She is the one for me (One Di...

By iliveforthebeach

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She is the one for me (One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: boarding, meeting and falling
Chapter 3: love? Crush? Or nothing?
Chapter 4: worry, reunions and familiar faces
Chapter 5: Dinner, A secret comes out
Chapter 6: listening in, lecturing and jealousy
Chapter 7: relationship problems, more flying and toy story?
Chapter 8: texts, pictures and the plan
Chapter 10: the plan starts
Chapter 11: goodbyes, shredded tears and heart breaks.
Chapter 12: New places and familiar faces
Chapter 13: Parting and hocking up??

Chapter 9: the plan??

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By iliveforthebeach

OK so this chapter is kind of a filler, one of thoes chapters that lead up to something big but doesn't have that big thing in it. Let me know what you think please or i will delete the story. :/

Niall’s P.V.O

Me and Cara started to watch a movie, Toy story I think it was, to tell you the truth I don’t really know I was to lost admiring Cara and her beautiful features. Her enchanting eyes that seemed to almost glow in the dark. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows, her amazing figure that had a tan that match it perfectly. Her small hand, that had long nails on the end but amazingly was so soft, baby skin soft. Her laugh, so unique and cute you just wanted to start laughing to, not at her of course but with her and you wouldn’t even know what you are laughing about. Then there is her smile, oh her smile it is one of the most perfect thing I have ever seen, the other being her or what she does, but seriously I have never met someone with a more perfect smile. Oh I almost forgot her hugs, I mean I know I love hugs and I have been given a lot in my short life, but she gives the best hugs, not to tight and not to lose her hands actually hug your body like a hug is meant to. Oh god I’m bragging to myself, aw that’s bad.

Cara was the first to fall asleep, her head and arms was curled right up into my chest and her legs wrapped around my waist. If I wasn’t there she would pretty much be curled up in a ball. She looked so peace full, so relaxed, so happy right now. Her cuddling me just felt so right I know I have said this before but it really does, and I couldn’t help but smile. I could feel someone staring at me but I didn’t care I was being cuddled by the girl I am in love with. I took in a deep breath, filling my nose and lungs of her sent I never knew the smell of vanilla and cinnamon spice could smell so good. I soon fell asleep my arms wrapped around Cara’s small body with my chin resting on her head.

When I woke though she wasn’t there, my skin was cold, and it felt weird, having someone cuddled up right next to me and then to wake up and she is gone. I felt like I had been stood up on a date, or been told no when proposing to someone. 

I felt a strong pain in my chest but worry soon over whelmed the pain, worry of where she could be. I looked around the cabin to try and find Cara, but I didn’t have to look far she was knelt down next to Zayn peering over his phone. I was a little jealous about how close they were but I didn’t let it take over and let me do something stupid, instead I wondered what they were doing and why they were looking at Zayn’s phone. Cara said something into Zayn’s ear, I couldn’t make it out because it was only a whisper. Now they were really close, inches away from each other’s faces. Zayn soon replied to what Cara had said, moving his head closer to hers and whispering something into her ear. Something happened then, Cara’s face shape change I couldn’t tell what into because she had her back to me, but her face seemed to widen. Cara than said something else making Zayn laugh. They soon realised how close they were to each other because they both quickly pulled away from each other. 

Cara quickly got up from her kneeling position and turned around so I could see a wide grin that was spread across her face but I didn’t get to gaze at it for long because she started to make her way up to the end of the cabin again where her and Zayn were before, Zayn quickly followed after her. They started talking again and were really close together but they had to be because they were talking so softly. Something was going down, I now it.

Cara suddenly came back to her seat with a smile spread right across her face it looked so cute. But when she got to me her smile vanished and a look came over her face. A look that if you hadn’t have seen her smiling before you would think that she is about to get abused or beaten up. I really don’t like that look on her, it made me start to worry.

“Hay Niall, we need to talk” Cara said the look still on her face as she sat down and moved so she was facing me.


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