Percy Jackson Preferences

By All_These_Feels

393K 6.2K 2.4K

Includes Percy, Jason, Leo, Nico, and Frank. I don't own the characters. I can add others (Connor/Travis, Oct... More

First Meeting
Second Meeting
He Realizes He likes You (his pov)
He Asks You Out on a Date
Second Date
First Kiss
He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend
He Saves You (Requested)
Ironic Nicknames
Loving Nicknames
First Fight & Makeup (Requested)
Male Face Claims (Requested)
Its Your Birthday (Requested)
Meet the Parents
Meet the Godly Parents (Requested)
Female Face Claims (Requested)
He Accidently Hurts You (Requested)
It's His Birthday (Requested)
A Look Into the Future (Requested)
You See Him After the Breakup & Get Back Together (Requested)
How He Proposed
He Almost Dies
Bonus: Babies and Toddlers
Not The End

First Date

16.1K 305 330
By All_These_Feels


      I nervously readjusted my hair for what felt like the one hundreth time tonight. Percy was supposed to meet me here, at my Cabin, in five minutes but he hadn’t shown up yet. I took a deep breath and looked myself over in the mirror one last time. I had chosen a simple white dress and flats, with a tan belt around the middle. Piper came over earlier and curled my hair, but the hairspray made me feel like my hair looked greasy.

A knock at my door startled me, but I opened it nonetheless. Percy was standing there, wearing his regular camp t-shirt and jeans, complete with converse. But it was what was in his hand that caught my eyes.

“You look, great, wow,” he smiled.

“Thanks,” I beamed, silently reminding myself to thank Piper later on.

“I couldn’t decided which to get you, so I got a mix of them both,” he handed me the bouquet of brightly colored roses. Half of them were rainbow and the other half were a neon blue.

“My mom and I have an ongoing joke about blue things, it’s my favorite color, and the rainbow ones reminded me of you, so I thought if I got you both it’d be like you and me together. I know it’s cheesy,” he rambled nervously.

“I love them so much,” I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He seemed a little shocked at first, but soon enough his hands found their way around my waist. I turned and set the flowers on my desk, and wrote a note so I would remember to put them into a vase later.  

“Let’s go shall we,” he offered me his arm. I giggled, but accepted. He walked me around side my cabin, where there was a ladder leading up to the roof. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“You said you were going to watch the fireworks from your roof, so ladies first,” he helped me up the ladder, right behind me. A baby blue picnic blanket was laid out, food, decorations and all.

“Percy, you didn’t have to,” I grinned at him once we both were sat on the blanket.

"Of course I did," he smirked and placed an arm around my shoulders. I wrapped an arm around his waist. The fireworks show began as we started eating. I could feel my face light up as I watched the bright colors dancing across the sky.

"Fireworks always remind me of my mom," I confessed to him. "Because of the loud colors. When I was little my dad would set time off and we'd always go to the park and watch the local ones. Seeing them always reminds me of my parents and family."

"That's really sweet," he kissed my forehead. I could feel myself blush.

“My mom and I used to go down to the beach to watch fireworks, but I kinda grew out of it,” he smiled, reliving memories. We stayed there, wrapped in each other's arms until the show ended. The moment seemed to last forever, but was still gone too quickly.  

"Thank you Percy, I had a wonderful time," I smiled at him when we climbed back down to my cabins door.

"Did you?" he asked,  I wanted to wipe the smirk off of his face. So I did something he didn’t expect.

"I did,” I laughed kissing his cheek, savouring the surprised look on his face, before dashing inside my cabin. Butch was standing there, eyeing me curiously.

“Have a nice time?” he teased.

"Shut up," I shoved him, preparing for bed.



“Awww is little (y/n) getting ready for her date?” Will ruffled my hair as he walked in.

“Will! You’re supposed to be sword fighting, and now I have to redo my hair,” I complained, but I was incredibly nervous about tonight. I took out the braid I had intricately woven over my head, leaving the rest of my hair natural. Since we would probably be on rides tonight I was wearing a black halter blouse and light jeans with black toms.

“You look fine,” he said sitting down at his desk, watching me redo my hair.

“You mean that right?” I ran my hands through it one last time.

“Of course, you’re my sister, I’d never let you leave looking like an idiot,” he smiled.

