Chapter 10: the plan starts

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Zayn’s P.V.O

“Perrie you don’t just go and sleep with someone while you already have a boyfriend then say it was nothing, it was something, something to me. I have already told you that we are through, done, over. Move on, I have. Please stop texting and calling me, I don’t want to talk to you, you cheated on me. I have got to admit it is a little awkward having your ex calling or texting you while you are watching a movie with your girlfriend and cuddling her. I have deleted you from my contacts so please stop.’ Well what do you think, good enough, do you think she will get the picture and leave you alone?” Cara said handing me back my phone to see what she had typed up for me to message Perrie.

“It’s perfect, now to make it believable” I said as a huge smile spread across my face.

Before we exited the plane after it touched down, Cara got all ours numbers so we could keep in touch with her and she gave us hers, she also gave Niall and I her Skype name and we gave her ours, I think Niall was a bit ticked off about me getting Cara’s Skype name and about what is about to happen. None of the other boys know so this is going to be shocking, Niall doesn’t even really know why. God I hope Cara is a good actress, she is gonna need to be for our plan to work.

As we got out of the plane there was paps everywhere, I could tell Cara was nervous and uncomfortable. I quickly took Cara’s hand in mine and gave her a reassuring look with a smile at the end. She gave me a smile back and we started to walk hand in hand with our hands that were holding each other swinging back and forth. We all walked together, Liam, me, Cara and Louis in front while Niall and Harry were behind us. I could feel Niall’s glare burn into my back making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

As we got inside I could tell Cara was really uncomfortable, I mean she was getting heaps of dirty glares and death stares from girls who I assume were jealous of her, some were even muttering really mean things under their breath to her hoping that the boys and I wouldn’t hear but I did, and hay if I were Cara I would be freaking out. Cara was getting really uncomfortable because she was squeezing my hand really tightly, it almost hurt. Almost.

We were about 20 metres away from the exit the paps were everywhere so were the fans. I pulled Cara away from the other boys and told them we would catch up to them shortly, so we could begin the plan.

“Time to shine beautiful” I whisper into her ear while getting close to her and putting my hands on her waist. She laughed a little at what I said and looked at me with a massive cheeky smile on her face.

“Let the fun begin” she whispered to me while wrapping her arms around my neck. Making me smile and laugh a little at how childish we are being.

I leant down and gently but forcefully placing my lips down on her soft lushes lips. I used one hand to cup her cheek and continued to kiss her.We tried to make to kiss as believable a possible but I think I got a bit carried away, I tried to make the kiss more passionate than it already was by using my tongue to lick her bottom lip asking for permission for my tongue to explore her mouth. The kiss was really heated and there was fireworks going off in my head, I completely forgot where we were and who was around us. I tried to make it a make out sesh, but she pulled away making me remember where we were. I was so embarrassed about how lost I got in the kiss.

“I think we fuelled them don’t you?” Cara whispered into my ear, her hot breath tickling my skin and giving me the shivers I almost got week knees.

“maybe, but just to be sure..” I said whispering back into her ear hoping to get the same affect.

“I love you” I whisper to her placing my forehead on hers and our bodies are all but touching with my hands still on her waist.

“I love you too” Cara whispers back, a smile forms on her face as planed and I put one on mine.

I pulled away from Cara and faced the crowd, still holding her hand, we were both squizzing each other’s hand as to what I was about to do.

“Everyone this is Cara, she is a very good friend of one direction and we DON’T want any hate. Ok?” I said in the most serious voice I have. There was so many bright flashes from the cameras of the paps and fans it was almost a little over whelming and hard to see. I then turned back around and turned my head even more so my face was looking at Cara I gave her a cheeky look and started walking again towards the exit.

We met the boys outside, Niall wouldn’t even look at me and I am feeling really bad about what just happened, I mean yes it wasn’t real, but I did like it and it was just mean of me to do that I know how much Niall likes Cara. The rest of the boys came over to me and Cara asking things like “Did it work”, “How did it go”, “Did you get the message through”.  Niall must of filled them in.

“Yeah it went great, I’m pretty sure we got the message across” I respond looking at Cara cheekily again, and she gave me the same look back

“I just hope you don’t get hate from it” I quickly added on the end changing my facial expression to a worried.

“What was the message anyway” Louis said interested, but was cut off by Niall

“What do you mean you hope she doesn’t get hate why would she get hate?” there was a mixture of things that I picked up in his voice. Worry, anxiousness, anger are just a few that I picked up on when he was talking.

“Well about 2 weeks ago I broke up with Perrie because she cheated on me, ever sense then she has not stopped calling or messaging me. I told her to stop and to move on, I told her that I had moved on, and Cara and I kissed in front of the paps so she would see in the mags that I have moved on, but I told them that we were just friends, so that’s why I hope that Cara doesn’t get hate and because I care about her, in a big brother type of way.” I say explaining the whole thing to the boys while they stand there with their mouths hanging open.

I could see that anger was starting to swell up in Niall and he was about to say something but Cara cut him off.

“Guys don’t worry, I know I will get hate, I wouldn’t have gone through with this if I didn’t think I could get through the hate. The plan was my idea and I wrote the message to Perrie telling her to move on. Please don’t be angry at Zayn, it was my idea, so I am just as much if not more to blame than Zayn” Cara said to all the boys, but I think that everyone could tell that it was more directed to Niall than anyone as she did not take her eyes off him.


Ok so this chapter is short but I really like it for some reason, I feel like it really brings out Cara's personality. Let me know what you guys think. Also sorry i haven't updated in so long, I haven't been on much

She is the one for me (One Direction fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin