Moonlit Rendezvous

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A/N: This one is the first one shot in this book that takes place in the future of my "Things Keep Changing" story ;)

Dozens of Pro Heroes, business owners, and various other people were gathered at the center of a large park. A massive luxurious tent was set up and within were tables of gourmet food, wine, champagne, a stage for a band, and all the guests who were in attendance.

Being two of the most popular Heroes, Shouto and Momo were attending — along with several others they knew and worked closely with. They were all busy mingling with the civilians present who were also all fans. Some of them they'd met before at previous galas and they spent a little more time chatting with them. Since it was some sort of fundraising event, the Hero couples had gotten split apart and spent majority of the evening talking with others rather than being with the one they wanted to spend time with.

By now it was around ten o'clock and the gala had been going on since eight. Shouto stood in the back beside the desert table looking over all that there was. Nearly two dozen different sweets were sprawled out across the table top, making it impossible for most to choose something to eat.. The Hero had spoken with nearly everyone present and he had time to break free of them all — finally having a minute to eat something.

I hope this will wrap up soon.. he silently told himself as he retrieved a small piece of coffee cake. I wonder how Momo is holding up. She's done commercials for some of the people here. They're probably busy talking up a storm with her.

He turned around and faced the party. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. The band was playing classical music and several people were dancing. Others on the sidelines were still mingling. Some of the Heroes present were showing off Quirks or sharing stories about being on the job. Even after two hours the gala was still lively.

"What are you doing over here all by yourself?" At the sound of the all too familiar voice, he faintly smiled.

Shouto turned his attention to his wife who approached him. She was wearing a tasteful red dress, one that went down just past her knees and covered a portion of her chest, her hair was done up in a slightly different way than normal, and overall she matched his outfit well. Shouto wore a white and blue suit, one that complimented the color of his wife's red dress, and his hair was teased just a little showing that he put in some effort.

Momo stepped closer to him and wrapped her fingers around his tie, straightening it up for him. "Well? Fed up with talking with everyone?" she added on.

"More or less," he replied, shrugging at her assumption. "It's also been about an hour since I ate and I needed something."

"Uh-huh. We've been together for, what? Nine years now? I know you, Shouto," she said, seeing right through him.

Shouto rolled his eyes at her. "Whatever. You know talking with large groups like this has never been my favorite thing," he said, focusing on her face. His gaze eyed her lips. They were only a few centimeters away from his and looked extremely kissable in the lighting not to mention the attractive way she had done herself up for the gala. "Besides, if we leave a little earlier," he brought his hand to her chin, raising her face up slightly, "then I can take you out on a date while Fuyumi is watching the kids."

He leaned down, connecting their lips briefly in a soft simple kiss. Momo melted at the contact. She was always a sucker for the way her husband could charm her with so little words and such small juvenile actions. A kiss — it was too simple..

Shouto smirked as they parted, seeing the dazed look in her eye. "So? How 'bout it?" he hummed.

Momo gazed into his eyes, seeing that he was desperate to leave. Being at events like this was never his scene. She knew he only came because of her and the overall contribution to society they did. He would turn down every commercial opportunity and TV interview since it wasn't his forté at heroics. He saw heroism as his duty in the streets stopping Villains and saving people, unlike Momo who saw their contribution to society in various ways such as advertisement as apart of being a Hero.

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