“Thanks, Will,” I side hugged him as there was a knock on the door. I quickly stood and swung it open, grinning at Jason on the other side. I could tell he was checking me out and I blushed a little.

“Hey her eyes are up here, Grace,” Will was always protective of me.

“Sorry,” Jason grinned sheepishly.

“When should I expect her home?” Will stood with his arms crossed.

“Before ten, sir?” Jason looked unsure what to call Will. I giggled.

“Bye, dad,” I rolled my eyes before walking out the door beside Jason. “Sorry about him.”

“No problem,” he smiled. “You aren’t afraid of rides right? I mean it’s no problem if you are, I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“No I’m not, but it’s really sweet that you asked,” I laced my fingers in his, smiling as we left camp grounds and continued walking down the sidewalk.

“Alright, we’re here,” he looked nervous. I smiled up at him, hoping to calm his nerves as we stood in line together and got wristbands. “What do you wanna do first?”

We went on the scrambler, the swings, bumper cars, and a few smaller roller coasters multiple times.

“Are you hungry?” he asked me as the sun started to set. I nodded eagerly. We ordered some chicken strips and french fries and walked around looking at the games while we ate them.

“Oh my gosh,” I gasped grabbing Jason by the hand and pulling him over to a game where  there was the most adorable stuffed Stitch from Lilo and Stitch. “It’s so cute, I’m going to try and win it.”

Jason smiled as I paid the carnival worker and picked up one of the basketballs.

“You get five shots, and if you make all five, you can have anything from the top shelf,” the worker smiled at me as I took the first shot. I only made three and picked a cute stuffed dog from the second shelf.

“Here, let me try,” Jason smirked and paid the worker again. When he had made four of the shots the worker started to look worried. Maybe the game was rigged.  

“The Stitch, please,” Jason smirked after he made the last shot and the worker reluctantly handed it over, Jason handing it to me.

“Did you maybe use your power to control wind to win me this Stitch?” I giggled as we walked away.

“Pffttt, what no way,” he was blushing.

“Mhmmm, sure. I’ll trade you,” I smiled passing him the small stuffed dog. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we went on more rides until it was dark.

“Alright one more thing,” Jason grinned. He ordered a bag of cotton candy and dragged me to the line for the ferris wheel. Reluctantly, I stepped into the cart and Jason sat beside me. I had to admit I wasn’t so fond of heights. We took turns eating the cotton candy while star gazing until we reached the top. From up here the carnival looked smaller, the soft glow from all the lights illuminating Jason’s face. Everything was perfect until a bit of wind started shaking the cart. I grabbed onto Jason’s arm and smiled shyly as he realized why I was frightened.

“It’d just be terrible if there was more wind,” he smirked as a cold breeze rocked the cart back and forth.

“Jassooonnn,” I whined playfully as I held on tighter and buried my head in the crook of his neck. “Stop.”

“I don’t know, I like it like this,” he moved so his arm was around me again. But he was just kidding, and stopped moving the cart.

“Phew, thank you,” I went to pull away but he just tightened his grip around me.

“You stay right here,” he murmured.



Slowly, I rolled out of bed and put on an oversized sweater, leggings, and threw on some boots. I put my hair up in a messy bun then left as quietly as I could. Where on earth could Leo be taking me?

“Hello, Sleeping Beauty,” Leo smirked as I rounded the corner and ran straight into his chest. I playfully smacked his arm.

“Where are we going at such an ungodly hour anyways?” I yawned.

“Sock Hop Diner,” he smiled and we started walking. “I found it about a month ago and they have the most amazing pancakes.”

“Whatever you say,” my eyelids drooped, I was not a morning person. I was swept off of my feet, quite literally, as Leo pulled me onto his back for a piggyback ride. “What are you doing?”

“You move like a sloth when you’re tired, so I took matters into my own hands,” he bounced down the sidewalk.

“Don’t your hands randomly combust sometimes?” I giggled.

“Minor detail,” he continued jogging until he put me down in front of an old diner that looked like it was from the fifty’s.

“Wow,” I gazed up at the flashing neon sign.  

“Come on,” he wrapped his arm around my waist and ushered me inside. We sat across from each other at a red leather booth. The restaurant had black and white checkered tiles, an old jukebox against the wall, and a bar with stools that matched the booths. The only other people inside were a college student with a laptop and an old couple.

