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It was still dark outside. Night had passed and morning was upon Tokyo. The sun was still well off from rising, however, one particular Hero almost always awoke before sunrise.

Momo Yaoyorozu had risen from her bed, yawning and stretching her arms out from her pleasant slumber. She clicked the dim lamp on that was beside her bed and heard the slight ruffle of blankets beside her followed with a tired groan. A soft smile formed on her face as her gaze rested upon her boyfriend who had pulled the blankets over his face to hide himself from the light. Every morning was like this with them. She would wake up early, he would roll over and try to get some more sleep, and she would let him be while she got ready for the day.

Momo got out of bed, dressing herself in a pair of shorts and one of Shouto's blank tee-shirts before leaving him alone in the room, allowing him more time to rest. Quietly and carefully she exited their room, leaving the door cracked as she walked down the short hallway to the bathroom. Their house was small, consisting of one large bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen and living room. They weren't home much and it was just the two of them so it was all they needed.

Once finished with her private business, she exited the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. After flicking the light switch up Momo began her morning routine. She walked over to the coffee pot and turned it on, filling the kitchen with the growing aroma of coffee. Next she made her way to the living room, moving the kotatsu aside and then went to retrieve a mat from the closet near the front door. Once in hand, she unrolled the mat out across the living room floor before pressing a button on the stereo below the TV, quietly turning soothing music on. She tied her hair up into a messy ponytail and began to stretch her arms and legs out, getting limber before beginning her morning yoga and workout.

While Momo began her workout, Shouto was still fast asleep in bed. His workouts typically would take place after or before his work while at the agency. In the mornings he chose to rest as long as he could— he was never a morning person, and even though he loved Momo more than anything, he despised her being an early riser. Once she got out of bed his peaceful sleep managed to become more annoying.. He could never find a good and comfortable position once she left his side. Even while in a deep sleep he had come to have a strong sense for her presence and it was nearly impossible for him to fall asleep without her by his side.

He rolled over, tossing and turning in bed, not wanting to open his tired eyes and get up for his long day just yet. After awhile, Shouto wrapped his arms around Momo's pillow and held it close to his body. Her scent was strong on it and it gave his tired consciousness enough of her to fall back asleep.

Meanwhile Momo had wrapped up her workout and was now on the yoga portion of her morning. She exhaled slowly as she stretched her body, clearing her mind of any and all things. As she continued the sun was just now peaking over the city, slowly but surly lighting the world.

Momo  straightened up as the warm beams of sunlight pierced through the curtains of the living room. She wiped beads of sweat from her forehead as she looked to the clock on the stereo. "6:15.. Shouto should be up by now," she muttered to herself as she turned the music off. "He must be tired from last night.. He did have a long and rough day," she recalled while bending over to roll up her mat.

After she put her yoga mat away she went back into the kitchen and over to the coffee machine. She poured herself a small cup of coffee, adding in milk and sweetener before taking a sip. I'd love to let him sleep in, but unfortunately he's not allowed since we need to be at work in an hour, she thought, glancing at the time again. Better go and get him up. I don't want to have to rush out of here because he slept in again.. she sighed.

Momo set her cup down and made her way back to the bedroom. She set her hand on the door, pushing it open with a loud creak. Shouto stirred slightly, his grip on Momo's pillow tightening before he let it go and rolled over. Momo smiled as she walked to his side of the bed, admiring his calm, peaceful, handsome face as he slept.

"Shouto.. Shouto it's time to get up, my love," Momo gently told him as she set her hand on his head, threading her fingers through his hair.

He groaned, moving his head into her touch more. "Five more minutes..." he hummed, keeping his eyes shut.

Momo pulled her hand away and turned on the lamp beside the bed. Shouto grunted in frustration as the light abruptly invaded his eyes. He rolled over and pulled his own pillow up over his face, grumbling something at his girlfriend.

"Come on, you need to wake up," Momo told him again, this time folding the blankets off his torso. "If you keep this up we're going to be late."

Shouto moved the pillow slightly, exposing half his face but kept his eyes hidden. "We're just going on patrol this morning. We don't have any missions. Some of the sidekicks will cover for us if we're late," he said, still refusing to get up.

His stubborn behavior was one thing Momo found the most obnoxious about her boyfriend— and his seemingly childish behavior almost always followed the morning after they slept together.. "You're a grown man, Shouto, get up and get dressed," she sternly told him, growing annoyed now that she was starting to sound like a mother over a girlfriend.

"I will," he sighed, rolling onto his side so he was facing her. He removed the pillow from his head and slowly opened his eyes, just enough that the light wasn't irritatingly bright and enough he could focus on the woman before him. "I'm awake.. I'm just sore and don't want to get up yet," he whined, reaching out and setting his hand on her thigh. "You could come back to bed and help me wake up."

"You literally just said you were sore," Momo  giggled, mildly amused by him.

"So? It'll wake me up more and get me ready for my day," he replied with a slight smirk.

Momo rolled her eyes and checked the time on her phone. "It would, but, I will not be joining you," she stated, stepping away and out of his reach. "I will however be taking a shower now. So if you really don't want to get up, then I guess you can't join me," she slyly informed him.

Before she could turn and to see if he was getting out of bed, his arms wrapped around her body. Shouto pulled her into his chest and lifted her up, carrying her out of their room and into the bathroom. "I'm up. How long do we have?"

A/N: Been awhile since I wrote a one shot 😅 I got the idea for this one based off me and my husband when I try and wake him up when he sleeps in 😅😅😅

I honestly don't know when I'll update this one again 🤔 I need to come up with ideas for the two of them doing stuff— either them alone and doing normal things or them with others and doing more interesting things 🙃

Todomomo: One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora