are um–"

"We're his family from his universe and we figured out how to get here and bring him back", MJ explained for him. Peter beamed up at her and squeezed her hand a little tighter in gratitude.

Arthur seemed taken by surprise, probably the news and the lack of respect MJ held towards him. "That's– that's wonderful. It is a great pleasure to meet you." 

"I wanna say thank you, honestly, thank you so much for taking care of Peter", Tony said. 

"We must celebrate!" Arthur proposed. "You get to go home! We shall have a feast this evening, and you can leave tomorrow morning, or this evening, whichever you prefer." 

"Oh, um, we were thinking we–" Natasha started, but Peter cut him off. 

"Auntie Nat, please, let's stay here for one more night. I want to say good bye to everyone and for you to meet the friends I made", Peter said. "Believe me, I'm super excited to go home, but after three months I can't just leave without a word. We can leave tonight. But– how did you get here?" 

"Thor. We managed to hunt down the guy who sent you here, but not how he did it. Thor managed to find you and bring us here with the Bifrost. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't've gotten to you", Tony said and ruffled Peter's hair. Usually he pretended to dislike it, but now he welcomed it.

"So it's settled, then", Thor said. "We shall feast tonight, and leave right after!" 

Peter spent the day walking through the castle and the city with MJ, introducing her to Gwen and Merlin. They had both been thrilled to see him truly happy, but Peter could tell that the were sad to see him leave. They did a good job hiding it, and neither Peter or MJ commented on it. 

Peter took MJ to a field not far from the castle, while the rest of his family discussed things with the King. The sun was shining and keeping them warm as they lied on the grass. Peter had his head in MJ's lap and she absentmindedly ran her fingers through his curls. 

"I love you", MJ said softly. "Three months without you made me realize just how much." 

Peter opened his eyes and looked up at MJ. "It took me about two days here to realize my life was incredibly miserable without you and that I haven't really felt this strongly about anyone before. It scared me, to be honest, realizing just how much I love you. What scared me even more was thinking I would never see you again."

MJ leaned down and kissed Peter's lips softly. Peter raised one hand to the side of MJ's face and let his worries be washed away. 

All too soon Tony's voice broke their peace. "Kids! The feast is cancelled! We're leaving!" 

Peter raised his head from MJ's lap. "What? Why?" 

"The king said something came up, I'm not sure. The bottom line is we should go home now", Tony said. 

Peter got up and extended an arm for MJ who pulled herself up. Hand in hand they started walking towards Tony. The three of them walked to the castle. 

"I gotta say, I am going to miss this place. But I miss home more", Peter said as they entered. 

"Well, you were here for three months. That's understandable. Tell you what, how about when we get home you invite Ned over, too, and you three can have a sleep over", Tony said. "Then the night after that, we'll have a movie night." 

Peter smiled. "That sounds great."

Saying good-bye went easier than expected. There was no tears, simply hugs and thank you's and we'll miss you's and good-bye's. 

Then they were on their way. 

One hand in MJ's and one in Tony's, Peter smiled as the Bifrost surrounded them and they left the ground. 

He was going home. 

an/i do not know what the fukc that ending was but I hope you enjoyed. 

i figured the best way to defeat my writers block was to write something I really wanted, so y'all get this. requested one shots and a part three to black sheep & anxiety are coming, I just need a little time

also I went and dyed my hair blue. its a vibe. 

peace, the author

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