“Hi, what can I get you two today?” the perky waitress asked, pulling the pen from her hair and opening her order pad.

“We’ll share the number five please,” Leo hadn’t even picked up a menu yet. “With two chocolate milks.”

“Alrighty, I’ll have that out as soon as possible,” she walked back into the kitchen.

“So, any new projects lately?” I tried making small talk.

“Actually, yes,” he smiled slightly. “But that’s a secret right now.”

“Hmmm, I’ll tell Chiron to make sure to keep an eye on you, Valdez,” I laughed.

We continued chatting back and forth about camp until the food was brought out. The waitress set down the milks before placing a large platter in between us. It contained pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon.

“Oh my gods, you weren’t kidding,” I groaned as I took the first bite of pancakes. “These are amazing.”

“Of course they are, I’d never lie to you, baby,” he smiled cheekily but I knew he was teasing. “Especially about food.”

We helped ourselves and ate in a comfortable silence. After Leo and I split the bill, we walked back outside.

“Thanks for this,” I gestured around me.

“The pleasure’s all mine,” he took my hand in his and placed a feathery kiss on it. I giggled and squirmed, pulling my hand back, only to have him grab it again as we walked back to camp.



“Okay,” I grabbed my phone from my desk and smiled at Nico. He was waiting by the door watching me grab my last few items. I was wearing simple ripped jeans, a tank top, plaid over shirt, and combat boots. “I’m ready now.”

“Finally,” Nico playfully rolled his eyes and I returned it by sticking out my tongue. We took a cab to the museum.

“Tell me what the exhibit is like,” I requested gently.

“Well, it’s just the general history of machines and how they were invented. It has a lot of demonstrations and activities, I just thought you’d like it,” he grinned.

“It sounds wonderful,” I stepped out of the cab as Nico paid the driver. We walked inside arm in arm. My eyes wandered over every machine in sight. There were pulley systems and metal claw-machine looking arms that demonstrated how everything worked. I slowly spun in a circle, in awe about everything around me.

“So, uh, you like it?” Nico stuttered.

“Thank you so so so so much,” I squealed and hugged him, causing him to blush. I kissed his cheek before lacing my fingers in his as we walked from exhibit to exhibit. My favorite had this panel of gears and a large tube standing upright filled with water.

“I wonder what this does,” I mumbled as I let go of Nico’s hand and stepped towards the panel. My fingers turned the largest gear and instantly red shot through the water. I tried some other gears. Oranges swirled and mingled with the yellows, making the entire tube look like it was filled with fire when I had finished.The fire-water was the only source of light in the room, except for a few small ceiling lights. I sighed with content and leaned back against Nico’s chest.

“This is nice,” I placed my head on his shoulder.  

“Mhmmm,” he nodded, kissing the top of my head.



My own footsteps crunched softly behind Franks’ on the forest floor as I followed him.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Wait, wait, and,” he smiled. “we’re here.”

“Oh my gosh, Frank,” my mouth dropped open. There was a dainty table covered in a white cloth with matching chairs, a bouquet of daisies, and plates & silverware all set out. Fairy lights hung from the trees, casting a soft light around the area. I hugged him. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me.”

“You haven’t even had dinner yet,” he smiled, pulling out my chair for me. I sat down and thanked him. The plate before me filled with spaghetti and garlic bread, the glass with sparkling cider. I smiled at him as I swirled some spaghetti onto my fork and ate it.

“This is delicious, Frank,” I complimented.

“Thanks,” he smiled, continuing eating. We ate silently casting shy glances and awkward smiles at each other.

“Now, if you’ll follow me again,” he laughed, holding his hand out. I gladly took it and softly swung our hands between us as we walked. We reached the edge of the forest where there was a white blanket.

“I know you love the stars, so I thought we could sit and watch them until curfew,” he explained. I nodded and sat down next to him.

“You know there’s an old story about Asteria, the Titan goddess of nocturnal oracles and falling stars, saying she flung herself into the Aegean Sea in the form of a quail in order to escape the advances of Zeus, and became the "quail island" of Ortygia. Some think it’s associated with the island of Delos, which was the only island on earth to give refuge to Leto when, pregnant with Zeus's children, she was pursued by Hera,” I rambled staring at the night sky.

“I could listen to you talk forever,” Frank smiled, pulling me into his side.

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