Chapter 11: goodbyes, shredded tears and heart breaks.

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Cara’s P.V.O

“Oh, my dad and Jackie are over there, guess I better get going.” I said faking a smile to make it seem that it wasn’t that bad. I thought the smile worked, I thought I had tricked them but I didn’t, but seriously it was that bad, it is that bad. I don’t want to go, I don’t want to leave behind these guys, they have been so nice and understanding and not judging towards me, unlike other people I know and I’m going to know.

“Oh come on it’s not that bad. We will see you again, I promise I won’t lose contact with you” Zayn said pulling me into a big hug. I let a tear fall down my cheek.

“Speak for yourself it’s not that bad” I heard Niall mumble at least I think he did, didn’t he? Zayn slightly pulled away using his thumb the brush the tear off my cheek, than he kissed me on the forehead and placing his chin on my head, taking in my sent while I burring my head into his chest, taking in his Brute sent one last time. We pulled away again and I went to say goodbye to the rest of the boys.

“Liiiyyyuuuummmm, I don’t wanna go, I don’t want to leave you guys” I half whisper half yell to Liam embracing him in a hug.

“Aw don’t worry Carzy, it’s not the end I promise” Liam whispered into my ear, while hugging me back. I pulled away from the hug and walked over to Louis, giving him a soft punch in the arm.

“Ouch!!! That really hurt.” Louis said sarcastically pulling me into a tight squeeze

“Ah!! Louis I-I can’t breathe” I said trying to pull out of the hug

“Ah ha, no way you getting away that easy” Louis yells at the top of his lungs while loosening his grip on me a little.

“Fine by me, but I don’t think my dad or Jackie will like that, and I would like to say goodbye to harry and Niall before I go.” I said putting my head in the crook of Louis’ neck

“Can I please say goodbye to the rest” I said pulling my head out of the crook of his neck and trying to give him puppy dog eyes.

“NEVER!!!” he yelled pointing his head up to the sky

“You got to promise you will text or call me at least once a day” Louis whispered into my ear before letting me go.

I ran over to Harry and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist, I felt his body tension, than he quickly took a step back so he didn’t fall and put one of his hands on my bum and wrapped the other around my body to support me.

“No, put me down I’m heavy” I said to harry trying to fidget out of his grip while still wrapping my arms around his neck. He moved his head so he was looking straight at me

“No you not, stop being stupid and stop fidgeting I want to enjoy this moment while it lasts” he said looking at me seriously, I sat there in his arms shocked my mouth was hanging open at what he just said. He sounded so serious, he sounded like he liked me. Did he actually mean it like that? No of course not how could he like me, it’s just not possible.

“Ok, whatever you say” I said rolling my eyes and tucking my head down in between our two bodies.

After about 3 minutes of us hugging he finally let me go. I walked over to Niall and wrapping my arms around his neck and pulled myself close to him. He loosely wrapped his wrapped his arms around my waist but tight enough so I couldn’t pull away. It felt so right.

“I’m gonna miss you the most.” I whispered into his ear after kissing him on the cheek.

“I’m gonna miss you too.” He whispered back kissing me on the nose.

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