Teenage Dream (Jelena Fanfic)...

Per islandofjelena

22.4K 588 170

Justin's surprising proposal at the senior prom, caught everyone off guard. Will everything and everyone beco... Més

Chapter 1: Some Friends
Chapter 2: Worst Morning Ever
Chapter 3: Letters
Chapter 4: The Next Step
Chapter 5: Be Sneaky
Chapter 6: Graduation
Chapter 7: Blackmail
Chapter 8: Times are Hard
Chapter 9: News
*Bonus Chapter: Goodbye*
Chapter 10: Let's Try
7 days
Chapter 11: Planning
*Bonus Chapter: Cake*
*Bonus Chapter: Sabotage*
Chapter 13: Happily Ever After
13 Facts about the Series

Chapter 12: Today's the day

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Per islandofjelena

Justin's P.O.V.

Fixing my hair in the mirror, I noted the people in the back staring at me. Chaz and Ryan both had huge smiles on their faces, while Chase was staring me down, as usual. Scooter was smiling also. But I was sure Scooter's smile had Chaz's and Ryan's beat.

It felt like someone else should be here. But who was it? Sighing, I went back to fixing my hair. I now realized who it was, my dad. He wasn't here. Forgetting about him, I wasn't going to let his non-presence affect my wedding.

My eyes widened. Oh my gosh. Today's the day. This is the day where I get to get married to the love of my life. Today was going to be one of the biggest days of my life. Wow. Today's the day.

Turning around, I asked, "How do I look?" They all nodded. Looking back into the mirror, I stared at the suit. You know what, I could get used to this. The suit made me feel professional and like a man.

"You could've worn better. I mean you are Justin freaking Bieber, you could have afforded something more sophisticated," Chase groaned. Rolling my eyes, I noted how upset he was. Then again, if I was in his shoes, I would be just as upset as him.

Chase groaned again then stopped leaning against the wall. We were all staring at him with our undivided attention. Chase then stormed out of the room. He slammed the door behind himself. We all stared at each other, then Scooter cleared his throat.

"Well isn't he a ray of sunshine?" Scooter asked sarcastically. We all laughed. Honestly, I wasn't laughing because it was funny, but simply because who says: ray of sunshine?

"Yeah dude. Why did you invite that guy to be a part of your groomsmaids?' Chaz asked. We all raised our eyebrows at him.

"Groomsmaids?" Ryan questioned. Chaz nodded.

"Well you know, the bride has bridesmaids, so the groom must have groomsmaids," Chaz explained in a duh tone. We all laughed at him. 'Was he being serious about this? Groomsmaids? Really Chaz?' I thought. He looked at us with confusion. Oh, he was being serious.

"What, they aren't called that?" Chaz asked. We all nodded while laughing, making him groan.

"Ha ha ha," he fake laughed, "Now say why you invited that jerk." Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten that he asked a question. Then I remembered that it was about Chase, which made me groan.

"He's Selena's friend," I groaned under my breath. They nodded. Turning back around, I sat down on the couch near them. Scooter got up from the couch across from us.

"Scooter, wait," I begged getting up from the couch. He stopped and looked back at me. His face showed that he was annoyed. Scooter was probably going to the bathroom, or getting something to drink.

But I hadn't thanked him yet. Selena has, at least a thousand times by now. So now it was my turn. Scooter continued to look at me with annoyance. I smiled at him.

"Scooter, I haven't thanked you for what you are doing for mine and Selena's wed-"

"Kid, don't mention it. I'm happy to help you," he said while patting my shoulder. Shaking my head, Scooter didn't understand. Maybe he was being over thanked for what he was doing for our wedding. But he deserved to keep on getting thanked.

"But Scooter really, thank you for walking Selena down the aisle, it means the world to us," I thanked. He nodded with a smile.

"Like I said kid, I'm happy to do it. Now if you excuse me, I need to do something," he said taking his hand off of my shoulder. Scooter then left the room. The door closed and I looked back at Chaz and Ryan.

Ryan and Chaz were over by the table in the back of the room. Looking at them with curiosity, I then walked over to them. Their backs were turned, so their faces were facing the wall. The table was round and small, so their bodies were covering it.

Tapping on Ryan's shoulder, he then turned around. Looking at the table, my eyes grew wide. Then I looked at Ryan's hand. Chaz then turned around. 'What, no. This can't be happening. These are my friends I'm talking about,' I thought.

My eyes were locked on the table. We're only 18. What's going on in their heads?!? Chaz and Ryan both swallowed with fear. Well how wouldn't they expect to get caught? I'm standing right here!

"You guys aren't serious are you?" I asked with concern. Then I looked at the top of their beer bottles. The caps were off and some of it had been drunk. They were serious. Then Ryan set his down and offered me one.

Staring at the bottle, I didn't know what to do. I was only 18. Plus I was famous. This was going to be a big deal to the media. Not only would I disappoint my fans, Selena, and Scooter, but also myself.

Chaz took a swig of his beer then looked at me. They were still anticipating for my answer. I hate peer pressure. But I wasn't going to give in. Plus it's not like I had a reason to drink.

"C'mon dude, you're stressed about the wedding. Plus it's just one. It won't do anything to you," Chaz convinced. Swallowing nervously, I didn't know what to do.

Again I say I hate peer pressure. But it was getting to me and I couldn't take it anymore. Unwillingly, I took the beer from Ryan's hand.

****Scooter's P.O.V.****

Shutting the door behind me, I took a right. At the end of the hallway was a security guard in a suit. He was guarding the front entrance. Through the main glass doors, there were eager photographers.

I walked over to him. He was holding a list. Checking the names on the list, all the names were checked off. Paparazzi took pictures of me. Groaning, I could hear their screams. 'You had to pick a place with glass doors, didn't you kid?' I thought.

"Have they been bugging you to get in?" I asked. He nodded. Sighing, I then left and went back down the hallway. Seeing the clock, we had exactly one hour until the wedding started.

A smile went across my face. One hour until the wedding. Which meant right after the wedding, there would only be one more week until we go back to tour. It's been a fast (and busy) 3 weeks. Taking a left turn, I decided I would go see Selena for awhile before the wedding.

Squinting, I couldn't believe what I saw. Shaking my head, I knew that something bad was going to happen. Put these two together, I mean there's something bad bound to happen. They both looked at me with wide eyes. She then crashed her lips against his, and they went into a full out make out session.

Looking at Chase and Barbara with confusion, I then decided to take a different path to Selena's room. Barbara and Chase? I didn't see that one coming.

* * * * * *

Opening the door, I closed the door behind me. Then Selena and her bridesmaids looks over at me. Selena looked so beautiful.

Selena's P.O.V.

Taylor put the veil in my hair. Then she and Ruby began repositioning it, so it fell perfectly. Smiling at them, I was so happy that they could come. Ruby took off work and Taylor flew out from Tennessee. So today was going to be perfect.

Looking at the dress it was jeweled from the top to the waist and then poofed out like a princess gown. Ruby and Taylor both smiled at me. This was so hard to believe. This is going to be the best day of my life.

"Selena you look gorgeous," Ruby complimented. Smiling at her, I then caught sight of Barbara. She was glaring at me, like she always had. She shook her head.

"More like ugly," Barbara groaned under her breathe. We all shot a glare at her. She smirked then got up from the couch. She fixed her bridesmaids dress, and then groaned louder

"I hate this dress! You could have picked something better," Barbara complained. Honestly, I didn't know why Barbara was complaining. Her complexion looked great against the wine red dress, plus it was form fitted so it accented her body perfectly. She was probably just complaining for the heck of it.

She then came over to us. Ruby moved over so she was now by Taylor. Barbara stood on my left. Swallowing, I grew nervous. She stared me down. Taking a deep breathe, I waited for her to say something.

She was probably going to tell me that I was ugly. Then she was going to complain about everything in the room until she got to the carpet. Yep, that was pretty much Barbara for you.

"I have things to do. I'll be back before the wedding starts," she spat then began to leave the room.

"Let's hope the door hits her on the way out," Ruby said under her breath. Taylor and I both laughed. We all then looked at Barbara. The door didn't hit her. 'Dang it,' I thought. I then looked back at Ruby and Taylor.

We smiled at each other. Then we group hugged. It was still hard to believe that today I was getting married. All I knew was that it was going to be perfect.

Ruby and Taylor were going to be the maids of honor and Chase was a part of Justin's groomsmen. Nothing was going to ruin this day. Not even Barbara's attitude. We then all let go of each other.

"Sel we're so happy for you," Ruby said. Taylor nodded in agreement. The door of the room opened and it quickly closed. We all looked, and I turned around.

By the door was Scooter. He was in a nice tux and had a huge smile across his face. I smiled back at him. He walked up to us.

"Selena you look beautiful," he complimented. A smile went across my face. "You ladies look beautiful too," he added looking past me at Taylor and Ruby. They quickly thanked him.

Scooter put his eyes back on me. There was a moment of silence. Clearing my throat, I hoped that it would clear the air of the awkward silence. Luckily it had.

"Ruby....Taylor...Would it be okay if I talk to Selena alone?" Scooter asked. In the corner of my eyes, they both nodded. Ruby and Taylor began to leave the room. Scooter watched them leave the room then they looked back at me. He waited for the door to close so he could begin.

"Scooter before you begin, I just want to let you know how thankful I am-"

"Selena I know, you don't need to tell me again," Scooter laughed. This made me laugh. Scooter and I shared a quick hug. As we let go I looked straight into his eyes.

Here comes the news. The reason why he came in here. My eyes grew wide. Hopefully there was nothing wrong with the wedding. Oh no, there probably was. Why else would Scooter be in here? And kick out my best friends.

"Oh no! Does the cake not match the carpet? Did the flower petals not arrive? Did the paparazzi stop running and the toilets break in?" I asked. Okay, I admit that I was a little tongue tied. But more like a lot tongue tied.

Scooter looked at me with confusion. 'Well if this was your wedding Scooter, you would be acting the same way,' I thought. Rolling my eyes, I then locked them on him. Although I wasn't making sense, Scooter should get the point.

"Don't worry, no toilets broke in," Scooter joked. I raised my eyebrows.

"I just came in here to see the beautiful bride before I walk her down the aisle. That way I can tear up now, instead of out there in front of everyone," Scooter admitted. Beginning to blush, I then hugged him.

That was so sweet of him. I had to thank him! Honestly, I didn't care if I was over thanking him. Scooter was used to it by now. We released each other.

"I have a few more things to take care of. But I promise I'll be back here before the wedding begins," Scooter explained. Nodding, I then watched Scooter leave the room. Looking at the clock, my eyes grew wide. Less than an hour until the wedding.

*Taylor's P.O.V.*

Scooter came out of the room and just stared at us. There was an awkward silence. Pursing my lips, I stared at Scooter with a blank face. The thing with Scooter is that he likes you or he doesn't. And I was positive that he didn't like me.

"See you soon ladies," Scooter said then walked off. Ruby and I watched him leave. Then we both looked at each other. We made funny faces at each other then busted out laughing.

It was still hard to believe I was here. It took a lot of convincing to come here. My parents didn't want me to leave their sight. This is why they made me go to college in Tennessee and move in with them.

But I was here and that's all that matters. It still felt a little weird though. I mean Selena and I were supposed to have a double wedding. Oh well, I'll put those feelings aside and just be happy for Selena. Today was all about her and Justin after all.

"So do you know why they picked this day to get married?" Ruby asked curiously. Smiling at her, I remembered like it was yesterday.

"Yeah. Today, exactly a year ago, Justin and Selena meet," I admitted. Ruby's smile grew wider.

"Awww that's so sweet!" she exclaimed. I nodded in agreement. It was still hard to believe that Justin was the one who remembered the date. Who was I kidding? It was beyond sweet!

"Hey I want to see Justin before the wedding. So I'm gonna run by his room, do you want to come with me?" Ruby offered. Pursing my lips, I looked down at the floor.

That was a bad idea, especially with my feelings for Justin flopping around everywhere. It was just for the best to stay clear of him until the wedding. I swear that once I moved to Tennessee my feelings for Justin grew stronger, which was bad.

"No. I'm just going to stay here and talk with Selena. But you should go," I said then signaled for her to go. A smile went across her face. She tried to convince me to go, but I wasn't up for it.

"Are you positive you don't want to go?" she asked was she looked back at me. Rolling my eyes, we had already gone over this.

"Go have fun. Just be back soon," I said. She smiled then began to walk off. Smiling, I then walked back over to the room. Quickly, I opened the door and we went in the room. Shutting the door behind me, my eyes immediately locked on Selena.

Running over to Selena, I rested my hand on her shoulder. Rubbing her shoulder, I stared at her with concern. Selena was literally drowning in her tears. Mascara was running down her cheeks.

Taking my hand off her shoulder, I ran over to the table and grabbed some tissues. Running back over to Selena, I handed her the tissues. She used one to wipe her cheeks, and then used the other one to blow her nose. Selena continued to cry. Looking back at her with concern, I was wondering if she had gotten cold feet.

"Sel what's wrong?" I asked. She continued to wipe the mascara off her cheeks. She then pointed over to the window. Looking at her with confusion, she continued to cry. Then I made my way over to the window.

There was a curtain draped over it. It was made of lace yet partially see-through. Moving it off to the side, I peered out the window. Out the window, I looked down below. There was a massive crowd; most of them seemed to be girls. But there were also paparazzi here and there.

Then I saw the signs. Now I understand why Selena was crying. We need to kill Selena. If she marries him, then I'm going to kill myself. Selena needs to die! Those were only a few, and those were nicer ones.

Running back over to Selena, the curtain flew back into place. Bringing Selena into my arms, she cried on my shoulder. What they had written on the signs was rude and hurtful. Talk about dedicated fans. Selena then took her head off my shoulder. She looked straight into my eyes.

"Selena don't let them get to you. They're just jealous of you," I said. Selena sighed.

"Taylor, I just don't know," she began. My eyes grew wide.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked with concern.

"It's just hard. My parents don't support it. And the girls out there want to kill me. I'll be followed around by paparazzi. I just don't know how to deal with it. I'm having second thoughts about marrying Justin," Selena admitted with tears rushing down her face. My eyes grew as wide as possible.

- - - - - -

Hey cuties,

Only 4 days until the release of my brand new Jelena fanfic: The Kiss, the wish, and the mirror !!!

Since this series is wrapping up this week, I will have a bouns chapter for you guys on Wednesday :)

I love you guys sooooooooooooo much

much love,

jessica xoxo

Continua llegint

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