New Curfew

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It was Friday night and it was nearing the dorm's curfew. Shouto was in Momo's room and had been since after dinner. They laid on her bed, both still in their uniforms from their day, but they had been messed up from spending alone time together. Their ties had been thrown across the room along with their blazers, Shouto's shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his chest, same with Momo's but was exposing her black bra.

Shouto laid on his back, accustomed now to her large, soft bed. He loved how it smelled of her and he loved that when they messed around on it he would smell of her for hours. Momo was laying on top of him, arms crossed under her chin and eyes shut, tired from their long day of school and tired after being with her boyfriend for the passed couple of hours.

Shouto combed his fingers through her hair, feeling how smooth it was and finding a couple of spots that had gotten tangled up. Momo parted her eyes open when he found them and he retracted his hand. "Sorry," he apologized, moving his hands to her back.

"So," Momo said, situating herself on top of him so she was comfortable, "tomorrow we don't have classes. What would you like to do over the weekend?"


Momo rolled her eyes then leaned forward and kissed him. "We did that last weekend. Maybe we could go out and do something together," she suggested.

"Well, my sister has been bugging me about bringing you by the house. Maybe we could swing by in the afternoon and you could meet her," Shouto offered. "Then we can go out and do something, then we can come back and I can do you," he laughed.

Momo shook her head, smiling and laughing at his phrasing. "Why are you like this?" she laughed.

"Because you awoke the animal in me," he said, wrapping his arms around her tightly and then flipping their positions so he was above her. "Whattya say?"

Momo reached up and cupped his face in the palm of her hand. Shouto leaned into her touch, shutting his eyes adoring how soft her hands were. "How about instead of that plan, we go over to your house tomorrow and we just stay for a few hours. I've been wanting to meet her for awhile now, and if Natsu is there too, it'd be nice to see him again."

Shouto sighed as he opened his eyes. He moved from above her and laid beside her on the bed, setting his arm over his eyes and thinking it over. "The only thing is, I don't want to run into my dad... I don't want you meeting him yet..." he grumbled. "He's been bugging me about it since the first week we started dating..."

"We've been dating for nearly six months Shouto.. You've met my parents. I think it's time I met your father," Momo insisted, setting her hand on his chest and her head on his shoulder.

His body shuddered at her touch and he grabbed her hand. "Fine. We'll go over tomorrow. I'll text Fuyumi and let her know that I'll be bringing you by," he said, sitting up and letting her hand go. "We're not waiting around for my old man though. This is so you can meet her, not him."

Momo sat up and wrapped her arms around him from behind, hugging him tightly. "That's perfectly fine Shouto. I didn't mean to push for anything.. I just want to get to know your family, since, I love you and want to be with you.." she quietly said as her hug tightened.

"I love you too," he replied, holding her hands with one of his and giving her a squeeze. "I need to get back to my room now," he said, releasing her hands and waiting for her to let him go.

Momo dropped her arms from his body and watched as he stood up, buttoning up his shirt and gathering the rest of his uniform. "I'll text you the details once she replies, then we can plan our morning before we head over," he said while draping his tie around his neck, letting it hang and not bothering to tie it.

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