Chapter 7: relationship problems, more flying and toy story?

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Zayn’s P.V.O

Great, just great so I’m on a plane for about 7 hours to get to Ireland than I have to get onto another plane to get to London. Niall is so lucky all he has to do is catch a train to Mullingar. Oh and Perrie hasn’t stopped calling me god I wish she would just give up already, I mean I told her we were through the minute I found out that she was cheating on me with Alex. God I knew I could never trust him, I always knew he liked her I just didn’t think he would go this far to get her. I mean taking advantage of her when she was all alone, but it is just as much her fault as his which is why I left her. I haven’t told the boys yet but I think Harry is catching on, I’m not sure about the rest though.

All I can say is that Cara is really helping me get over Perrie, I mean when we were still in the airport we had some time alone and I told her about it for some reason but I’m glad that I did she gave me some really good advice on how to let go of Perrie and told me that if I ever needed anyone to talk to I could talk to her. I have got to say that for a pretty girl she is very smart and can give some very good advice. I think I may like her even if it’s not like, like like her I could still act like her older brother if she will let me, and if she ever needs to get away from her dad for a while she could come and stay with me. She told me about her dad’s relationship with her and when it all went to the gutter and about what happened to her mum. I have got to say I really feel for Cara I mean she was so close to her mum… and dad but than when her mum passed her relationship with her dad just went south, far south. I don’t know if I would be able to cope if I were in her shoes I mean yeah she didn’t have much of a choice but that still must have been really hard. When we were talking about it she actually cried a little so I gave her a big hug and tried to soothe her, she cuddled right into my chest and, and well it just felt right if you know what I mean.

Liam’s P.V.O

Ok, ok so yes I was listening in on Niall’s and Cara’s conversation but I wanted to see if Niall actually has a chance because he really likes her and I was really, REALLY bored!!!!

“Hay do you wanna watch another movie” Cara said while getting out her computer again and looking at Niall with a smile. She has a very nice smile, not as nice as my Danni’s but still nice.

“Um, yeah sure why not” Niall said in his ‘famous’ Irish accent flashing her a little smile I think trying to seduce her but it only made her laugh. She has a cute laugh the kind you will find coming from a little kid, cheeky but cute.

“Can we watch Toy Story, please, pretty, pretty please… with…with sugar on top” Cara sad with the biggest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen. As soon as I heard her say the words Toy Story my head immediately turn to face her. Niall’s face was priceless it was like ‘oh not you too’ I wonder what that was supposed to mean. I guess I m a little obsessed with toy story, oh who and I kidding it’s the best. I also like Finding Nemo but why does it have to be so sad I mean I cried watching it, yeah I’m a wimp I now but it was sad.

“Yeah sure” Niall said not long after snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Are you sure, I mean I kind of know that you have had to watch it a lot because Liam loves the movie, we can watch something else if you want to” Cara asked a little concerned.

“Hay, how did you know that?” Niall asked confused. How do you think she knows Zayn told her, dah.

“Well while you were busy doing whatever it was you were doing I got to knows the boys a bit, and I got to know Zayn when you and the other boys went to the toilet and left me with him, he is really nice.” She said stating the obvious, oh yeah that was when he told me about the feelings.

“Um yeah I’m fine with watching the movie” Niall said after thinking to himself for a while. I saw something flash through his eyes when Cara said that she thought Zayn was nice, I also think I saw Zayn turn his head to look at her, just for a split second that returned his head with a smile. I wonder what is going on there.

“Well it’s a shame there is only two seats in this isle otherwise Liam could sit here too and watch the movie, I’ve heard how much he likes it.” Cara says looking at me. Oh god did she just find out I was listening in oops.

“Oh no, no I’m right thanks for the offer though” I say really not meaning it but I didn’t want to get in between the two of them.

“Are you sure?” Cara said looking at me confused

“Yeah I’m sure, I can go once without watching Toy Story it will be good for me, besides I need to get some sleep, I’m over tired” I said reassuring Cara

“Ok whatever you say” Cara said now focusing her attention to her laptop.

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