BJ Tharn [On-Going]

By jihyanwrites

76.2K 4K 537

Gulf Kanawut has always been a huge fan of BJ Tharn, not that he would admit it, since he still has not came... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 10.5
chapter 11
chapter 11.5
chapter 13
chapter 13.5
chapter 14
chapter 14.5
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 16.5
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
author's note

chapter 12

2.2K 129 24
By jihyanwrites

Chapter 12
"But what is involved in a happily ever after?
There are too many versions,
not for you to choose, but to create."

'You can't kill people since it is illegal to kill them.' Mew repeated this thoughts in his head at he stared stoically at the smug person in front of him.

"What do you want N'Drake? If you won't say anything, I'll excuse myself." The hot weather did not help calm Mew's temper, and he really wanted to see his lover.

"You should calm down P'. Your persona's slipping." Drake smirked as he leaned on the chair while casually sipping on his iced americano.

Drake texted Mew two hours earlier, urging to meet at a cafe (without aircon) since he wanted to discuss a very important matter named Gulf. Mew already had an idea that Drake had eyes on his lover, and he did not like it one bit.

He wanted to tell everyone that Gulf was his, he had not talked it with Gulf. He wanted to shout to the world that he had already found his soulmate, but his own anxiety is holding him. More importantly, what if Gulf will not like it? He did not want to add pressure to his lover, and force him into something that he was not ready for.

Surprisingly, he did not care about other people's expectations and perspective on him anymore. It had always bothered him before, as he did not want to let other people down. He was afraid that others will not accept him as who he is since he is "the perfect guy." And it suffocating, and this time, he wanted to breathe freely. No one else's opinion mattered when Gulf accepted him as who he is.

Then Mew realized, he did not talk to Gulf about anything regarding their relationship, and it made him sick to his stomach. The caffeine did not very much help with his heart palpitations, and he regretted buying an espresso.

"I'm going straight to the point then. Who are you to N'Gulf?"

'He's my baby.' Mew wanted to answer.

"And why do you care?" He tried to be as casual as possible, but a vein was already throbbing on his forehead.

"Well, you seem to be close to him. I just want some clarification, and maybe support? I like Gulf, more than a friend. I heard that he's like your little brother or something." Drake smiled as sweet as possible, hoping to get the reaction that he wanted.

"He's taken." Mew snapped, biting the inside of his cheek so that he could stop himself from saying unnecessary words.

"Taken? You mean taken for granted?"

"What do you mean?"

"That his lover is just taking him for granted. If he already has a lover, then why are they hiding it? Is his lover embarrassed to tell everyone that they are dating? Or maybe his lover has not yet come out of his closet?"

"It's not your business what decisions him and his lover made. You are in no position to judge them. And you already know that he had a lover, so why enter the picture? Don't be a relationship ruiner Nong; I thought you were better than that."

The smirk on Drake's face vanished in an instant. He did not like being played at, more so, he only enjoyed when he is the one playing other people. Drake did not care one bit when he is called relationship ruiner; he always gets what he wants. After the third relationship that he ahd ruined two years prior, he had lost count.

"No, I thought you were better than that P'Mew. Are you that scared of telling everyone that you're gay? The Mr. Perfect, Mr. Straight-A Athlete, and Mr. President, is gay? Gulf doesn't deserve you."

"And what makes you think you deserve him? I won't stoop down on your level and I want to share to you a piece of advice. You should try being a mature adult for a change? Then maybe you don't need to beg for someone to love you. If you called me here to warn me or criticize our relationship without knowing our reasons, I would just excuse myself. It was not nice chatting with you, N'Drake."

Mew wanted to pat himself at the back for talking to the bastard in front of him as a calm adult. Normally, on bad days, he would insult the person. But he can't, for the sake of his lover. He did not want any more drama, and he kind of want to punch himself for subtly admitting that they're lovers.

