Todomomo: One Shots

By Ruby-Riot

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One shots of Todomomo (obviously). Also these will be things that happened between my stories "Things Change"... More

Cold Night
Jealousy on a Date
Blood Lust: Reverse AU
New Curfew
First Anniversary
Meet the Parents
Shouto's Birthday
Sick Momo...
Moonlit Rendezvous
Goodbye Kiss


3.6K 89 37
By Ruby-Riot

The monitor beeped, tracking her heart beat. An IV bag stood beside the beg and was connected to her bloodstream. Her breathing was shallow and she had an oxygen mask on her face to help her breathe. Pro Hero Creati had been severely injured in the line of duty.

The room she was in was empty, except for her and one other person. Shouto, her boyfriend and partner. He sat beside her bed, his eyes sore and his heart heavy. He had been at the scene with her when it happened. He got through it all with several new cuts and bruises, a broken wrist, a dislocated shoulder, and a shattered knee. Seeing the state of his girlfriend, he would've given anything for their places to be reversed. He was already recovering thanks to Recovery Girl, but Momo didn't have the stamina to receive any treatment from her yet.

Shouto reached out and gently held her cold hand in his, warming it slightly with his Quirk. "Momo... Please wake up soon... It's been two days... Wake up..."

Tears formed in his eyes at the thought of what had happened. That day flashed in his memory, not of the event that had caused her to be in her current state, but the memory of him holding her bleeding body. He had held her in his arms, too frightened to move her and have her bleed out. She had metal pole going through her side, lacerations all across her arms, several broken ribs and he feared she took a severe blow to the head...

Shouto let the tears fall from his eyes. They were swollen from days of crying. He didn't care who saw him like this, he couldn't control his emotions now no matter how much he wished he could..

"I need you to wake up, Momo," he sobbed, grasping her hand and kissing her bandaged knuckles. "I can't.. I don't know what to do..."

The room was silent, all except the steady beeping of the heart monitor and the cries of the Pro Hero. Two days of her being in a coma was too much for Shouto to handle. They had been Pros for three years and it was the first time that Momo had ended up hurt like this. He hated it. He hated the feeling of being truly helpless around her. There was literally nothing he could do but sit by her side and hope.

The room fell dark as night approached. Shouto had remained by her side all day rather than resting in his own room that was next door to hers. He was all out of tears and his swollen red eyes had gotten worse.. He felt weak and truly truly useless..

I understand that we're Heroes and this stuff happens.. But.. Why'd it have to happen to you..? he tiredly thought as he stared at Momo's unconscious face. I should've been by your side... If I was there then..

"If I was there with you..." Shouto choked up at his thoughts. He held his head in the palm of his scarred, bandaged hand as he tried not to cry again.

The door behind him slid open and a nurse came in. Her eyes fell to Shouto and Momo and she couldn't hide the sorrow in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Shouto, but we need you to return to your own room now," she said as she walked to the other side of Momo's bed. She made notes about her condition, writing down all the information that the doctors would need. "Visiting hours are over and you need to go and take your own medication," she spoke up again, glancing down at him.

Shouto gave Momo's hand a slight squeeze, desperately wishing she would return it. When she didn't he let out the breath he subconsciously was holding. "Yeah... Alright," he muttered as he released her hand.

The Hero reached for his crutch that was resting against the foot of the bed. Pain surged through his body and he grunted as he got to his feet, making sure he propped himself up with the crutch to keep his weight off of his healing knee.

The nurse observed him as he got to his feet. He was sweating and he couldn't hide the pained expression on his face. "This is what happens when you skip your doses," she informed him, walking back around the bed. "When's the last time you took your medicine?"

Shouto grunted as he shifted, looking down to Momo. "I don't know.. Last night I think.." he replied, seeing the eye roll from the nurse.

"I understand your concern for Creati, but you also need to rest yourself," she reminded him as she set her hand around his shoulders in an attempt to help move him away from her bedside. "Her life isn't in danger anymore and her body is trying to recover. She should wake up within the next few days," she informed him as they slowly left the room.

"That's pretty vague," Shouto muttered, wincing from the pain his entire body felt. "You said she's okay though..? Will her scars and body heal okay..?" he asked.

"Without Recovery Girl's help it'll be months before her body fully heals," the nurse informed him while accompanying him to his own room. "Once Creati wakes up it'll probably be a few days before her body can handle any form of treatment," she said as she opened the door for him.

Shouto limped in, trying to not appear as injured as he felt. He didn't like seeming weak. Even though he didn't care to think about it or admit, he was raised to be physically tough and strong — to not show any weakness. He made his way to his own bed and sat down, letting out a sigh of relief as his body was put at ease.

The nurse came to his side and handed him his meds that she had retrieved from his bedside table. "Take them all and then get some rest," she told him as he took the small paper cup of painkillers. "When she wakes up you don't want her to be worrying about you, do you?"

That realization just hit him. Shouto looked up at the nurse and then glanced away, knowing that Momo would in fact be worried about him over herself. "I'll rest..." he muttered before taking all the pills at once.

The nurse took the paper cup and handed him a small glass of water. Shouto took a sip and swallowed the pills. "Good. Recovery Girl will be making her rounds tomorrow around noon. Be sure to see if she can heal that knee of yours more," she told him, now taking her leave for the night.

"I will.. Thank you," he replied, watching her go.

The nurse left and Shouto was left alone. He flipped on the lamp beside his bed as he reclined back, making sure that he propped his leg up on a pillow. "Fuck I hate being injured.." he grumbled, wincing at the pain in his knee since his meds had yet to kick in.

He laid back on the single bed. It felt small and uncomfortable. And empty... Over the years he had gotten used to sleeping in Momo's large overly soft bed. In high school he still chose his own bed over hers, but after they graduated and moved in together they had agreed to have Momo's bed in their home. Shouto missed the feathery pillows, the mattress he could sink into after a long hard day, and most of all he missed his girlfriend at his side as he slept..

This sucks.. They could at least have put me in the same room as her.. he thought as he shut his eyes, feeling sleep beginning to take over.

The night slowly ticked away as time passed. The hospital was silent and still. The night staff did their rounds, checking on those who needed to be monitored. The nurse left Momo's room and headed down the hall to get herself a cup of coffee. As soon as her footsteps were out of earshot, Shouto exited his own room.

He quietly slid his door shut and slowly limped his way to Momo's next door. Can't sleep anyway... I just need to be with her... he told himself. His body and mind were exhausted from the past few days but he didn't care, he was only focused on being there for her when she woke up. Wake up already, Momo...

Shouto quietly entered Momo's room. It was dark, the only lights came from the machines beside Momo's bed, and from the dim moonlight that shined through the cloudy sky just outside. Shouto cautiously made his way over to his girlfriend's side, taking a seat in the chair he had been sitting in before. His knee was relieved the second he sat and he felt the lingering ache of putting too much strain on himself.

The Hero leaned his crutch against her bed once more and rested his arm across the blankets. He reached out and gently took her hand, running his thumb across her fingers. "Momo.. I'm here with you. I won't leave you like this.." he muttered, shutting his eyes and feeling more at ease just being in her presence.

Her fingers twitched as she felt his warmth. Shouto felt her hand move in his, weakly holding his hand. He opened his eyes and stared at Momo. She parted her eyes open just enough that she could see his face. Tears pooled into her eyes as she stared at him through the dim light. Her chest tightened and her entire body ached when she saw that he was okay and that he was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes.

She whispered his name, "Shou-to.." her voice cracking ever so slightly.

Shouto sharply inhaled as he grasped her hand. He moved closer to her, planting a kiss on the back of her hand before focusing on her face. A smile spread across his lips as tears unintentionally ran down his cheeks. "Momo... I.. I'm so glad you're awake.." he coughed out, smiling like an idiot.

She slowly blinked, smiling warmly at her hysterical boyfriend. "How long was I out..?" she weakly questioned. Based on his behavior she could only assume it wasn't the same day she fell unconscious.

Shouto kissed her hand again, now holding it in both of his. "It's been about two and a half days.." he replied as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Two days isn't so bad.." she muttered, closing her eyes. She opened them again and noticed the bandages on his arms. "Are you alright...? Did you get hurt badly..?" she asked, seeming more concerned for him than herself.

Shouto knew her better than anyone and he knew she would only lecture him if she knew he should be resting. "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me, Momo," he told her with a soft smile. "You need to focus on your own recovery. Recovery Girl will be here tomorrow and now that you're awake she might be able to help.."

A long slow sigh escaped her as he spoke. "We both know that I don't have the strength right now to get any form of treatment from her.." she told him. "I'll be stuck here for who knows how long," she added as more tears formed in her eyes. She was unsure of her own condition. The fact that she had been in a short coma and that she was wearing an oxygen mask to help her breathe scared her.

Shouto's heart sank at her words and hearing the fear in her voice. "You'll be okay, Momo," he assured her. He reached out and brushed his fingers against her cheek just above the oxygen mask. "Your life's not in any danger.. You're conscious and you need your rest..." he said to her, also reassuring himself.

He sat back and reached out for the remote beside the bed, pressing a button on it to call a nurse. "Someone should be in to check on you soon," he said, smiling down at her.

Momo smiled back — not her usual bright and happy smile, this one was more soft and almost scared.. "You look like you could use proper rest," she said, choosing not to focus on her own condition. She weakly reached out and touched his cheek with her fingers, feeling the stubble along his face that was beginning to come in.

Shouto gently took her hand, feeling the stubble of his jaw from going the last few days without shaving. "I'll get proper rest once we're back at home together. I can't sleep well without you by my side," he replied, feeling exhausted but knowing full well he wouldn't actually rest if he fell asleep right now.

Like Shouto, Momo knew her significant other better than anyone. She knew that he'd stay up for a week straight just to be by her side and neglect his own health just to know she was okay. It wasn't the first time that he'd over done it just worrying about her. She'd broken bones before while on the job and he waited on her hand and foot the entire time she was in recovery. Momo knew this time he would be more stubborn about it all, she knew he'd do literally anything to make sure she was okay.

"Shouto.." She reached out and lightly placed her hand over his. He turned his hand over so their palms were together and he held her hand in return. "We'll be home soon enough. You'll be discharged before me and I want you to take care of yourself. There's nothing you can do for me right now other than caring for yourself," she quietly conveyed with the weakest smile Shouto had ever seen.


"Please, Shouto.. You were injured too.. I saw you go down when the Villain broke through your ice and smashed your leg.. How are your injuries?" she asked, realizing she didn't even know what his condition was. He was obviously healed enough that he could walk around, but the crutch leaning beside him on her bed told her that he probably shouldn't be up moving around.

"I don't want you to worry about me. Just focus on you-"

"And I don't want you worrying about me, Shouto.. What sort of injuries do you have?"

Shouto knew that she had adapted to his stubbornness and could match him even in her current state. She would win. She always won when it came to him being overly protective and stupid.

"My shoulder was dislocated, my wrist was broken, and a few bones in my knee were shattered.. Other than that it's all just cuts and bruises..." He shifted slightly in his seat, wincing as a small piercing pain shot through his knee. Momo saw the pain in his eyes that he was unable to hide. "It still hurts when I put too much pressure on it.. But I'm okay."

"I know you are, but I want you to be better than okay, my love," she whispered, staring into his soft sad eyes. She gave his hand a squeeze before allowing it to go limp and she closed her eyes. She'd been asleep for two days but she was still exhausted. Her body was trying to heal itself and she needed all the rest she could get.

Shouto smiled at his girlfriend, happy that she had woken up long enough for them to talk. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. "I love you so much, Momo. I'll see you in the morning," he whispered as he gently laid her hand down.

He reached out and moved a stand of hair that had fallen in her face when she passed back out. Even through the bandages, the oxygen mask and everything, she was still so beautiful to him and he wanted to see her up and smiling like always. Leaving her side was always hard, but now knowing that she would wake up tomorrow gave him enough peace of mind to get up and go to his own room to rest, just like she wanted.

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