Hell On Earth

By DreamDoll0V0

20.6K 2.1K 1.3K

"When you at the bottom, the only way is up. And ima do whatever it takes to make sure I get what I want" More

Twenty One:
Twenty Two:
Twenty Three:
Twenty Four:
Twenty Five:
Twenty Six:
Twenty Seven:
Twenty Eight:
Twenty Nine:
Thirty One:
Thirty Two:
Thirty Four:
Thirty Five:
Thirty Six:
Thirty Seven:
Thirty Eight:

Thirty Three:

409 53 31
By DreamDoll0V0

Egypt Hoskins
October 29
10:43 am


I felt a tap on my arm


"Get up! Ain't you supposed to be going to Kira house?"

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and let out a yawn. I must've ended up falling asleep on the couch and Carson was still right beside me knocked out with his pacifier hanging out of his mouth

"What time is it?"

"Eleven" Vaeh told me while she picked Carson up and he fell right back asleep on her shoulder "let me get Carson dressed"

I waved her off and she smiled, going down the hall with him. The door opened and my momma walked in with a smile on her face as she carried papers and stuff in her hand. Once she saw me sitting on the chair her smile went away a little

"You just getting up?"

I nodded, stretching my arms out

"We fell asleep on the couch"

"Where Carson at?"

"Vaeh just took him... when did you leave?"

"I been gone all morning handling some business"

"For work?"

She shook her head smiling again "no. We finally moving"

When she said that I work all the way up


"Yeah. Right down the road though so it's nothing major. What's that girl that stay down the road? She graduated with Christian last year"


"Yeah. You know where they stay?"

I nodded

"Two houses down from them. So you'll be a lot closer to Mrs Gee.. or should I say Tremaine?"

I smiled while shaking my head and stood up

"Plus it's four bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, a nice backyard and a lot more space inside"

Seeing the excitement on her face made me smile even more. I could just feel how happy she was right now

" you dreams finally coming true"

"Tell me about it. And I already got the keys so.. we can start packing up"


"Yeah. So after I drop you off ima come back home and that's what we doing today and tomorrow"

"Y'all gone need help?"

"No. Them kids got it. You'll just get you and Carson stuff when you get back home. Now go ahead and get dressed"

I went into the room and grabbed my clothes then went to take a shower. Once I was done and got dressed for the day I went into the living room and saw Vaeh on the couch with Carson who was in tuned to spongebob

"You really think my baby yours"

"He is" she told me before looking down at him "he love his auntie Vaeh"

"Auntie Vaeh better have all that shit picked up before I get back" momma said as she walked into the living room with her keys in her hands "you ready egypt?"

"Yeah. I just gotta get my bag off the bed"

"Well go get it. Come on baby. Ima go ahead and put you in the car" she grabbed Carson from Vaeh and he instantly started smiling. I went in the room and grabbed my bag along with my charger and phone then headed out to the car where she and Carson were waiting for me. As she started driving the car was silent for a few minutes until she spoke up

"You talk to Tremaine?"

"I text him while I was getting dressed. He got conditioning all day today. He told me he supposed to be going back to Florida next weekend"

"For that school?"


"Oh. So he looking into going out there Forreal?"

I nodded. "He said he liked it. Plus they offering him a full ride"

"That's good! What about you? You started applying to any schools yet?"


She looked over at me "Whatchu waiting on egypt?"

"I don't know momma. Honestly. It's like I can't even remember to fill one out"

"You gotta prioritize. Basketball season about to come up so I'm pretty sure Tremaine gotta stay after school for practice. While he at practice how about you go to the library and do that"

"But.. Carson"

"Carson is okay. Mrs Gee and Tremaine's momma is obsessed with him. She don't mind keeping him until I come home from work. You just need to handle that"

"I will"

"I'm serious egypt"


She looked through the rear view at Carson

"His daddy home for the weekend?"

"Yeah. He came back before he start basketball"

"And you bout to stay the night over there too?"

"I'm over there for my best friend's birthday. Not him. I'm not worried about Christian"

"Alright.." she blandly responded. After a while we arrived at Akira's house. Outside in the driveway was Christian sitting in his car while Akira stood in his door bothering him

"My best friend is hereeeee!" Akira smiled as I got out while Christian got out of his car and walked over to the car, getting Carson out

"Alright egypt.. and Christian y'all better take care of my baby" momma told us and Christian laughed

"I got my son" he assured her while holding Carson and threw his diaperbag on he's shoulder. After I grabbed my stuff I closed the door and she wasted no time leaving.

2:35 pm

"So tell me why carlos got me something for my birthday" Akira told me as she walked across the room, pushing her hand behind her shoulders and went to a bag that sat on her dresser. "Girl he got me hella stuff from pink but that ain even the good part"

"Well what's the good part?"

She pulled out a small box and opened it, taking out a necklace

"Don't tell Christian though. Cause you know he'll flip"

"Why would I tell Christian?" I asked with a laugh

"Cause. Y'all been the best of friends lately"

"We just positively coparenting. Is that bad?"

"Yeah.... cause I just don't like it. You talk to him everyday"

"And I talk to you everyday"

"Well you was my best friend first"

I pointed at her, agreeing with her and the room door opened.

"Kira. India and autumn at the door" Christian told her while he stood in the door with Carson. She sighed and got up, leaving out of the room

"What y'all in here doing?" Christian asked me and I shook my head

"Nothing. We just talking"

"Lemme ask you some.. Kira be fuckin with my boy Carlos?"

Just as I opened my mouth to speak he cut me off, walking into the room and over to the bed

"And you better not lie either"

"Why would I lie?"

"Cause I know how you and Kira asses be lying for each other. I ain stupid"

I kissed my teeth, seeing Carson lean down towards me a little so I grabbed him

"Why does it matter anyways?"

"Cause ion want my sister fuckin with my friends. Hell no"

"Wow!" I laughed, fixing Carson's bib "yet you gotta baby with her best friend"


"It's no and."

"Yeah. It is cause me and you wasn't in no relationship and I ain play you"

"But you took my virginity, got me pregnant and do I need to continue the rest?"

Christian sucked his teeth. I stood Carson up and he started smiling before looking at Christian again

"When the next time you think you'll be home to get him?"

"Shittt.." he ran his hand across his head "ion know. Depends on my basketball schedule in all honesty. He might end up having to come to me sometimes"

"And who got money for that?"

"My momma gone handle all that. Ima talk to her cause my son do needa see his daddy in action on the court since he gone play basketball like me"

"Who said all of that?"

"Me" he responded while grabbing Carson back from me and I frowned

"Why you taking him back?"

"Cause right now he only mine. You just so happened to be over here while he with me"

"You can't take my son Christian"

"Watch me.. tell yo momma bye Carson" Christian said as he walked out of the room, crossing paths with Akira, India and Autumn as they entered the room. India's eyes followed Christian then she looked at me

"YOU Christian babymomma? I thought yo baby was for Tremaine?" Autumn bluntly asked and Akira frowned

"Why is that your business?"

"I'm just asking cause the way y'all act you give the impression that's Tremaine baby when it obviously ain't"

"I never said my son was tremaines"

"But you ain deny it either"

"Why does it matter to you? It ain't your baby, your nigga or your life"

Autumn puckered up her lips and rolled her eyes which was obviously pissing Akira off

"Forreal. You bout to blow me already. I'm sorry but you gone have to go if you doing all that"

Autumn looked at Akira "doing what? All I asked was a question and y'all get so offended"

"Cause that question ain needed to be asked- bye bro. You blowin me"

Autumn carelessly shrugged and walked out the room, I guess leaving and India sighed while following behind her. As they left Mrs Angie and Christian both walked into the room

"What goin on round here? They leaving already?" She asked

"Yeah and ion care honestly. Autum being stupid"

"What she do?"

"Questioning Egypt about who her babydaddy is like that's any of her business. That girl always tryina find a reason to come for egypt and I'm sick of tryina be nice to her"

Mrs Angie frowned while looking at me "you good?"

"I'm good. I just don't know why she gotta problem with me"

Christian sighed and shook his head, walking back out of the room

"Well until she figure out what her problem with you is and solve it, starting with an apology, that heffa ain't allowed over here. I don't play that" Mrs Angie ranted as she left out the room, still going off

Tremaine Thomas

6:30 pm

"Shit" I breathed while I flopped down on the bleachers and grabbed my towel and phone, wiping my face before checking my notifications seeing people blowing my shit up

"Aye Tremaine!"

I looked to see who was calling me and saw Carlos and junior walking into the gym, over to me

"What y'all doing here?"

"I came to see if you was good nigga"

I stood up and dapped both of them up "if I was good? For what?"

"I heard bout Ol girl and the baby shit"

"What?" I asked confused. Junior knitted his eyebrows together

"Nigga Whatchu mean what? That baby ain yours. Ain it?"

"Everybody talkin bout it. Somebody went around tellin everybody and that shit spread fast as fuck"

"Who the fuck went around saying that shit?!" I asked, getting pissed off now

"Some bitch from what I heard. So it ain true?"

Instead of answering him I just grabbed my shit and walked out of the gym

8:09 pm

"I don't know why Autumn would go and tell my business like that when it don't even concern her. Everybody already don't like me and now they all on me again because of this" Egypt told me on FaceTime while she wiped her eyes.

"Don't worry bout none of that shit Ight. Ima handle that, you just don't stress it"

"How can I not Tremaine? I'm painted out as the bad person right now. It's so many stories people coming up with already"

"But we know the real story! We still together and Carson is well taken care of so what everybody else say don't matter at all. I love you and I love him and you know ion give a fuck bout that biological shit. That's MY baby.. ignore that shit and enjoy yo weekend. Ima deal with that Ight?"

"I'll try"

"Don't try. Just do.. now ima talk to you later. I love you"

"I love you too"

I waited for her to hang up the phone and when she did I threw my phone beside me and got up, leaving out my room. I went down the hall and saw momma sitting on the chair folding clothes. She looked at me and stopped what she was doing

"You been in the room since you came back. You okay?"

"I'm straight"

She looked at me like she ain believe me then patted the seat beside her "come sit down and tell yo momma what's wrong. And don't lie to me. I know somethings bothering you"

I sat down beside her and she looked at me like she was ready for me to talk

"Go ahead and tell me. What's wrong?"

"You know I always used to tell you bout the situation with egypt and the baby"

"Yeah... what? His daddy don't wantchu round him nomore?"

I sucked my teeth "he ain keeping me from round him"

"Well what's wrong?"

"Everybody know I ain his daddy now they coming for Egypt"

"Everybody like who?"

"EVERYBODY. And they already don't like her for no reason at all. She stay to herself and they still find a reason to hate her"

"Tremaine baby" she patted my leg "egypt is a beautiful girl, she's smart and non problematic. Of course they gone hate on her"

"It still ain right"

"No it ain't. But this world is fucked up" she told me while she started to fold clothes again "every since I came home I got to see for myself how happy you are with her and how much you love Carson. Both of y'all and Christian have a system that works and nobody gets hurt so don't stop it, don't stress it or alter it because everybody wanna put their two sense in. Fuck them. Simple and if they wanna know something, don't tell em. Yeah people talkin bout it but as long as y'all don't entertain it, it's gonna be okay. I'm not saying it's easy though, cause trust and believe I deal with it going in public"

"People still y'all bout you?"

"They never stopped. Yesterday I heard somebody mention me saying I should've been in prison for the rest of my life but hey! I'm home now and what's done is done"

I shook my head "it ain right"

"No it ain't. But this is the world we live in. But like momma told me. This too shall pass. Don't get too worked up alright?"

I nodded and she went back to folding her clothes

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