Mew stood up in his seat with a smile, leaving the furious Drake glaring daggers at his back. He wants to thank Drake for making him realize things that he should have done before, and he could wait to see and have a serious talk with Gulf. The sun does not seem to be that angry anymore, and Mew was thankful as his fingers texted his lover and hopefully see him after dismissal.

"Gulf will be mine. I have not finished showing my cards yet. Just so you wait, BJ Tharn." Drake took out his phone and dialed. "We're doing it later. Be ready."

The game has just begun. Drake thought and left his half empty iced americano, melting through the hot rays of the sun.

Gulf badly missed his lover. He had not seen him for a week, since Mew was busy due to his thesis and club activities. Also, Gulf wanted to tell his lover in person that he had called his Por his Daddy since he wanted to see Mew's reaction. After that incident, he decided to put a photo and changed Mew's nickname in his phone and made it into 'Daddy Mew.'. He immediately took out his phone and Lined his lover.

Baby Gulf : Boo~ Are you free later?

They had been staying at the cafe where Man usually works part time. It was a movie cafe in which you can rent movies or watch them in a mini cinema inside. (A/N: Theory of Love anyone? :3)

"The music fest is in two weeks and we have not yet found a vocalist. I think I'm going crazy." Bright said, as he ruffled his hair. Their band mate, Pear had quit their band just a week ago, and they haven't found a replacement yet.

"I can be the vocalist!" Mild enthusiastically beamed, but only earned a glare and confused stares from his friends.

"You can't sing for shit, Ai Mild. Even autotune would not be able to fix your ugly voice." Champ said as he munched on his chicken nuggets.

"That's harsh. I think with Man's editing skills, his voice could still sound like human." Win added, earning a laugh and agreeing nods from his friends.

Daddy Mew: Yes bii. Can I eat you later?
Daddy Mew: I mean... Let's eat later na~ I miss you :3

"Maybe Gulf would want to volunteer. I think his voice sounds really nice especially since he's inspired because of his lover." Mild joked but Gulf didn't seem to notice it as he smiled ear to ear due to the text from Mew.

"Earth to Gulf!" Win said as he waved his hand in front of Gulf's face.

"Look at him. So sparkly and blooming like an anime character in love. So who's the lucky guy... or girl?" Man said. Gulf had wanted to tell them, but Mew and him had not talked about it yet.

"I just... saw a meme." Gulf lied, but no one bought it.

"Wait... Can you sing Ai Gulf?" Bright hopefully asked, his face looking stressed as if Gulf is his only hope.

"Kind of? I'm not really a pro though." Gulf's heartbeat ran erratically. He never really told anyone that he can sing, except for his lover. The world seemed to have given him a lot of opportunities that he never thought of accepting. First, the pageant. Now, this music fest.

Bangkok University is famous for its music festival, in which different bands from different faculty and year level fight for the title. Also, there's a concert of a certain popular band after every student band has performed.

"It can't be as bad as Mild's voice." Champ said while munching, which made it almost incomprehensible.

"Sample! Sample! Sample!" Mild and Win cheered while clapping their hands out of sync. Gulf could not help by bite his lip and feel nauseous. He tried to cheer himself, 'I can do it. You came to Bangkok University to come out of your shell. They're your friends. You can trust them.'

Gulf sang Deep by Scrubb, and halfway through the song, Win could not stop himself from singing along. Meanwhile, Mild, Bright and Man could not stop smiling at the voice of Gulf. It sounded manly, yet angelic, as if tugging your heartstrings from every vibrations that come out of Gulf's mouth.

Mild had always thought that Gulf was a closed off introvert guy, but as he spent more time with him, he was always surprised. At first, he had a crush on Gulf that's why he approached him on the first day of school. But soon, he noticed that Gulf just see him as a friend, and he is more than willing to be a friend.

Moreover, he knows that there is something between Mew and Gulf, and is practicing himself to be shocked in case they'd announce that they're a couple. Because it was obvious as hell. He just hopes that he could also find his Mew or Gulf. Mild did not know if who is more lucky, Mew or Gulf since both of them are gifted to perfection.

"Shia Gulf! You could really sing. I wish I had your voice." Win said dreamily and clung into Gulf's arms as if his life depended on it.

"So Gulf likes deep huh?" Mild said suggestively, and an awkward silence enveloped them until Bright decided to break it.

"Ai Gulf... Please be our vocalist naaaa~" Bright pleaded as he folded his hands into a prayer and pouted. Gulf weighed his options, and all of it is leaning to a yes. His bottom lip is already swollen from his bite and thought of Mew. He wanted to serenade his lover on stage, even though what they had is just a secret...

"Umm... okay. I'll agree." Bright jumped and clapped his hands as if he just won a lottery, shared the news to his bandmates.

After the small intermission number from Gulf, they began talking about random things, thanks to Mild and Win. Gulf's thoughts went to Mew and he decided to flirt a little.

Baby Gulf: Not if I eat you first...
Baby Gulf: Just kidding Boo. When are you free?

Gulf's stomach was doing somersault at his reply. He almost did not recognize himself, in a good way. He has became braver each time, not that he was complaining. The only that he's not yet brave enough to do is ask if Mew wanted to do more intimate couple stuff with him.

Daddy Mew: Ooohh my baby is getting brave~ How about 5:30 PM?

Baby Gulf: Okay... Where should I meet you?

Daddy Mew: I parked my car outside the student council office. I'll pick you up.

Baby Gulf: No need to pick me up Boo. I'll just go to your office.

Daddy Mew: I want to pick you up. It's a date :)

Baby Gulf: I wouldn't even date myself 55555

Daddy Mew: You're standards must be impossibly high then

Baby Gulf: Your name should be Mew Suppasmooth instead 555

Daddy Mew: Awww no comeback bii?

Baby Gulf: Twinkle, twinkle little star, can we do it in your car? 👀

Before Mew could reply, he hid his phone in his bag and focused on his friends conversation instead. His body could burst from the happiness and nervousness at the same time. One thing is for sure, he hoped that we he texted his lover would come true.

On the other side of the screen, Mew couldn't stop his laughter and Tay just stared confusedly at him. But he had a hunch on who made his friend laugh like crazy. He could not wait for those two to confess already.


Gulf happily walked from the cafe to the office of the student council. He had a lot to say to his lover, and a lot of questions to ask. Maybe even mature stuff to do, because boy, he had already missed those lips.

He missed his lover's smell, presence and smile. He would never tire of it, and he would gladly want to experience those forever.

It seems like all the cogs are in place, and Drake was watching it unfold from his eyes. He hid inside his tinted car, watching Gulf staring at Mew and Peach kissing. After this, he will get what is his. After this, another number will be added to his tally. And he is satisfied.

Gulf is standing at the opposite of the student council office, looking at his lover with another girl. He wanted to be angry, he really did. But his body seem to weighed and he cannot move an inch or have the energy to shout and slap the girl. His heart hurt so much, and he felt betrayed.

When Mew looked at his direction, his tears flowed without his control. It fell non stop, and he tasted blood inside his mouth. He didn't want to see any of it, but his body does not seem to cooperate. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. His body became numb to every sensation, and he felt like the floor was moving beneath his feet. He turned his back, and started walking away, wherever his feet may lead him.

Mew saw his lover crying and it was not a sight that he ever wanted to see. He pushed the girl, wanting to punch her, if not for the fact that he respects her. He ran into his lover who is slowly walking at the sidewalk. His arms immediately enveloped his lover's body, giving him back hug.

"Bii... It's not what you think. Let me explain naa..."

"Let go."

"I didn't kiss her back! I was shocked—-"

"I said let me go!"

A/N: Happy father's day daddy Mew... We are 8* chapters away from the end (yes i decided to make it into 20). I hope you like this update hehehehe Stay safe naaa~


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